Exemplo n.º 1
void ImageDecoder::setData(SharedBuffer& data, bool allDataReceived)
    m_isAllDataReceived = allDataReceived;

    // On Mac the NSData inside the SharedBuffer can be secretly appended to without the SharedBuffer's knowledge.
    // We use SharedBuffer's ability to wrap itself inside CFData to get around this, ensuring that ImageIO is
    // really looking at the SharedBuffer.
    CGImageSourceUpdateData(m_nativeDecoder.get(), data.createCFData().get(), allDataReceived);
    // Create a CGDataProvider to wrap the SharedBuffer.
    // We use the GetBytesAtPosition callback rather than the GetBytePointer one because SharedBuffer
    // does not provide a way to lock down the byte pointer and guarantee that it won't move, which
    // is a requirement for using the GetBytePointer callback.
    CGDataProviderDirectCallbacks providerCallbacks = { 0, 0, 0, sharedBufferGetBytesAtPosition, sharedBufferRelease };
    RetainPtr<CGDataProviderRef> dataProvider = adoptCF(CGDataProviderCreateDirect(&data, data.size(), &providerCallbacks));
    CGImageSourceUpdateDataProvider(m_nativeDecoder.get(), dataProvider.get(), allDataReceived);
status_t String16::replaceAll(char16_t replaceThis, char16_t withThis)
    const size_t N = size();
    const char16_t* str = string();
    char16_t* edit = NULL;
    for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
        if (str[i] == replaceThis) {
            if (!edit) {
                SharedBuffer* buf = SharedBuffer::bufferFromData(mString)->edit();
                if (!buf) {
                    return NO_MEMORY;
                edit = (char16_t*)buf->data();
                mString = str = edit;
            edit[i] = withThis;
    return NO_ERROR;
Exemplo n.º 3
void DocumentLoader::substituteResourceDeliveryTimerFired(Timer<DocumentLoader>*)
    if (m_pendingSubstituteResources.isEmpty())
    ASSERT(m_frame && m_frame->page());
    if (m_frame->page()->defersLoading())

    SubstituteResourceMap copy;

    SubstituteResourceMap::const_iterator end = copy.end();
    for (SubstituteResourceMap::const_iterator it = copy.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
        RefPtr<ResourceLoader> loader = it->key;
        SubstituteResource* resource = it->value.get();
        if (resource) {
            SharedBuffer* data = resource->data();

            // Calling ResourceLoader::didReceiveResponse can end up cancelling the load,
            // so we need to check if the loader has reached its terminal state.
            if (loader->reachedTerminalState())

            loader->didReceiveData(data->data(), data->size(), data->size(), true);

            // Calling ResourceLoader::didReceiveData can end up cancelling the load,
            // so we need to check if the loader has reached its terminal state.
            if (loader->reachedTerminalState())

        } else {
            // A null resource means that we should fail the load.
            // FIXME: Maybe we should use another error here - something like "not in cache".
Exemplo n.º 4
status_t String16::makeLower()
    const size_t N = size();
    const char16_t* str = string();
    char16_t* edit = NULL;
    for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
        const char16_t v = str[i];
        if (v >= 'A' && v <= 'Z') {
            if (!edit) {
                SharedBuffer* buf = SharedBuffer::bufferFromData(mString)->edit();
                if (!buf) {
                    return NO_MEMORY;
                edit = (char16_t*)buf->data();
                mString = str = edit;
            edit[i] = tolower((char)v);
    return NO_ERROR;
Exemplo n.º 5
status_t String16::append(const char16_t* chrs, size_t otherLen)
    const size_t myLen = size();
    if (myLen == 0) {
        setTo(chrs, otherLen);
        return NO_ERROR;
    } else if (otherLen == 0) {
        return NO_ERROR;
    SharedBuffer* buf = SharedBuffer::bufferFromData(mString)
    if (buf) {
        char16_t* str = (char16_t*)buf->data();
        memcpy(str+myLen, chrs, otherLen*sizeof(char16_t));
        str[myLen+otherLen] = 0;
        mString = str;
        return NO_ERROR;
    return NO_MEMORY;
ssize_t VectorImpl::setCapacity(size_t new_capacity)
    // The capacity must always be greater than or equal to the size
    // of this vector.
    if (new_capacity <= size()) {
        return capacity();

    size_t new_allocation_size = 0;
    LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!safe_mul(&new_allocation_size, new_capacity, mItemSize));
    SharedBuffer* sb = SharedBuffer::alloc(new_allocation_size);
    if (sb) {
        void* array = sb->data();
        _do_copy(array, mStorage, size());
        mStorage = const_cast<void*>(array);
    } else {
        return NO_MEMORY;
    return new_capacity;
Exemplo n.º 7
size_t EOTStream::read(void* buffer, size_t count)
    size_t bytesToRead = count;
    if (m_inHeader) {
        size_t bytesFromHeader = min(m_eotHeader.size() - m_offset, count);
        memcpy(buffer, m_eotHeader.data() + m_offset, bytesFromHeader);
        m_offset += bytesFromHeader;
        bytesToRead -= bytesFromHeader;
        if (m_offset == m_eotHeader.size()) {
            m_inHeader = false;
            m_offset = 0;
    if (bytesToRead && !m_inHeader) {
        size_t bytesFromData = min(m_fontData->size() - m_offset, bytesToRead);
        memcpy(buffer, m_fontData->data() + m_offset, bytesFromData);
        m_offset += bytesFromData;
        bytesToRead -= bytesFromData;
    return count - bytesToRead;
ENS_API_EXPORT OMX_ERRORTYPE NmfHostMpc_ProcessingComponent::freeBuffer(OMX_U32 nPortIndex,
									OMX_U32 nBufferIndex,
									OMX_BOOL bBufferAllocated,
									void *bufferAllocInfo,
									void *portPrivateInfo)
  SharedBuffer *sharedBuf = static_cast<SharedBuffer *>(portPrivateInfo);

