Exemplo n.º 1
template<typename IO, typename Rac, typename Coder> void flif_decode_FLIF2_inner(Rac &rac, std::vector<Coder> &coders, Images &images, const ColorRanges *ranges, const int beginZL, const int endZL, int quality, int scale, std::vector<Transform<IO>*> &transforms, uint32_t (*callback)(int,int), Images &partial_images) {
    ColorVal min,max;
    int nump = images[0].numPlanes();
    int progressive_qual_target = 0;
//    if (quality >= 0) {
//      quality = plane_zoomlevels(image, beginZL, endZL) * quality / 100;
//    }
    // flif_decode
    for (int i = 0; i < plane_zoomlevels(images[0], beginZL, endZL); i++) {
      std::pair<int, int> pzl = plane_zoomlevel(images[0], beginZL, endZL, i);
      int p = pzl.first;
      int z = pzl.second;
      if ((100*pixels_done > quality*pixels_todo) ||  1<<(z/2) < scale) {
              flif_decode_FLIF2_inner_interpol(images, ranges, i, beginZL, endZL, (z%2 == 0 ?1:0), scale);
      if (endZL == 0) v_printf(2,"\r%i%% done [%i/%i] DEC[%i,%ux%u]  ",(int)(100*pixels_done/pixels_todo),i,plane_zoomlevels(images[0], beginZL, endZL)-1,p,images[0].cols(z),images[0].rows(z));
      pixels_done += (images[0].cols(z)/(z%2==0?1:2))*(images[0].rows(z)/(z%2==0?2:1));
      if (ranges->min(p) < ranges->max(p)) {
      ColorVal curr;
      Properties properties((nump>3?NB_PROPERTIESA[p]:NB_PROPERTIES[p]));
      if (z % 2 == 0) {
          for (uint32_t r = 1; r < images[0].rows(z); r += 2) {
            if (rac.isEOF()) {
              v_printf(1,"Row %i: Unexpected file end. Interpolation from now on.\n",r);
              flif_decode_FLIF2_inner_interpol(images, ranges, i, beginZL, endZL, (r>1?r-2:r), scale);
            for (int fr=0; fr<(int)images.size(); fr++) {
              Image& image = images[fr];
              if (image.seen_before >= 0) { for (uint32_t c=0; c<image.cols(z); c++) image.set(p,z,r,c,images[image.seen_before](p,z,r,c)); continue; }
              uint32_t begin=image.col_begin[r*image.zoom_rowpixelsize(z)]/image.zoom_colpixelsize(z), end=1+(image.col_end[r*image.zoom_rowpixelsize(z)]-1)/image.zoom_colpixelsize(z);
              if (fr>0) {
                for (uint32_t c = 0; c < begin; c++)
                            if (nump>3 && p<3 && image(3,z,r,c) == 0) image.set(p,z,r,c, predict(image,z,p,r,c));
                            else if (p !=4 ) image.set(p,z,r,c,images[fr-1](p,z,r,c));
/*                            else if (nump>4 && p<4 && image(4,z,r,c) > 0) image.set(p,z,r,c,images[fr-image(4,z,r,c)](p,z,r,c));
                            else { int oldframe=fr-1;  image.set(p,z,r,c,images[oldframe](p,z,r,c));
                                   while(p == 4 && image(p,z,r,c) > 0) {oldframe -= image(p,z,r,c); assert(oldframe>=0); image.set(p,z,r,c,images[oldframe](p,z,r,c));}}
                for (uint32_t c = end; c < image.cols(z); c++)
                            if (nump>3 && p<3 && image(3,z,r,c) == 0) image.set(p,z,r,c, predict(image,z,p,r,c));
                            else if (p !=4 ) image.set(p,z,r,c,images[fr-1](p,z,r,c));
/*                            else if (nump>4 && p<4 && image(4,z,r,c) > 0) image.set(p,z,r,c,images[fr-image(4,z,r,c)](p,z,r,c));
                            else { int oldframe=fr-1;  image.set(p,z,r,c,images[oldframe](p,z,r,c));
                                   while(p == 4 && image(p,z,r,c) > 0) {oldframe -= image(p,z,r,c); assert(oldframe>=0); image.set(p,z,r,c,images[oldframe](p,z,r,c));}}
              } else {
                if (nump>3 && p<3) {begin=0; end=image.cols(z);}
              for (uint32_t c = begin; c < end; c++) {
                     if (nump>3 && p<3 && image(3,z,r,c) == 0) { image.set(p,z,r,c,predict(image,z,p,r,c)); continue;}
