Exemplo n.º 1
ThreadPlanAssemblyTracer::ThreadPlanAssemblyTracer (Thread &thread, lldb::StreamSP &stream_sp) :
    ThreadPlanTracer (thread, stream_sp),
    InitializeTracer ();
Exemplo n.º 2
ThreadPlanAssemblyTracer::ThreadPlanAssemblyTracer (Thread &thread) :
    ThreadPlanTracer (thread),
    InitializeTracer ();
Exemplo n.º 3
ABIMacOSX_i386::GetArgumentValues (Thread &thread,
                                   ValueList &values) const
    unsigned int num_values = values.GetSize();
    unsigned int value_index;

    // Get the pointer to the first stack argument so we have a place to start
    // when reading data

    RegisterContext *reg_ctx = thread.GetRegisterContext().get();

    if (!reg_ctx)
        return false;

    addr_t sp = reg_ctx->GetSP(0);

    if (!sp)
        return false;

    addr_t current_stack_argument = sp + 4; // jump over return address

    for (value_index = 0;
            value_index < num_values;
        Value *value = values.GetValueAtIndex(value_index);

        if (!value)
            return false;

        // We currently only support extracting values with Clang QualTypes.
        // Do we care about others?
        CompilerType compiler_type (value->GetCompilerType());
        if (compiler_type)
            bool is_signed;

            if (compiler_type.IsIntegerType (is_signed))
            else if (compiler_type.IsPointerType())

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
ThreadPlanCallFunction::ThreadPlanCallFunction (Thread &thread,
                                                Address &function,
                                                ValueList &args,
                                                bool stop_other_threads,
                                                bool discard_on_error) :
    ThreadPlan (ThreadPlan::eKindCallFunction, "Call function plan", thread, eVoteNoOpinion, eVoteNoOpinion),
    m_valid (false),
    m_stop_other_threads (stop_other_threads),
    m_arg_addr (0),
    m_args (&args),
    m_process (thread.GetProcess()),
    m_thread (thread)
    SetOkayToDiscard (discard_on_error);
    Process& process = thread.GetProcess();
    Target& target = process.GetTarget();
    const ABI *abi = process.GetABI();
    lldb::addr_t spBelowRedZone = thread.GetRegisterContext()->GetSP() - abi->GetRedZoneSize();
    SymbolContextList contexts;
    SymbolContext context;
    ModuleSP executableModuleSP (target.GetExecutableModule());
    if (!executableModuleSP ||
        !executableModuleSP->FindSymbolsWithNameAndType(ConstString ("start"), eSymbolTypeCode, contexts))
    contexts.GetContextAtIndex(0, context);
    m_start_addr = context.symbol->GetValue();
    lldb::addr_t StartLoadAddr = m_start_addr.GetLoadAddress(&process);
    m_function_addr = function;
    lldb::addr_t FunctionLoadAddr = m_function_addr.GetLoadAddress(&process);
    if (!abi->PrepareNormalCall(thread, 
    m_valid = true;    
Exemplo n.º 5
ABISysV_i386::GetArgumentValues (Thread &thread,
                                   ValueList &values) const
    unsigned int num_values = values.GetSize();
    unsigned int value_index;

    RegisterContext *reg_ctx = thread.GetRegisterContext().get();

    if (!reg_ctx)
        return false;

    // Get pointer to the first stack argument
    addr_t sp = reg_ctx->GetSP(0);
    if (!sp)
        return false;

    addr_t current_stack_argument = sp + 4; // jump over return address

    for (value_index = 0;
         value_index < num_values;
        Value *value = values.GetValueAtIndex(value_index);

        if (!value)
            return false;

        // Currently: Support for extracting values with Clang QualTypes only.
        CompilerType clang_type (value->GetCompilerType());
        if (clang_type)
            bool is_signed;
            if (clang_type.IsIntegerType (is_signed))
            else if (clang_type.IsPointerType())
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
static bool ReadIntegerArgument(Scalar &scalar, unsigned int bit_width,
                                bool is_signed, Thread &thread,
                                uint32_t *argument_register_ids,
                                unsigned int &current_argument_register,
                                addr_t &current_stack_argument) {
  if (bit_width > 64)
    return false; // Scalar can't hold large integer arguments

  if (current_argument_register < 6) {
    scalar = thread.GetRegisterContext()->ReadRegisterAsUnsigned(
        argument_register_ids[current_argument_register], 0);
    if (is_signed)
  } else {
    uint32_t byte_size = (bit_width + (8 - 1)) / 8;
    Status error;
    if (thread.GetProcess()->ReadScalarIntegerFromMemory(
            current_stack_argument, byte_size, is_signed, scalar, error)) {
      current_stack_argument += byte_size;
      return true;
    return false;
  return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
DynamicLoaderPOSIXDYLD::GetStepThroughTrampolinePlan(Thread &thread, bool stop)
    LogSP log(GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_DYNAMIC_LOADER));
    ThreadPlanSP thread_plan_sp;

    StackFrame *frame = thread.GetStackFrameAtIndex(0).get();
    const SymbolContext &context = frame->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextSymbol);
    Symbol *sym = context.symbol;

    if (sym == NULL || !sym->IsTrampoline())
        return thread_plan_sp;

    const ConstString &sym_name = sym->GetMangled().GetName(Mangled::ePreferMangled);
    if (!sym_name)
        return thread_plan_sp;

