void GISDisplaySegmentMsgCommand::DoExecute() throw (GException)

	GISAbsData* pGISAbsData = GetData();

	QSharedPointer<GISModel> pModel = GISModelSingleton::GetInstance()->GetModel();
        QMutexLocker mtxScope(pModel->GetMutex());

        GDisplay* poDisplay = pModel->GetDisplay(pGISAbsData->GetDisplay());

        GScreen* poScreen = poDisplay->GetScreen(pGISAbsData->GetScreen());

        GSegment* poSegment = poScreen->GetSegment(pGISAbsData->GetSegment());

		//Erase the content of the if and else branches. Leave the empty if commented.
		//Whichever value the attribute has, make a gsegment clon and do what is done to the poSegment in if branch, to the clon
		//	if (pGISAbsData->GetAttr()==GAttributeEnum::eNotErasePreviousLocation)
		//	{// If Attr is not zero call old setters and getters
		//	}
		//	else// GetAttr is eErasePreviousLocation otherwise ( all other options where discarded in Validate of MsgData ).
		//	{
		//	}

		//	GSegment *poClonedSegment = GSegment::Clone(poSegment);
		//	if (pGISAbsData->GetXpos())
		//		poClonedSegment->SetXPos(pGISAbsData->GetXpos());
		//	if (pGISAbsData->GetYpos())
		//		poClonedSegment->SetYPos(pGISAbsData->GetYpos());
		// Java implements this command in the following way, the Spec seems to prefer the one commented above.
        if (pGISAbsData->GetXpos())

        if (pGISAbsData->GetYpos())

        GSegment *poClonedSegment = GSegment::Clone(poSegment);

		if (poClonedSegment)

        //Call Update section (instead of updateview) with a pointer to the clon (without validation)