Exemplo n.º 1
	String RemoveStringRange(const String& string, uint start, uint length)
		String result = string;
		return result.erase(start, length);
Exemplo n.º 2
bool User_Program::Initial_Table (String &line)
	int i, j, index, lnum, len;
	Int_Itr litr, litr0;
	double fnum;
	Dbl_Itr fitr, fitr0;
	String token;
	Str_Itr sitr, sitr0;
	string::iterator ch, ch0;

	i = cmd.token;
	j = cmd.value;

	for (;;) {

		//---- remove leading spaces ----

		line.Trim_Left (" \t");
		if (line.empty ()) return (false);

		ch = ch0 = line.begin ();
		//---- determine the token type ----
		if ((*ch >= '0' && *ch <= '9') || (*ch == '.' && *(ch+1) != '.') || 
			(*ch == '-' && (*(ch+1) >= '0' && *(ch+1) <= '9'))) {
			//---- process a number ----

			if (*ch == '-') ch++;
			do {
				if (++ch == line.end ()) break;
			} while ((*ch >= '0' && *ch <= '9') || (*ch == '.' && *(ch+1) != '.'));
			len = (int) (ch - ch0);
			token = line.substr (0, len);
			line.erase (0, len);

			//---- set the table size ----
			if (open_par) {
				lnum = token.Integer ();
				if (lnum < 1) {
					exe->Error (String ("%s Table %d Size %d is Out of Range") % Data_Type (i) % j % lnum);
					return (false);
				if (table [i] [j].size () > 0) {
					exe->Write (1);
					exe->Warning (String ("%s Table %d is Redefined") % Data_Type (i) % j);
					table [i] [j].clear ();
				table [i] [j].reserve (lnum);

			} else {

				if (table_type == STAB) {
					exe->Error ("Attempt to Assign a Number to a String Table");
					return (false);

				//---- search for the value in the list ----

				if (table_type == ITAB) {
					lnum = token.Integer ();

					for (litr = litr0 = lvalue.begin (); litr != lvalue.end (); litr++) {
						if (*litr == lnum) break;
					if (litr == lvalue.end ()) {
						index = (int) lvalue.size ();	//---- 0 based ----
						lvalue.push_back (lnum);
					} else {
						index = (int) (litr - litr0);	//---- 0 based ----
				} else {
					fnum = token.Double ();

					for (fitr = fitr0 = fvalue.begin (); fitr != fvalue.end (); fitr++) {
						if (*fitr == fnum) break;
					if (fitr == fvalue.end ()) {
						index = (int) fvalue.size ();	//---- 0 based ----
						fvalue.push_back (fnum);
					} else {
						index = (int) (fitr - fitr0);	//---- 0 based ----
				table [i] [j].push_back (index);

		} else if (*ch == '"') {

			if (table_type != STAB) goto error;

			//---- process a string ----
			token.clear ();
			while (ch != line.end () && *ch != '"') {
				token += *ch++;
			line.erase (0, ch - ch0);

			for (sitr = sitr0 = svalue.begin (); sitr != svalue.end (); sitr++) {
				if (token.Equals (*sitr)) break;
			if (sitr == svalue.end ()) {
				index = (int) svalue.size ();
				svalue.push_back (token);
			} else {
				index = (int) (sitr - sitr0);	//---- 0 based ----
			table [i] [j].push_back (index);

		} else if ((*ch >= 'A' && *ch <= 'Z') || (*ch >= 'a' && *ch <= 'z')) {
			do {
				if (++ch == line.end ()) break;
			} while ((*ch >= 'A' && *ch <= 'Z') || (*ch >= 'a' && *ch <= 'z') ||
				(*ch >= '0' && *ch <= '9') || (*ch == '.' && *(ch+1) != '.') || *ch == '_');
			len = (int) (ch - ch0);
			token = line.substr (0, len);
			line.erase (0, len);

			if (token.Equals ("ENDTAB")) {
				table_flag = false;
				open_par = false;
				return (true);
			} else {
				goto error;

		} else if (*ch == '(' || *ch == ')' || *ch == ',' || *ch == '=') {

			if (*ch == '(') {
				open_par = true;
			} else if (*ch == ')') {
				open_par = false;
			} else if (*ch == ',' || *ch == '=') {
				if (open_par) {
					goto error;
			line.erase (0, ch - ch0);

		} else {
			goto error;
	return (true);

	return (Syntax_Error ("Table Declaration"));
Exemplo n.º 3

ArsLexis::status_t TextToDefinitionParser::parse()
    TextElement* textElement;
    using namespace std;

    String::size_type next = start_;
    String            str;
    while (true) 
        next = inText_.find(_T('<'), start_);
        // skipping <<
        next = skipDoubleChar(next,_T('<'));
        if (next > start_)
            if (next > inLength_)
                str.assign(inText_, start_, next);
                str.assign(inText_, start_, next-start_);
            if (!str.empty())
                elems_.push_back(textElement = new TextElement(str));
        // exit if EOT
        if (next > inLength_)
            //this is end of text (so far), so remove it from memory
            inLength_ = 0;
            start_ = 0;        
            return errNone;
        // detect what was found after <
        start_ = next;
        next = findEndOfTag(next);
        if (next == start_)
            // not found, but text is not finished!
            inLength_ -= next;
            start_ = 0;
            return errNone;                
        else if (next >= inLength_)
            // do nothing... this looks like corrupted data?
            start_ = start_+1; //to skip '<'
            if (inText_[start_+1] == _T('/'))
                // closing tag
                str.assign(inText_, start_+2, next-start_-2);
                if (tags_.size() > 0)
                    TagCode tc = getTagCodeFromName(&str[0], str.length());
                    bool foundEqualStartTag = false;

                    Tags_t::iterator founded = tags_.end();
                    Tags_t::iterator end = founded;
                    for (Tags_t::iterator it = tags_.begin(); it != end; ++it) 
                        if ((*it)->nameCode == tc)
                            founded = it;
                    if (founded != end)
                        delete (*founded);
                        foundEqualStartTag = true;
                    if (!foundEqualStartTag)
                // start tag
                bool selfClosing = false;
                if (inText_[next-1] == _T('/'))
                    selfClosing = true;
                    str.assign(inText_, start_+1, next-start_-2);
                    str.assign(inText_, start_+1, next-start_-1);
                //add it to vector... (as name, args)
                String::size_type pos = str.find(_T(' '), 0);
                if (pos >= str.length())
                    pos = str.length();
                TagStructure* ts = new TagStructure();
                ts->nameCode = getTagCodeFromName(&str[0],pos);
                if (pos < str.length())
            start_ = next + 1;       

    return errNone;
Exemplo n.º 4
bool CRhodesModule::ParseCommandLine(LPCTSTR lpCmdLine, HRESULT* pnRetCode ) throw( )
	m_nRestarting = 1;
	LPCTSTR lpszToken = lpCmdLine;
	LPCTSTR nextToken;

	m_logPort = "";
	m_isRhoConnectPush = false;

	while (lpszToken != NULL)
		// skip leading spaces and double-quote (if present)
	    bool doubleQuote = false;
		while ((*lpszToken != 0) && ((*lpszToken==' ') || ((!doubleQuote) && (*lpszToken=='"')))) {
			if (*lpszToken=='"')
				doubleQuote = true;
		// skip leading spaces and check for leading '/' or '-' of command line option
		bool isCmdLineOpt = false;
		while ((*lpszToken != 0) && ((*lpszToken==' ') || ((!isCmdLineOpt) && ((*lpszToken=='/') || (*lpszToken=='-'))))) {
			if ((*lpszToken=='/') || (*lpszToken=='-'))
				isCmdLineOpt = true;
		// finish command line processing on EOL
		if (*lpszToken == 0) break;

		// if option starts with double-quote, find its end by next double-quote;
		// otherwise the end will be found automatically
		nextToken = doubleQuote ? FindOneOf(lpszToken, _T("\"")) : NULL;

		//parseToken will allocate extra byte at the end of the returned token value
		LPTSTR value = parseToken( lpszToken, &nextToken );

		if (isCmdLineOpt) {
			if (WordCmpI(lpszToken, _T("Restarting"))==0) {
				m_nRestarting = 10;

			if (WordCmpI(lpszToken, _T("rhoconnectpush"))==0) {
				m_isRhoConnectPush = true;

			else if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("log"), 3)==0) 
				if (value) {
					m_logPort = convertToStringA(value);
				else {
					m_logPort = rho::String("11000");

			else if (wcsnicmp(lpszToken, _T("s"),1)==0)
				if (value) {
					// RhoElements v1.0 compatibility mode
					String strPath = convertToStringA(value);
			else if (wcsnicmp(lpszToken, _T("c"),1)==0)
				if (value) {
					String strPath = convertToStringA(value);
					if (strPath.substr(0,7).compare("file://")==0)

			else if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("http_proxy_url"),14)==0) 
				if (value) {
					m_strHttpProxy = convertToStringA(value);
					LOG(WARNING) + "invalid value for \"http_proxy_url\" cmd parameter";

			} else if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("approot"),7)==0) 
				if (value) {
					m_strRootPath = convertToStringA(value);
					String_replace(m_strRootPath, '\\', '/');
					if (m_strRootPath.at(m_strRootPath.length()-1)!='/')
			} else if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("rhodespath"),10)==0) 
				if (value) {
					m_strRhodesPath = convertToStringA(value);
					String_replace(m_strRhodesPath, '\\', '/');
			} /* else if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("appname"),7)==0) 
				if (value) {
					m_strAppNameW = convertToStringW(value);
			} else if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("debughost"),9)==0) 
				if (value) {
					m_strDebugHost = convertToStringA(value);
			} else if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("debugport"),9)==0) 
				if (value) {
					m_strDebugPort = convertToStringA(value);
			} */
			else if (wcsnicmp(lpszToken, _T("approot"),7)==0)
				if (value) {
					// RhoElements v2.0 Shared Runtime command line parameter
					m_strRootPath = convertToStringA(value);
					if (m_strRootPath.substr(0,7).compare("file://")==0)
					String_replace(m_strRootPath, '\\', '/');
					if (m_strRootPath.at(m_strRootPath.length()-1)!='/')
		if (value) free(value);
		lpszToken = nextToken;

	return __super::ParseCommandLine(lpCmdLine, pnRetCode);
Exemplo n.º 5
void filterSentence(String &dst, const String &src)
	int prev_lang = initCurrentLanguage(*(src.begin()), *(src.begin()+1));
	int curr_lang = prev_lang;
	for(auto iter=src.begin(); iter!=src.end(); iter++)
			// Is a space or tab
			if(!(isWhiteSpace(*iter) < 0))
				curr_lang = BLANK;
				if(prev_lang == curr_lang)
			// ASCII letters and numbers
			else if(isASCIInumber(*iter) || isASCIIalphabet(*iter))
				curr_lang = ENGLISH;

				if(prev_lang != curr_lang)

				curr_lang = OTHERS;

				#ifndef _INGORE_SYMBOLS_
			prev_lang = curr_lang;
			auto c1 = *iter;
			auto c2 = *(iter+1);

			if(!isKoreanSymbols(c1, c2)) // Korean, Janpaness, Hanja
				if(isJapaness(c1, c2))
					curr_lang = JAPANAESS;
				else if(isHanja(c1, c2))
					curr_lang = HANJA;
					curr_lang = KOREAN;

				if(prev_lang != curr_lang)

			else // Korean symbols
				curr_lang = OTHERS;

				#ifndef _INGORE_SYMBOLS_
			prev_lang = curr_lang;
	if(isWhiteSpace(*(dst.begin())) == BLANK)
Exemplo n.º 6
ConfigFile::LineType ConfigFile::parseLine(const char* fileName, const String& input, KeyType& key, String& value)
	int inString = 0;
	String::size_type valStart = 0;
	String::size_type eol = String::npos;
	bool hasSub = false;
	const char* include = "include";
	const unsigned incLen = strlen(include);

	for (String::size_type n = 0; n < input.length(); ++n)
		switch (input[n])
		case '"':
			if (key.isEmpty())		// quoted string to the left of = doesn't make sense
				return LINE_BAD;
			if (inString >= 2)		// one more quote after quoted string doesn't make sense
				return LINE_BAD;

		case '=':
			if (key.isEmpty())
				key = input.substr(0, n).ToNoCaseString();
				key.rtrim(" \t\r");
				if (key.isEmpty())		// not good - no key
					return LINE_BAD;
				valStart = n + 1;
			else if (inString >= 2)		// Something after the end of line
				return LINE_BAD;

		case '#':
			if (inString != 1)
				eol = n;
				n = input.length();	// skip the rest of symbols

		case ' ':
		case '\t':
			if (n == incLen && key.isEmpty())
				KeyType inc = input.substr(0, n).ToNoCaseString();
				if (inc == include)
					value = input.substr(n);
					value.alltrim(" \t\r");

					if (!macroParse(value, fileName))
						return LINE_BAD;
					return LINE_INCLUDE;
			// fall down ...
		case '\r':

		case '{':
		case '}':
			if (flags & HAS_SUB_CONF)
				if (inString != 1)
					if (input[n] == '}')	// Subconf close mark not expected
						return LINE_BAD;

					hasSub = true;
					inString = 2;
					eol = n;
			// fall through ....