                     if (nump>4 && p<4 && image(4,z,r,c) > 0) { image.set(p,z,r,c,images[fr-image(4,z,r,c)](p,z,r,c)); continue;}
                     ColorVal guess = predict_and_calcProps(properties,ranges,image,z,p,r,c,min,max);
                     if (p==4 && max > fr) max = fr;
                     curr = coders[p].read_int(properties, min - guess, max - guess) + guess;
                     image.set(p,z,r,c, curr);
      } else {
          for (uint32_t r = 0; r < images[0].rows(z); r++) {
            if (rac.isEOF()) {
              v_printf(1,"Row %i: Unexpected file end. Interpolation from now on.\n", r);
              flif_decode_FLIF2_inner_interpol(images, ranges, i, beginZL, endZL, (r>0?r-1:r), scale);
            for (int fr=0; fr<(int)images.size(); fr++) {
              Image& image = images[fr];
              if (image.seen_before >= 0) { for (uint32_t c=1; c<image.cols(z); c+=2) image.set(p,z,r,c,images[image.seen_before](p,z,r,c)); continue; }
              uint32_t begin=(image.col_begin[r*image.zoom_rowpixelsize(z)]/image.zoom_colpixelsize(z)),
              if (begin>1 && ((begin&1) ==0)) begin--;
              if (begin==0) begin=1;
              if (fr>0) {
                for (uint32_t c = 1; c < begin; c+=2)
                            if (nump>3 && p<3 && image(3,z,r,c) == 0) image.set(p,z,r,c, predict(image,z,p,r,c));
                            else if (p !=4 ) image.set(p,z,r,c,images[fr-1](p,z,r,c));
/*                            else if (nump>4 && p<4 && image(4,z,r,c) > 0) image.set(p,z,r,c,images[fr-image(4,z,r,c)](p,z,r,c));
                            else { int oldframe=fr-1;  image.set(p,z,r,c,images[oldframe](p,z,r,c));
                                   while(p == 4 && image(p,z,r,c) > 0) {oldframe -= image(p,z,r,c); assert(oldframe>=0); image.set(p,z,r,c,images[oldframe](p,z,r,c));}}
                for (uint32_t c = end; c < image.cols(z); c+=2)
                            if (nump>3 && p<3 && image(3,z,r,c) == 0) image.set(p,z,r,c, predict(image,z,p,r,c));
                            else if (p !=4 ) image.set(p,z,r,c,images[fr-1](p,z,r,c));
/*                            else if (nump>4 && p<4 && image(4,z,r,c) > 0) image.set(p,z,r,c,images[fr-image(4,z,r,c)](p,z,r,c));
                            else { int oldframe=fr-1;  image.set(p,z,r,c,images[oldframe](p,z,r,c));
                                   while(p == 4 && image(p,z,r,c) > 0) {oldframe -= image(p,z,r,c); assert(oldframe>=0); image.set(p,z,r,c,images[oldframe](p,z,r,c));}}
              } else {
                if (nump>3 && p<3) {begin=1; end=image.cols(z);}
              for (uint32_t c = begin; c < end; c+=2) {
                     if (nump>3 && p<3 && image(3,z,r,c) == 0) { image.set(p,z,r,c,predict(image,z,p,r,c)); continue;}
                     if (nump>4 && p<4 && image(4,z,r,c) > 0) { image.set(p,z,r,c,images[fr-image(4,z,r,c)](p,z,r,c)); continue;}
                     ColorVal guess = predict_and_calcProps(properties,ranges,image,z,p,r,c,min,max);
                     if (p==4 && max > fr) max = fr;
                     curr = coders[p].read_int(properties, min - guess, max - guess) + guess;
                     image.set(p,z,r,c, curr);
      if (endZL==0) {
          v_printf(3,"    read %li bytes   ", rac.ftell());
      int qual = 10000*pixels_done/pixels_todo;
      if (callback && (endZL==0 || i+1 == plane_zoomlevels(images[0], beginZL, endZL)) && qual >= progressive_qual_target) {
        for (unsigned int n=0; n < images.size(); n++) partial_images[n] = images[n].clone(); // make a copy to work with
        int64_t pixels_really_done = pixels_done;
        flif_decode_FLIF2_inner_interpol(partial_images, ranges, i+1, beginZL, endZL, -1, scale);
