Exemplo n.º 1
IntRect ScrollbarThemeSafari::trackRect(Scrollbar& scrollbar, bool painting)
    if (painting || !hasButtons(scrollbar))
        return scrollbar.frameRect();
    IntRect result;
    int thickness = scrollbarThickness(scrollbar.controlSize());
    if (scrollbar.orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) 
        return IntRect(scrollbar.x() + cButtonLength[scrollbar.controlSize()], scrollbar.y(), scrollbar.width() - 2 * cButtonLength[scrollbar.controlSize()], thickness);
    return IntRect(scrollbar.x(), scrollbar.y() + cButtonLength[scrollbar.controlSize()], thickness, scrollbar.height() - 2 * cButtonLength[scrollbar.controlSize()]);
Exemplo n.º 2
IntRect ScrollbarThemeWin::trackRect(Scrollbar& scrollbar, bool)
    int thickness = scrollbarThickness();
    if (scrollbar.orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) {
        if (scrollbar.width() < 2 * thickness)
            return IntRect();
        return IntRect(scrollbar.x() + thickness, scrollbar.y(), scrollbar.width() - 2 * thickness, thickness);
    if (scrollbar.height() < 2 * thickness)
        return IntRect();
    return IntRect(scrollbar.x(), scrollbar.y() + thickness, thickness, scrollbar.height() - 2 * thickness);
Exemplo n.º 3
void PopupMenuWin::invalidateScrollbarRect(Scrollbar& scrollbar, const IntRect& rect)
    IntRect scrollRect = rect;
    scrollRect.move(scrollbar.x(), scrollbar.y());
    RECT r = scrollRect;
    ::InvalidateRect(m_popup, &r, false);
Exemplo n.º 4
IntRect ScrollbarThemeSafari::forwardButtonRect(Scrollbar& scrollbar, ScrollbarPart part, bool painting)
    IntRect result;
    // Windows just has single arrows.
    if (part == ForwardButtonStartPart)
        return result;

    int thickness = scrollbarThickness(scrollbar.controlSize());
    if (scrollbar.orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar)
        result = IntRect(scrollbar.x() + scrollbar.width() - cButtonLength[scrollbar.controlSize()], scrollbar.y(), cButtonLength[scrollbar.controlSize()], thickness);
        result = IntRect(scrollbar.x(), scrollbar.y() + scrollbar.height() - cButtonLength[scrollbar.controlSize()], thickness, cButtonLength[scrollbar.controlSize()]);
    if (painting)
        return buttonRepaintRect(result, scrollbar.orientation(), scrollbar.controlSize(), false);
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 5
IntRect ScrollbarThemeSafari::backButtonRect(Scrollbar& scrollbar, ScrollbarPart part, bool painting)
    IntRect result;

    // Windows just has single arrows.
    if (part == BackButtonEndPart)
        return result;

    int thickness = scrollbarThickness(scrollbar.controlSize());
    if (scrollbar.orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar)
        result = IntRect(scrollbar.x(), scrollbar.y(), cButtonLength[scrollbar.controlSize()], thickness);
        result = IntRect(scrollbar.x(), scrollbar.y(), thickness, cButtonLength[scrollbar.controlSize()]);
    if (painting)
        return buttonRepaintRect(result, scrollbar.orientation(), scrollbar.controlSize(), true);
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 6
IntRect ScrollbarThemeWin::backButtonRect(Scrollbar& scrollbar, ScrollbarPart part, bool)
    // Windows just has single arrows.
    if (part == BackButtonEndPart)
        return IntRect();

    // Our desired rect is essentially 17x17.
    // Our actual rect will shrink to half the available space when
    // we have < 34 pixels left.  This allows the scrollbar
    // to scale down and function even at tiny sizes.
    int thickness = scrollbarThickness();
    if (scrollbar.orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar)
        return IntRect(scrollbar.x(), scrollbar.y(),
                       scrollbar.width() < 2 * thickness ? scrollbar.width() / 2 : thickness, thickness);
    return IntRect(scrollbar.x(), scrollbar.y(),
                   thickness, scrollbar.height() < 2 * thickness ? scrollbar.height() / 2 : thickness);
Exemplo n.º 7
bool ScrollbarThemeWin::shouldSnapBackToDragOrigin(Scrollbar& scrollbar, const PlatformMouseEvent& evt)
    // Find the rect within which we shouldn't snap, by expanding the track rect
    // in both dimensions.
    IntRect rect = trackRect(scrollbar);
    const bool horz = scrollbar.orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar;
    const int thickness = scrollbarThickness(scrollbar.controlSize());
    rect.inflateX((horz ? kOffEndMultiplier : kOffSideMultiplier) * thickness);
    rect.inflateY((horz ? kOffSideMultiplier : kOffEndMultiplier) * thickness);

    // Convert the event to local coordinates.
    IntPoint mousePosition = scrollbar.convertFromContainingWindow(evt.position());
    mousePosition.move(scrollbar.x(), scrollbar.y());