			if (inString >= 2)		// Something after the end of line
				return LINE_BAD;

	if (inString == 1)				// If we are still inside a string, it's error
		return LINE_BAD;

	if (key.isEmpty())
		key = input.substr(0, eol).ToNoCaseString();
		key.rtrim(" \t\r");
		value = input.substr(valStart, eol - valStart);
		value.alltrim(" \t\r");

	// Now expand macros in value
	if (!macroParse(value, fileName))
		return LINE_BAD;

Exemplo n.º 7
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	const int rectLeftTopX = 200 ,rectLeftTopY = 200, rectWidth = 1648,rectHeight = 768;
	const int toplimit = 1000;
	const int hwin = 10,disparity_begin=-15,disparity_range=37;

	int winPixTotal = (hwin+1)*(hwin+1); 

	int *refer_img = new int[WH];		//存储参考图像
	int *target_img = new int[WH];		//存储目标图像
	int *refer_I = new int[disparity_range*WH];		//参考图像移位后的每个像素点对应矩形框内像素和
	int *refer_MSI = new int[disparity_range*WH];	//参考图像移位后的每个像素点对应矩形框内像素和
	int *refer_MSII = new int[disparity_range*WH];	//参考图像移位后的每个像素点对应矩形框内像素平方和
	int *target_SI = new int[WH];					//目标图像的每个像素点对应矩形框内像素和
	int *target_SII = new int[WH];					//目标图像的的每个像素点对应矩形框内像素平方和
	int *DJ = new int[WH];							//参考图像的一阶积分图
	int *DJJ = new int[WH];							//参考图像的二阶积分图
	int *DIJ = new int[WH*disparity_range];							
	int *DT = new int[WH];							//目标图像的一阶积分图
	int *DTT = new int[WH];							//
	int *DM = new int[WH];							//目标图像的一阶积分图
	int *DMM = new int[WH];							//目标图像的二阶积分图

	int *SIJ = new int[disparity_range*WH];			//参考图像与目标图像的点乘的积分图

	float *DI = new float[WH];						  //视差深度
	// Variables for GPU
	float *costmatrix = new float[WH*disparity_range];//匹配代价
	float *finalCost = new float[WH*disparity_range]; //匹配代价

	String referImgName;							 //参考图像
	String targetImgName;				
	String SaveImgName;

	referImgName	= "TestData\\Reference\\reference.bmp";
	targetImgName	= "TestData\\Reference\\target\\";
	SaveImgName		= "TestData\\Reference\\result\\";	

	LoadImgFromFilePath(referImgName.c_str(),refer_img, rectLeftTopX,rectLeftTopY,rectWidth,rectHeight);


	CalculateReferInteg(refer_img,DJ,DJJ,refer_I,refer_MSI,refer_MSII, hwin, disparity_begin, disparity_range);

	AdaptiveFilter_refer(refer_img, refer_MSI,winPixTotal);

	CalculateReferInteg(refer_img,DJ,DJJ,refer_I,refer_MSI,refer_MSII, hwin, disparity_begin, disparity_range);

	IplImage* depthShow=cvCreateImage(cvSize(width,height),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);  

	_finddata_t fileDir;
	char* dir="TestData\\Reference\\数据标定\\*.*";
	long lfDir;
	if((lfDir = _findfirst(dir,&fileDir))==-1l)
		printf("No file is found\n");
		printf("file list:\n");
			String fn = dir;
			fn = fn + fileDir.name;
			if (fn.find(".bmp") != -1)

				clock_t start0, start; //声明两个时间点
				//double time,time1,time2,time3,time4,time5,time6,timen; //定义运行时间

				start0 = clock(); //获取开始时间
				start = clock();
				CalculateTargetInteg(target_img,DT,DTT,target_SI,target_SII, hwin);
				AdaptiveFilter_target(target_img, target_SI ,winPixTotal);
				CalculateTargetInteg(target_img,DM,DMM,target_SI,target_SII, hwin);
				printf( "TargetInteg待匹配图像积分图计算时间(CPU)为%.4f 秒\n",(double)(clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);//显示

				start = clock(); //获取开始时间
				printf( "Refer*TargetInteg参考图像与目标图像乘积积分图计算时间(CPU)为%.4f 秒\n",(double)(clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);//显示

				start = clock(); 
				printf( "CalculateAllCostMatrixZNCC算子计算时间(CPU)为%.4f 秒\n",(double)(clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);//显示

				start = clock();
				printf("blockWTA ZNCC滤波计算时间(CPU)为%.4f 秒\n",(double)(clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);//显示

				start = clock();
				WTA(finalCost,DI, hwin, disparity_begin, disparity_range);
				printf( "WTA 搜索最优ZNCC计算时间(CPU)为%.4f 秒\n",(double)(clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);//显示

				start =clock();
				TransDepthMap(DI,finalCost, disparity_begin, disparity_range);
				printf( "TransDepthMap 三角变换+插值计算时间(CPU)为%.4f 秒\n",(double)(clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); //CLOCKS_PER_SEC,它用来表示一秒钟会有多少个时钟计时单元,进行计算,完成的时间减去开始的时间获得算法运行时间
				printf( "Total CPU运行时间为%.4f 秒\n",(double)(clock() - start0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);//显示

				for (int i=0;i<height;i++)
					uchar *ptr = (uchar *) (depthShow->imageData + i * depthShow->widthStep);
					float *ptr1 = (float *) (DI + i*width);
					for (int j=0;j<width;j++)
						ptr[j] = ptr1[width-1-j];

				SaveImgName =  fn + "_result.jpg";
				double blockDepthValue = 0;

				for(int i = width/2-hwin;i<width/2+hwin;i++)
					for(int j = height/2-hwin; j< height/2+hwin;j++)
						blockDepthValue += DI[i*height + j];
				blockDepthValue /= winPixTotal;
				char blockDepthString[10];
				CvFont font;    
				double hScale=1;   
				double vScale=1;    
				int linewidth=2;// 相当于写字的线条    
				// 初始化字体   
				cvInitFont(&font,CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX|CV_FONT_ITALIC, hScale,vScale,0,linewidth);//初始化字体,准备写到图片上的   
				String SaveTxtName = fn + ".txt";

		}while( _findnext( lfDir, &fileDir ) == 0 );

	delete refer_img;
	delete target_img;
	delete refer_I;
	delete refer_MSI ;
	delete refer_MSII;
	delete target_SI ;
	delete target_SII ;
	delete DJ ;
	delete DJJ;
	delete DIJ;
	delete SIJ;
	delete DT;
	delete DTT;
	delete DM;
	delete DMM;
	delete costmatrix ; //按层存储
	delete finalCost;
	delete DI ;
	// Comment the following two lines to disable waiting on exit.
	cerr << endl << "Press Enter to exit." << endl;
	while( cin.get() != '\n');
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
void StringUtils::Trim(String& str, const String& delims)
	str.erase(0, str.find_first_not_of(delims));
Exemplo n.º 9
void StringUtils::TrimLeft(String& str, const String& delims)
	str.erase(0, str.find_first_not_of(delims));
Exemplo n.º 10
// This is all fancy because it only creates one directory at a time,
// starting with the first missing subdirectory
bool ff::CreateDirectory(StringRef path)
	String szDrive;
	String szRealPath = CanonicalizePath(path);
	Vector<String> paths;

	if (szRealPath.empty())
		return false;
	else if (!wcsncmp(szRealPath.c_str(), L"\\\\.\\", 4))
		// ignore physical paths
		return false;
	else if (!wcsncmp(szRealPath.c_str(), L"\\\\", 2))
		// UNC share, find the slash after the share name
		const wchar_t *szSlash = wcschr(szRealPath.c_str() + 2, '\\');
		szSlash = szSlash ? wcschr(szSlash + 1, '\\') : nullptr;

		if (!szSlash)
			// can't create a server or share name
			return false;

		szDrive = szRealPath.substr(0, szSlash - szRealPath.c_str() + 1);
		szRealPath.erase(0, szDrive.size());
	else if (isalpha(szRealPath[0]) &&
		szRealPath[1] == ':' &&
		szRealPath[2] == '\\')
		// absolute drive path
		szDrive = szRealPath.substr(0, 3);
		szRealPath.erase(0, 3);
	else if (szRealPath[0] == '\\')
		// relative drive path
		szDrive = L"\\";
		szRealPath.erase(0, 1);
		// relative to the current directory

	if (szRealPath.empty())
		// nothing to create
		return false;

	// Create the chain of parent directories
		LockMutex crit(GCS_FILE_UTIL);

		for (; szRealPath.size() && !DirectoryExists(szDrive + szRealPath);
			paths.Push(szDrive + szRealPath);

		for (size_t i = PreviousSize(paths.Size()); i != INVALID_SIZE; i = PreviousSize(i))
			szRealPath = CanonicalizePath(paths[i], true);

			if (!::CreateDirectory(szRealPath.c_str(), nullptr))
				assertRetVal(::GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, false);

	return true;
void GLSLESProgramPipeline::extractLayoutQualifiers(void)
    // Format is:
    //      layout(location = 0) attribute vec4 vertex;

        String shaderSource = mVertexProgram->getGLSLProgram()->getSource();
        String::size_type currPos = shaderSource.find("layout");
        while (currPos != String::npos)
            VertexElementSemantic semantic;
            GLint index = 0;

            String::size_type endPos = shaderSource.find(";", currPos);
            if (endPos == String::npos)
                // Problem, missing semicolon, abort

            String line = shaderSource.substr(currPos, endPos - currPos);

            // Skip over 'layout'
            currPos += 6;

            // Skip until '='
            String::size_type eqPos = line.find("=");
            String::size_type parenPos = line.find(")");

            // Skip past '=' up to a ')' which contains an integer(the position).  This could be a definition, does the preprocessor do replacement?
            String attrLocation = line.substr(eqPos + 1, parenPos - eqPos - 1);
            GLint attrib = StringConverter::parseInt(attrLocation);

            // The rest of the line is a standard attribute definition.
            // Erase up to it then split the remainder by spaces.
            line.erase (0, parenPos + 1);
            StringVector parts = StringUtil::split(line, " ");

            if(parts.size() < 3)
                // This is a malformed attribute
                // It should contain 3 parts, i.e. "attribute vec4 vertex"

            String attrName = parts[2];

            // Special case for attribute named position
            if(attrName == "position")
                semantic = getAttributeSemanticEnum("vertex");
                semantic = getAttributeSemanticEnum(attrName);

            // Find the texture unit index
            String::size_type uvPos = attrName.find("uv");
            if(uvPos != String::npos)
                String uvIndex = attrName.substr(uvPos + 2, attrName.length() - 2);
                index = StringConverter::parseInt(uvIndex);

            mCustomAttributesIndexes[semantic-1][index] = attrib;

            currPos = shaderSource.find("layout", currPos);
Exemplo n.º 12
 * @brief Compare two files (as earlier specified).
 * @return DIFFCODE as a result of compare.
int DiffUtils::diffutils_compare_files()
	int bin_flag = 0;
	int bin_file = 0; // bitmap for binary files

	// Do the actual comparison (generating a change script)
	struct change *script = NULL;
	bool success = Diff2Files(&script, 0, &bin_flag, false, &bin_file);
	if (!success)

	// make sure to start counting diffs at 0
	// (usually it is -1 at this point, for unknown)
	m_ndiffs = 0;
	m_ntrivialdiffs = 0;

	if (script)
		struct change *next = script;
		struct change *thisob = 0, *end = 0;

		String asLwrCaseExt;
		String LowerCaseExt = CA2T(m_inf[0].name);
		int PosOfDot = LowerCaseExt.rfind('.');
		if (PosOfDot != -1)
			LowerCaseExt.erase(0, PosOfDot + 1);
			asLwrCaseExt = LowerCaseExt;

		while (next)
			/* Find a set of changes that belong together.  */
			thisob = next;
			end = find_change(next);