        if (endZL>0) flif_decode_FLIF2_inner_interpol(partial_images, ranges, 0, endZL-1, 0, -1, scale);
        pixels_done = pixels_really_done;
        for (int i=transforms.size()-1; i>=0; i--) if (transforms[i]->undo_redo_during_decode()) transforms[i]->invData(partial_images);
        progressive_qual_target = callback(qual,rac.ftell());
        if (qual >= progressive_qual_target) break;
Exemplo n.º 2
template<typename IO, typename Rac, typename Coder> void flif_decode_scanlines_inner(Rac &rac, std::vector<Coder> &coders, Images &images, const ColorRanges *ranges, std::vector<Transform<IO>*> &transforms, uint32_t (*callback)(int,int), Images &partial_images) {
    ColorVal min,max;
    int nump = images[0].numPlanes();
    int progressive_qual_target = 0;
    if (callback) {
         // initialize planes to grey
         for (int p=0; p<nump; p++) {
           for (int fr=0; fr< (int)images.size(); fr++) {
            for (uint32_t r=0; r<images[fr].rows(); r++) {
              for (uint32_t c=0; c<images[fr].cols(); c++) {
    for (int k=0,i=0; k < 5; k++) {
        int p=PLANE_ORDERING[k];
        if (p>=nump) continue;
        Properties properties((nump>3?NB_PROPERTIES_scanlinesA[p]:NB_PROPERTIES_scanlines[p]));
        v_printf(2,"\r%i%% done [%i/%i] DEC[%ux%u]    ",(int)(100*pixels_done/pixels_todo),i,nump,images[0].cols(),images[0].rows());
        pixels_done += images[0].cols()*images[0].rows();
        if (ranges->min(p) < ranges->max(p))
        for (uint32_t r = 0; r < images[0].rows(); r++) {
            for (int fr=0; fr< (int)images.size(); fr++) {
              Image& image = images[fr];
              uint32_t begin=image.col_begin[r], end=image.col_end[r];
              if (image.seen_before >= 0) { for(uint32_t c=0; c<image.cols(); c++) image.set(p,r,c,images[image.seen_before](p,r,c)); continue; }
              if (fr>0) {
                for (uint32_t c = 0; c < begin; c++)
                   if (nump>3 && p<3 && image(3,r,c) == 0) image.set(p,r,c,predict(image,p,r,c));
                   else if (p !=4 ) image.set(p,r,c,images[fr-1](p,r,c));
                   else if (nump>4 && p<4 && image(4,r,c) > 0) image.set(p,r,c,images[fr-image(4,r,c)](p,r,c));
                   else {
                     int oldframe=fr-1;  image.set(p,r,c,images[oldframe](p,r,c));
                     while(p == 4 && image(p,r,c) > 0) {oldframe -= image(p,r,c); assert(oldframe>=0); image.set(p,r,c,images[oldframe](p,r,c));}
              } else {
                if (nump>3 && p<3) { begin=0; end=image.cols(); }
              for (uint32_t c = begin; c < end; c++) {
                if (nump>3 && p<3 && image(3,r,c) == 0) {image.set(p,r,c,predict(image,p,r,c)); continue;}
                if (nump>4 && p<4 && image(4,r,c) > 0) {assert(fr >= image(4,r,c)); image.set(p,r,c,images[fr-image(4,r,c)](p,r,c)); continue;}
                ColorVal guess = predict_and_calcProps_scanlines(properties,ranges,image,p,r,c,min,max);
                if (p==4 && max > fr) max = fr;
                ColorVal curr = coders[p].read_int(properties, min - guess, max - guess) + guess;
                image.set(p,r,c, curr);
              if (fr>0) {
                for (uint32_t c = end; c < image.cols(); c++)
                   if (nump>3 && p<3 && image(3,r,c) == 0) image.set(p,r,c,predict(image,p,r,c));
                   else if (p !=4 ) image.set(p,r,c,images[fr-1](p,r,c));
/*                   else if (nump>4 && p<4 && image(4,r,c) > 0) image.set(p,r,c,images[fr-image(4,r,c)](p,r,c));
                   else {
                     int oldframe=fr-1;  image.set(p,r,c,images[oldframe](p,r,c));
