Exemplo n.º 1
void fw_simGeo_set_material_titles(Double_t fraction=0, Bool_t long_names=false)
   TGeoMaterial *m;
   TIter it(FWGeometryTableViewManager_GetGeoManager()->GetListOfMaterials());
   while ((m = (TGeoMaterial*) it()) != 0)
      TString tit(":");
      TGeoMixture *mix = dynamic_cast<TGeoMixture*>(m);

      if (mix == 0)
         TGeoElement *e = m->GetBaseElement();
         tit += long_names ? e->GetTitle() : e->GetName();
         tit += ":";
         Double_t *ww = mix->GetWmixt();
         for (Int_t i = 0; i < mix->GetNelements(); ++i)
            if (ww[i] >= fraction)
               TGeoElement *e = mix->GetElement(i);
               tit += long_names ? e->GetTitle() : e->GetName();
               tit += ":";
      if (tit == ":") tit += ":";
Exemplo n.º 2
void fw_simGeo_fix_materials()
   Int_t base_element_offset = TGeoMaterial::Class()->GetDataMemberOffset("fElement");

   TString vacuum("materials:Vacuum");

   TGeoMaterial *m;
   TIter it(FWGeometryTableViewManager_GetGeoManager()->GetListOfMaterials());
   while ((m = (TGeoMaterial*) it()) != 0)
      // Fixes
      if (vacuum == m->GetName())

      TGeoMixture *mix = dynamic_cast<TGeoMixture*>(m);
      if (mix == 0)
         if ( ! m->GetBaseElement())
            *(TGeoElement**)(((char*)m) + base_element_offset) = g_element_table->GetElement(m->GetZ());
Exemplo n.º 3
void KVGeoImport::AddLayer(KVDetector *det, TGeoVolume *vol)
    // Add an absorber layer to the detector
    // Volumes representing 'active' layers in detectors must have names
    // which begin with "ACTIVE_"

    TString vnom = vol->GetName();
    // exclude dead zone layers
    if(vnom.BeginsWith("DEADZONE")) return;
    TGeoMaterial* material = vol->GetMaterial();
    KVIonRangeTableMaterial* irmat = fRangeTable->GetMaterial(material);
        Warning("AddLayer", "Unknown material %s/%s used in layer %s of detector %s",
                material->GetName(), material->GetTitle(), vol->GetName(), det->GetName());
    TGeoBBox* sh = dynamic_cast<TGeoBBox*>(vol->GetShape());
    if(!sh) {
        Warning("AddLayer", "Unknown shape class %s used in layer %s of detector %s",
                vol->GetShape()->ClassName(), vol->GetName(), det->GetName());
        return; // just in case - for now, all shapes derive from TGeoBBox...
    Double_t width = 2.*sh->GetDZ(); // thickness in centimetres
    KVMaterial* absorber;
    if( irmat->IsGas() ){
        Double_t p = material->GetPressure();
        Double_t T = material->GetTemperature();
        absorber = new KVMaterial(irmat->GetType(), width, p, T);
        absorber = new KVMaterial(irmat->GetType(), width);
    if(vnom.BeginsWith("ACTIVE_")) det->SetActiveLayer( det->GetListOfAbsorbers()->GetEntries()-1 );
Exemplo n.º 4
void fw_simGeo_set_volume_color_by_material(const char* material_re, Bool_t use_names, Color_t color, Char_t transparency=-1)
   // Note: material_re is a perl regexp!
   // If you want exact match, enclose in begin / end meta characters (^ / $):
   //   set_volume_color_by_material("^materials:Silicon$", kRed);

   TPMERegexp re(material_re, "o");
   TGeoMaterial *m;
   TIter it(FWGeometryTableViewManager_GetGeoManager()->GetListOfMaterials());
   while ((m = (TGeoMaterial*) it()) != 0)
      if (re.Match(use_names ? m->GetName() : m->GetTitle()))
         if (transparency != -1)
         TGeoVolume *v;
         TIter it2(FWGeometryTableViewManager_GetGeoManager()->GetListOfVolumes());
         while ((v = (TGeoVolume*) it2()) != 0)
            if (v->GetMaterial() == m)
TGeoMaterial* KVIonRangeTableMaterial::GetTGeoMaterial() const
   // Create and return pointer to a TGeoMaterial or TGeoMixture (for compound materials)
   // with the properties of this material.
   // gGeoManager must exist.

   TGeoMaterial* gmat = 0x0;
   if (!gGeoManager) return gmat;
   if (IsCompound()) {
      gmat = new TGeoMixture(GetTitle(), GetComposition()->GetEntries(), GetDensity());
      TIter next(GetComposition());
      KVNameValueList* nvl;
      while ((nvl = (KVNameValueList*)next())) {
         KVNucleus n(nvl->GetIntValue("Z"), nvl->GetIntValue("A"));
         TGeoElement* gel = gGeoManager->GetElementTable()->FindElement(n.GetSymbol("EL"));
         float poids = nvl->GetDoubleValue("NormWeight");
         ((TGeoMixture*)gmat)->AddElement(gel, poids);
   else {
      gmat = new TGeoMaterial(GetTitle(), GetMass(), GetZ(), GetDensity());
   // set state of material
   if (IsGas()) gmat->SetState(TGeoMaterial::kMatStateGas);
   else gmat->SetState(TGeoMaterial::kMatStateSolid);
   return gmat;
Exemplo n.º 6
void set_volume_color_by_material(const char* material_re, Color_t color, Char_t transparency=-1)
   // Note: material_re is a perl regexp!
   // If you want exact match, enclose in begin / end meta characters (^ / $):
   //   set_volume_color_by_material("^materials:Silicon$", kRed);

   TPMERegexp re(material_re, "o");
   TGeoMaterial *m;
   TIter it(gGeoManager->GetListOfMaterials());
   while ((m = (TGeoMaterial*) it()) != 0)
      if (re.Match(m->GetName()))
         if (transparency != -1)
         TGeoVolume *v;
         TIter it2(gGeoManager->GetListOfVolumes());
         while ((v = (TGeoVolume*) it2()) != 0)
            if (v->GetMaterial() == m)
Exemplo n.º 7
void KVSpectroDetector::AddAbsorberLayer( TGeoVolume *vol, Bool_t active){
 	// Add an absorber layer to the detector made from the shape of the
 	// volume.
    // If active = kTRUE the layer is set active.