  if (bBufferAllocated) {
    error = doBufferDeAllocation(nPortIndex, nBufferIndex, bufferAllocInfo);
    if(error != OMX_ErrorNone) return error;
  } else if (useBufferNeedsMemcpy()){
    error = doBufferDeAllocation(nPortIndex, nBufferIndex, (void*)sharedBuf->getBufferAllocInfo());
    if(error != OMX_ErrorNone) return error;

  delete sharedBuf;

  return OMX_ErrorNone;
Exemplo n.º 9
static char* allocFromUTF32(const char32_t* in, size_t len)
    if (len == 0) {
        return getEmptyString();

    const ssize_t bytes = utf32_to_utf8_length(in, len);
    if (bytes < 0) {
        return getEmptyString();

    SharedBuffer* buf = SharedBuffer::alloc(bytes+1);
    if (!buf) {
        return getEmptyString();

    char* str = (char*) buf->data();
    utf32_to_utf8(in, len, str);

    return str;
Exemplo n.º 10
void MHTMLArchive::generateMHTMLPart(
    const String& boundary,
    EncodingPolicy encodingPolicy,
    const SerializedResource& resource,
    SharedBuffer& outputBuffer)
    StringBuilder stringBuilder;
    stringBuilder.append("--" + boundary + "\r\n");
    stringBuilder.appendLiteral("Content-Type: ");

    const char* contentEncoding = 0;
    if (encodingPolicy == UseBinaryEncoding)
        contentEncoding = binary;
    else if (MIMETypeRegistry::isSupportedJavaScriptMIMEType(resource.mimeType) || MIMETypeRegistry::isSupportedNonImageMIMEType(resource.mimeType))
        contentEncoding = quotedPrintable;
        contentEncoding = base64;

    stringBuilder.appendLiteral("\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: ");
    stringBuilder.appendLiteral("\r\nContent-Location: ");

    CString asciiString = stringBuilder.toString().utf8();
    outputBuffer.append(asciiString.data(), asciiString.length());

    if (!strcmp(contentEncoding, binary)) {
        const char* data;
        size_t position = 0;
        while (size_t length = resource.data->getSomeData(data, position)) {
            outputBuffer.append(data, length);
            position += length;
    } else {
        // FIXME: ideally we would encode the content as a stream without having to fetch it all.
        const char* data = resource.data->data();
        size_t dataLength = resource.data->size();
        Vector<char> encodedData;
        if (!strcmp(contentEncoding, quotedPrintable)) {
            quotedPrintableEncode(data, dataLength, encodedData);
            outputBuffer.append(encodedData.data(), encodedData.size());
            outputBuffer.append("\r\n", 2);
        } else {
            ASSERT(!strcmp(contentEncoding, base64));
            // We are not specifying insertLFs = true below as it would cut the lines with LFs and MHTML requires CRLFs.
            base64Encode(data, dataLength, encodedData);
            const size_t maximumLineLength = 76;
            size_t index = 0;
            size_t encodedDataLength = encodedData.size();
            do {
                size_t lineLength = std::min(encodedDataLength - index, maximumLineLength);
                outputBuffer.append(encodedData.data() + index, lineLength);
                outputBuffer.append("\r\n", 2);
                index += maximumLineLength;
            } while (index < encodedDataLength);
ENS_API_EXPORT OMX_ERRORTYPE NmfMpc_ProcessingComponent::useBuffer(
        OMX_U32 nPortIndex,
        OMX_U32 nBufferIndex, 
        void **portPrivateInfo) 
    OMX_ERRORTYPE error;
    void *bufferAllocInfo = 0;
    OMX_U8 *pBuffer;
    if (nPortIndex>=mENSComponent.getPortCount() || mENSComponent.getPort(nPortIndex)==0) {
        return OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
    if (useBufferNeedsMemcpy()) {
        error = doBufferAllocation(nPortIndex, nBufferIndex, pBufferHdr->nAllocLen, &pBuffer, &bufferAllocInfo);
        if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) return error;
    } else {
        ENS_Port *port = mENSComponent.getPort(nPortIndex);
        bufferAllocInfo = port->getSharedChunk();
        pBuffer = pBufferHdr->pBuffer;

        OMX_ERRORTYPE error = ((MMHwBuffer *)bufferAllocInfo)->AddBufferInfo(nBufferIndex, (OMX_U32)pBufferHdr->pBuffer, pBufferHdr->nAllocLen);
        if (error != OMX_ErrorNone)
            return error;