			/* Disconnect them from the rest of the changes,
			making them a hunk, and remember the rest for next iteration.  */
			next = end->link;
			end->link = 0;
#ifdef _DEBUG

				/* Determine range of line numbers involved in each file.  */
				int first0 = 0, last0 = 0, first1 = 0, last1 = 0, deletes = 0, inserts = 0;
				analyze_hunk(thisob, &first0, &last0, &first1, &last1, &deletes, &inserts);
				if (deletes || inserts || thisob->trivial)
					/* Print the lines that the first file has.  */
					int trans_a0 = 0, trans_b0 = 0, trans_a1 = 0, trans_b1 = 0;
					translate_range(&m_inf[0], first0, last0, &trans_a0, &trans_b0);
					translate_range(&m_inf[1], first1, last1, &trans_a1, &trans_b1);

					//Determine quantity of lines in this block for both sides
					int QtyLinesLeft = (trans_b0 - trans_a0);
					int QtyLinesRight = (trans_b1 - trans_a1);

					if(m_pOptions->m_filterCommentsLines || m_pOptions->m_bIgnoreBlankLines || m_pOptions->m_bIgnoreCase)
						OP_TYPE op = OP_NONE;
						if (!deletes && !inserts)
							op = OP_TRIVIAL;
							op = OP_DIFF;

						DIFFOPTIONS options = {0};
						options.nIgnoreWhitespace = m_pOptions->m_ignoreWhitespace;
						options.bIgnoreBlankLines = m_pOptions->m_bIgnoreBlankLines;
						options.bFilterCommentsLines = m_pOptions->m_filterCommentsLines;
						options.bIgnoreCase = m_pOptions->m_bIgnoreCase;
						options.bIgnoreEol = m_pOptions->m_bIgnoreEOLDifference;
  						m_pDiffWrapper->PostFilter(thisob->line0, QtyLinesLeft+1, thisob->line1, QtyLinesRight+1, op, *m_FilterCommentsManager, asLwrCaseExt.c_str());
						if(op == OP_TRIVIAL)
							thisob->trivial = 1;

					// Match lines against regular expression filters
					// Our strategy is that every line in both sides must
					// match regexp before we mark difference as ignored.
					if(m_pFilterList && m_pFilterList->HasRegExps())
						bool match2 = false;
						bool match1 = RegExpFilter(thisob->line0, thisob->line0 + QtyLinesLeft, 0);
						if (match1)
							match2 = RegExpFilter(thisob->line1, thisob->line1 + QtyLinesRight, 1);
						if (match1 && match2)
							thisob->trivial = 1;

				/* Reconnect the script so it will all be freed properly.  */
				end->link = next;

	// Free change script (which we don't want)
	if (script != NULL)
		struct change *p, *e;
		for (e = script; e; e = p)
			if (!e->trivial)
			p = e->link;
		if (m_ndiffs > 0)
			code = code & ~DIFFCODE::SAME | DIFFCODE::DIFF;

	// diff_2_files set bin_flag to -1 if different binary
	// diff_2_files set bin_flag to +1 if same binary

	if (bin_flag != 0)
		// Clear text-flag, set binary flag
		// We don't know diff counts for binary files
		code = code & ~DIFFCODE::TEXT;
		switch (bin_file)
			code |= DIFFCODE::BINSIDE1;
			code |= DIFFCODE::BINSIDE2;
			code |= DIFFCODE::BIN;
			_RPTF1(_CRT_ERROR, "Invalid bin_file value: %d", bin_file);
		m_ndiffs = CDiffContext::DIFFS_UNKNOWN;

	if (bin_flag < 0)
		// Clear same-flag, set diff-flag
		code = code & ~DIFFCODE::SAME | DIFFCODE::DIFF;

	return code;
Exemplo n.º 13
void Execution_Service::XML_Help (void) 
	if (!XML_Flag () || help_set.size () == 0) return;

	//---- get the help file name ----

	char *help_file = get_env ("TRANSIMS_HELP_FILE");

	if (help_file == 0) {
		Warning ("TRANSIMS_HELP_FILE Environment Variable was Not Found");

	//---- open the help file ----

	Db_File file;
	bool message_flag = Send_Messages ();
	Send_Messages (false);

	file.File_Type ("Help File");
	file.File_Format (UNFORMATED);
	file.Clean_Flag (false);

	if (!file.Open (help_file)) {
		Send_Messages (message_flag);
		Warning (String ("Help File \"%s\" was Not Found") % help_file);
	Send_Messages (message_flag);

	int line, code;
	bool flag = false;
	String text;

	XML (1, "<HELP_CODES>");
	line = 1;

	//---- read the help file ----

	while (file.Read ()) {
		text = file.Record_String ();

		if (text.Starts_With ("HELP_CODE=")) {
			if (flag) {
				XML (1, "</HELP>");
			text.erase (0, 10);
			code = text.Integer ();

			Int_Set_Itr itr = help_set.find (code);
			flag = (itr != help_set.end ());

			if (flag) {
				XML (1, String ("<HELP CODE=\"%d\" >") % code);
				line = 1;
		} else if (flag) {
			XML (1, String ("<LINE NUM=\"%d\" TEXT=\"%s\" />") % line % text);

	if (flag) {
		XML (1, "</HELP>");
	XML (1, "</HELP_CODES>");
	file.Close ();
Exemplo n.º 14
bool Execution_Service::Command_Line (Strings &commands)
	bool banner_flag, syntax_flag, help_flag, command_flag, key_flag, param_flag, control_flag, exit_flag, doc_flag, user_flag;
	String message;
	Str_Itr str_itr;
	char ch, *config_file;

	banner_flag = syntax_flag = help_flag = command_flag = key_flag = param_flag = control_flag = exit_flag = doc_flag = user_flag = false;

	if ((int) commands.size () < 1) {
		Show_Banner ();
		Show_Syntax ();
		banner_flag = syntax_flag = true;

		Control_File (Get_Control_File ());
		if (Control_File ().empty ()) return (false);

	} else {

		//---- process the command line -----

		for (str_itr = commands.begin (); str_itr != commands.end (); str_itr++) {

			if (str_itr->at (0) == '-') {
				ch = str_itr->at (1);
				if (ch == 'Q' || ch == 'q') {
					if (Master ()) Quiet (true);
				} else if (ch == 'H' || ch == 'h') {
					if (Master ()) Syntax_Help ();
					help_flag = syntax_flag = banner_flag = true;
				} else if (ch == 'P' || ch == 'p') {
					if (Master ()) Pause_Flag (true);
				} else if (ch == 'N' || ch == 'n') {
					if (Master ()) No_Pause (true);
				} else if (ch == 'D' || ch == 'd' ||
					ch == 'B' || ch == 'b') {	//---- version 4.0 compatibility ----
					if (Master ()) Detail (true);
				} else if (ch == 'K' || ch == 'k') {
					if (Master ()) key_flag = true;
				} else if (ch == 'X' || ch == 'x') {
					if (Master ()) {
						XML_Flag (true);
						if (str_itr->size () > 2 && (str_itr->at (2) == 'H' || str_itr->at (2) == 'h')) {
							XML_Help_Flag (true);
				} else if (ch == 'C' || ch == 'c') {
					if (Master ()) {
						control_flag = true;
						if (str_itr->size () > 2 && (str_itr->at (2) == 'X' || str_itr->at (2) == 'x')) {
							exit_flag = true;
				} else if (ch == 'R' || ch == 'r') {
					if (Master ()) {
						doc_flag = true;
						if (str_itr->size () > 2 && (str_itr->at (2) == 'U' || str_itr->at (2) == 'u')) {
							user_flag = true;
				} else {
					message ("Unrecognized Command Line Option = ");
					message += *str_itr ;
					goto error_message;
			} else if (Control_File ().empty ()) {
				Control_File (*str_itr);
			} else if (Enable_Partitions ()) {
				if (First_Partition () >= 0) {
					message ("Too Many Partition Parameters");
					goto error_message;
				int low, high;
				str_itr->Range (low, high);
				if (low < 0 || low > high || high > 999) {
					if (low == high) {
						message ("Partition Number %d is Out of Range (0..999)") % low;
					} else {
						message ("Partition Range %d..%d is Out of Range (0..999)") % low % high;
				First_Partition (low); 
				Last_Partition (high);
			} else if (Enable_Parameter ()) {
				if (!Parameter ().empty ()) {
					message ("Too Many Parameters");
					goto error_message;
				} else {
					Parameter (*str_itr);
					param_flag = true;
			} else {
				command_flag = true;
		if (Control_File ().empty ()) {
			if (XML_Flag ()) XML_Open ();
			if (control_flag) Write_Control_File ();
			if (doc_flag) Document (user_flag);
			if (help_flag) {
				if (command_flag) {
					message = Program ();
					message += " has Too Many Parameters";
					Show_Warning (message);
				Pause_Flag (true);
				Exit_Stat (DONE);
				return (false);
			} else if (XML_Flag () || control_flag || doc_flag) {
				Exit_Stat (DONE);
				return (false);
			message ("No Control File");
			goto error_message;
		if (!banner_flag) {
			Show_Banner ();
			banner_flag = true;

	//---- check for a config file ----

	config_file = get_env ("TRANSIMS_CONFIG_FILE");

	if (config_file != 0) {
		if (!Read_Control_File (config_file)) {
			message ("Reading Configuration File: \"%s\"") % config_file;
			goto error_message;

	//---- read the control file ----

	if (!Read_Control_File (Control_File ())) {
		if (control_flag) {
			Write_Control_File ();
			Exit_Stat (DONE);
			return (false);
		} else {
			message ("Reading Control File: \"%s\"") % Control_File ();
			goto error_message;
	if (control_flag) Write_Control_File ();
	if (XML_Flag ()) XML_Open ();
	if (doc_flag) Document (user_flag);

	if (exit_flag) {
		Exit_Stat (DONE);
		return (false);

	//---- open the output report ----

	if (Check_Control_Key (TITLE)) {
		Title (Get_Control_String (TITLE));
	if (Master ()) {
		Open_Report (Get_Control_String (REPORT_DIRECTORY), Get_Control_String (REPORT_FILE), Set_Control_Flag (REPORT_FLAG));
	//---- show parameter warning ----

	if (command_flag) {
		message (Program ()) += " has Too Many Parameters";
		Warning (message);
		Write (1);

	//---- show unrecognized control key warnings ----

	if (key_flag) {
		Show_Extra_Keys ();
	if (!Check_Keys ()) {
		Error ("Required Control Keys were Not Found");
	return (true);

	if (Master ()) {
		Quiet (false);
		if (!banner_flag) Show_Banner ();
		if (!syntax_flag) Show_Syntax ();
		Show_Error (message);
	return (false);

//	Program_Control

void Execution_Service::Program_Control (void) 
	String key;
	Dtime increment;

	//---- override default page length ----

	if (Check_Control_Key (PAGE_LENGTH)) {
		int len = Get_Control_Integer (PAGE_LENGTH);
		if (len == 0) len = MAX_INTEGER;
		Page_Size (Page_Width (), len);

	//---- project directory ----

	key = Get_Control_String (PROJECT_DIRECTORY);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		Print_Filename (1, "Project Directory", key);
		Project_Directory (key);

	//---- default file format ----

	Default_Format (Format_Code (Get_Control_Text (DEFAULT_FILE_FORMAT)));

	//---- time of day format ----

	Time_Format (Time_Code (Get_Control_Text (TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT)));

	//---- model start time ----

	Model_Start_Time (Get_Control_Text (MODEL_START_TIME));

	//---- model end time ----

	Model_End_Time (Get_Control_Text (MODEL_END_TIME));

	//---- model time increment ----

	increment = Get_Control_Time (MODEL_TIME_INCREMENT);

	time_periods.Set_Periods (increment, Model_Start_Time (), Model_End_Time ());

	//---- units of measure ----

	Metric_Flag (Measure_Code (Get_Control_Text (UNITS_OF_MEASURE)) == METRIC);

	//---- drive side of road ----

	Left_Side_Flag (Drive_Side_Code (Get_Control_Text (DRIVE_SIDE_OF_ROAD)) == LEFT_SIDE);

	//---- random number seed ----

	if (Control_Key_Status (RANDOM_NUMBER_SEED)) {
		key = Get_Control_String (RANDOM_NUMBER_SEED);

		if (!key.empty ()) {
			if (key.length () > 9) key.erase (9);
			random.Seed (key.Integer ());
		random_seed = random.Seed ();
		Output_Control_Label (RANDOM_NUMBER_SEED) << random_seed;

	//---- warning messages ----

	if (Control_Key_Status (MAX_WARNING_MESSAGES)) {
		Max_Warnings (Get_Control_Integer (MAX_WARNING_MESSAGES));
	Warning_Flag (Get_Control_Flag (MAX_WARNING_EXIT_FLAG));