    TGeoMaterial* material = vol->GetMaterial();
    KVIonRangeTableMaterial* irmat = KVMaterial::GetRangeTable()->GetMaterial(material);
        Warning("AddAbsorberLayer", "Unknown material %s/%s used in layer %s of detector %s",
                material->GetName(), material->GetTitle(), vol->GetName(), GetName());
    TGeoBBox* sh = dynamic_cast<TGeoBBox*>(vol->GetShape());
    if(!sh) {
        Warning("AddAbsorberLayer", "Unknown shape class %s used in layer %s of detector %s",
                vol->GetShape()->ClassName(), vol->GetName(), GetName());
        return; // just in case - for now, all shapes derive from TGeoBBox...
    Double_t width = 2.*sh->GetDZ(); // thickness in centimetres
    KVMaterial* absorber;
    if( irmat->IsGas() ){
        Double_t p = material->GetPressure();
        Double_t T = material->GetTemperature();
        absorber = new KVMaterial(irmat->GetType(), width, p, T);
        absorber = new KVMaterial(irmat->GetType(), width);
    if( active ) SetActiveLayer( GetListOfAbsorbers()->GetEntries()-1 );
Exemplo n.º 8
void KVFAZIA::Build(Int_t)
   // Build the combined INDRA & FAZIA arrays

   if (!gGeoManager) {
      new TGeoManager("FAZIA", Form("FAZIA geometry for dataset %s", gDataSet->GetName()));

      TGeoMaterial* matVacuum = gGeoManager->GetMaterial("Vacuum");
      if (!matVacuum) {
         matVacuum = new TGeoMaterial("Vacuum", 0, 0, 0);
      TGeoMedium* Vacuum = gGeoManager->GetMedium("Vacuum");
      if (!Vacuum) Vacuum = new TGeoMedium("Vacuum", 1, matVacuum);
      TGeoVolume* top = gGeoManager->MakeBox("WORLD", Vacuum,  500, 500, 500);

   if (fBuildTarget)

   KVGeoImport imp(gGeoManager, KVMaterial::GetRangeTable(), this, kTRUE);
   // any additional structure name formatting definitions

   // the following parameters are optimized for a 12-block compact
   // geometry placed at 80cm with rings 1-5 of INDRA removed.
   // make sure that the expected number of detectors get imported!
   imp.ImportGeometry(fImport_dTheta, fImport_dPhi, fImport_ThetaMin, fImport_PhiMin, fImport_ThetaMax, fImport_PhiMax);

   KVFAZIADetector* det=0;
   TIter next_d(GetDetectors());
   while ( det = (KVFAZIADetector* )next_d() ){
      printf("%s %s %d %d %d\n",det->GetName(),det->GetFAZIAType(),det->GetBlockNumber(),det->GetQuartetNumber(),det->GetTelescopeNumber());
   KVDetector* det = GetDetector("SI2-T1-Q1-B001");

Exemplo n.º 9
void fw_simGeo_dump_materials(Bool_t dump_components=false)
   TGeoMaterial *m;
   TIter it(FWGeometryTableViewManager_GetGeoManager()->GetListOfMaterials());
   while ((m = (TGeoMaterial*) it()) != 0)
      TGeoMixture *mix = dynamic_cast<TGeoMixture*>(m);
      printf("%-50s | %-40s | %2d | %.3f\n", m->GetName(), m->GetTitle(),
             mix ? mix->GetNelements() : 0, m->GetZ());
      if (dump_components)
         if (mix == 0)
            printf("  %4d %6s %s\n", m->GetBaseElement()->Z(), m->GetBaseElement()->GetName(), m->GetBaseElement()->GetTitle());
            Double_t *ww = mix->GetWmixt();
            for (Int_t i = 0; i < mix->GetNelements(); ++i)
               TGeoElement *e = mix->GetElement(i);
               printf("  %4d %-4s %f\n",  e->Z(), e->GetName(), ww[i]);
Exemplo n.º 10
void visibility_volume_by_material(const char* material_re, Bool_t vis_state)
   TPMERegexp re(material_re, "o");
   TGeoMaterial *m;
   TIter it(gGeoManager->GetListOfMaterials());
   while ((m = (TGeoMaterial*) it()) != 0)
      if (re.Match(m->GetName()))
         TGeoVolume *v;
         TIter it2(gGeoManager->GetListOfVolumes());
         while ((v = (TGeoVolume*) it2()) != 0)
            if (v->GetMaterial() == m)
Exemplo n.º 11
void AliITSMaterialsTGeo(TString gfile="geometry.root"){
  // Macro to print out the ITS material definitions as found
  // in the TGeo geometry file.

  // retrives geometry 
  if(!gGeoManager) gGeoManager = new TGeoManager();
  if (!gGeoManager) {
    cout<<"geometry not found\n";
  } // end if

  TList *medlist=gGeoManager->GetListOfMedia();
  TGeoMedium *med;
  TGeoMaterial *mat;
  Int_t imed,nmed,i;
  printf("imed  Id       Med_Name             Mat_Name       ");
  for(i=0;i<20;i++) printf("   par[%2d]   ",i);
    med = (TGeoMedium*)(medlist->At(imed));
    if(!med) continue;
    /*if((((med->GetName())[0]=='I')&& // Only ITS.
    mat = med->GetMaterial();
      printf("%4d %4d %30s %30s",imed,med->GetId(),med->GetName(),mat->GetName());
      printf("%4d %4d %30s %30s",imed,med->GetId(),med->GetName(),"No Material");
    for(i=0;i<20;i++) printf(" %12g",med->GetParam(i));
Exemplo n.º 12
/* Create Ntuples with material properties along straight lines from the model
 * and from the surfaces.
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  if(argc < 2) {

    std::cout << " usage: ./material_ntuples ILDEx.xml " << std::endl ;
    return 1;
  std::string inFile = argv[1] ;

  std::vector<int> thetasDeg ; // ={ 85 , 20 }  --- C++11
  thetasDeg.push_back( 90 ) ;
  thetasDeg.push_back( 85 ) ;
  thetasDeg.push_back( 60 ) ;
  thetasDeg.push_back( 45 ) ;
  thetasDeg.push_back( 30 ) ;
  thetasDeg.push_back( 20 ) ;
  thetasDeg.push_back( 15 ) ;
  thetasDeg.push_back( 10 ) ;
  thetasDeg.push_back( 7 ) ;

  std::vector<int> phisDeg ; //= { 42  } ;
  phisDeg.push_back(  0 ) ;
  phisDeg.push_back(  7 ) ;
  phisDeg.push_back( 12 ) ;
  phisDeg.push_back( 17 ) ;
  phisDeg.push_back( 25 ) ;
  phisDeg.push_back( 30 ) ;
  phisDeg.push_back( 42 ) ;
  phisDeg.push_back( 60 ) ;
  phisDeg.push_back( 71 ) ;
  phisDeg.push_back( 85 ) ;

  std::string varNames =  "theta:phi:epx:epy:epz:x0:lambda:eloss" ;