    OMX_U32 bufPhysicalAddr = getBufferPhysicalAddress(bufferAllocInfo, pBuffer, pBufferHdr->nAllocLen);
    OMX_U32 bufMpcAddress = getBufferMpcAddress(bufferAllocInfo);
    SharedBuffer *sharedBuf = new SharedBuffer(mENSComponent.getNMFDomainHandle(), 
            pBufferHdr->nAllocLen, pBuffer, bufPhysicalAddr, bufMpcAddress, bufferAllocInfo, error); 
    if (sharedBuf == 0) return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
    if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) return error;


    *portPrivateInfo = sharedBuf;

    return OMX_ErrorNone;
Exemplo n.º 12
static char* allocFromUTF32(const char32_t* in, size_t len)
    if (len == 0) {
        return getEmptyString();

    const ssize_t resultStrLen = utf32_to_utf8_length(in, len) + 1;
    if (resultStrLen < 1) {
        return getEmptyString();

    SharedBuffer* buf = SharedBuffer::alloc(resultStrLen);
    ALOG_ASSERT(buf, "Unable to allocate shared buffer");
    if (!buf) {
        return getEmptyString();

    char* resultStr = (char*) buf->data();
    utf32_to_utf8(in, len, resultStr, resultStrLen);

    return resultStr;
void DeferredImageDecoder::setData(SharedBuffer& data, bool allDataReceived)
    if (m_actualDecoder) {
        m_data = RefPtr<SharedBuffer>(data);
        m_lastDataSize = data.size();
        m_allDataReceived = allDataReceived;
        m_actualDecoder->setData(&data, allDataReceived);

    if (m_frameGenerator)
        m_frameGenerator->setData(&data, allDataReceived);
Exemplo n.º 14
void TextTrackLoader::processNewCueData(CachedResource* resource)
    ASSERT(m_cachedCueData == resource);
    if (m_state == Failed || !resource->data())
    SharedBuffer* buffer = resource->data();
    if (m_parseOffset == buffer->size())

    if (!m_cueParser)
        m_cueParser = WebVTTParser::create(this, m_scriptExecutionContext);

    const char* data;
    unsigned length;

    while ((length = buffer->getSomeData(data, m_parseOffset))) {
        m_cueParser->parseBytes(data, length);
        m_parseOffset += length;
Exemplo n.º 15
static unsigned copyFromSharedBuffer(char* buffer, unsigned bufferLength, const SharedBuffer& sharedBuffer, unsigned offset)
    unsigned bytesExtracted = 0;
    const char* moreData;
    while (unsigned moreDataLength = sharedBuffer.getSomeData(moreData, offset)) {
        unsigned bytesToCopy = std::min(bufferLength - bytesExtracted, moreDataLength);
        memcpy(buffer + bytesExtracted, moreData, bytesToCopy);
        bytesExtracted += bytesToCopy;
        if (bytesExtracted == bufferLength)
        offset += bytesToCopy;
    return bytesExtracted;
Exemplo n.º 16
SharedBuffer* SharedBuffer::editResize(size_t newSize) const
    if (onlyOwner()) {
        SharedBuffer* buf = const_cast<SharedBuffer*>(this);
        if (buf->mSize == newSize) return buf;
        // Don't overflow if the combined size of the new buffer / header is larger than
        // size_max.
        LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF((newSize >= (SIZE_MAX - sizeof(SharedBuffer))),
                            "Invalid buffer size %zu", newSize);

        buf = (SharedBuffer*)realloc(buf, sizeof(SharedBuffer) + newSize);
        if (buf != NULL) {
            buf->mSize = newSize;
            return buf;
    SharedBuffer* sb = alloc(newSize);
    if (sb) {
        const size_t mySize = mSize;
        memcpy(sb->data(), data(), newSize < mySize ? newSize : mySize);
    return sb;    
Exemplo n.º 17
static void writeImageToDataObject(ChromiumDataObject* dataObject, Element* element,
                                   const KURL& url)
    // Shove image data into a DataObject for use as a file
    CachedImage* cachedImage = getCachedImage(element);
    if (!cachedImage || !cachedImage->imageForRenderer(element->renderer()) || !cachedImage->isLoaded())

    SharedBuffer* imageBuffer = cachedImage->imageForRenderer(element->renderer())->data();
    if (!imageBuffer || !imageBuffer->size())


    // Determine the filename for the file contents of the image.
    String filename = cachedImage->response().suggestedFilename();
    if (filename.isEmpty())
        filename = url.lastPathComponent();
    if (filename.isEmpty())
        filename = element->getAttribute(altAttr);
    else {
        // Strip any existing extension. Assume that alt text is usually not a filename.
        int extensionIndex = filename.reverseFind('.');
        if (extensionIndex != -1)

    String extension = MIMETypeRegistry::getPreferredExtensionForMIMEType(
    extension = extension.isEmpty() ? emptyString() : "." + extension;

    ClipboardChromium::validateFilename(filename, extension);

    dataObject->setFileContentFilename(filename + extension);
FontCustomPlatformData::FontCustomPlatformData(FT_Face freeTypeFace, SharedBuffer& buffer)
    : m_freeTypeFace(freeTypeFace)
    , m_fontFace(cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_ft_face(freeTypeFace, 0))
    // FIXME Should we be setting some hinting options here?