	//---- problem count ----

	Max_Problems (Get_Control_Integer (MAX_PROBLEM_COUNT));

	//---- number of threads ----

	num_threads = Get_Control_Integer (NUMBER_OF_THREADS);

	if (num_threads > 1) {
		if (!Enable_Threads ()) {
			key (Program ()) += " is Not Thread Enabled";
			Warning (key);
			Write (1);
			num_threads = 1;

	int num = Highest_Control_Group (USER_FUNCTIONS, 0);

	if (num > 0) {
		for (int i=1; i <= num; i++) {
			key = Get_Control_String (USER_FUNCTIONS, i);

			if (!key.empty ()) {
				functions.Add_Function (i, key);
Exemplo n.º 15
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    bool isJSApp;

    CMainWindow* m_appWindow = CMainWindow::getInstance();

    m_logPort = String("11000");
    for (int i=1; i<argc; ++i) {
        g_strCmdLine += String(argv[i]) + " ";
        if (strncasecmp("-log",argv[i],4)==0) {
            char* port = parseToken(argv[i]);
            if (port) {
                    String strLogPort = port;
                    m_logPort = strLogPort;
        } else if (strncasecmp("-http_proxy_url",argv[i],15)==0) {
            char *proxy = parseToken(argv[i]);
            if (proxy) {
                m_strHttpProxy = proxy;
            } else
                RAWLOGC_INFO("Main", "invalid value for \"http_proxy_url\" cmd parameter");
        } else if ((strncasecmp("-approot",argv[i],8)==0) || (isJSApp = (strncasecmp("-jsapproot",argv[i],10)==0))) {
            char* path = parseToken(argv[i]);
            if (path) {
                int len = strlen(path);
                if (!(path[len-1]=='\\' || path[len-1]=='/')) {
                    path[len] = '/';
                    path[len+1]  = 0;
                m_strRootPath = path;
                if (m_strRootPath.substr(0,7).compare("file://")==0)
                String_replace(m_strRootPath, '\\', '/');
            m_isJSApplication = isJSApp;
        } else if (strncasecmp("-rhodespath",argv[i],11)==0) {
            char* path = parseToken(argv[i]);
            if (path) {
                m_strRhodesPath = path;
                if (m_strRhodesPath.substr(0,7).compare("file://")==0)
                String_replace(m_strRhodesPath, '\\', '/');
        } else {
            RAWLOGC_INFO1("Main", "wrong cmd parameter: %s", argv[i]);

#if defined(RHO_SYMBIAN)
    m_strRootPath = (QDir::currentPath()+"/").toUtf8().data();

    const QByteArray dir = QFileInfo(QCoreApplication::applicationFilePath()).absolutePath().toLatin1();
    m_strRootPath = std::string(dir.constData(), dir.length());
    m_strRootPath += "/rho/";

    // PreMessageLoop:
    rho_logconf_Init(m_strRootPath.c_str(), m_strRootPath.c_str(), m_logPort.c_str());
    RHOSIMCONF().setAppConfFilePath(CFilePath::join(m_strRootPath, RHO_EMULATOR_DIR"/rhosimconfig.txt").c_str());
    if ( m_strRhodesPath.length() > 0 )
        RHOSIMCONF().setString("rhodes_path", m_strRhodesPath, false );
    RHOCONF().setString( "rhosim_platform", RHOSIMCONF().getString( "platform"), false);
    RHOCONF().setString( "app_version", RHOSIMCONF().getString( "app_version"), false);
    String start_path = RHOSIMCONF().getString("start_path");
    if ( start_path.length() > 0 )
        RHOCONF().setString("start_path", start_path, false);
    RHOSIMCONF().setString( "ext_path", RHOSIMCONF().getString( "ext_path") + CFilePath::join( m_strRhodesPath, "/lib/extensions/debugger;"), false);
    RHOSIMCONF().setString( "ext_path", RHOSIMCONF().getString( "ext_path") + CFilePath::join( m_strRhodesPath, "/lib/extensions/uri;"), false);
    RHOSIMCONF().setString( "ext_path", RHOSIMCONF().getString( "ext_path") + CFilePath::join( m_strRhodesPath, "/lib/extensions/timeout;"), false);
    RHOSIMCONF().setString( "ext_path", RHOSIMCONF().getString( "ext_path") + CFilePath::join( m_strRhodesPath, "/lib/extensions/digest;"), false);
    RHOSIMCONF().setString( "ext_path", RHOSIMCONF().getString( "ext_path") + CFilePath::join( m_strRhodesPath, "/lib/extensions/openssl;"), false);

    if ( !rho_rhodesapp_canstartapp(g_strCmdLine.c_str(), " /-,") )
        QMessageBox::critical(0,QString("This is hidden app and can be started only with security key."), QString("Security Token Verification Failed"));
        RAWLOGC_INFO("Main", "This is hidden app and can be started only with security key.");
        if (RHOCONF().getString("invalid_security_token_start_path").length() <= 0)
            return 1;

    RAWLOGC_INFO("Main", "Rhodes started");
    if (m_strHttpProxy.length() > 0) {
    } else {
        if (RHOCONF().isExist("http_proxy_url")) {

    if (RHOSIMCONF().getString("debug_host").length() > 0)
        SetEnvironmentVariableA("RHOHOST", RHOSIMCONF().getString("debug_host").c_str() );
        setenv("RHOHOST", RHOSIMCONF().getString("debug_host").c_str(), 1 );
    if (RHOSIMCONF().getString("debug_port").length() > 0)
        SetEnvironmentVariableA("rho_debug_port", RHOSIMCONF().getString("debug_port").c_str() );
        setenv("rho_debug_port", RHOSIMCONF().getString("debug_port").c_str(), 1 );
    rho::common::CRhodesApp::Create(m_strRootPath, m_strRootPath, m_strRootPath);


    // Create the main application window


    // Navigate to the "loading..." page
    m_appWindow->navigate(L"about:blank", -1);

    if (RHOCONF().getString("test_push_client").length() > 0 )

    // RunMessageLoop:

    // stopping Rhodes application

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 16
void StringUtils::TrimRight(String& str, const String& delims)
Exemplo n.º 17
    void GLSLProgramManagerCommon::parseIndividualConstant(const String& src, GpuNamedConstants& defs,
                                                             String::size_type currPos,
                                                             const String& filename, GpuSharedParametersPtr sharedParams)
        GpuConstantDefinition def;
        String paramName = "";
        String::size_type endPos = src.find(";", currPos);
        String line = src.substr(currPos, endPos - currPos);

        // Remove spaces before opening square braces, otherwise
        // the following split() can split the line at inappropriate
        // places (e.g. "vec3 something [3]" won't work).
        for (String::size_type sqp = line.find (" ["); sqp != String::npos;
             sqp = line.find (" ["))
            line.erase (sqp, 1);
        // Split into tokens
        StringVector parts = StringUtil::split(line, ", \t\r\n");

        for (StringVector::iterator i = parts.begin(); i != parts.end(); ++i)
            // Is this a type?
            StringToEnumMap::iterator typei = mTypeEnumMap.find(*i);
            if (typei != mTypeEnumMap.end())
                completeDefInfo(typei->second, def);
                // if this is not a type, and not empty, it should be a name
                if (i->empty()) continue;

                // Skip over precision keywords
                if(StringUtil::match((*i), "lowp") ||
                   StringUtil::match((*i), "mediump") ||
                   StringUtil::match((*i), "highp"))

                String::size_type arrayStart = i->find("[", 0);
                if (arrayStart != String::npos)
                    // potential name (if butted up to array)
                    String name = i->substr(0, arrayStart);
                    if (!name.empty())
                        paramName = name;

                    String::size_type arrayEnd = i->find("]", arrayStart);
                    String arrayDimTerm = i->substr(arrayStart + 1, arrayEnd - arrayStart - 1);
                    // the array term might be a simple number or it might be
                    // an expression (e.g. 24*3) or refer to a constant expression
                    // we'd have to evaluate the expression which could get nasty
                    // TODO
                    def.arraySize = StringConverter::parseInt(arrayDimTerm);
                    paramName = *i;
                    def.arraySize = 1;

                // Name should be after the type, so complete def and add
                // We do this now so that comma-separated params will do
                // this part once for each name mentioned
                if (def.constType == GCT_UNKNOWN)
                    LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("Problem parsing the following GLSL Uniform: '"
                                                          + line + "' in file " + filename);
                    // next uniform

                // Special handling for shared parameters
                    // Complete def and add
                    // increment physical buffer location
                    def.logicalIndex = 0; // not valid in GLSL
                    if (def.isFloat())
                        def.physicalIndex = defs.floatBufferSize;
                        defs.floatBufferSize += def.arraySize * def.elementSize;
                        def.physicalIndex = defs.intBufferSize;
                        defs.intBufferSize += def.arraySize * def.elementSize;
                    defs.map.insert(GpuConstantDefinitionMap::value_type(paramName, def));

                    // Generate array accessors
                    defs.generateConstantDefinitionArrayEntries(paramName, def);
                        const GpuConstantDefinition &sharedDef = sharedParams->getConstantDefinition(paramName);
                        (void)sharedDef;    // Silence warning
                    catch (Exception& e)
                        // This constant doesn't exist so we'll create a new one
                        sharedParams->addConstantDefinition(paramName, def.constType);
Exemplo n.º 18
// We assume a path name structure like this:
//   (1) Everything up to and including the final directory separator
//       character is the directory; the rest is the file name. On return
//       we fix the slashes in the directory name to suit the current
//       system ('\' for Windows, '/' otherwise).
//   (2) If the file name contains a ".", characters after the last
//       "." are the extension and the last "." is removed.
//   (3) What's left is the fileName.
// We accept both "/" and "\" as separator characters. We leave the
// case as it was supplied.
// Leading and trailing white space is removed; embedded white space
// remains.
// Leading "X:" for some drive letter X is recognized on Windows as
// a drive specification, otherwise the drive is the current drive.
// That is then removed for further processing.
// Absolute paths are designated like this:
//      Leading "/" means root relative (on the drive).
//      Leading "./" means current working directory relative (on the drive).
//      Leading "../" is interpreted as "./..".
//      Leading "@/" means relative to executable location.
// Above leading characters are removed and replaced with the
// full path name they represent, then the entire path is divided
// into components. If a component is "." or "" (empty) it is
// removed. If a component is ".." it and the previous component
// if any are removed. (".." as a first component will report as
// ill formed.)
// If there is something ill-formed about the file name we'll return
// false.
void Pathname::deconstructPathname( const string&   pathname,
                                    bool&           dontApplySearchPath,
                                    string&         directory,
                                    string&         fileName,
                                    string&         extension)
    dontApplySearchPath = false;
    directory.erase(); fileName.erase(); extension.erase();

    // Remove all the white space and make all the slashes be forward ones.
    // (For Windows they'll be changed to backslashes later.)
    String processed = String::trimWhiteSpace(pathname)
                       .replaceAllChar('\\', '/');
    if (processed.empty())
        return; // pathname consisted only of white space

    string drive;
    removeDriveInPlace(processed, drive);

    // Now the drive if any has been removed and we're looking at
    // the beginning of the pathname.

    // If the pathname in its entirety is just one of these, append
    // a slash to avoid special cases below.
    if (processed == "." || processed == ".." || processed == "@")
        processed += "/";

    // If the path begins with "../" we'll make it ./../ to simplify handling.
    if (processed.substr(0, 3) == "../")
        processed.insert(0, "./");

    if (processed.substr(0, 1) == "/") {
        dontApplySearchPath = true;
        processed.erase(0, 1);
        if (drive.empty()) drive = getCurrentDriveLetter();
    else if (processed.substr(0, 2) == "./") {
        dontApplySearchPath = true;
        processed.replace(0, 2, getCurrentWorkingDirectory(drive));
        removeDriveInPlace(processed, drive);
    else if (processed.substr(0, 2) == "@/") {
        dontApplySearchPath = true;
        processed.replace(0, 2, getThisExecutableDirectory());
        removeDriveInPlace(processed, drive);
    else if (!drive.empty()) {
        // Looks like a relative pathname. But if it had an initial
        // drive specification, e.g. X:something.txt, that is supposed
        // to be interpreted relative to the current working directory
        // on drive X, just as though it were X:./something.txt.
        dontApplySearchPath = true;
        processed.insert(0, getCurrentWorkingDirectory(drive));
        removeDriveInPlace(processed, drive);

    // We may have picked up a new batch of backslashes above.
    processed.replaceAllChar('\\', '/');

    // Now we have the full pathname if this is absolute, otherwise
    // we're looking at a relative pathname. In any case the last
    // component is the file name if it isn't empty, ".", or "..".