  TFile *ofile = new TFile( "material_ntuples.root", "RECREATE");
  TNtuple* surfTuple = new TNtuple( "surfTuple" , "material properties from surfaces", varNames.c_str() ) ;
  TNtuple* matTuple  = new TNtuple( "matTuple" , "material properties from detailed model", varNames.c_str() ) ;


  for( unsigned i=0,N= thetasDeg.size() ; i<N ; ++i ){
    for( unsigned j=0,M= phisDeg.size()   ; j<M ; ++j ){
      double theta = thetasDeg[i] / 180. * M_PI  ;
      double phi = phisDeg[j] / 180. * M_PI ;
      aidaTT::Vector3D dirVec( 1. , phi , theta,  aidaTT::Vector3D::spherical ) ;
      // create an (almost) straight track in that direction
      double omega = 1.e-9 ;
      double tanl  = tan( 0.5*M_PI - theta ) ;
      double phi0  = phi ;
      double d0    = 0. ;
      double z0    = 0. ;
      aidaTT::Vector3D p0(0.,0.,0.) ; // start point
      aidaTT::Vector3D p1  ; // end point
      aidaTT::trackParameters tP( aidaTT::Vector5(omega, tanl, phi0 , d0 , z0 ), p0 )  ;
      std::cout << " --- theta, phi :       " <<  thetasDeg[i] <<" , " <<  phisDeg[j]  << std::endl ;
      const aidaTT::IGeometry& geom = aidaTT::IGeometry::instance( inFile ) ;
      const aidaTT::SurfaceVec& surfaces = geom.getSurfaces() ;
      // create a trajectory w/o fitter or propagation
      aidaTT::trajectory traj( tP, 0, 0, &geom ) ;
      aidaTT::IntersectionVec intersections = traj.getIntersectionsWithSurfaces( surfaces ) ;
      double X0_tot = 0. ;
      // ============================ loop over surface intersections ====================
      for(unsigned ii=0,NN=intersections.size() ; ii<NN ; ++ii){
	const aidaTT::ISurface* surf = intersections[ii].second ;
	double s =  0;
	aidaTT::Vector3D xx ;
	bool intersects = aidaTT::intersectWithSurface(  surf , 
							 tP.parameters() , tP.referencePoint() ,
							 s, xx, 0 , true ) ; 
	//----------------- get X0 --------------------------------------------
	const dd4hep::rec::IMaterial& material_inn = surf->innerMaterial();
	const dd4hep::rec::IMaterial& material_out = surf->outerMaterial();
	const double r_i = surf->innerThickness();
	const double r_o = surf->outerThickness();
	const double X0_o = material_out.radiationLength();
	const double X0_i = material_inn.radiationLength();
	double r_tot = r_i + r_o ;
	//calculation of effective radiation length of the surface
	double X0_eff = ( r_i/X0_i + r_o/X0_o ) / r_tot ; 
	//calculation of the path of the particle inside the material
	//compute path as projection of (straight) track to surface normal:
	const aidaTT::Vector3D& up = dirVec.unit() ;
        // need to get the normal at crossing point 
	const aidaTT::Vector3D& n = surf->normal( xx ) ;
	double cosTrk = std::fabs( up * n )  ;
	double path = r_i + r_o ;
	path = path/cosTrk ; 
	double X_X0 = path * X0_eff ;
	X0_tot += X_X0 ;
	surfTuple->Fill( float(thetasDeg[i]) , float(phisDeg[j]) , xx.x() , xx.y() , xx.z() , X0_tot , 0., 0.  ) ; 

	p1 = xx ; // save last crossing point

      aidaTT::Vector3D end ;
      aidaTT::Vector3D direction = ( p1 -p0 ).unit() ;

      dd4hep::Detector& thedetector = dd4hep::Detector::getInstance();
      const dd4hep::DetElement& world = thedetector.world() ;
      MaterialManager matMgr( world.volume() ) ;

      const MaterialVec& materials = matMgr.materialsBetween(  p0, p1 );
      double sum_x0 = 0;
      double sum_lambda = 0;
      double path_length = 0;

      for( unsigned k=0,K=materials.size();k<K;++k){
	TGeoMaterial* mat =  materials[k].first->GetMaterial();
	double length = materials[k].second;
	double nx0 = length / mat->GetRadLen();
	sum_x0 += nx0;
	double nLambda = length / mat->GetIntLen();
	sum_lambda += nLambda;
	path_length += length;
	end = path_length * direction;

	// ::printf(fmt, i+1, mat->GetName(), mat->GetZ(), mat->GetA(),
	// 	 mat->GetDensity(), mat->GetRadLen(), mat->GetIntLen(), 
	// 	 length, path_length, sum_x0, sum_lambda, end[0], end[1], end[2]);
	// //mat->Print();

	matTuple->Fill( float(thetasDeg[i]) , float(phisDeg[j]) , end.x() , end.y() , end.z() , sum_x0 , sum_lambda, 0.  ) ; 

    } // phi
  } //theta


  return 0;
void EUTelGeometryTelescopeGeoDescription::translateSiPlane2TGeo(TGeoVolume* pvolumeWorld, int SensorId ) {
	double xc, yc, zc;   // volume center position 
	double alpha, beta, gamma;
	double rotRef1, rotRef2, rotRef3, rotRef4;

	std::stringstream strId;
	strId << SensorId;

	// Get sensor center position
	xc = siPlaneXPosition( SensorId );
	yc = siPlaneYPosition( SensorId );
	zc = siPlaneZPosition( SensorId );

	// Get sensor orientation
	alpha = siPlaneXRotation( SensorId ); //  in degrees !
	beta  = siPlaneYRotation( SensorId ); // 
	gamma = siPlaneZRotation( SensorId ); // 

	rotRef1 = siPlaneRotation1( SensorId );
	rotRef2 = siPlaneRotation2( SensorId );
	rotRef3 = siPlaneRotation3( SensorId );
	rotRef4 = siPlaneRotation4( SensorId );