    buffer.ref(); // This is balanced by the buffer->deref() in releaseCustomFontData.
    static cairo_user_data_key_t bufferKey;
    cairo_font_face_set_user_data(m_fontFace, &bufferKey, &buffer,

    // Cairo doesn't do FreeType reference counting, so we need to ensure that when
    // this cairo_font_face_t is destroyed, it cleans up the FreeType face as well.
    static cairo_user_data_key_t freeTypeFaceKey;
    cairo_font_face_set_user_data(m_fontFace, &freeTypeFaceKey, freeTypeFace,
Exemplo n.º 19
    bool decode(const SharedBuffer& data, bool sizeOnly)
        m_decodingSizeOnly = sizeOnly;

        // We need to do the setjmp here. Otherwise bad things will happen.
        if (setjmp(JMPBUF(m_png)))
            return m_decoder->setFailed();

        const char* segment;
        while (unsigned segmentLength = data.getSomeData(segment, m_readOffset)) {
            m_readOffset += segmentLength;
            m_currentBufferSize = m_readOffset;
            png_process_data(m_png, m_info, reinterpret_cast<png_bytep>(const_cast<char*>(segment)), segmentLength);
            if (sizeOnly ? m_decoder->isDecodedSizeAvailable() : m_decoder->frameIsCompleteAtIndex(0))
                return true;

        return false;
Exemplo n.º 20
void compressZlib(SharedBuffer<u8> data, std::ostream &os)
	z_stream z;
	const s32 bufsize = 16384;
	char output_buffer[bufsize];
	int status = 0;
	int ret;

	z.zalloc = Z_NULL;
	z.zfree = Z_NULL;
	z.opaque = Z_NULL;

	ret = deflateInit(&z, -1);
	if(ret != Z_OK)
		throw SerializationError("compressZlib: deflateInit failed");
	// Point zlib to our input buffer
	z.next_in = (Bytef*)&data[0];
	z.avail_in = data.getSize();
	// And get all output
		z.next_out = (Bytef*)output_buffer;
		z.avail_out = bufsize;
		status = deflate(&z, Z_FINISH);
		if(status == Z_NEED_DICT || status == Z_DATA_ERROR
				|| status == Z_MEM_ERROR)
			throw SerializationError("compressZlib: deflate failed");
		int count = bufsize - z.avail_out;
			os.write(output_buffer, count);
		// This determines zlib has given all output
		if(status == Z_STREAM_END)


Exemplo n.º 21
void CachedRawResource::addDataBuffer(SharedBuffer& data)
    CachedResourceHandle<CachedRawResource> protect(this);
    ASSERT(dataBufferingPolicy() == BufferData);
    m_data = &data;

    unsigned incrementalDataLength;
    const char* incrementalData = calculateIncrementalDataChunk(&data, incrementalDataLength);
    notifyClientsDataWasReceived(incrementalData, incrementalDataLength);
    if (dataBufferingPolicy() == DoNotBufferData) {
        if (m_loader)

Exemplo n.º 22
bool InspectorPageAgent::cachedResourceContent(Resource* cachedResource, String* result, bool* base64Encoded)
    bool hasZeroSize;
    bool prepared = prepareResourceBuffer(cachedResource, &hasZeroSize);
    if (!prepared)
        return false;

    *base64Encoded = !hasTextContent(cachedResource);
    if (*base64Encoded) {
        RefPtr<SharedBuffer> buffer = hasZeroSize ? SharedBuffer::create() : cachedResource->resourceBuffer();

        if (!buffer)
            return false;

        *result = base64Encode(buffer->data(), buffer->size());
        return true;

    if (hasZeroSize) {
        *result = "";
        return true;

    if (cachedResource) {
        switch (cachedResource->type()) {
        case Resource::CSSStyleSheet:
            *result = toCSSStyleSheetResource(cachedResource)->sheetText(false);
            return true;
        case Resource::Script:
            *result = toScriptResource(cachedResource)->script();
            return true;
        case Resource::MainResource:
            return false;
        case Resource::Raw: {
            SharedBuffer* buffer = cachedResource->resourceBuffer();
            if (!buffer)
                return false;
            OwnPtr<TextResourceDecoder> decoder = createXHRTextDecoder(cachedResource->response().mimeType(), cachedResource->response().textEncodingName());
            String content = decoder->decode(buffer->data(), buffer->size());
            *result = content + decoder->flush();
            return true;
            SharedBuffer* buffer = cachedResource->resourceBuffer();
            return decodeBuffer(buffer ? buffer->data() : 0, buffer ? buffer->size() : 0, cachedResource->response().textEncodingName(), result);
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 23
    bool decode(const SharedBuffer& data, bool sizeOnly)
        m_decodingSizeOnly = sizeOnly;
        PNGImageDecoder* decoder = static_cast<PNGImageDecoder*>(png_get_progressive_ptr(m_png));