    // Process the ".." segments and eliminate meaningless ones
    // as we go through.
    Array_<string> segmentsInReverse;
    bool isFinalSegment = true; // first time around might be the fileName
    int numDotDotsSeen = 0;
    while (!processed.empty()) {
        string component;
        removeLastPathComponentInPlace(processed, component);
        if (component == "..")
        else if (!component.empty() && component != ".") {
            if (numDotDotsSeen)
                --numDotDotsSeen;   // skip component
            else if (isFinalSegment) fileName = component;
            else segmentsInReverse.push_back(component);
        isFinalSegment = false;

    // Now we can put together the canonicalized directory.
    if (dontApplySearchPath) {
        if (!drive.empty())
            directory = drive + ":";
        directory += "/";

    for (int i = (int)segmentsInReverse.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
        directory += segmentsInReverse[i] + "/";

    // Fix the slashes.

    // If there is a .extension, strip it off.
    string::size_type lastDot = fileName.rfind('.');
    if (lastDot != string::npos) {
        extension = fileName.substr(lastDot);
Exemplo n.º 19
	void CgProgram::recurseParams(CGparameter parameter, size_t contextArraySize) const
		while (parameter != 0)
            // Look for uniform (non-sampler) parameters only
            // Don't bother enumerating unused parameters, especially since they will
            // be optimised out and therefore not in the indexed versions
            CGtype paramType = cgGetParameterType(parameter);

            if (cgGetParameterVariability(parameter) == CG_UNIFORM &&
                paramType != CG_SAMPLER1D &&
                paramType != CG_SAMPLER2D &&
                paramType != CG_SAMPLER3D &&
                paramType != CG_SAMPLERCUBE &&
                paramType != CG_SAMPLERRECT &&
                cgGetParameterDirection(parameter) != CG_OUT && 
				int arraySize;

				case CG_STRUCT:
				case CG_ARRAY:
					// Support only 1-dimensional arrays
					arraySize = cgGetArraySize(parameter, 0);
					recurseParams(cgGetArrayParameter(parameter, 0), (size_t)arraySize);
					// Normal path (leaf)
					String paramName = cgGetParameterName(parameter);
					size_t logicalIndex = cgGetParameterResourceIndex(parameter);

					// Get the parameter resource, to calculate the physical index
					CGresource res = cgGetParameterResource(parameter);
					bool isRegisterCombiner = false;
					size_t regCombinerPhysicalIndex = 0;
					switch (res)
						// register combiner, const 0
						// the index relates to the texture stage; store this as (stage * 2) + 0
						regCombinerPhysicalIndex = logicalIndex * 2;
						isRegisterCombiner = true;
						// register combiner, const 1
						// the index relates to the texture stage; store this as (stage * 2) + 1
						regCombinerPhysicalIndex = (logicalIndex * 2) + 1;
						isRegisterCombiner = true;
						// normal constant

					// Trim the '[0]' suffix if it exists, we will add our own indexing later
					if (StringUtil::endsWith(paramName, "[0]", false))
						paramName.erase(paramName.size() - 3);

					GpuConstantDefinition def;
					def.arraySize = contextArraySize;
					mapTypeAndElementSize(paramType, isRegisterCombiner, def);

					if (def.constType == GCT_UNKNOWN)
							"Problem parsing the following Cg Uniform: '"
							+ paramName + "' in file " + mName);
						// next uniform
						parameter = cgGetNextParameter(parameter);
					if (isRegisterCombiner)
						def.physicalIndex = regCombinerPhysicalIndex;
						// base position on existing buffer contents
						if (def.isFloat())
							def.physicalIndex = mFloatLogicalToPhysical->bufferSize;
							def.physicalIndex = mIntLogicalToPhysical->bufferSize;

					def.logicalIndex = logicalIndex;
					mConstantDefs->map.insert(GpuConstantDefinitionMap::value_type(paramName, def));

					// Record logical / physical mapping
					if (def.isFloat())
								GpuLogicalIndexUse(def.physicalIndex, def.arraySize * def.elementSize, GPV_GLOBAL)));
						mFloatLogicalToPhysical->bufferSize += def.arraySize * def.elementSize;
						mConstantDefs->floatBufferSize = mFloatLogicalToPhysical->bufferSize;
								GpuLogicalIndexUse(def.physicalIndex, def.arraySize * def.elementSize, GPV_GLOBAL)));
						mIntLogicalToPhysical->bufferSize += def.arraySize * def.elementSize;
						mConstantDefs->intBufferSize = mIntLogicalToPhysical->bufferSize;

					// Deal with array indexing
					mConstantDefs->generateConstantDefinitionArrayEntries(paramName, def);

            // Get next
            parameter = cgGetNextParameter(parameter);

Exemplo n.º 20
void Pathname::deconstructPathnameUsingSpecifiedWorkingDirectory
   (const std::string&  swd,
    const std::string&  pathname,
    std::string&        directory,
    std::string&        fileName,
    std::string&        extension)
    directory.erase(); fileName.erase(); extension.erase();
    string pathdrive, swddrive, finaldrive;
    String processed;

    // Remove all the white space and make all the slashes be forward ones.
    // (For Windows they'll be changed to backslashes later.)
    String pathcleaned = String::trimWhiteSpace(pathname)
                         .replaceAllChar('\\', '/');

    // If pathname is absolute it is handled as though there were no swd.
    if (isAbsolutePath(pathcleaned) || isExecutableDirectoryPath(pathcleaned)) {
        deconstructAbsolutePathname(pathname, directory, fileName, extension);
    if (pathcleaned.empty())
        return; // pathname consisted only of white space
    removeDriveInPlace(pathcleaned, pathdrive);

    String swdcleaned = String::trimWhiteSpace(swd)
                        .replaceAllChar('\\', '/');

    // If swd was empty, then use the usual cwd method instead.
    if (swdcleaned.empty()) {
        deconstructAbsolutePathname(pathname, directory, fileName, extension);

    // If swd wasn't empty, then add a trailing "/" if necessary.
    if (swdcleaned[swdcleaned.size() - 1] != '/')
        swdcleaned += '/';
    removeDriveInPlace(swdcleaned, swddrive);

    // Preprocess the swd if it leads with "/". Just grab current drive letter.
    if (swdcleaned.substr(0, 1) == "/") {
        if (swddrive.empty())
            swddrive = getCurrentDriveLetter();
    // Preprocess the swd if it leads with a "./"
    else if (swdcleaned.substr(0, 2) == "./") {
        swdcleaned.replace(0, 2, getCurrentWorkingDirectory(swddrive));
        removeDriveInPlace(swdcleaned, swddrive);
    // Also preprocess if swd starts with something of the form "C:folder/".
    // Resolve by finding the current directory of this drive.
    else if (!swddrive.empty()) {
        swdcleaned.insert(0, getCurrentWorkingDirectory(swddrive));
        removeDriveInPlace(swdcleaned, swddrive);

    // If pathname starts with "/", use it for the whole path (but deal with
    // drive later).
    if (pathcleaned.substr(0, 1) == "/") {
        processed = pathcleaned;
    // If path starts with "./": remove the "./", concatenate with swdcleaned.
    else if (pathcleaned.substr(0, 2) == "./") {
        pathcleaned.erase(0, 2);
        processed = swdcleaned + pathcleaned;
    // Looks like a relative pathname (i.e. pathcleaned starts immediately with
    // a directory or file name).
    else {
        processed = swdcleaned + pathcleaned;

    // May have picked up some backslashes through getCurrentWorkingDirectory().
    processed.replaceAllChar('\\', '/');

    // If the pathname in its entirety is just one of these, append
    // a slash to avoid special cases below.
    if (processed == "." || processed == ".." || processed == "@")
        processed += "/";

    // If the path begins with "../" we'll make it ./../ to simplify handling.
    if (processed.substr(0, 3) == "../")
        processed.insert(0, "./");

    // Full path is determined except for drive letter. Resolve drive letter
    // with swd, then path, then current drive.
    if (processed.substr(0, 1) == "/") {
        if (!swddrive.empty()) finaldrive = swddrive;
        else if (!pathdrive.empty()) finaldrive = pathdrive;
        else finaldrive = getCurrentDriveLetter();

    else if (processed.substr(0, 2) == "@/") {
        processed.replace(0, 2, getThisExecutableDirectory());
        removeDriveInPlace(processed, finaldrive);
    // Looks like a relative pathname. But if either path had
    // an initial drive specification, e.g. X:something.txt, that is
    // supposed to be interpreted relative to the current working directory
    // on drive X, just as though it were X:./something.txt.
    // Note that we do not need to check swd as it has either been preprocessed
    // (and thus has been taken care of in the "/" case) or is of the form
    // "folder/file.ext".
    else if (!pathdrive.empty()) {
        processed.insert(0, getCurrentWorkingDirectory(pathdrive));
        removeDriveInPlace(processed, finaldrive);

    // Must be a relative pathname. Just prepend the current working directory.
    else {
        processed.insert(0, getCurrentWorkingDirectory());
        removeDriveInPlace(processed, finaldrive);

    // Build up the final pathname, then use deconstructAbsolutePathname() to
    // find the final directory, fileName, and extension.
    if (processed.substr(0, 1) != "/") processed.insert(0, "/");
    if (!finaldrive.empty()) processed.insert(0, finaldrive + ":");
    deconstructAbsolutePathname(processed, directory, fileName, extension);
Exemplo n.º 21
  void createParamFile_(ostream& os)
    os << "# comet_version " << getStringOption_("comet_version") << "\n";               //required as first line in the param file
    os << "# Comet MS/MS search engine parameters file.\n";
    os << "# Everything following the '#' symbol is treated as a comment.\n";
    os << "database_name = " << getStringOption_("database") << "\n";
    os << "decoy_search = " << 0 << "\n"; // 0=no (default), 1=concatenated search, 2=separate search
    os << "num_threads = " << getIntOption_("threads") << "\n";  // 0=poll CPU to set num threads; else specify num threads directly (max 64)

    // masses
    map<String,int> precursor_error_units;
    precursor_error_units["amu"] = 0;
    precursor_error_units["mmu"] = 1;
    precursor_error_units["ppm"] = 2;

    map<string,int> isotope_error;
    isotope_error["off"] = 0;
    isotope_error["-1/0/1/2/3"] = 1;
    isotope_error["-8/-4/0/4/8"] = 2;

    os << "peptide_mass_tolerance = " << getDoubleOption_("precursor_mass_tolerance") << "\n";
    os << "peptide_mass_units = " << precursor_error_units[getStringOption_("precursor_error_units")] << "\n";                  // 0=amu, 1=mmu, 2=ppm
    os << "mass_type_parent = " << 1 << "\n";                    // 0=average masses, 1=monoisotopic masses
    os << "mass_type_fragment = " << 1 << "\n";                  // 0=average masses, 1=monoisotopic masses
    os << "precursor_tolerance_type = " << 0 << "\n";            // 0=MH+ (default), 1=precursor m/z; only valid for amu/mmu tolerances
    os << "isotope_error = " << isotope_error[getStringOption_("isotope_error")] << "\n";                      // 0=off, 1=on -1/0/1/2/3 (standard C13 error), 2= -8/-4/0/4/8 (for +4/+8 labeling)

    // search enzyme

    String enzyme_name = getStringOption_("enzyme");
    String enzyme_number = String(ProteaseDB::getInstance()->getEnzyme(enzyme_name)->getCometID());

    map<string,int> num_enzyme_termini;
    num_enzyme_termini["semi"] = 1;
    num_enzyme_termini["fully"] = 2;
    num_enzyme_termini["C-term unspecific"] = 8;
    num_enzyme_termini["N-term unspecific"] = 9;

    os << "search_enzyme_number = " << enzyme_number << "\n";                // choose from list at end of this params file
    os << "num_enzyme_termini = " << num_enzyme_termini[getStringOption_("num_enzyme_termini")] << "\n";                  // 1 (semi-digested), 2 (fully digested, default), 8 C-term unspecific , 9 N-term unspecific
    os << "allowed_missed_cleavage = " << getIntOption_("allowed_missed_cleavages") << "\n";             // maximum value is 5; for enzyme search