	//We must check that the input is correct. Since this is a combination of initial rotations and reflections the determinate must be 1 or -1
	float determinant = rotRef1*rotRef4 - rotRef2*rotRef3  ;
	if(determinant==1 or determinant==-1) { 
		streamlog_out(DEBUG5) << "SensorID: " << SensorId << ". Determinant =  " <<determinant <<"  This is the correct determinate for this transformation." << std::endl;   
	} else {
		streamlog_out(ERROR5) << "SensorID: " << SensorId << ". Determinant =  " <<determinant << std::endl;   
		throw(lcio::Exception("The initial rotation and reflection matrix does not have determinant of 1 or -1. Gear file input must be wrong.")); 	
	//Create spatial TGeoTranslation object.
	std::string stTranslationName = "matrixTranslationSensor";
	stTranslationName.append( strId.str() );
	TGeoTranslation* pMatrixTrans = new TGeoTranslation( stTranslationName.c_str(), xc, yc, zc );
	//ALL clsses deriving from TGeoMatrix are not owned by the ROOT geometry manager, invoking RegisterYourself() transfers
	//ownership and thus ROOT will clean up

	//Create TGeoRotation object. 
	//Translations are of course just positional changes in the global frame.
	//Note that each subsequent rotation is using the new coordinate system of the last transformation all the way back to the global frame.
	//The way to think about this is that each rotation is the multiplication of the last rotation matrix by a new one.
	//The order is:
	//Integer Z rotation and reflections.
	//Z rotations specified by in degrees.
	//X rotations 
	//Y rotations
	TGeoRotation* pMatrixRotRefCombined = new TGeoRotation();
	//We have to ensure that we retain a right handed coordinate system, i.e. if we only flip the x or y axis, we have to also flip the z-axis. If we flip both we have to flip twice.	
	double integerRotationsAndReflections[9]={rotRef1,rotRef2,0,rotRef3,rotRef4,0,0,0, determinant};
	std::cout << "Rotating plane " << SensorId << " to gamma: " << gamma << std::endl;
	pMatrixRotRefCombined->RotateZ(gamma);//Z Rotation (degrees)//This will again rotate a vector around z axis usign the right hand rule.  
	pMatrixRotRefCombined->RotateX(alpha);//X Rotations (degrees)//This will rotate a vector usign the right hand rule round the x-axis
	pMatrixRotRefCombined->RotateY(beta);//Y Rotations (degrees)//Same again for Y axis
	pMatrixRotRefCombined->RegisterYourself();//We must allow the matrix to be used by the TGeo manager.
	// Combined translation and orientation
	TGeoCombiTrans* combi = new TGeoCombiTrans( *pMatrixTrans, *pMatrixRotRefCombined );
	//This is to print to screen the rotation and translation matrices used to transform from local to global frame.
	streamlog_out(MESSAGE9) << "SensorID: " << SensorId << " Rotation/Reflection matrix for this object."  << std::endl;   
	const double* rotationMatrix =  combi->GetRotationMatrix();	
	streamlog_out(MESSAGE9) << std::setw(10) <<rotationMatrix[0]<<"  "<<rotationMatrix[1]<<"   "<<rotationMatrix[2]<< std::endl;
	streamlog_out(MESSAGE9) << std::setw(10) <<rotationMatrix[3]<<"  "<<rotationMatrix[4]<<"   "<<rotationMatrix[5]<< std::endl;
	streamlog_out(MESSAGE9) << std::setw(10) <<rotationMatrix[6]<<"  "<<rotationMatrix[7]<<"   "<<rotationMatrix[8]<< std::endl;

	//streamlog_out(MESSAGE9) << std::setw(10) <<rotationMatrix[0] << std::setw(10) <<rotationMatrix[1]<< std::setw(10) <<rotationMatrix[2]<< std::setw(10)<< std::endl<< std::endl; 
	//streamlog_out(MESSAGE9) << std::setw(10) <<rotationMatrix[3] << std::setw(10) <<rotationMatrix[4]<< std::setw(10) <<rotationMatrix[5]<< std::setw(10)<< std::endl<< std::endl; 
	//streamlog_out(MESSAGE9) << std::setw(10) <<rotationMatrix[6] << std::setw(10) <<rotationMatrix[7]<< std::setw(10) <<rotationMatrix[8]<< std::setw(10)<< std::endl<< std::endl; 
	const double* translationMatrix =  combi->GetTranslation();	
	streamlog_out(MESSAGE9) << "SensorID: " << SensorId << " Translation vector for this object."  << std::endl;   
	streamlog_out(MESSAGE9) << std::setw(10) <<translationMatrix[0] << std::setw(10) <<translationMatrix[1]<< std::setw(10) <<translationMatrix[2]<< std::setw(10)<< std::endl; 

	// Construct object medium. Required for radiation length determination
	// assume SILICON, though all information except of radiation length is ignored
	double a       = 28.085500;     
	double z       = 14.000000;
	double density = 2.330000;
	double radl    = siPlaneRadLength( SensorId );
	double absl    = 45.753206;
	std::string stMatName = "materialSensor";
	stMatName.append( strId.str() );
	TGeoMaterial* pMat = new TGeoMaterial( stMatName.c_str(), a, z, density, -radl, absl );
	pMat->SetIndex( 1 );
	// Medium: medium_Sensor_SILICON
	int numed   = 0;  // medium number
	double par[8];
	par[0]  = 0.000000; // isvol
	par[1]  = 0.000000; // ifield
	par[2]  = 0.000000; // fieldm
	par[3]  = 0.000000; // tmaxfd
	par[4]  = 0.000000; // stemax
	par[5]  = 0.000000; // deemax
	par[6]  = 0.000000; // epsil
	par[7]  = 0.000000; // stmin
	std::string stMedName = "mediumSensor";
	stMedName.append( strId.str() );
	TGeoMedium* pMed = new TGeoMedium( stMedName.c_str(), numed, pMat, par );

	// Construct object shape
	// Shape: Box type: TGeoBBox
	// TGeo requires half-width of box side
	Double_t dx = siPlaneXSize( SensorId ) / 2.;
	Double_t dy = siPlaneYSize( SensorId ) / 2.;
	Double_t dz = siPlaneZSize( SensorId ) / 2.;
	TGeoShape *pBoxSensor = new TGeoBBox( "BoxSensor", dx, dy, dz );

	std::cout << "Box for sensor: " << SensorId << " is: " << dx << "|" << dy  << "|" << dz << '\n';

	// Geometry navigation package requires following names for objects that have an ID  name:ID
	std::string stVolName = "volume_SensorID:";
	stVolName.append( strId.str() );