        // We need to do the setjmp here. Otherwise bad things will happen.
        if (setjmp(JMPBUF(m_png)))
            return decoder->setFailed();

        const char* segment;
        while (unsigned segmentLength = data.getSomeData(segment, m_readOffset)) {
            m_readOffset += segmentLength;
            m_currentBufferSize = m_readOffset;
            png_process_data(m_png, m_info, reinterpret_cast<png_bytep>(const_cast<char*>(segment)), segmentLength);
            // We explicitly specify the superclass isSizeAvailable() because we
            // merely want to check if we've managed to set the size, not
            // (recursively) trigger additional decoding if we haven't.
            if (sizeOnly ? decoder->ImageDecoder::isSizeAvailable() : decoder->isComplete())
                return true;
        return false;
Exemplo n.º 24
std::unique_ptr<FontCustomPlatformData> createFontCustomPlatformData(SharedBuffer& buffer)
    RetainPtr<CFDataRef> bufferData = buffer.createCFData();

    RetainPtr<CTFontDescriptorRef> fontDescriptor = adoptCF(CTFontManagerCreateFontDescriptorFromData(bufferData.get()));
    if (!fontDescriptor)
        return nullptr;

    return std::make_unique<FontCustomPlatformData>(fontDescriptor.get());


    RetainPtr<CGDataProviderRef> dataProvider = adoptCF(CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData(bufferData.get()));

    RetainPtr<CGFontRef> cgFontRef = adoptCF(CGFontCreateWithDataProvider(dataProvider.get()));
    if (!cgFontRef)
        return nullptr;

    return std::make_unique<FontCustomPlatformData>(cgFontRef.get());
Exemplo n.º 25
void MHTMLArchive::generateMHTMLHeader(
    const String& boundary, const String& title, const String& mimeType,
    SharedBuffer& outputBuffer)

    DateComponents now;
    // TODO(lukasza): Passing individual date/time components seems fragile.
    String dateString = makeRFC2822DateString(
        now.weekDay(), now.monthDay(), now.month(), now.fullYear(),
        now.hour(), now.minute(), now.second(), 0);

    StringBuilder stringBuilder;
    stringBuilder.appendLiteral("From: <Saved by Blink>\r\n");
    stringBuilder.appendLiteral("Subject: ");
    // We replace non ASCII characters with '?' characters to match IE's behavior.
    stringBuilder.appendLiteral("\r\nDate: ");
    stringBuilder.appendLiteral("\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\n");
    stringBuilder.appendLiteral("Content-Type: multipart/related;\r\n");

    // We use utf8() below instead of ascii() as ascii() replaces CRLFs with ??
    // (we still only have put ASCII characters in it).
    CString asciiString = stringBuilder.toString().utf8();

    outputBuffer.append(asciiString.data(), asciiString.length());
Exemplo n.º 26
void sharedBufferRelease(void* info)
    SharedBuffer* sharedBuffer = static_cast<SharedBuffer*>(info);
Exemplo n.º 27
    bool decode(const SharedBuffer& data, bool onlySize)
        unsigned newByteCount = data.size() - m_bufferLength;
        unsigned readOffset = m_bufferLength - m_info.src->bytes_in_buffer;

        m_info.src->bytes_in_buffer += newByteCount;
        m_info.src->next_input_byte = (JOCTET*)(data.data()) + readOffset;

        // If we still have bytes to skip, try to skip those now.
        if (m_bytesToSkip)

        m_bufferLength = data.size();

        // We need to do the setjmp here. Otherwise bad things will happen
        if (setjmp(m_err.setjmp_buffer))
            return m_decoder->setFailed();

        switch (m_state) {
        case JPEG_HEADER:
            // Read file parameters with jpeg_read_header().
            if (jpeg_read_header(&m_info, true) == JPEG_SUSPENDED)
                return false; // I/O suspension.

            switch (m_info.jpeg_color_space) {
            case JCS_GRAYSCALE:
            case JCS_RGB:
            case JCS_YCbCr:
                // libjpeg can convert GRAYSCALE and YCbCr image pixels to RGB.
                m_info.out_color_space = rgbOutputColorSpace();
                if (m_info.saw_JFIF_marker)
                // FIXME: Swizzle decoding does not support Adobe transform=0
                // images (yet), so revert to using JSC_RGB in that case.
                if (m_info.saw_Adobe_marker && !m_info.Adobe_transform)
                    m_info.out_color_space = JCS_RGB;
            case JCS_CMYK:
            case JCS_YCCK:
                // libjpeg can convert YCCK to CMYK, but neither to RGB, so we
                // manually convert CMKY to RGB.
                m_info.out_color_space = JCS_CMYK;
                return m_decoder->setFailed();

            m_state = JPEG_START_DECOMPRESS;

            // We can fill in the size now that the header is available.
            if (!m_decoder->setSize(m_info.image_width, m_info.image_height))
                return false;

            // Calculate and set decoded size.
            m_info.scale_num = m_decoder->desiredScaleNumerator();
            m_info.scale_denom = scaleDenominator;
            m_decoder->setDecodedSize(m_info.output_width, m_info.output_height);


