Exemplo n.º 1
MDNode *MDNode::getMostGenericTBAA(MDNode *A, MDNode *B) {
  if (!A || !B)
    return nullptr;

  if (A == B)
    return A;

  // For struct-path aware TBAA, we use the access type of the tag.
  bool StructPath = isStructPathTBAA(A) && isStructPathTBAA(B);
  if (StructPath) {
    A = cast_or_null<MDNode>(A->getOperand(1));
    if (!A)
      return nullptr;
    B = cast_or_null<MDNode>(B->getOperand(1));
    if (!B)
      return nullptr;

  SmallSetVector<MDNode *, 4> PathA;
  MDNode *T = A;
  while (T) {
    if (PathA.count(T))
      report_fatal_error("Cycle found in TBAA metadata.");
    T = T->getNumOperands() >= 2 ? cast_or_null<MDNode>(T->getOperand(1))
                                 : nullptr;

  SmallSetVector<MDNode *, 4> PathB;
  T = B;
  while (T) {
    if (PathB.count(T))
      report_fatal_error("Cycle found in TBAA metadata.");
    T = T->getNumOperands() >= 2 ? cast_or_null<MDNode>(T->getOperand(1))
                                 : nullptr;

  int IA = PathA.size() - 1;
  int IB = PathB.size() - 1;

  MDNode *Ret = nullptr;
  while (IA >= 0 && IB >= 0) {
    if (PathA[IA] == PathB[IB])
      Ret = PathA[IA];
  if (!StructPath)
    return Ret;

  if (!Ret)
    return nullptr;
  // We need to convert from a type node to a tag node.
  Type *Int64 = IntegerType::get(A->getContext(), 64);
  Metadata *Ops[3] = {Ret, Ret,
                      ConstantAsMetadata::get(ConstantInt::get(Int64, 0))};
  return MDNode::get(A->getContext(), Ops);
Exemplo n.º 2
/// Merge the linker flags in Src into the Dest module.
bool IRLinker::linkModuleFlagsMetadata() {
  // If the source module has no module flags, we are done.
  const NamedMDNode *SrcModFlags = SrcM.getModuleFlagsMetadata();
  if (!SrcModFlags)
    return false;

  // If the destination module doesn't have module flags yet, then just copy
  // over the source module's flags.
  NamedMDNode *DstModFlags = DstM.getOrInsertModuleFlagsMetadata();
  if (DstModFlags->getNumOperands() == 0) {
    for (unsigned I = 0, E = SrcModFlags->getNumOperands(); I != E; ++I)

    return false;

  // First build a map of the existing module flags and requirements.
  DenseMap<MDString *, std::pair<MDNode *, unsigned>> Flags;
  SmallSetVector<MDNode *, 16> Requirements;
  for (unsigned I = 0, E = DstModFlags->getNumOperands(); I != E; ++I) {
    MDNode *Op = DstModFlags->getOperand(I);
    ConstantInt *Behavior = mdconst::extract<ConstantInt>(Op->getOperand(0));
    MDString *ID = cast<MDString>(Op->getOperand(1));

    if (Behavior->getZExtValue() == Module::Require) {
    } else {
      Flags[ID] = std::make_pair(Op, I);

  // Merge in the flags from the source module, and also collect its set of
  // requirements.
  for (unsigned I = 0, E = SrcModFlags->getNumOperands(); I != E; ++I) {
    MDNode *SrcOp = SrcModFlags->getOperand(I);
    ConstantInt *SrcBehavior =
    MDString *ID = cast<MDString>(SrcOp->getOperand(1));
    MDNode *DstOp;
    unsigned DstIndex;
    std::tie(DstOp, DstIndex) = Flags.lookup(ID);
    unsigned SrcBehaviorValue = SrcBehavior->getZExtValue();

    // If this is a requirement, add it and continue.
    if (SrcBehaviorValue == Module::Require) {
      // If the destination module does not already have this requirement, add
      // it.
      if (Requirements.insert(cast<MDNode>(SrcOp->getOperand(2)))) {