	_planePath.insert( std::make_pair(SensorId, "/volume_World_1/"+stVolName+"_1") );

	TGeoVolume* pvolumeSensor = new TGeoVolume( stVolName.c_str(), pBoxSensor, pMed );
	pvolumeSensor->SetVisLeaves( kTRUE );
	pvolumeWorld->AddNode(pvolumeSensor, 1/*(SensorId)*/, combi);

	//this line tells the pixel geometry manager to load the pixel geometry into the plane			
	streamlog_out(DEBUG1) << " sensorID: " << SensorId << " " << stVolName << std::endl;   
	std::string name = geoLibName(SensorId);

	if( name == "CAST" ) {
		_pixGeoMgr->addCastedPlane( SensorId, siPlaneXNpixels(SensorId), siPlaneYNpixels(SensorId), siPlaneXSize(SensorId), siPlaneYSize(SensorId), siPlaneZSize(SensorId), siPlaneRadLength(SensorId), stVolName);
	} else {
		_pixGeoMgr->addPlane( SensorId, name, stVolName);
 * Initialise ROOT geometry objects from GEAR objects
 * @param geomName name of ROOT geometry object
 * @param dumpRoot dump automatically generated ROOT geometry file for further inspection
void EUTelGeometryTelescopeGeoDescription::initializeTGeoDescription( std::string& geomName, bool dumpRoot = false ) {
//    #ifdef USE_TGEO
    // get access to ROOT's geometry manager
	if( _isGeoInitialized )
		streamlog_out( WARNING3 ) << "EUTelGeometryTelescopeGeoDescription: Geometry already initialized, using old initialization" << std::endl;
    		_geoManager = new TGeoManager("Telescope", "v0.1");

	if( !_geoManager )
		streamlog_out( ERROR3 ) << "Can't instantiate ROOT TGeoManager " << std::endl;
    // Create top world volume containing telescope/DUT geometry
    // Create air mixture
    // see http://pdg.lbl.gov/2013/AtomicNuclearProperties/HTML_PAGES/104.html
    double air_density = 1.2e-3;         // g/cm^3
    double air_radlen  = 36.62;          // g/cm^2
    TGeoMixture* pMatAir = new TGeoMixture("AIR",3,air_density);
    pMatAir->DefineElement(0, 14.007, 7.,  0.755267 );     //Nitrogen
    pMatAir->DefineElement(1, 15.999, 8.,  0.231781 );     //Oxygen
    pMatAir->DefineElement(2, 39.948, 18., 0.012827 );     //Argon
    pMatAir->DefineElement(3, 12.011, 6.,  0.000124 );     //Carbon
    pMatAir->SetRadLen( air_radlen );
    // Medium: medium_World_AIR
    TGeoMedium* pMedAir = new TGeoMedium("medium_World_AIR", 3, pMatAir );

    // The World is the 10 x 10m x 10m box filled with air mixture
    Double_t dx,dy,dz;
    dx = 5000.000000; // [mm]
    dy = 5000.000000; // [mm]
    dz = 5000.000000; // [mm]
    TGeoShape *pBoxWorld = new TGeoBBox("Box_World", dx,dy,dz);
    // Volume: volume_World
    TGeoVolume* pvolumeWorld = new TGeoVolume("volume_World",pBoxWorld, pMedAir);

   // Set top volume of geometry
   gGeoManager->SetTopVolume( pvolumeWorld );
   // Iterate over registered GEAR objects and construct their TGeo representation
   const Double_t PI = 3.141592653589793;
   const Double_t DEG = 180./PI;
   double xc, yc, zc;   // volume center position 
   double alpha, beta, gamma;
   IntVec::const_iterator itrPlaneId;
   for ( itrPlaneId = _sensorIDVec.begin(); itrPlaneId != _sensorIDVec.end(); ++itrPlaneId ) {
       std::stringstream strId;
       strId << *itrPlaneId;
       // Get sensor center position
       xc = siPlaneXPosition( *itrPlaneId );
       yc = siPlaneYPosition( *itrPlaneId );
       zc = siPlaneZPosition( *itrPlaneId );
       // Get sensor orientation
       alpha = siPlaneXRotation( *itrPlaneId ); // [rad]
       beta  = siPlaneYRotation( *itrPlaneId ); // [rad]
       gamma = siPlaneZRotation( *itrPlaneId ); // [rad]
       // Spatial translations of the sensor center
       string stTranslationName = "matrixTranslationSensor";
       stTranslationName.append( strId.str() );
       TGeoTranslation* pMatrixTrans = new TGeoTranslation( stTranslationName.c_str(), xc, yc, zc );
       //ALL clsses deriving from TGeoMatrix are not owned by the ROOT geometry manager, invoking RegisterYourself() transfers
       //ownership and thus ROOT will clean up
       // Spatial rotation around sensor center
       // TGeoRotation requires Euler angles in degrees
       string stRotationName = "matrixRotationSensorX";
       stRotationName.append( strId.str() );
       TGeoRotation* pMatrixRotX = new TGeoRotation( stRotationName.c_str(), 0.,  alpha*DEG, 0.);                // around X axis
       stRotationName = "matrixRotationSensorY";
       stRotationName.append( strId.str() );
       TGeoRotation* pMatrixRotY = new TGeoRotation( stRotationName.c_str(), 90., beta*DEG,  0.);                // around Y axis (combination of rotation around Z axis and new X axis)
       stRotationName = "matrixRotationSensorBackY";
       stRotationName.append( strId.str() );
       TGeoRotation* pMatrixRotY1 = new TGeoRotation( stRotationName.c_str(), -90., 0.,  0.);                    // restoration of original orientation (valid in small angle approximataion ~< 15 deg)
       stRotationName = "matrixRotationSensorZ";
       stRotationName.append( strId.str() );
       TGeoRotation* pMatrixRotZ = new TGeoRotation( stRotationName.c_str(), 0. , 0.,        gamma*DEG);         // around Z axis
       // Combined rotation in several steps
       TGeoRotation* pMatrixRot = new TGeoRotation( *pMatrixRotX );
       pMatrixRot->MultiplyBy( pMatrixRotY );
       pMatrixRot->MultiplyBy( pMatrixRotY1 );
       pMatrixRot->MultiplyBy( pMatrixRotZ );
       // Combined translation and orientation
       TGeoCombiTrans* combi = new TGeoCombiTrans( *pMatrixTrans, *pMatrixRot );
       // Construction of sensor objects
       // Construct object medium. Required for radiation length determination