            // Allow color management of the decoded RGBA pixels if possible.
            if (!m_decoder->ignoresGammaAndColorProfile()) {
                ColorProfile colorProfile;
                readColorProfile(info(), colorProfile);
                createColorTransform(colorProfile, colorSpaceHasAlpha(m_info.out_color_space));
                // Input RGBA data to qcms. Note: restored to BGRA on output.
                if (m_transform && m_info.out_color_space == JCS_EXT_BGRA)
                    m_info.out_color_space = JCS_EXT_RGBA;
            // Don't allocate a giant and superfluous memory buffer when the
            // image is a sequential JPEG.
            m_info.buffered_image = jpeg_has_multiple_scans(&m_info);

            if (onlySize) {
                // We can stop here. Reduce our buffer length and available data.
                m_bufferLength -= m_info.src->bytes_in_buffer;
                m_info.src->bytes_in_buffer = 0;
                return true;
        // FALL THROUGH

            // Set parameters for decompression.
            // FIXME -- Should reset dct_method and dither mode for final pass
            // of progressive JPEG.
            m_info.dct_method = dctMethod();
            m_info.dither_mode = ditherMode();
            m_info.do_fancy_upsampling = doFancyUpsampling();
            m_info.enable_2pass_quant = false;
            m_info.do_block_smoothing = true;

            // Make a one-row-high sample array that will go away when done with
            // image. Always make it big enough to hold an RGB row. Since this
            // uses the IJG memory manager, it must be allocated before the call
            // to jpeg_start_compress().
            // FIXME: note that some output color spaces do not need the samples
            // buffer. Remove this allocation for those color spaces.
            m_samples = (*m_info.mem->alloc_sarray)(reinterpret_cast<j_common_ptr>(&m_info), JPOOL_IMAGE, m_info.output_width * 4, 1);

            // Start decompressor.
            if (!jpeg_start_decompress(&m_info))
                return false; // I/O suspension.

            // If this is a progressive JPEG ...
            m_state = (m_info.buffered_image) ? JPEG_DECOMPRESS_PROGRESSIVE : JPEG_DECOMPRESS_SEQUENTIAL;
        // FALL THROUGH

            if (m_state == JPEG_DECOMPRESS_SEQUENTIAL) {

                if (!m_decoder->outputScanlines())
                    return false; // I/O suspension.

                // If we've completed image output...
                ASSERT(m_info.output_scanline == m_info.output_height);
                m_state = JPEG_DONE;
        // FALL THROUGH

            if (m_state == JPEG_DECOMPRESS_PROGRESSIVE) {
                int status;
                do {
                    status = jpeg_consume_input(&m_info);
                } while ((status != JPEG_SUSPENDED) && (status != JPEG_REACHED_EOI));

                for (;;) {
                    if (!m_info.output_scanline) {
                        int scan = m_info.input_scan_number;

                        // If we haven't displayed anything yet
                        // (output_scan_number == 0) and we have enough data for
                        // a complete scan, force output of the last full scan.
                        if (!m_info.output_scan_number && (scan > 1) && (status != JPEG_REACHED_EOI))

                        if (!jpeg_start_output(&m_info, scan))
                            return false; // I/O suspension.

                    if (m_info.output_scanline == 0xffffff)
                        m_info.output_scanline = 0;

                    // If outputScanlines() fails, it deletes |this|. Therefore,
                    // copy the decoder pointer and use it to check for failure
                    // to avoid member access in the failure case.
                    JPEGImageDecoder* decoder = m_decoder;
                    if (!decoder->outputScanlines()) {
                        if (decoder->failed()) // Careful; |this| is deleted.
                            return false;
                        if (!m_info.output_scanline)
                            // Didn't manage to read any lines - flag so we
                            // don't call jpeg_start_output() multiple times for
                            // the same scan.
                            m_info.output_scanline = 0xffffff;
                        return false; // I/O suspension.

                    if (m_info.output_scanline == m_info.output_height) {
                        if (!jpeg_finish_output(&m_info))
                            return false; // I/O suspension.

                        if (jpeg_input_complete(&m_info) && (m_info.input_scan_number == m_info.output_scan_number))

                        m_info.output_scanline = 0;

                m_state = JPEG_DONE;
        // FALL THROUGH

        case JPEG_DONE:
            // Finish decompression.
            return jpeg_finish_decompress(&m_info);

        case JPEG_ERROR:
            // We can get here if the constructor failed.
            return m_decoder->setFailed();

        return true;
Exemplo n.º 28
// ============================================================================
//  main
// ============================================================================
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  yat::Message * m = 0;
  YAT_LOG_STATIC("Instanciating Task...");
  Consumer * dt = new Consumer(kLO_WATER_MARK, kHI_WATER_MARK);
  YAT_LOG_STATIC("Starting Task...");
  catch (const yat::Exception&)
    YAT_LOG_STATIC("yat exception caught - could not start task. aborting...");
    return 0;
  catch (...)
    YAT_LOG_STATIC("unknown exception caught - could not start task. aborting...");
    return 0;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < kNUM_MSGS; i++)
      //- post msg to consumer
      dt->post(new yat::Message(kDUMMY_MSG), kPOST_MSG_TMO);