    // If there is no existing flag with this ID, just add it.
    if (!DstOp) {
      Flags[ID] = std::make_pair(SrcOp, DstModFlags->getNumOperands());

    // Otherwise, perform a merge.
    ConstantInt *DstBehavior =
    unsigned DstBehaviorValue = DstBehavior->getZExtValue();

    // If either flag has override behavior, handle it first.
    if (DstBehaviorValue == Module::Override) {
      // Diagnose inconsistent flags which both have override behavior.
      if (SrcBehaviorValue == Module::Override &&
          SrcOp->getOperand(2) != DstOp->getOperand(2)) {
        emitError("linking module flags '" + ID->getString() +
                  "': IDs have conflicting override values");
    } else if (SrcBehaviorValue == Module::Override) {
      // Update the destination flag to that of the source.
      DstModFlags->setOperand(DstIndex, SrcOp);
      Flags[ID].first = SrcOp;

    // Diagnose inconsistent merge behavior types.
    if (SrcBehaviorValue != DstBehaviorValue) {
      emitError("linking module flags '" + ID->getString() +
                "': IDs have conflicting behaviors");

    auto replaceDstValue = [&](MDNode *New) {
      Metadata *FlagOps[] = {DstOp->getOperand(0), ID, New};
      MDNode *Flag = MDNode::get(DstM.getContext(), FlagOps);
      DstModFlags->setOperand(DstIndex, Flag);
      Flags[ID].first = Flag;

    // Perform the merge for standard behavior types.
    switch (SrcBehaviorValue) {
    case Module::Require:
    case Module::Override:
      llvm_unreachable("not possible");
    case Module::Error: {
      // Emit an error if the values differ.
      if (SrcOp->getOperand(2) != DstOp->getOperand(2)) {
        emitError("linking module flags '" + ID->getString() +
                  "': IDs have conflicting values");
    case Module::Warning: {
      // Emit a warning if the values differ.
      if (SrcOp->getOperand(2) != DstOp->getOperand(2)) {
        emitWarning("linking module flags '" + ID->getString() +
                    "': IDs have conflicting values");
    case Module::Append: {
      MDNode *DstValue = cast<MDNode>(DstOp->getOperand(2));
      MDNode *SrcValue = cast<MDNode>(SrcOp->getOperand(2));
      SmallVector<Metadata *, 8> MDs;
      MDs.reserve(DstValue->getNumOperands() + SrcValue->getNumOperands());
      MDs.append(DstValue->op_begin(), DstValue->op_end());
      MDs.append(SrcValue->op_begin(), SrcValue->op_end());

      replaceDstValue(MDNode::get(DstM.getContext(), MDs));
    case Module::AppendUnique: {
      SmallSetVector<Metadata *, 16> Elts;
      MDNode *DstValue = cast<MDNode>(DstOp->getOperand(2));
      MDNode *SrcValue = cast<MDNode>(SrcOp->getOperand(2));
      Elts.insert(DstValue->op_begin(), DstValue->op_end());
      Elts.insert(SrcValue->op_begin(), SrcValue->op_end());

                                  makeArrayRef(Elts.begin(), Elts.end())));

  // Check all of the requirements.
  for (unsigned I = 0, E = Requirements.size(); I != E; ++I) {
    MDNode *Requirement = Requirements[I];
    MDString *Flag = cast<MDString>(Requirement->getOperand(0));
    Metadata *ReqValue = Requirement->getOperand(1);

    MDNode *Op = Flags[Flag].first;
    if (!Op || Op->getOperand(2) != ReqValue) {
      emitError("linking module flags '" + Flag->getString() +
                "': does not have the required value");

  return HasError;
Exemplo n.º 3
/// Tests whether a function is "malloc-like".
/// A function is "malloc-like" if it returns either null or a pointer that
/// doesn't alias any other pointer visible to the caller.
static bool isFunctionMallocLike(Function *F, const SCCNodeSet &SCCNodes) {
  SmallSetVector<Value *, 8> FlowsToReturn;
  for (Function::iterator I = F->begin(), E = F->end(); I != E; ++I)
    if (ReturnInst *Ret = dyn_cast<ReturnInst>(I->getTerminator()))