       // assume SILICON, though all information except of radiation length is ignored
       double a       = 28.085500;     
       double z       = 14.000000;
       double density = 2.330000;
       double radl    = siPlaneMediumRadLen( *itrPlaneId );
       double absl    = 45.753206;
       string stMatName = "materialSensor";
       stMatName.append( strId.str() );
       TGeoMaterial* pMat = new TGeoMaterial( stMatName.c_str(), a, z, density, radl, absl );
       pMat->SetIndex( 1 );
       // Medium: medium_Sensor_SILICON
       int numed   = 0;  // medium number
       double par[8];
       par[0]  = 0.000000; // isvol
       par[1]  = 0.000000; // ifield
       par[2]  = 0.000000; // fieldm
       par[3]  = 0.000000; // tmaxfd
       par[4]  = 0.000000; // stemax
       par[5]  = 0.000000; // deemax
       par[6]  = 0.000000; // epsil
       par[7]  = 0.000000; // stmin
       string stMedName = "mediumSensor";
       stMedName.append( strId.str() );
       TGeoMedium* pMed = new TGeoMedium( stMedName.c_str(), numed, pMat, par );
       // Construct object shape
       // Shape: Box type: TGeoBBox
       // TGeo requires half-width of box side
       dx = siPlaneXSize( *itrPlaneId ) / 2.;
       dy = siPlaneYSize( *itrPlaneId ) / 2.;
       dz = siPlaneZSize( *itrPlaneId ) / 2.;
       TGeoShape *pBoxSensor = new TGeoBBox( "BoxSensor", dx, dy, dz );
       // Volume: volume_Sensor1
       // Geometry navigation package requires following names for objects that have an ID
       // name:ID
       string stVolName = "volume_SensorID:";
       stVolName.append( strId.str() );

		_planePath.insert( std::make_pair(*itrPlaneId, "/volume_World_1/"+stVolName+"_1") );

       TGeoVolume* pvolumeSensor = new TGeoVolume( stVolName.c_str(), pBoxSensor, pMed );
       pvolumeSensor->SetVisLeaves( kTRUE );
       pvolumeWorld->AddNode(pvolumeSensor, 1/*(*itrPlaneId)*/, combi);
	//this line tells the pixel geometry manager to load the pixel geometry into the plane			
        _pixGeoMgr->addPlane( *itrPlaneId, geoLibName( *itrPlaneId), stVolName);
   } // loop over sensorID

    _isGeoInitialized = true;
    // Dump ROOT TGeo object into file
    if ( dumpRoot ) _geoManager->Export( geomName.c_str() );

//    #endif //USE_TGEO
void KVVAMOSReconGeoNavigator::ParticleEntersNewVolume(KVNucleus* nuc)
   // Overrides method in KVGeoNavigator base class.
   // Every time a particle enters a new volume, we check the material to see
   // if it is known (i.e. contained in the range table fRangeTable).
   // If so, then we calculate the step through the material (STEP) of the nucleus
   // and the distance (DPATH in cm) between the intersection point at the focal plane
   // and the point at the entrance of the volume if it is the first active volume of a detector.
   // DPATH has the sign + if the volume is behind the focal plane or - if it
   // is at the front of it.

   KVVAMOSReconNuc* rnuc = (KVVAMOSReconNuc*)nuc;

   // stop the propagation if the current volume is the stopping detector
   // of the nucleus but after the process of this volume
   if (rnuc->GetStoppingDetector()) {
      TGeoVolume* stopVol = (TGeoVolume*)((KVVAMOSDetector*)rnuc->GetStoppingDetector())->GetActiveVolumes()->Last();

      if (GetCurrentVolume() == stopVol) SetStopPropagation();

   if (fDoNothing) return;

   TGeoMaterial* material = GetCurrentVolume()->GetMaterial();
   KVIonRangeTableMaterial* irmat = 0;

   // skip the process if the current material is unkown
   if ((irmat = fRangeTable->GetMaterial(material))) {

      KVString dname;
      Bool_t multi;
      TString absorber_name;
      Bool_t is_active = kFALSE;
      if (GetCurrentDetectorNameAndVolume(dname, multi)) {
         is_active = kTRUE;
         if (multi) {
            absorber_name.Form("%s/%s", dname.Data(), GetCurrentNode()->GetName());
            is_active = absorber_name.Contains("ACTIVE_");
         } else absorber_name = dname;
      } else
         absorber_name = irmat->GetName();

      // Coordinates of the vector between the intersection point at the
      // focal plane and the point at the entrance of the current detector
      Double_t X = GetEntryPoint().X() - fOrigine.X();
      Double_t Y = GetEntryPoint().Y() - fOrigine.Y();
      Double_t Z = GetEntryPoint().Z() - fOrigine.Z();

      // Norm of this vector. The signe gives an infomation about the detector position
      // (1: behind; -1: in front of) with respect to the focal plane.
      Double_t Delta = TMath::Sign(1., Z) * TMath::Sqrt(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z);

      if ((fCalib & kECalib) || (fCalib & kTCalib)) {
         if (fE > 1e-3) {

            // velocity before material
            Double_t Vi = nuc->GetVelocity().Mag();

            // energy lost in the material
            Double_t DE = irmat->GetLinearDeltaEOfIon(
                             nuc->GetZ(), nuc->GetA(), fE, GetStepSize(), 0.,
            fE -= DE;

            //set flag to say that particle has been slowed down

            // velocity after material
            Double_t Vf = nuc->GetVelocity().Mag();

            if (fCalib & kTCalib) {
               //from current start point to the entrance point
               fTOF += (Delta - fStartPath) / Vi;
               fStartPath = Delta;

               //nuc->GetParameters()->SetValue(Form("TOF:%s",absorber_name.Data()), fTOF);
               if (is_active) nuc->GetParameters()->SetValue(Form("TOF:%s", dname.Data()), fTOF);
               else if ((fCalib & kFullTCalib) == kFullTCalib) nuc->GetParameters()->SetValue(Form("TOF:%s", absorber_name.Data()), fTOF);

               // from the entrance to the exit of the material
               Double_t step = GetStepSize();
               fTOF += CalculateLinearDeltaT(Vi, Vf, step);
               fStartPath += step;

            if (fCalib & kECalib) {
               if (is_active) nuc->GetParameters()->SetValue(Form("DE:%s", dname.Data()), DE);
               else if ((fCalib & kFullECalib) == kFullECalib) nuc->GetParameters()->SetValue(Form("DE:%s", absorber_name.Data()), DE);

      if (is_active)  nuc->GetParameters()->SetValue(Form("DPATH:%s", dname.Data()), Delta);
      else if ((fCalib & kFullTCalib) == kFullTCalib) nuc->GetParameters()->SetValue(Form("DPATH:%s", absorber_name.Data()), Delta);
      nuc->GetParameters()->SetValue(Form("STEP:%s", absorber_name.Data()), GetStepSize());