    // Up to 9 variable modifications are supported
    // format:  <mass> <residues> <0=variable/else binary> <max_mods_per_peptide> <term_distance> <n/c-term> <required>
    //     e.g. 79.966331 STY 0 3 -1 0 0
    vector<String> variable_modifications_names = getStringList_("variable_modifications");
    vector<ResidueModification> variable_modifications = getModifications_(variable_modifications_names);
    if (variable_modifications.size() > 9)
      throw OpenMS::Exception::IllegalArgument(__FILE__, __LINE__, OPENMS_PRETTY_FUNCTION, "Error: Comet only supports 9 variable modifications. " + String(variable_modifications.size()) + " provided.");

    int max_variable_mods_in_peptide = getIntOption_("max_variable_mods_in_peptide");
    Size var_mod_index = 0;

    // write out user specified modifications
    for (; var_mod_index < variable_modifications.size(); ++var_mod_index)
      const ResidueModification mod = variable_modifications[var_mod_index];
      double mass = mod.getDiffMonoMass();
      String residues = mod.getOrigin();
      //TODO support binary groups, e.g. for SILAC
      int binary_group = 0;
      //TODO support mod-specific limit (default for now is the overall max per peptide)
      int max_current_mod_per_peptide = max_variable_mods_in_peptide;
      //TODO support term-distances?
      int term_distance = -1;
      int nc_term = 0;

      //TODO support agglomeration of Modifications to same AA. Watch out for nc_term value then.
      if (mod.getTermSpecificity() == ResidueModification::C_TERM)
        residues = "c";
        term_distance = 0;
        // Since users need to specify mods that apply to multiple residues/terms separately
        // 3 and -1 should be equal for now.
        nc_term = 3;
      else if (mod.getTermSpecificity() == ResidueModification::N_TERM)
        residues = "n";
        term_distance = 0;
        // Since users need to specify mods that apply to multiple residues/terms separately
        // 2 and -1 should be equal for now.
        nc_term = 2;
      else if (mod.getTermSpecificity() == ResidueModification::PROTEIN_N_TERM) // not yet available
        term_distance = 0;
        nc_term = 0;
      else if (mod.getTermSpecificity() == ResidueModification::PROTEIN_C_TERM) // not yet available
        term_distance = 0;
        nc_term = 1;

      //TODO support required variable mods
      bool required = false;

      os << "variable_mod0" << var_mod_index+1 << " = " << mass << " " << residues << " " << binary_group << " " << max_current_mod_per_peptide << " " << term_distance << " " << nc_term << " " << required << "\n";

    // fill remaining modification slots (if any) in Comet with "no modification"
    for (; var_mod_index < 9; ++var_mod_index)
      os << "variable_mod0" << var_mod_index+1 << " = " << "0.0 X 0 3 -1 0 0" << "\n";

    os << "max_variable_mods_in_peptide = " << getIntOption_("max_variable_mods_in_peptide") << "\n";
    os << "require_variable_mod = " << (int) (getStringOption_("require_variable_mod") == "true") << "\n";

    // fragment ion defaults
    // ion trap ms/ms:  1.0005 tolerance, 0.4 offset (mono masses), theoretical_fragment_ions = 1
    // high res ms/ms:    0.02 tolerance, 0.0 offset (mono masses), theoretical_fragment_ions = 0

    String instrument = getStringOption_("instrument");
    double bin_tol = getDoubleOption_("fragment_bin_tolerance");
    double bin_offset = getDoubleOption_("fragment_bin_offset");
    if (instrument == "low_res" && (bin_tol < 0.9 || bin_offset <= 0.2))
      LOG_WARN << "Fragment bin size or tolerance is quite low for low res instruments." << "\n";
    else if (instrument == "high_res" && (bin_tol > 0.2 || bin_offset > 0.1))
      LOG_WARN << "Fragment bin size or tolerance is quite high for high res instruments." << "\n";

    os << "fragment_bin_tol = " << bin_tol << "\n";               // binning to use on fragment ions
    os << "fragment_bin_offset = " << bin_offset  << "\n";              // offset position to start the binning (0.0 to 1.0)
    os << "theoretical_fragment_ions = " << (int)(instrument == "low_res") << "\n";           // 0=use flanking bin, 1=use M bin only
    os << "use_A_ions = " << (int)(getStringOption_("use_A_ions")=="true") << "\n";
    os << "use_B_ions = " << (int)(getStringOption_("use_B_ions")=="true") << "\n";
    os << "use_C_ions = " << (int)(getStringOption_("use_C_ions")=="true") << "\n";
    os << "use_X_ions = " << (int)(getStringOption_("use_X_ions")=="true") << "\n";
    os << "use_Y_ions = " << (int)(getStringOption_("use_Y_ions")=="true") << "\n";
    os << "use_Z_ions = " << (int)(getStringOption_("use_Z_ions")=="true") << "\n";
    os << "use_NL_ions = " << (int)(getStringOption_("use_NL_ions")=="true") << "\n";                         // 0=no, 1=yes to consider NH3/H2O neutral loss peaks

    // output
    os << "output_sqtstream = " << 0 << "\n";                    // 0=no, 1=yes  write sqt to standard output
    os << "output_sqtfile = " << 0 << "\n";                      // 0=no, 1=yes  write sqt file
    os << "output_txtfile = " << 0 << "\n";                     // 0=no, 1=yes  write tab-delimited txt file
    os << "output_pepxmlfile = " << 1 << "\n";                   // 0=no, 1=yes  write pep.xml file

    os << "output_percolatorfile = " << !getStringOption_("pin_out").empty() << "\n";              // 0=no, 1=yes  write Percolator tab-delimited input file
    os << "output_outfiles = " <<  0 << "\n";                    // 0=no, 1=yes  write .out files
    os << "print_expect_score = " << 1 << "\n";                  // 0=no, 1=yes to replace Sp with expect in out & sqt
    os << "num_output_lines = " << getIntOption_("num_hits") << "\n";                    // num peptide results to show
    os << "show_fragment_ions = " << 0 << "\n";                  // 0=no, 1=yes for out files only
    os << "sample_enzyme_number = " << enzyme_number << "\n";                // Sample enzyme which is possibly different than the one applied to the search.

    // mzXML parameters
    map<string,int> override_charge;
    override_charge["keep any known"] = 0;
    override_charge["ignore known"] = 1;
    override_charge["ignore outside range"] = 2;
    override_charge["keep known search unknown"] = 3;

    int precursor_charge_min(0), precursor_charge_max(0);
    if (!parseRange_(getStringOption_("precursor_charge"), precursor_charge_min, precursor_charge_max))
      LOG_INFO << "precursor_charge range not set. Defaulting to 0:0 (disable charge filtering)." << endl;

    os << "scan_range = " << "0 0" << "\n";                        // start and scan scan range to search; 0 as 1st entry ignores parameter
    os << "precursor_charge = " << precursor_charge_min << " " << precursor_charge_max << "\n";                  // precursor charge range to analyze; does not override any existing charge; 0 as 1st entry ignores parameter
    os << "override_charge = " << override_charge[getStringOption_("override_charge")] << "\n";                     // 0=no, 1=override precursor charge states, 2=ignore precursor charges outside precursor_charge range, 3=see online
    os << "ms_level = " << getIntOption_("ms_level") << "\n";                            // MS level to analyze, valid are levels 2 (default) or 3
    os << "activation_method = " << getStringOption_("activation_method") << "\n";                 // activation method; used if activation method set; allowed ALL, CID, ECD, ETD, PQD, HCD, IRMPD

    // misc parameters
    double digest_mass_range_min(600.0), digest_mass_range_max(5000.0);
    if (!parseRange_(getStringOption_("digest_mass_range"), digest_mass_range_min, digest_mass_range_max))
      LOG_INFO << "digest_mass_range not set. Defaulting to 600.0 5000.0." << endl;

    os << "digest_mass_range = " << digest_mass_range_min << " " << digest_mass_range_max << "\n";        // MH+ peptide mass range to analyze
    os << "num_results = " << 100 << "\n";                       // number of search hits to store internally
    os << "skip_researching = " << 1 << "\n";                    // for '.out' file output only, 0=search everything again (default), 1=don't search if .out exists
    os << "max_fragment_charge = " << getIntOption_("max_fragment_charge") << "\n";                 // set maximum fragment charge state to analyze (allowed max 5)
    os << "max_precursor_charge = " << getIntOption_("max_precursor_charge") << "\n";                // set maximum precursor charge state to analyze (allowed max 9)
    os << "nucleotide_reading_frame = " << 0 << "\n";            // 0=proteinDB, 1-6, 7=forward three, 8=reverse three, 9=all six
    os << "clip_nterm_methionine = " << (int)(getStringOption_("clip_nterm_methionine")=="true") << "\n";              // 0=leave sequences as-is; 1=also consider sequence w/o N-term methionine
    os << "spectrum_batch_size = " << getIntOption_("spectrum_batch_size") << "\n";                 // max. // of spectra to search at a time; 0 to search the entire scan range in one loop
    os << "decoy_prefix = " << "--decoysearch-not-used--" << "\n";                 // decoy entries are denoted by this string which is pre-pended to each protein accession
    os << "output_suffix = " << "" << "\n";                      // add a suffix to output base names i.e. suffix "-C" generates base-C.pep.xml from base.mzXML input
    os << "mass_offsets = " << ListUtils::concatenate(getDoubleList_("mass_offsets"), " ") << "\n"; // one or more mass offsets to search (values subtracted from deconvoluted precursor mass)

    // spectral processing
    map<string,int> remove_precursor_peak;
    remove_precursor_peak["no"] = 0;
    remove_precursor_peak["yes"] = 1;
    remove_precursor_peak["charge_reduced"] = 2;
    remove_precursor_peak["phosphate_loss"] = 3;

    double clear_mz_range_min(0.0), clear_mz_range_max(0.0);
    if (!parseRange_(getStringOption_("clear_mz_range"), clear_mz_range_min, clear_mz_range_max))
      LOG_INFO << "clear_mz_range not set. Defaulting to 0:0 (disable m/z filter)." << endl;

    os << "minimum_peaks = " << getIntOption_("minimum_peaks") << "\n";                      // required minimum number of peaks in spectrum to search (default 10)
    os << "minimum_intensity = " << getDoubleOption_("minimum_intensity") << "\n";                   // minimum intensity value to read in
    os << "remove_precursor_peak = " << remove_precursor_peak[getStringOption_("remove_precursor_peak")] << "\n";               // 0=no, 1=yes, 2=all charge reduced precursor peaks (for ETD)
    os << "remove_precursor_tolerance = " << getDoubleOption_("remove_precursor_tolerance") << "\n";        // +- Da tolerance for precursor removal
    os << "clear_mz_range = " << clear_mz_range_min << " " << clear_mz_range_max << "\n";                // for iTRAQ/TMT type data; will clear out all peaks in the specified m/z range

    // write fixed modifications - if not specified residue parameter is zero
    // Aminoacid:
    //      add_AA.OneletterCode_AA.ThreeLetterCode = xxx
    // Terminus:
    //      add_N/Cterm_peptide = xxx       protein not available yet
    vector<String> fixed_modifications_names = getStringList_("fixed_modifications");
    vector<ResidueModification> fixed_modifications = getModifications_(fixed_modifications_names);
    // Comet sets Carbamidometyl (C) as modification as default even if not specified
    // Therefor there is the need to set it to 0 if not set as flag
    if (fixed_modifications.empty())
      os << "add_C_cysteine = 0.0000" << endl;
      for (vector<ResidueModification>::const_iterator it = fixed_modifications.begin(); it != fixed_modifications.end(); ++it)
        String AA = it->getOrigin();
        if ((AA!="N-term") && (AA!="C-term"))
          const Residue* r = ResidueDB::getInstance()->getResidue(AA);
          String name = r->getName();
          os << "add_" << r->getOneLetterCode() << "_" << name.toLower() << " = " << it->getDiffMonoMass() << endl;
          os << "add_" << AA.erase(1,1) << "_peptide = " << it->getDiffMonoMass() << endl;

    //TODO register cut_before and cut_after in Enzymes.xml plus datastructures to add all our Enzymes with our names instead.
    // COMET_ENZYME_INFO _must_ be at the end of this parameters file
    os << "[COMET_ENZYME_INFO]" << "\n";
    os << "0.  No_enzyme              0      -           -" << "\n";
    os << "1.  Trypsin                1      KR          P" << "\n";
    os << "2.  Trypsin/P              1      KR          -" << "\n";
    os << "3.  Lys_C                  1      K           P" << "\n";
    os << "4.  Lys_N                  0      K           -" << "\n";
    os << "5.  Arg_C                  1      R           P" << "\n";
    os << "6.  Asp_N                  0      D           -" << "\n";
    os << "7.  CNBr                   1      M           -" << "\n";
    os << "8.  Glu_C                  1      DE          P" << "\n";
    os << "9.  PepsinA                1      FL          P" << "\n";
    os << "10. Chymotrypsin           1      FWYL        P" << "\n";
Exemplo n.º 22
	void D3D9Shader::parseParam(D3DXHANDLE parent, String prefix, unsigned int index)
		D3DXHANDLE hConst = mpConstTable->GetConstant(parent, index);

		uint numParams = 1;
		HRESULT hr = mpConstTable->GetConstantDesc(hConst, &desc, &numParams);
				"we can not get constants descriptions from shader");