  for (unsigned i = 0; i != FlowsToReturn.size(); ++i) {
    Value *RetVal = FlowsToReturn[i];

    if (Constant *C = dyn_cast<Constant>(RetVal)) {
      if (!C->isNullValue() && !isa<UndefValue>(C))
        return false;


    if (isa<Argument>(RetVal))
      return false;

    if (Instruction *RVI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(RetVal))
      switch (RVI->getOpcode()) {
      // Extend the analysis by looking upwards.
      case Instruction::BitCast:
      case Instruction::GetElementPtr:
      case Instruction::AddrSpaceCast:
      case Instruction::Select: {
        SelectInst *SI = cast<SelectInst>(RVI);
      case Instruction::PHI: {
        PHINode *PN = cast<PHINode>(RVI);
        for (Value *IncValue : PN->incoming_values())

      // Check whether the pointer came from an allocation.
      case Instruction::Alloca:
      case Instruction::Call:
      case Instruction::Invoke: {
        CallSite CS(RVI);
        if (CS.paramHasAttr(0, Attribute::NoAlias))
        if (CS.getCalledFunction() && SCCNodes.count(CS.getCalledFunction()))
      } // fall-through
        return false; // Did not come from an allocation.

    if (PointerMayBeCaptured(RetVal, false, /*StoreCaptures=*/false))
      return false;

  return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
/// Tests whether this function is known to not return null.
/// Requires that the function returns a pointer.
/// Returns true if it believes the function will not return a null, and sets
/// \p Speculative based on whether the returned conclusion is a speculative
/// conclusion due to SCC calls.
static bool isReturnNonNull(Function *F, const SCCNodeSet &SCCNodes,
                            const TargetLibraryInfo &TLI, bool &Speculative) {
  assert(F->getReturnType()->isPointerTy() &&
         "nonnull only meaningful on pointer types");
  Speculative = false;

  SmallSetVector<Value *, 8> FlowsToReturn;
  for (BasicBlock &BB : *F)
    if (auto *Ret = dyn_cast<ReturnInst>(BB.getTerminator()))

  for (unsigned i = 0; i != FlowsToReturn.size(); ++i) {
    Value *RetVal = FlowsToReturn[i];

    // If this value is locally known to be non-null, we're good
    if (isKnownNonNull(RetVal, &TLI))

    // Otherwise, we need to look upwards since we can't make any local
    // conclusions.
    Instruction *RVI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(RetVal);
    if (!RVI)
      return false;
    switch (RVI->getOpcode()) {
    // Extend the analysis by looking upwards.
    case Instruction::BitCast:
    case Instruction::GetElementPtr:
    case Instruction::AddrSpaceCast:
    case Instruction::Select: {
      SelectInst *SI = cast<SelectInst>(RVI);
    case Instruction::PHI: {
      PHINode *PN = cast<PHINode>(RVI);
      for (int i = 0, e = PN->getNumIncomingValues(); i != e; ++i)
    case Instruction::Call:
    case Instruction::Invoke: {
      CallSite CS(RVI);
      Function *Callee = CS.getCalledFunction();
      // A call to a node within the SCC is assumed to return null until
      // proven otherwise
      if (Callee && SCCNodes.count(Callee)) {
        Speculative = true;
      return false;
      return false; // Unknown source, may be null
    llvm_unreachable("should have either continued or returned");

  return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
/// setupEntryBlockAndCallSites - Setup the entry block by creating and filling
/// the function context and marking the call sites with the appropriate
/// values. These values are used by the DWARF EH emitter.
bool SjLjEHPrepare::setupEntryBlockAndCallSites(Function &F) {
  SmallVector<ReturnInst *, 16> Returns;
  SmallVector<InvokeInst *, 16> Invokes;
  SmallSetVector<LandingPadInst *, 16> LPads;

  // Look through the terminators of the basic blocks to find invokes.
  for (Function::iterator BB = F.begin(), E = F.end(); BB != E; ++BB)
    if (InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(BB->getTerminator())) {
      if (Function *Callee = II->getCalledFunction())
        if (Callee->isIntrinsic() &&
            Callee->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::donothing) {
          // Remove the NOP invoke.
          BranchInst::Create(II->getNormalDest(), II);