Exemplo n.º 16
TGeoMedium* KVMaterial::GetGeoMedium(const Char_t* med_name)
   // By default, return pointer to TGeoMedium corresponding to this KVMaterial.
   // If argument "med_name" is given and corresponds to the name of an already existing
   // medium, we return a pointer to this medium, or 0x0 if it does not exist.
   // med_name = "Vacuum" is a special case: if the "Vacuum" does not exist, we create it.
   // Instance of geometry manager class TGeoManager must be created before calling this
   // method, otherwise 0x0 will be returned.
   // If the required TGeoMedium is not already available in the TGeoManager, we create
   // a new TGeoMedium corresponding to the properties of this KVMaterial.
   // The name of the TGeoMedium (and associated TGeoMaterial) is the name of the KVMaterial.

   if (!gGeoManager) return NULL;

   if (strcmp(med_name, "")) {
      TGeoMedium* gmed = gGeoManager->GetMedium(med_name);
      if (gmed) return gmed;
      else if (!strcmp(med_name, "Vacuum")) {
         // create material
         TGeoMaterial* gmat = new TGeoMaterial("Vacuum", 0, 0, 0);
         gmed = new TGeoMedium("Vacuum", 0, gmat);
         return gmed;
      return NULL;

   // if object is a KVDetector, we return medium corresponding to the active layer
   if (GetActiveLayer()) return GetActiveLayer()->GetGeoMedium();

   // for gaseous materials, the TGeoMedium/Material name is of the form
   //      gasname_pressure
   // e.g. C3F8_37.5 for C3F8 gas at 37.5 torr
   // each gas with different pressure has to have a separate TGeoMaterial/Medium
   TString medName;
   if (IsGas()) medName.Form("%s_%f", GetName(), GetPressure());
   else medName = GetName();

   TGeoMedium* gmed = gGeoManager->GetMedium(medName);

   if (gmed) return gmed;

   TGeoMaterial* gmat = gGeoManager->GetMaterial(medName);

   if (!gmat) {
      // create material
      gmat = GetRangeTable()->GetTGeoMaterial(GetName());

   // create medium
   static Int_t numed = 1; // static counter variable used to number media
   gmed = new TGeoMedium(medName, numed, gmat);
   numed += 1;

   return gmed;
Exemplo n.º 17
TGeoMedium* KVSpectroDetector::GetGeoMedium(const Char_t* mat_name){
	// By default, return pointer to TGeoMedium corresponding to this KVMaterial.
	// If argument "mat_name" is given, a pointer to a medium is return for this material.
	// mat_name = "Vacuum" is a special case: if the "Vacuum" does not exist, we create it.
	// Instance of geometry manager class TGeoManager must be created before calling this
	// method, otherwise 0x0 will be returned.
	// If the required TGeoMedium is not already available in the TGeoManager, we create
	// a new TGeoMedium corresponding to the material given in argument.

	if( !gGeoManager ) return NULL;

   	TString medName, matName;
	if( !strcmp(mat_name,"") ){
   		// for gaseous materials, the TGeoMedium/Material name is of the form
   		//      gasname_pressure
   		// e.g. C3F8_37.5 for C3F8 gas at 37.5 torr
   		// each gas with different pressure has to have a separate TGeoMaterial/Medium
   		matName = GetName();
    	KVIonRangeTableMaterial* irmat = KVMaterial::GetRangeTable()->GetMaterial(matName.Data());
   		if(irmat->IsGas()) medName.Form("%s_%f", matName.Data(), GetPressure());
   		else medName = GetName();
		matName = mat_name;
		medName = mat_name;

	TGeoMedium* gmed = gGeoManager->GetMedium( medName);
	if( gmed ) return gmed;

	TGeoMaterial *gmat = gGeoManager->GetMaterial( medName);
	if( !gmat ){
 		if( !strcmp(matName.Data(), "Vacuum") ){
			// create material
			gmat = new TGeoMaterial("Vacuum",0,0,0 );
			// create material
			gmat = GetRangeTable()->GetTGeoMaterial(matName.Data());
				Error("GetGeoMedium","Material %s is nowhere to be found in %s"
				return NULL;
			gmat->SetPressure( GetPressure() );
			gmat->SetTemperature( GetTemperature() );

	// For the moment the names of material and medium do not
	// depend on the temperature of the material.

	// create medium
	TGeoMedium* lastmed = (TGeoMedium*)gGeoManager->GetListOfMedia()->Last();
	Int_t numed = (lastmed ? lastmed->GetId()+1 : 0); // static counter variable used to number media
	gmed = new TGeoMedium( medName, numed, gmat );