                     while(p == 4 && image(p,r,c) > 0) {oldframe -= image(p,r,c); assert(oldframe>=0); image.set(p,r,c,images[oldframe](p,r,c));}
      int qual = 10000*pixels_done/pixels_todo;
      if (callback && qual >= progressive_qual_target) {
        for (unsigned int n=0; n < images.size(); n++) partial_images[n] = images[n].clone(); // make a copy to work with
        for (int i=transforms.size()-1; i>=0; i--) if (transforms[i]->undo_redo_during_decode()) transforms[i]->invData(partial_images);
        progressive_qual_target = callback(qual,rac.ftell());
        if (qual >= progressive_qual_target) break;
Exemplo n.º 3
template<typename Rac, typename Coder> void flif_decode_FLIF2_inner(Rac &rac, std::vector<Coder> &coders, Images &images, const ColorRanges *ranges, const int beginZL, const int endZL, int quality, int scale)
    ColorVal min,max;
    int nump = images[0].numPlanes();
//    if (quality >= 0) {
//      quality = plane_zoomlevels(image, beginZL, endZL) * quality / 100;
//    }
    // flif_decode
    for (int i = 0; i < plane_zoomlevels(images[0], beginZL, endZL); i++) {
      std::pair<int, int> pzl = plane_zoomlevel(images[0], beginZL, endZL, i);
      int p = pzl.first;
      int z = pzl.second;
      if ((100*pixels_done > quality*pixels_todo) ||  1<<(z/2) < scale) {
              flif_decode_FLIF2_inner_interpol(images, ranges, i, beginZL, endZL, (z%2 == 0 ?1:0), scale);
      if (endZL == 0) v_printf(2,"\r%i%% done [%i/%i] DEC[%i,%ux%u]  ",(int)(100*pixels_done/pixels_todo),i,plane_zoomlevels(images[0], beginZL, endZL)-1,p,images[0].cols(z),images[0].rows(z));
      pixels_done += images[0].cols(z)*images[0].rows(z)/2;
      if (ranges->min(p) >= ranges->max(p)) continue;
      ColorVal curr;
      Properties properties((nump>3?NB_PROPERTIESA[p]:NB_PROPERTIES[p]));
      if (z % 2 == 0) {
          for (uint32_t r = 1; r < images[0].rows(z); r += 2) {
            if (rac.isEOF()) {
              v_printf(1,"Row %i: Unexpected file end. Interpolation from now on.\n",r);
              flif_decode_FLIF2_inner_interpol(images, ranges, i, beginZL, endZL, (r>1?r-2:r), scale);
            for (int fr=0; fr<(int)images.size(); fr++) {
              Image& image = images[fr];
              if (image.seen_before >= 0) { for (uint32_t c=0; c<image.cols(z); c++) image.set(p,z,r,c,images[image.seen_before](p,z,r,c)); continue; }
              uint32_t begin=image.col_begin[r*image.zoom_rowpixelsize(z)]/image.zoom_colpixelsize(z), end=1+(image.col_end[r*image.zoom_rowpixelsize(z)]-1)/image.zoom_colpixelsize(z);
              if (fr>0) {
                for (uint32_t c = 0; c < begin; c++)
                            if (nump>3 && p<3 && image(3,z,r,c) == 0) image.set(p,z,r,c, predict(image,z,p,r,c));
                            else if (p !=4 ) image.set(p,z,r,c,images[fr-1](p,z,r,c));
/*                            else if (nump>4 && p<4 && image(4,z,r,c) > 0) image.set(p,z,r,c,images[fr-image(4,z,r,c)](p,z,r,c));
                            else { int oldframe=fr-1;  image.set(p,z,r,c,images[oldframe](p,z,r,c));
                                   while(p == 4 && image(p,z,r,c) > 0) {oldframe -= image(p,z,r,c); assert(oldframe>=0); image.set(p,z,r,c,images[oldframe](p,z,r,c));}}
                for (uint32_t c = end; c < image.cols(z); c++)
                            if (nump>3 && p<3 && image(3,z,r,c) == 0) image.set(p,z,r,c, predict(image,z,p,r,c));
                            else if (p !=4 ) image.set(p,z,r,c,images[fr-1](p,z,r,c));
/*                            else if (nump>4 && p<4 && image(4,z,r,c) > 0) image.set(p,z,r,c,images[fr-image(4,z,r,c)](p,z,r,c));
                            else { int oldframe=fr-1;  image.set(p,z,r,c,images[oldframe](p,z,r,c));