		String paramName = desc.Name;
		// trim the odd '$' which appears at the start of the names in HLSL
		if (paramName.at(0) == '$')

		// Also trim the '[0]' suffix if it exists, we will add our own indexing later
		if (StringUtil::endsWith(paramName, "[0]", false))
			paramName.erase(paramName.size() - 3);

		if (desc.Class == D3DXPC_STRUCT)
			prefix = prefix + paramName + ".";
			for(uint i = 0;i < desc.StructMembers; ++i)
				parseParam(hConst, prefix, i);
			if (desc.Type == D3DXPT_FLOAT || desc.Type == D3DXPT_INT || desc.Type == D3DXPT_BOOL)
				size_t paramIndex = desc.RegisterIndex;
				String name = prefix + paramName;

				ShaderConstantDef def;
				def.registerIndex = paramIndex;
				populateDef(desc, def);
				if (def.isFloat())
					def.physicalIndex = mFloatRegisterToPhysical->bufferSize;
						ShaderRegisterIndexUse(def.physicalIndex,def.arraySize * def.elementSize)));
					mFloatRegisterToPhysical->bufferSize += def.arraySize * def.elementSize;
					mConstantDefs->floatBufferSize = mFloatRegisterToPhysical->bufferSize;
					def.physicalIndex = mIntRegisterToPhysical->bufferSize;
						ShaderRegisterIndexUse(def.physicalIndex,def.arraySize * def.elementSize)));
					mIntRegisterToPhysical->bufferSize += def.arraySize * def.elementSize;
					mConstantDefs->intBufferSize = mIntRegisterToPhysical->bufferSize;

				mConstantDefs->constantDefMap.insert(ShaderConstantDefMap::value_type(name, def));

				mConstantDefs->genConstantDefArrayEntries(name, def);

Exemplo n.º 23
    void TerrainPaintInfoContainer::addTextureInfo( TextureInfo &info )
        assert ( isTextureInfoOk(info) );

        String brushName = info.brushName;

        String pathName = info.ownerTextureName;


        size_t pos = pathName.find_last_of('/');

        if (pos != String::npos)

            brushName = pathName;

        String texTypeStr;

        // 找到该纹理的类型字符串
        StringTexTypeMap::iterator itForStringTexTypeMap = mStringTexTypeMap.begin();
        while ( itForStringTexTypeMap != mStringTexTypeMap.end() )
            if (itForStringTexTypeMap->second == info.textureType)
                texTypeStr = itForStringTexTypeMap->first;

        assert (itForStringTexTypeMap != mStringTexTypeMap.end());

        TextureInfoMap::iterator it = mTextureInfoMap.find(brushName);

        // 如果当前map中没有这个brush,说明是一组新的画刷
        if ( it == mTextureInfoMap.end() )
            TextureInfos newInfos;            

            // 自动生成纹理名称,名称格式为 “组名|当前组的纹理序号|纹理类型”
            String textureName = info.brushName + "|"
                + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(newInfos.size()) + "|" + texTypeStr;

            info.textureName = textureName;


            std::pair<TextureInfoMap::iterator, bool> inserted = 
                mTextureInfoMap.insert( TextureInfoMap::value_type(brushName, newInfos) );

            assert (inserted.second);
            // 自动生成纹理名称
            String textureName = info.brushName + "|"
                + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(it->second.size()) + "|" + texTypeStr;

            info.textureName = textureName;

Exemplo n.º 24
size_t Format::process(String& str, size_t minArg, size_t maxArg, FormatFlags& flags, FormatErrorHandling errortype)
	size_t len(str.length());
	size_t c = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
	bool err = false;
	size_t i = 0;
	size_t percentStart = 0;
	for (; (i < len) && (c == size_t(-1)) && !err; ++i)
		if( str[i] == '%' )
			percentStart = i;
			if (i + 1 < len)

				if( str[i] == '%' )
				else if( str[i] == BRACE_OPEN )
					if( !processFormatSpecifier(str, i, c, flags) )
						// No close brace or some other error.
						err = true;
						// Incremented next loop.
				else if( isdigit(str[i]) )
					c = str[i] - '0';
					// Random junk after '%'
					err = true;
				err = true;
		else // anything other than a '%'
	} // for
	if ( (i <= len) && (c != size_t(-1)))
		if( c > maxArg )
			String error = String("Parameter specifier ") + c + " is too large (>" + maxArg + ")";

			if( errortype == E_FORMAT_EXCEPTION )
				BLOCXX_THROW(FormatException, error.c_str());
			oss.append("\n*** " + error);
			err = true;
		else if( c < minArg )
			String error = String("Parameter specifier ") + c + " must be >= " + minArg;
			if( errortype == E_FORMAT_EXCEPTION )
				BLOCXX_THROW(FormatException, error.c_str());
			oss.append("\n*** " + error);

			err = true;
	if (err)
		// Print the percent and all of the text causing the error.
		size_t textlength = std::max(i, percentStart + 1) - percentStart;

		String error = "Error in format string at \"" + str.substring(percentStart, textlength) + "\"";

		if( errortype == E_FORMAT_EXCEPTION )
			BLOCXX_THROW(FormatException, error.c_str());
		oss.append("\n*** " + error + "\n");
		return '0';
	str.erase(0, i);

	return c;
} // process
Exemplo n.º 25
// check basename for texture, and try to return jpg or png file 
void CheckTexture(const char *baseName, String &textureFileName)

	const char *ext = strrchr(baseName,'.');

	// check if jpg exists
	if (!ext) {

		if (ExistsFile(textureFileName.c_str()))

	// check if png exists
	if (ext)  // erase ext 


	if (ExistsFile(textureFileName.c_str()))

	// check if tga exists
	if (ext)  // erase ext 


	if (ExistsFile(textureFileName.c_str())) {
		// convert tga to png
		String outFileName=baseName;
		if (ext)  // erase ext 


		// bmp.TGAToPNG(textureFileName.c_str(),outFileName.c_str());
		int width, height, comp;
		unsigned char *data = stbi_load(textureFileName.c_str(), &width, &height, &comp	, 0);
		stbi_write_png(outFileName.c_str(), width, height, comp, data, width*comp);

		textureFileName = outFileName;

	// check if jpg exists
	if (ext)  // erase ext 


	if (ExistsFile(textureFileName.c_str()))

	printf("Texture file not found:'%s'\n",baseName);

	void GLSLESProgramManagerCommon::extractConstantDefs(const String& src,
		GpuNamedConstants& defs, const String& filename)
		// Parse the output string and collect all uniforms
		// NOTE this relies on the source already having been preprocessed
		// which is done in GLSLESProgram::loadFromSource
		String line;
		String::size_type currPos = src.find("uniform");
		while (currPos != String::npos)
			GpuConstantDefinition def;
			String paramName;

			// Now check for using the word 'uniform' in a larger string & ignore
			bool inLargerString = false;
			if (currPos != 0)
				char prev = src.at(currPos - 1);
				if (prev != ' ' && prev != '\t' && prev != '\r' && prev != '\n'
					&& prev != ';')
					inLargerString = true;
			if (!inLargerString && currPos + 7 < src.size())
				char next = src.at(currPos + 7);
				if (next != ' ' && next != '\t' && next != '\r' && next != '\n')
					inLargerString = true;

			// skip 'uniform'
			currPos += 7;

			if (!inLargerString)
				// find terminating semicolon
				String::size_type endPos = src.find(";", currPos);
				if (endPos == String::npos)
					// problem, missing semicolon, abort
				line = src.substr(currPos, endPos - currPos);

				// Remove spaces before opening square braces, otherwise
				// the following split() can split the line at inappropriate
				// places (e.g. "vec3 something [3]" won't work).
				for (String::size_type sqp = line.find (" ["); sqp != String::npos;
					 sqp = line.find (" ["))
					line.erase (sqp, 1);
				// Split into tokens
				StringVector parts = StringUtil::split(line, ", \t\r\n");

				for (StringVector::iterator i = parts.begin(); i != parts.end(); ++i)
					// Is this a type?
					StringToEnumMap::iterator typei = mTypeEnumMap.find(*i);
					if (typei != mTypeEnumMap.end())
						completeDefInfo(typei->second, def);
						// if this is not a type, and not empty, it should be a name
						if (i->empty()) continue;

                        // Skip over precision keywords
                        if(StringUtil::match((*i), "lowp") ||
                           StringUtil::match((*i), "mediump") ||
                           StringUtil::match((*i), "highp"))

						String::size_type arrayStart = i->find("[", 0);
						if (arrayStart != String::npos)
							// potential name (if butted up to array)
							String name = i->substr(0, arrayStart);
							if (!name.empty())
								paramName = name;

							String::size_type arrayEnd = i->find("]", arrayStart);
							String arrayDimTerm = i->substr(arrayStart + 1, arrayEnd - arrayStart - 1);
							// the array term might be a simple number or it might be
							// an expression (e.g. 24*3) or refer to a constant expression
							// we'd have to evaluate the expression which could get nasty
							// TODO
							def.arraySize = StringConverter::parseUnsignedLong(arrayDimTerm);

							paramName = *i;
							def.arraySize = 1;

						// Name should be after the type, so complete def and add
						// We do this now so that comma-separated params will do
						// this part once for each name mentioned 
						if (def.constType == GCT_UNKNOWN)
								"Problem parsing the following GLSL Uniform: '"
								+ line + "' in file " + filename);
							// next uniform

						// Complete def and add
						// increment physical buffer location
						def.logicalIndex = 0; // not valid in GLSL
						if (def.isFloat())
							def.physicalIndex = defs.floatBufferSize;
							defs.floatBufferSize += def.arraySize * def.elementSize;
							def.physicalIndex = defs.intBufferSize;
							defs.intBufferSize += def.arraySize * def.elementSize;
						defs.map.insert(GpuConstantDefinitionMap::value_type(paramName, def));

						// Generate array accessors
						defs.generateConstantDefinitionArrayEntries(paramName, def);


			} // not commented or a larger symbol

			// Find next one
			currPos = src.find("uniform", currPos);
Exemplo n.º 27
String Path::CompressPath(String path)
   // Remove "./" and "../" references. A ".." will also result in the
   // removal of the proceeding directory.
   // Also cleans separators as in CleanSeparators().
   // Assumes there are no trailing "/"

   // Start by cleaning separators
   path = Path::CleanSeparators(path);

   U32   src = 0;
   U32   dst = 0;

   while (path[src])
      if (path[src] == '/' && path[src + 1] == '/')
         src += 1;
      else if (path[src] == '.')
         if (path[src + 1] == 0)
            if (dst && path[dst - 1] == '/')
         else if (path[src + 1] == '/')
            src += 2;
         else if (path[src + 1] == '.')
            if (path[src + 2] == 0)
               if (dst && path[dst - 1] == '/')
                  dst = path.find('/', dst - 1, String::Right);
               src += 2;
            if (dst && path[dst - 1] == '/')
               dst = path.find('/', dst - 1, String::Right) + 1;
               dst += 3;

            src += 3;

      if (dst != src)
         String   end = path.substr(src, path.length() - src);
         if (dst > 0 && end[(String::SizeType)0] == '/' && path[dst-1] == '/')
            end = end.substr(1, end.length() - 1);
         path.replace(dst, path.length() - dst, end);
         src = dst;

   if (src - dst)
      path.erase(dst, src - dst);

   return path;
Exemplo n.º 28
	void CgProgram::recurseParams(CGparameter parameter, size_t contextArraySize)
		while (parameter != 0)
			// Look for uniform parameters only
			// Don't bother enumerating unused parameters, especially since they will
			// be optimised out and therefore not in the indexed versions
			CGtype paramType = cgGetParameterType(parameter);

			if (cgGetParameterVariability(parameter) == CG_UNIFORM &&
				paramType != CG_SAMPLER1D &&
				paramType != CG_SAMPLER2D &&
				paramType != CG_SAMPLER3D &&
				paramType != CG_SAMPLERCUBE &&
				paramType != CG_SAMPLERRECT &&
				cgGetParameterDirection(parameter) != CG_OUT && 
				int arraySize;

				case CG_STRUCT:
				case CG_ARRAY:
					// Support only 1-dimensional arrays
					arraySize = cgGetArraySize(parameter, 0);
					recurseParams(cgGetArrayParameter(parameter, 0), (size_t)arraySize);
					// Normal path (leaf)
					String paramName = cgGetParameterName(parameter);
					size_t logicalIndex = cgGetParameterResourceIndex(parameter);