      //- simulate some time consuming activity
      yat::ThreadingUtilities::sleep(0, 100000);
    catch (const std::bad_alloc&)
      YAT_LOG_STATIC("std::bad_alloc except. caught - could not post msg#" << i);
    catch (const yat::Exception&)
      YAT_LOG_STATIC("tango except. caught - could not post msg#" << i);
    catch (...)
      YAT_LOG_STATIC("unknown except. caught - could not post msg#" << i);
  yat::Buffer<double> data(kNUM_MSGS);
  for ( size_t i = 0; i < kNUM_MSGS; i++ )
    data[i] = 1. * i;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < kNUM_MSGS; i++)
      SharedBuffer* sb = new SharedBuffer();
      sb->capacity(i + 1);
      sb->memcpy(data.base(), i + 1);
      std::cout << "SharedBuffer* sb.length = " << sb->length() << std::endl;
      dt->post(kDATA_MSG, sb->duplicate(), false);
      //- simulate some time consuming activity
      yat::ThreadingUtilities::sleep(0, 100000);
    catch (const std::bad_alloc&)
      YAT_LOG_STATIC("std::bad_alloc except. caught - could not post msg#" << i);
    catch (const yat::Exception&)
      YAT_LOG_STATIC("tango except. caught - could not post msg#" << i);
    catch (...)
      YAT_LOG_STATIC("unknown except. caught - could not post msg#" << i);
  catch (const yat::Exception&)
    YAT_LOG_STATIC("tango except. caught - could stop task. aborting...");
  catch (...)
    YAT_LOG_STATIC("unknown except. caught - could stop task. aborting...");
    return 0;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 29
    bool decode(const SharedBuffer& data, bool onlySize)
        m_decodingSizeOnly = onlySize;

        unsigned newByteCount = data.size() - m_bufferLength;
        unsigned readOffset = m_bufferLength - m_info.src->bytes_in_buffer;

        m_info.src->bytes_in_buffer += newByteCount;
        m_info.src->next_input_byte = (JOCTET*)(data.data()) + readOffset;

        // If we still have bytes to skip, try to skip those now.
        if (m_bytesToSkip)

        m_bufferLength = data.size();

        // We need to do the setjmp here. Otherwise bad things will happen
        if (setjmp(m_err.setjmp_buffer))
            return m_decoder->setFailed();

        switch (m_state) {
        case JPEG_HEADER:
            // Read file parameters with jpeg_read_header().
            if (jpeg_read_header(&m_info, true) == JPEG_SUSPENDED)
                return false; // I/O suspension.

            switch (m_info.jpeg_color_space) {
            case JCS_GRAYSCALE:
            case JCS_RGB:
            case JCS_YCbCr:
                // libjpeg can convert GRAYSCALE and YCbCr image pixels to RGB.
                m_info.out_color_space = rgbOutputColorSpace();
            case JCS_CMYK:
            case JCS_YCCK:
                // libjpeg can convert YCCK to CMYK, but neither to RGB, so we
                // manually convert CMKY to RGB.
                m_info.out_color_space = JCS_CMYK;
                return m_decoder->setFailed();

            // Don't allocate a giant and superfluous memory buffer when the
            // image is a sequential JPEG.
            m_info.buffered_image = jpeg_has_multiple_scans(&m_info);

            // Used to set up image size so arrays can be allocated.

            // Make a one-row-high sample array that will go away when done with
            // image. Always make it big enough to hold an RGB row.  Since this
            // uses the IJG memory manager, it must be allocated before the call
            // to jpeg_start_compress().
            m_samples = (*m_info.mem->alloc_sarray)((j_common_ptr) &m_info, JPOOL_IMAGE, m_info.output_width * 4, 1);

            m_state = JPEG_START_DECOMPRESS;

            // We can fill in the size now that the header is available.
            if (!m_decoder->setSize(m_info.image_width, m_info.image_height))
                return false;

            // Allow color management of the decoded RGBA pixels if possible.
            if (!m_decoder->ignoresGammaAndColorProfile()) {
                ColorProfile rgbInputDeviceColorProfile = readColorProfile(info());
                if (!rgbInputDeviceColorProfile.isEmpty())

            if (m_decodingSizeOnly) {
                // We can stop here.  Reduce our buffer length and available
                // data.
                m_bufferLength -= m_info.src->bytes_in_buffer;
                m_info.src->bytes_in_buffer = 0;
                return true;
        // FALL THROUGH

            // Set parameters for decompression.
            // FIXME -- Should reset dct_method and dither mode for final pass
            // of progressive JPEG.
            m_info.dct_method =  JDCT_ISLOW;
            m_info.dither_mode = JDITHER_FS;
            m_info.do_fancy_upsampling = true;
            m_info.enable_2pass_quant = false;
            m_info.do_block_smoothing = true;

            // Start decompressor.
            if (!jpeg_start_decompress(&m_info))
                return false; // I/O suspension.

            // If this is a progressive JPEG ...
            m_state = (m_info.buffered_image) ? JPEG_DECOMPRESS_PROGRESSIVE : JPEG_DECOMPRESS_SEQUENTIAL;
        // FALL THROUGH

            if (m_state == JPEG_DECOMPRESS_SEQUENTIAL) {

                if (!m_decoder->outputScanlines())
                    return false; // I/O suspension.