                                   while(p == 4 && image(p,z,r,c) > 0) {oldframe -= image(p,z,r,c); assert(oldframe>=0); image.set(p,z,r,c,images[oldframe](p,z,r,c));}}
              } else {
                if (nump>3 && p<3) {begin=0; end=image.cols(z);}
              for (uint32_t c = begin; c < end; c++) {
                     if (nump>3 && p<3 && image(3,z,r,c) == 0) { image.set(p,z,r,c,predict(image,z,p,r,c)); continue;}
                     if (nump>4 && p<4 && image(4,z,r,c) > 0) { image.set(p,z,r,c,images[fr-image(4,z,r,c)](p,z,r,c)); continue;}
                     ColorVal guess = predict_and_calcProps(properties,ranges,image,z,p,r,c,min,max);
                     if (p==4 && max > fr) max = fr;
                     curr = coders[p].read_int(properties, min - guess, max - guess) + guess;
                     image.set(p,z,r,c, curr);
      } else {
          for (uint32_t r = 0; r < images[0].rows(z); r++) {
            if (rac.isEOF()) {
              v_printf(1,"Row %i: Unexpected file end. Interpolation from now on.\n", r);
              flif_decode_FLIF2_inner_interpol(images, ranges, i, beginZL, endZL, (r>0?r-1:r), scale);
            for (int fr=0; fr<(int)images.size(); fr++) {
              Image& image = images[fr];
              if (image.seen_before >= 0) { for (uint32_t c=1; c<image.cols(z); c+=2) image.set(p,z,r,c,images[image.seen_before](p,z,r,c)); continue; }
              uint32_t begin=(image.col_begin[r*image.zoom_rowpixelsize(z)]/image.zoom_colpixelsize(z)),
              if (begin>1 && ((begin&1) ==0)) begin--;
              if (begin==0) begin=1;
              if (fr>0) {
                for (uint32_t c = 1; c < begin; c+=2)
                            if (nump>3 && p<3 && image(3,z,r,c) == 0) image.set(p,z,r,c, predict(image,z,p,r,c));
                            else if (p !=4 ) image.set(p,z,r,c,images[fr-1](p,z,r,c));
/*                            else if (nump>4 && p<4 && image(4,z,r,c) > 0) image.set(p,z,r,c,images[fr-image(4,z,r,c)](p,z,r,c));
                            else { int oldframe=fr-1;  image.set(p,z,r,c,images[oldframe](p,z,r,c));
                                   while(p == 4 && image(p,z,r,c) > 0) {oldframe -= image(p,z,r,c); assert(oldframe>=0); image.set(p,z,r,c,images[oldframe](p,z,r,c));}}
                for (uint32_t c = end; c < image.cols(z); c+=2)
                            if (nump>3 && p<3 && image(3,z,r,c) == 0) image.set(p,z,r,c, predict(image,z,p,r,c));
                            else if (p !=4 ) image.set(p,z,r,c,images[fr-1](p,z,r,c));
/*                            else if (nump>4 && p<4 && image(4,z,r,c) > 0) image.set(p,z,r,c,images[fr-image(4,z,r,c)](p,z,r,c));
                            else { int oldframe=fr-1;  image.set(p,z,r,c,images[oldframe](p,z,r,c));
                                   while(p == 4 && image(p,z,r,c) > 0) {oldframe -= image(p,z,r,c); assert(oldframe>=0); image.set(p,z,r,c,images[oldframe](p,z,r,c));}}
              } else {
                if (nump>3 && p<3) {begin=1; end=image.cols(z);}
              for (uint32_t c = begin; c < end; c+=2) {
                     if (nump>3 && p<3 && image(3,z,r,c) == 0) { image.set(p,z,r,c,predict(image,z,p,r,c)); continue;}
                     if (nump>4 && p<4 && image(4,z,r,c) > 0) { image.set(p,z,r,c,images[fr-image(4,z,r,c)](p,z,r,c)); continue;}
                     ColorVal guess = predict_and_calcProps(properties,ranges,image,z,p,r,c,min,max);
                     if (p==4 && max > fr) max = fr;
                     curr = coders[p].read_int(properties, min - guess, max - guess) + guess;
                     image.set(p,z,r,c, curr);
      if (endZL==0) {
          v_printf(3,"    read %li bytes   ", rac.ftell());