	return gmed;
Exemplo n.º 18
void MUONChamberMaterialBudget(const char* geoFilename = "geometry.root", Int_t segmentationLevel = 1)
  /// Draw the local chamber thickness over x0 (x/x0) used in the computation of Multiple Coulomb Scattering effets.
  /// Compute <x> and <x/x0> in a limited area (displayed on the histograms) to avoid edge effets.
  /// The resolution can be changed by changing the sementation level: resolution = 1 cm / segmentationLevel.
  const char* chamberName[10] = {"SC01", "SC02", "SC03", "SC04", "SC05", "SC06", "SC07", "SC08", "SC09", "SC10"};
  Double_t OneOverX0MeanCh[10] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.};
  Double_t totalLengthCh[10] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.};
  Double_t OneOverX0Mean = 0.;
  Double_t totalLength = 0.;
  // Import TGeo geometry
  if (!gGeoManager) {
    if (!gGeoManager) {
      cout<<"getting geometry from file geometry.root failed"<<endl;
  // z intervals where to find the stations
  Double_t zIn[5] =  {-510., -600.,  -800., -1150., -1350.};
  Double_t zOut[5] = {-600., -800., -1150., -1350., -1470.};
  // transverse area where to compute locally x and x/x0
  Double_t xIn0[5] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
  Double_t yIn0[5] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
  Int_t ixMax[5] = {90, 120, 165, 250, 260};
  Int_t iyMax[5] = {90, 120, 180, 250, 270};
  // transverse area where to compute <x> and <x/x0> for each chamber
  Double_t xIn0ForMean[5] = { 5.,  5.,  35.,  40.,  40.};
  Double_t yIn0ForMean[5] = {20., 25.,   0.,   0.,   0.};
  Int_t ixMaxForMean[5] = {  50,  65,   85,  120,  160 };
  Int_t iyMaxForMean[5] = {  60,  70,  110,  150,  150 };
  // define output histograms
  TFile *f = TFile::Open("MaterialBudget.root","RECREATE");
  TH2F* hXOverX0[10];
  TBox* bXOverX0[10];
  for (Int_t i=0; i<10; i++) {
    Int_t st = i/2;
    hXOverX0[i] = new TH2F(Form("hXOverX0_%d",i+1), Form("x/x0 on ch %d (%%)",i+1),
			   segmentationLevel*ixMax[st], xIn0[st], xIn0[st]+ixMax[st],
			   segmentationLevel*iyMax[st], yIn0[st], yIn0[st]+iyMax[st]);
    bXOverX0[i] = new TBox(xIn0ForMean[st], yIn0ForMean[st],
			   xIn0ForMean[st]+ixMaxForMean[st], yIn0ForMean[st]+iyMaxForMean[st]);
  // loop over stations
  for (Int_t ist=0; ist<5; ist++) {
    Int_t nPoints = 0;
    // loop over position in non bending direction (by step of 1cm)
    for (Int_t ix=0; ix<segmentationLevel*ixMax[ist]; ix++) {
      Double_t xIn = xIn0[ist] + ((Double_t)ix+0.5) / ((Double_t)segmentationLevel);
      // loop over position in bending direction (by step of 1cm)
      for (Int_t iy=0; iy<segmentationLevel*iyMax[ist]; iy++) {
	Int_t permilDone = 1000 * (ix * segmentationLevel*iyMax[ist] + iy + 1) /
	if (permilDone%10 == 0) cout<<"\rStation "<<ist+1<<": processing... "<<permilDone/10<<"%"<<flush;
	Double_t yIn = yIn0[ist] + ((Double_t)iy+0.5) / ((Double_t)segmentationLevel);
	// Initialize starting point and direction
	Double_t trackXYZIn[3] = {xIn, yIn, zIn[ist]};
	Double_t trackXYZOut[3] = {1.000001*xIn, 1.000001*yIn, zOut[ist]};
	Double_t pathLength = TMath::Sqrt((trackXYZOut[0] - trackXYZIn[0])*(trackXYZOut[0] - trackXYZIn[0])+
					  (trackXYZOut[1] - trackXYZIn[1])*(trackXYZOut[1] - trackXYZIn[1])+
					  (trackXYZOut[2] - trackXYZIn[2])*(trackXYZOut[2] - trackXYZIn[2]));
	Double_t b[3];
	b[0] = (trackXYZOut[0] - trackXYZIn[0]) / pathLength;
	b[1] = (trackXYZOut[1] - trackXYZIn[1]) / pathLength;
	b[2] = (trackXYZOut[2] - trackXYZIn[2]) / pathLength;
	TGeoNode *currentnode = gGeoManager->InitTrack(trackXYZIn, b);
	if (!currentnode) break;
	Bool_t OK = kTRUE;
	Double_t x0 = 0.;  // radiation-length (cm-1)
	Double_t localOneOverX0MeanCh[10] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.};
	Double_t localTotalLengthCh[10] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.};
	Double_t localPathLength = 0.;
	Double_t remainingPathLength = pathLength;
	do {
	  // Get material properties
	  TGeoMaterial *material = currentnode->GetVolume()->GetMedium()->GetMaterial();
	  TString currentNodePath(gGeoManager->GetPath());
	  x0 = material->GetRadLen();
	  // Get path length within this material
	  localPathLength = gGeoManager->GetStep() + 1.e-6;
	  // Check if boundary within remaining path length.
	  // If so, make sure to cross the boundary to prepare the next step
	  if (localPathLength >= remainingPathLength) localPathLength = remainingPathLength;
	  else {
	    currentnode = gGeoManager->Step();
	    if (!currentnode) { OK = kFALSE; break; }
	    if (!gGeoManager->IsEntering()) {
	      // make another small step to try to enter in new slice
	      currentnode = gGeoManager->Step();
	      if (!gGeoManager->IsEntering() || !currentnode) { OK = kFALSE; break; }
	      localPathLength += 0.001;
	  remainingPathLength -= localPathLength;

	  // check if entering a chamber of the current station or go to next step
	  Int_t chId;
	  if (currentNodePath.Contains(chamberName[2*ist])) chId = 2*ist;
	  else if (currentNodePath.Contains(chamberName[2*ist+1])) chId = 2*ist+1;
	  else continue;
	  // add current material budget
	  localOneOverX0MeanCh[chId] += localPathLength / x0;
	  localTotalLengthCh[chId] += localPathLength;
	} while (remainingPathLength > TGeoShape::Tolerance());
	// account for the local material characteristic if computed successfully
	if (OK) {
	  // fill histograms in the full space
	  // computation of <x> and <x/x0> in a limited chamber region
	  if (xIn > xIn0ForMean[ist] && xIn < xIn0ForMean[ist]+1.*ixMaxForMean[ist] &&
	      yIn > yIn0ForMean[ist] && yIn < yIn0ForMean[ist]+1.*iyMaxForMean[ist]) {
	    OneOverX0MeanCh[2*ist] += localOneOverX0MeanCh[2*ist];
	    OneOverX0MeanCh[2*ist+1] += localOneOverX0MeanCh[2*ist+1];
	    totalLengthCh[2*ist] += localTotalLengthCh[2*ist];
	    totalLengthCh[2*ist+1] += localTotalLengthCh[2*ist+1];
    cout<<"\rStation "<<ist+1<<": processing... 100%"<<endl;
    // normalize <x> and <x/x0> to the number of data points
    for (Int_t i=2*ist; i<=2*ist+1; i++) {
      OneOverX0MeanCh[i] /= (Double_t) nPoints;
      totalLengthCh[i] /= (Double_t) nPoints;
  // print results
  cout<<"chamber   thickness (cm)    x/x0 (%)"<<endl;
  for (Int_t i=0; i<10; i++) {
    printf("  %2d          %4.2f            %4.2f\n",i+1,totalLengthCh[i],100.*OneOverX0MeanCh[i]);
    totalLength += totalLengthCh[i];
    OneOverX0Mean += OneOverX0MeanCh[i];
  printf("  tot         %4.1f            %4.1f\n",totalLength,100.*OneOverX0Mean);
  // save histograms