Exemplo n.º 1
float checkIDRegion(double myEta, double myPhi, double deltaR, TString runnumber) {

  // Get the histograms
  TFile *f = new TFile("IDDQ_152409.root","READ");
  // The active/inactive maps (not using the BS)
  TH2F *active;
  TH2F *inactive;
  // The raw number of tracks passing active or inactive B-Layer modules
  //  for bins within the region.
  int nInactive = 0;
  int nActive = 0;
  if(myPhi < 0) myPhi += 2*3.14;

  // Define the region
  Double_t etaMin = myEta-deltaR;
  Double_t etaMax = myEta+deltaR;  
  Double_t phiMin = myPhi-deltaR;
  Double_t phiMax = myPhi+deltaR;

  // Step size is set by the histogram binning
  Double_t stepSize = active->GetBinWidth(1);
  // Number of steps
  Int_t etaSteps = (etaMax-etaMin)/stepSize;
  Int_t phiSteps = (phiMax-phiMin)/stepSize;

  // The points to check
  Double_t theEta;
  Double_t thePhi;

  for(int i=0; i<=etaSteps+1; i++){
    for (int k =0; k<=phiSteps+1; k++){
      // Checks the current point. (Updates nInactive and nActive)
      checkIDDQ(theEta,thePhi,nInactive, nActive, runnumber,inactive,active);
      thePhi = thePhi + stepSize;
    theEta = theEta + stepSize;

//   cout << "Eta: " << myEta << "      Phi: " << myPhi << endl;
//   // If we dont see any inactive declare the region as good.
//   if(nInactive == 0)
//     cout << " Not near inactive BLayer region " << endl;
//   // If we see tracks passing inactive regions, 
//   // report it and provide the difference in the  nActive and nInactive
//   // as an indication of how questionable the region is.
//   else{
//     cout << " Near inactive BLayer region " << endl;
//     cout << "  Saftey score: " << std::setprecision(2) << float(nInactive)/(nActive + nInactive) << endl;
//   }

  float safetyscore = 0; // All good unless told otherwise
  if (nActive) {
    safetyscore = float(nInactive)/(nActive + nInactive);

  return safetyscore;