                // If we've completed image output...
                ASSERT(m_info.output_scanline == m_info.output_height);
                m_state = JPEG_DONE;
        // FALL THROUGH

            if (m_state == JPEG_DECOMPRESS_PROGRESSIVE) {
                int status;
                do {
                    status = jpeg_consume_input(&m_info);
                } while ((status != JPEG_SUSPENDED) && (status != JPEG_REACHED_EOI));

                for (;;) {
                    if (!m_info.output_scanline) {
                        int scan = m_info.input_scan_number;

                        // If we haven't displayed anything yet
                        // (output_scan_number == 0) and we have enough data for
                        // a complete scan, force output of the last full scan.
                        if (!m_info.output_scan_number && (scan > 1) && (status != JPEG_REACHED_EOI))

                        if (!jpeg_start_output(&m_info, scan))
                            return false; // I/O suspension.

                    if (m_info.output_scanline == 0xffffff)
                        m_info.output_scanline = 0;

                    if (!m_decoder->outputScanlines()) {
                        if (!m_info.output_scanline)
                            // Didn't manage to read any lines - flag so we
                            // don't call jpeg_start_output() multiple times for
                            // the same scan.
                            m_info.output_scanline = 0xffffff;
                        return false; // I/O suspension.

                    if (m_info.output_scanline == m_info.output_height) {
                        if (!jpeg_finish_output(&m_info))
                            return false; // I/O suspension.

                        if (jpeg_input_complete(&m_info) && (m_info.input_scan_number == m_info.output_scan_number))

                        m_info.output_scanline = 0;

                m_state = JPEG_DONE;
        // FALL THROUGH

        case JPEG_DONE:
            // Finish decompression.
            return jpeg_finish_decompress(&m_info);

        case JPEG_ERROR:
            // We can get here if the constructor failed.
            return m_decoder->setFailed();

        return true;
RetainPtr<CFDictionaryRef> LegacyWebArchive::createPropertyListRepresentation(ArchiveResource* resource, MainResourceStatus isMainResource)
    if (!resource) {
        // The property list representation of a null/empty WebResource has the following 3 objects stored as nil.
        // FIXME: 0 is not serializable. Presumably we need to use kCFNull here instead for compatibility.
        // FIXME: But why do we need to support a resource of 0? Who relies on that?
        RetainPtr<CFMutableDictionaryRef> propertyList(AdoptCF, CFDictionaryCreateMutable(0, 3, 0, 0));
        CFDictionarySetValue(propertyList.get(), LegacyWebArchiveResourceDataKey, 0);
        CFDictionarySetValue(propertyList.get(), LegacyWebArchiveResourceURLKey, 0);
        CFDictionarySetValue(propertyList.get(), LegacyWebArchiveResourceMIMETypeKey, 0);
        return propertyList;
    RetainPtr<CFMutableDictionaryRef> propertyList(AdoptCF, CFDictionaryCreateMutable(0, 6, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks));
    // Resource data can be empty, but must be represented by an empty CFDataRef
    SharedBuffer* data = resource->data();
    RetainPtr<CFDataRef> cfData;
    if (data)
        cfData.adoptCF(CFDataCreate(0, 0, 0));
    CFDictionarySetValue(propertyList.get(), LegacyWebArchiveResourceDataKey, cfData.get());
    // Resource URL cannot be null
    RetainPtr<CFStringRef> cfURL(AdoptCF, resource->url().string().createCFString());
    if (cfURL)
        CFDictionarySetValue(propertyList.get(), LegacyWebArchiveResourceURLKey, cfURL.get());
    else {
        LOG(Archives, "LegacyWebArchive - NULL resource URL is invalid - returning null property list");
        return 0;

    // FrameName should be left out if empty for subresources, but always included for main resources
    const String& frameName(resource->frameName());
    if (!frameName.isEmpty() || isMainResource) {
        RetainPtr<CFStringRef> cfFrameName(AdoptCF, frameName.createCFString());
        CFDictionarySetValue(propertyList.get(), LegacyWebArchiveResourceFrameNameKey, cfFrameName.get());
    // Set MIMEType, TextEncodingName, and ResourceResponse only if they actually exist
    const String& mimeType(resource->mimeType());
    if (!mimeType.isEmpty()) {
        RetainPtr<CFStringRef> cfMIMEType(AdoptCF, mimeType.createCFString());
        CFDictionarySetValue(propertyList.get(), LegacyWebArchiveResourceMIMETypeKey, cfMIMEType.get());
    const String& textEncoding(resource->textEncoding());
    if (!textEncoding.isEmpty()) {
        RetainPtr<CFStringRef> cfTextEncoding(AdoptCF, textEncoding.createCFString());
        CFDictionarySetValue(propertyList.get(), LegacyWebArchiveResourceTextEncodingNameKey, cfTextEncoding.get());

    // Don't include the resource response for the main resource
    if (!isMainResource) {
        RetainPtr<CFDataRef> resourceResponseData = createPropertyListRepresentation(resource->response());
        if (resourceResponseData)
            CFDictionarySetValue(propertyList.get(), LegacyWebArchiveResourceResponseKey, resourceResponseData.get());    
    return propertyList;