    } else if (ReturnInst *RI = dyn_cast<ReturnInst>(BB->getTerminator())) {

  if (Invokes.empty())
    return false;

  NumInvokes += Invokes.size();

  lowerAcrossUnwindEdges(F, Invokes);

  Value *FuncCtx =
      setupFunctionContext(F, makeArrayRef(LPads.begin(), LPads.end()));
  BasicBlock *EntryBB = F.begin();
  IRBuilder<> Builder(EntryBB->getTerminator());

  // Get a reference to the jump buffer.
  Value *JBufPtr = Builder.CreateConstGEP2_32(FuncCtx, 0, 5, "jbuf_gep");

  // Save the frame pointer.
  Value *FramePtr = Builder.CreateConstGEP2_32(JBufPtr, 0, 0, "jbuf_fp_gep");

  Value *Val = Builder.CreateCall(FrameAddrFn, Builder.getInt32(0), "fp");
  Builder.CreateStore(Val, FramePtr, /*isVolatile=*/true);

  // Save the stack pointer.
  Value *StackPtr = Builder.CreateConstGEP2_32(JBufPtr, 0, 2, "jbuf_sp_gep");

  Val = Builder.CreateCall(StackAddrFn, "sp");
  Builder.CreateStore(Val, StackPtr, /*isVolatile=*/true);

  // Call the setjmp instrinsic. It fills in the rest of the jmpbuf.
  Value *SetjmpArg = Builder.CreateBitCast(JBufPtr, Builder.getInt8PtrTy());
  Builder.CreateCall(BuiltinSetjmpFn, SetjmpArg);

  // Store a pointer to the function context so that the back-end will know
  // where to look for it.
  Value *FuncCtxArg = Builder.CreateBitCast(FuncCtx, Builder.getInt8PtrTy());
  Builder.CreateCall(FuncCtxFn, FuncCtxArg);

  // At this point, we are all set up, update the invoke instructions to mark
  // their call_site values.
  for (unsigned I = 0, E = Invokes.size(); I != E; ++I) {
    insertCallSiteStore(Invokes[I], I + 1);

    ConstantInt *CallSiteNum =
        ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(F.getContext()), I + 1);

    // Record the call site value for the back end so it stays associated with
    // the invoke.
    CallInst::Create(CallSiteFn, CallSiteNum, "", Invokes[I]);

  // Mark call instructions that aren't nounwind as no-action (call_site ==
  // -1). Skip the entry block, as prior to then, no function context has been
  // created for this function and any unexpected exceptions thrown will go
  // directly to the caller's context, which is what we want anyway, so no need
  // to do anything here.
  for (Function::iterator BB = F.begin(), E = F.end(); ++BB != E;)
    for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), end = BB->end(); I != end; ++I)
      if (CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(I)) {
        if (!CI->doesNotThrow())
          insertCallSiteStore(CI, -1);
      } else if (ResumeInst *RI = dyn_cast<ResumeInst>(I)) {
        insertCallSiteStore(RI, -1);

  // Register the function context and make sure it's known to not throw
  CallInst *Register =
      CallInst::Create(RegisterFn, FuncCtx, "", EntryBB->getTerminator());

  // Following any allocas not in the entry block, update the saved SP in the
  // jmpbuf to the new value.
  for (Function::iterator BB = F.begin(), E = F.end(); BB != E; ++BB) {
    if (BB == F.begin())
    for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; ++I) {
      if (CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(I)) {
        if (CI->getCalledFunction() != StackRestoreFn)
      } else if (!isa<AllocaInst>(I)) {
      Instruction *StackAddr = CallInst::Create(StackAddrFn, "sp");
      Instruction *StoreStackAddr = new StoreInst(StackAddr, StackPtr, true);

  // Finally, for any returns from this function, if this function contains an
  // invoke, add a call to unregister the function context.
  for (unsigned I = 0, E = Returns.size(); I != E; ++I)
    CallInst::Create(UnregisterFn, FuncCtx, "", Returns[I]);

  return true;