Exemplo n.º 1
void GadgetBeamWeapon::render( RenderContext &context, 
					const Matrix33 & frame, 
					const Vector3 & position )
	NounGadget::render( context, frame, position );

	// render the beam
	if ( useActive() && m_Target.valid() && m_Duration > 0 )
		Vector3 positionVS( context.worldToView( position ) );
		float fLength = length() * calculateModifier( MT_BEAM_RANGE );
		if (! context.sphereVisible( positionVS, fLength ) )

		Noun * pTarget = m_Target;
		Vector3 position2( pTarget->worldPosition() );			
		if ( ( ( position2 - worldPosition() ).magnitude() - pTarget->radius() ) > fLength )
		if ( !checkFacing( position2 ) )

		int tailAlpha = 32;

		if ( m_Hit.valid() )
			tailAlpha = 128;

		Vector3 direction( pTarget->worldPosition() - position );
		Vector3 head( position );
		Vector3 tail( head + direction );

		// calculate the material wrap
		float h = 0.05f;
		float w = 10.0f;

		Material * pTracerMaterial = tracerMaterial();
		if ( pTracerMaterial != NULL )
			h = pTracerMaterial->height();
			w = pTracerMaterial->width();
			Material::push( context, pTracerMaterial );
			Material::push( context, Color(255,0,0), true, PrimitiveMaterial::ADDITIVE );

		float u = (head - tail).magnitude() / w;

		const Vector3	N( 0,0, 0);
		const Vector3	Y( 0, h, 0 );
		const Vector3	X( h, 0, 0 );
		const Color		HC( 255,255,255,255 );
		const Color		TC( 255,255,255,tailAlpha );

		VertexL beamY[4] = 
			VertexL( head + Y, N, HC, u, 0.0f ),
			VertexL( tail + Y, N, TC, 0.0f, 0.0f ),
			VertexL( tail - Y, N, TC, 0.0f, 1.0f ),
			VertexL( head - Y, N, HC, u, 1.0f ),
		VertexL beamX[4] = 
			VertexL( head + X, N, HC, u, 0.0f ),
			VertexL( tail + X, N, TC, 0.0f, 0.0f ),
			VertexL( tail - X, N, TC, 0.0f, 1.0f ),
			VertexL( head - X, N, HC, u, 1.0f ),
		DisplayDevice * pDisplay = context.device();
		ASSERT( pDisplay );

		PrimitiveTriangleFanDL::push( pDisplay, 4, beamY );
		PrimitiveTriangleFanDL::push( pDisplay, 4, beamX );