					// Get the parameter resource, to calculate the physical index
					CGresource res = cgGetParameterResource(parameter);
					bool isRegisterCombiner = false;
					size_t regCombinerPhysicalIndex = 0;
					switch (res)
						// register combiner, const 0
						// the index relates to the texture stage; store this as (stage * 2) + 0
						regCombinerPhysicalIndex = logicalIndex * 2;
						isRegisterCombiner = true;
						// register combiner, const 1
						// the index relates to the texture stage; store this as (stage * 2) + 1
						regCombinerPhysicalIndex = (logicalIndex * 2) + 1;
						isRegisterCombiner = true;
						// normal constant

					// Trim the '[0]' suffix if it exists, we will add our own indexing later
					if (StringUtil::endsWith(paramName, "[0]", false))
						paramName.erase(paramName.size() - 3);

					GpuConstantDefinition def;
					def.arraySize = contextArraySize;
					mapTypeAndElementSize(paramType, isRegisterCombiner, def);

					if (def.constType == GCT_UNKNOWN)
							"Problem parsing the following Cg Uniform: '"
							+ paramName + "' in file " + mName);
						// next uniform
						parameter = cgGetNextParameter(parameter);
					if (isRegisterCombiner)
						def.physicalIndex = regCombinerPhysicalIndex;
						// base position on existing buffer contents
						if (def.isFloat())
							def.physicalIndex = mFloatLogicalToPhysical->bufferSize;
							def.physicalIndex = mIntLogicalToPhysical->bufferSize;

					def.logicalIndex = logicalIndex;
					if( mParametersMap.find(paramName) == mParametersMap.end())
						mParametersMap.insert(GpuConstantDefinitionMap::value_type(paramName, def));
						mParametersMapSizeAsBuffer += sizeof(size_t);
						mParametersMapSizeAsBuffer += paramName.size();
						mParametersMapSizeAsBuffer += sizeof(GpuConstantDefinition);

					// Record logical / physical mapping
					if (def.isFloat())
								GpuLogicalIndexUse(def.physicalIndex, def.arraySize * def.elementSize, GPV_GLOBAL)));
						mFloatLogicalToPhysical->bufferSize += def.arraySize * def.elementSize;
								GpuLogicalIndexUse(def.physicalIndex, def.arraySize * def.elementSize, GPV_GLOBAL)));
						mIntLogicalToPhysical->bufferSize += def.arraySize * def.elementSize;


			// now handle uniform samplers. This is needed to fix their register positions
			// if delegating to a GLSL shader.
			if (mDelegate && cgGetParameterVariability(parameter) == CG_UNIFORM && (
				paramType == CG_SAMPLER1D ||
				paramType == CG_SAMPLER2D ||
				paramType == CG_SAMPLER3D ||
				paramType == CG_SAMPLERCUBE ||
				paramType == CG_SAMPLERRECT) &&
				cgGetParameterDirection(parameter) != CG_OUT && 
				String paramName = cgGetParameterName(parameter);
				CGresource res = cgGetParameterResource(parameter);
				int pos = -1;
				switch (res)
				case CG_TEXUNIT0: pos = 0; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT1: pos = 1; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT2: pos = 2; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT3: pos = 3; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT4: pos = 4; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT5: pos = 5; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT6: pos = 6; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT7: pos = 7; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT8: pos = 8; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT9: pos = 9; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT10: pos = 10; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT11: pos = 11; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT12: pos = 12; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT13: pos = 13; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT14: pos = 14; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT15: pos = 15; break;
#if(CG_VERSION_NUM >= 3000)
				case CG_TEXUNIT16: pos = 16; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT17: pos = 17; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT18: pos = 18; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT19: pos = 19; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT20: pos = 20; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT21: pos = 21; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT22: pos = 22; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT23: pos = 23; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT24: pos = 24; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT25: pos = 25; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT26: pos = 26; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT27: pos = 27; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT28: pos = 28; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT29: pos = 29; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT30: pos = 30; break;
				case CG_TEXUNIT31: pos = 31; break;
				if (pos != -1)
					mSamplerRegisterMap.insert(std::make_pair(paramName, pos));

			// Get next
			parameter = cgGetNextParameter(parameter);

Exemplo n.º 29
 * @brief Read one (DOS or UNIX or Mac) line.
 * @param [out] line Line read.
 * @param [out] eol EOL bytes read (if any).
 * @param [out] lossy TRUE if there were lossy encoding.
 * @return true if there is more lines to read, false when last line is read.
bool UniMemFile::ReadString(String & line, String & eol, bool * lossy)
	LPCTSTR pchLine = (LPCTSTR)m_current;

	// shortcut methods in case file is in the same encoding as our Strings

	if (m_unicoding == ucr::UCS2LE)
		int cchLine = 0;
		// If there aren't any wchars left in the file, return FALSE to indicate EOF
		if (m_current - m_base + 1 >= m_filesize)
			return false;
		// Loop through wchars, watching for eol chars or zero
		while (m_current - m_base + 1 < m_filesize)
			wchar_t wch = *(wchar_t *)m_current;
			INT64 wch_offset = (m_current - m_base);
			m_current += 2;
			if (wch == '\n' || wch == '\r')
				eol += wch;
				if (wch == '\r')
					if (m_current - m_base + 1 < m_filesize && *(wchar_t *)m_current == '\n')
						eol += '\n';
						m_current += 2;
				line.assign(pchLine, cchLine);
				return true;
			if (!wch)
				RecordZero(m_txtstats, wch_offset);
		line.assign(pchLine, cchLine);
		return true;

	if (m_current - m_base + (m_charsize - 1) >= m_filesize)
		return false;

	// Handle 8-bit strings in line chunks because of multibyte codings (eg, 936)
	if (m_unicoding == ucr::NONE)
		bool eof = true;
		LPBYTE eolptr = 0;
		for (eolptr = m_current; (eolptr - m_base + (m_charsize - 1) < m_filesize); ++eolptr)
			if (*eolptr == '\n' || *eolptr == '\r')
				eof = false;
			if (*eolptr == 0)
				INT64 offset = (eolptr - m_base);
				RecordZero(m_txtstats, offset);
		bool success = ucr::maketstring(line, (LPCSTR)m_current, eolptr - m_current, m_codepage, lossy);
		if (!success)
			return false;
		if (lossy && *lossy)
		if (!eof)
			eol += (TCHAR) * eolptr;
			if (*eolptr == '\r')
				if (eolptr - m_base + (m_charsize - 1) < m_filesize && eolptr[1] == '\n')
					eol += '\n';
		m_current = eolptr + eol.length();
		// TODO: What do we do if save was lossy ?
		return !eof;

	while (m_current - m_base + (m_charsize - 1) < m_filesize)
		UINT ch = 0;
		UINT utf8len = 0;
		bool doneline = false;

		if (m_unicoding == ucr::UTF8)
			// check for end in middle of UTF-8 character
			utf8len = ucr::Utf8len_fromLeadByte(*m_current);
			if (m_current - m_base + utf8len > m_filesize)
				ch = '?';
				m_current = m_base + m_filesize;
				doneline = true;
			// Handle bad UTF-8 or UTF-8 outside of UCS-2
			// (Convert bad bytes individually to '?'
			else if (utf8len < 1 || utf8len > 4)
				ch = '?';
				utf8len = 1;
				ch = ucr::GetUtf8Char(m_current);
			ch = ucr::get_unicode_char(m_current, (ucr::UNICODESET)m_unicoding, m_codepage);
			if (!ch)
				doneline = true;
		// convert from Unicode codepoint to TCHAR string
		// could be multicharacter if decomposition took place, for example
		bool lossy = false; // try to avoid lossy conversion
		String sch = ucr::maketchar(ch, lossy);
		if (lossy)
		if (sch.length() >= 1)
			ch = sch[0];
			ch = 0;

		if (ch == '\r')
			eol = _T("\r");
			doneline = true;
			bool crlf = false;
			// check for crlf pair
			if (m_current - m_base + 2 * m_charsize - 1 < m_filesize)
				// For UTF-8, this ch will be wrong if character is non-ASCII
				// but we only check it against \n here, so it doesn't matter
				UINT ch = ucr::get_unicode_char(m_current + m_charsize, (ucr::UNICODESET)m_unicoding);
				if (ch == '\n')
					crlf = true;
			if (crlf)
				eol = _T("\r\n");
				// advance an extra character to skip the following lf
				m_current += m_charsize;
		else if (ch == '\n')
			eol = _T("\n");
			doneline = true;
		else if (!ch)
			INT64 offset = (m_current - m_base);
			RecordZero(m_txtstats, offset);
		// always advance to next character
		if (m_unicoding == ucr::UTF8)
			m_current += utf8len;
			m_current += m_charsize;
		if (doneline)
			if (!eol.empty())
			return true;
		Append(line, sch.c_str(), sch.length());
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 30
    void HlmsJsonPbs::saveTexture( const Vector3 &value, const ColourValue &bgDiffuse,
                                   const char *blockName, PbsTextureTypes textureType,
                                   bool writeValue, bool writeBgDiffuse, bool scalarValue,
                                   bool isFresnel, bool writeTexture,
                                   const HlmsPbsDatablock *datablock, String &outString )
        outString += ",\n\t\t\t\"";
        outString += blockName;
        outString += "\" :\n\t\t\t{\n";

        const size_t currentOffset = outString.size();

        if( isFresnel )
            scalarValue = !datablock->hasSeparateFresnel();

        if( writeValue )
            outString += "\t\t\t\t\"value\" : ";
            if( scalarValue )
                outString += StringConverter::toString( value.x );
                HlmsJson::toStr( value, outString );

        if( writeBgDiffuse )
            outString += ",\n\t\t\t\t\"background\" : ";
            HlmsJson::toStr( bgDiffuse, outString );

        if( isFresnel )
            if( datablock->hasSeparateFresnel() )
                outString += ",\n\t\t\t\t\"mode\" : \"coloured\"";
                outString += ",\n\t\t\t\t\"mode\" : \"coeff\"";

        if( textureType >= PBSM_DETAIL0 && textureType <= PBSM_DETAIL3_NM )
            if( textureType >= PBSM_DETAIL0 && textureType <= PBSM_DETAIL3 )
                PbsBlendModes blendMode = datablock->getDetailMapBlendMode( textureType - PBSM_DETAIL0 );

                if( blendMode != PBSM_BLEND_NORMAL_NON_PREMUL )
                    outString += ",\n\t\t\t\t\"mode\" : \"";
                    outString += c_pbsBlendModes[blendMode];
                    outString += '"';

            const Vector4 &offsetScale =
                    datablock->getDetailMapOffsetScale( textureType - PBSM_DETAIL0 );
            const Vector2 offset( offsetScale.x, offsetScale.y );
            const Vector2 scale( offsetScale.z, offsetScale.w );

            if( offset != Vector2::ZERO )
                outString += ",\n\t\t\t\t\"offset\" : ";
                HlmsJson::toStr( offset, outString );

            if( scale != Vector2::UNIT_SCALE )
                outString += ",\n\t\t\t\t\"scale\" : ";
                HlmsJson::toStr( scale, outString );

        if( writeTexture )
            HlmsTextureManager::TextureLocation texLocation;
            texLocation.texture = datablock->getTexture( textureType );
            if( !texLocation.texture.isNull() )
                texLocation.xIdx = datablock->_getTextureIdx( textureType );
                texLocation.yIdx = 0;
                texLocation.divisor = 1;

                const String *texName = mHlmsManager->getTextureManager()->findAliasName( texLocation );

                if( texName )
                    outString += ",\n\t\t\t\t\"texture\" : \"";
                    outString += *texName;
                    outString += '"';

            const HlmsSamplerblock *samplerblock = datablock->getSamplerblock( textureType );
            if( samplerblock )
                outString += ",\n\t\t\t\t\"sampler\" : ";
                outString += HlmsJson::getName( samplerblock );

            if( textureType < NUM_PBSM_SOURCES && datablock->getTextureUvSource( textureType ) != 0 )
                outString += ",\n\t\t\t\t\"uv\" : ";
                outString += StringConverter::toString( datablock->getTextureUvSource( textureType ) );

        if( !writeValue && outString.size() != currentOffset )
            //Remove an extra comma and newline characters.
            outString.erase( currentOffset, 2 );

        outString += "\n\t\t\t}";