    // We should snap iff the event is outside our calculated rect.
    return !rect.contains(mousePosition);
Exemplo n.º 8
void WebViewPrivate::scrollBackingStore(WebCore::FrameView* view, int dx, int dy, const WebCore::IntRect& scrollViewRect, const WebCore::IntRect& clipRect)
    IntRect updateRect = clipRect;
#if 0
    dy = -dy;
    dx = -dx;
    int svWidth = scrollViewRect.width();
    int svHeight = scrollViewRect.height();
    int dirtyX = 0, dirtyY = 0, dirtyW = 0, dirtyH = 0;

    if (dy == 0 && dx < 0 && -dx < svWidth) {
        dirtyW = -dx;
        dirtyH = svHeight;
    else if (dy == 0 && dx > 0 && dx < svWidth) {
        dirtyX = svWidth - dx;
        dirtyW = dx;
        dirtyH = svHeight;
    else if (dx == 0 && dy < 0 && -dy < svHeight) {
        dirtyW = svWidth;
        dirtyH = -dy;
    else if (dx == 0 && dy > 0 && dy < svHeight) {
        dirtyY = svHeight - dy;
        dirtyW = svWidth;
        dirtyH = dy;

    if (m_webView->viewWindow() && dirtyW) {
        m_srcRect.x = dx > 0 ? dx + scrollViewRect.x() : scrollViewRect.x();
        m_srcRect.y = dy > 0 ? dy + scrollViewRect.y() : scrollViewRect.y();
        m_srcRect.w = dx > 0 ? scrollViewRect.width() - dx : scrollViewRect.width() + dx;
        m_srcRect.h = dy > 0 ? scrollViewRect.height() - dy : scrollViewRect.height() + dy;

        m_dstRect.x = dx > 0 ? scrollViewRect.x() : -dx + scrollViewRect.x();
        m_dstRect.y = dy > 0 ? scrollViewRect.y() : -dy + scrollViewRect.y();
        m_dstRect.w = dx > 0 ? scrollViewRect.width() - dx : scrollViewRect.width() + dx;
        m_dstRect.h = dy > 0 ? scrollViewRect.height() -dy : scrollViewRect.height() + dy;

        int x, y, w, h = 0;
        if (dx > 0) {
            m_srcRect.x += m_scrollUpdateRect.width();
            m_srcRect.w -= m_scrollUpdateRect.width();
            x = scrollViewRect.x() + dirtyX - m_scrollUpdateRect.width();
            w = dirtyW + m_scrollUpdateRect.width();
        } else if (dx < 0) {
            m_dstRect.x += m_scrollUpdateRect.width();
            m_srcRect.w -= m_scrollUpdateRect.width();
            x = scrollViewRect.x() + dirtyX + m_scrollUpdateRect.width();
            w = dirtyW + m_scrollUpdateRect.width();
        } else {
            x = scrollViewRect.x() + dirtyX;
            w = dirtyW;

        if (dy > 0) {
            m_srcRect.y += m_scrollUpdateRect.height();
            m_srcRect.h -= m_scrollUpdateRect.height();
            y = scrollViewRect.y() + dirtyY - m_scrollUpdateRect.height();
            h = dirtyH + m_scrollUpdateRect.height();
        } else if (dy < 0) {
            m_dstRect.y += m_scrollUpdateRect.height();
            m_srcRect.h -= m_scrollUpdateRect.height();
            y = scrollViewRect.y() + dirtyY + m_scrollUpdateRect.height();
            h = dirtyH + m_scrollUpdateRect.height();
        } else {
            y = scrollViewRect.y() + dirtyY;
            h = dirtyH;

        Uint32 rmask, gmask, bmask, amask;
        rmask = 0xff000000;
        gmask = 0x00ff0000;
        bmask = 0x0000ff00;
        amask = 0x000000ff;
        rmask = 0x00ff0000;
        gmask = 0x0000ff00;
        bmask = 0x000000ff;
        amask = 0xff000000;

        if (m_scrollSurface)
        m_scrollSurface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, m_dstRect.w, m_dstRect.h , 32, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);

        SDL_Rect dRect = {0, 0, m_dstRect.w, m_dstRect.h};
        SDL_BlitSurface(m_webView->viewWindow(), &m_srcRect, m_scrollSurface, &dRect);

        m_scrollUpdateRect = IntRect(x, y, w, h);

        Scrollbar* hBar = view->horizontalScrollbar();
        Scrollbar* vBar = view->verticalScrollbar();
        if (dx && hBar)
            m_hUpdateRect = IntRect(scrollViewRect.x() + hBar->x(), scrollViewRect.y() + hBar->y(), hBar->width(), hBar->height());
        if (dy && vBar)
            m_vUpdateRect = IntRect(scrollViewRect.x() + vBar->x(), scrollViewRect.y() + vBar->y(), vBar->width(), vBar->height());