    SymbolContextList target_symbols;
    Target &target = thread.GetProcess().GetTarget();
    ModuleList &images = target.GetImages();

    images.FindSymbolsWithNameAndType(sym_name, eSymbolTypeCode, target_symbols);
    size_t num_targets = target_symbols.GetSize();
    if (!num_targets)
        return thread_plan_sp;

    typedef std::vector<lldb::addr_t> AddressVector;
    AddressVector addrs;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_targets; ++i)
        SymbolContext context;
        AddressRange range;
        if (target_symbols.GetContextAtIndex(i, context))
            context.GetAddressRange(eSymbolContextEverything, 0, false, range);
            lldb::addr_t addr = range.GetBaseAddress().GetLoadAddress(&target);
            if (addr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)

    if (addrs.size() > 0) 
        AddressVector::iterator start = addrs.begin();
        AddressVector::iterator end = addrs.end();

        std::sort(start, end);
        addrs.erase(std::unique(start, end), end);
        thread_plan_sp.reset(new ThreadPlanRunToAddress(thread, addrs, stop));

    return thread_plan_sp;
Exemplo n.º 8
    Thread &thread, const std::vector<lldb::addr_t> &addresses,
    bool stop_others)
    : ThreadPlan(ThreadPlan::eKindRunToAddress, "Run to address plan", thread,
                 eVoteNoOpinion, eVoteNoOpinion),
      m_stop_others(stop_others), m_addresses(addresses), m_break_ids() {
  // Convert all addresses into opcode addresses to make sure we set
  // breakpoints at the correct address.
  Target &target = thread.GetProcess()->GetTarget();
  std::vector<lldb::addr_t>::iterator pos, end = m_addresses.end();
  for (pos = m_addresses.begin(); pos != end; ++pos)
    *pos = target.GetOpcodeLoadAddress(*pos);

Exemplo n.º 9
bool UnwindAssemblyInstEmulation::GetNonCallSiteUnwindPlanFromAssembly(
    AddressRange &range, Thread &thread, UnwindPlan &unwind_plan) {
  std::vector<uint8_t> function_text(range.GetByteSize());
  ProcessSP process_sp(thread.GetProcess());
  if (process_sp) {
    Error error;
    const bool prefer_file_cache = true;
    if (process_sp->GetTarget().ReadMemory(
            range.GetBaseAddress(), prefer_file_cache, function_text.data(),
            range.GetByteSize(), error) != range.GetByteSize()) {
      return false;
  return GetNonCallSiteUnwindPlanFromAssembly(
      range, function_text.data(), function_text.size(), unwind_plan);
Exemplo n.º 10
static bool
GetReturnValuePassedInMemory(Thread &thread, RegisterContext* reg_ctx, size_t byte_size, Value& value)
    Error error;
    DataBufferHeap buffer(byte_size, 0);

    const RegisterInfo *r0_reg_info = reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfo(eRegisterKindGeneric, LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG1);
    uint32_t address = reg_ctx->ReadRegisterAsUnsigned(r0_reg_info, 0) & UINT32_MAX;
    thread.GetProcess()->ReadMemory(address, buffer.GetBytes(), buffer.GetByteSize(), error);

    if (error.Fail())
        return false;

    value.SetBytes(buffer.GetBytes(), buffer.GetByteSize());
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 11
UnwindLLDB::UnwindLLDB (Thread &thread) :
    Unwind (thread),
    ProcessSP process_sp(thread.GetProcess());
    if (process_sp)
        Args args;
        process_sp->GetTarget().GetUserSpecifiedTrapHandlerNames (args);
        size_t count = args.GetArgumentCount();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
            const char *func_name = args.GetArgumentAtIndex(i);
            m_user_supplied_trap_handler_functions.push_back (ConstString (func_name));
bool UnwindAssembly_x86::GetNonCallSiteUnwindPlanFromAssembly(
    AddressRange &func, Thread &thread, UnwindPlan &unwind_plan) {
  if (!func.GetBaseAddress().IsValid() || func.GetByteSize() == 0)
    return false;
  if (m_assembly_inspection_engine == nullptr)
    return false;
  ProcessSP process_sp(thread.GetProcess());
  if (process_sp.get() == nullptr)
    return false;
  const bool prefer_file_cache = true;
  std::vector<uint8_t> function_text(func.GetByteSize());
  Status error;
  if (process_sp->GetTarget().ReadMemory(
          func.GetBaseAddress(), prefer_file_cache, function_text.data(),
          func.GetByteSize(), error) == func.GetByteSize()) {
    RegisterContextSP reg_ctx(thread.GetRegisterContext());
    return m_assembly_inspection_engine->GetNonCallSiteUnwindPlanFromAssembly(
        function_text.data(), func.GetByteSize(), func, unwind_plan);
  return false;
bool UnwindAssembly_x86::GetFastUnwindPlan(AddressRange &func, Thread &thread,
                                           UnwindPlan &unwind_plan) {
  // if prologue is
  //   55     pushl %ebp
  //   89 e5  movl %esp, %ebp
  //  or
  //   55        pushq %rbp
  //   48 89 e5  movq %rsp, %rbp

  // We should pull in the ABI architecture default unwind plan and return that

  llvm::SmallVector<uint8_t, 4> opcode_data;

  ProcessSP process_sp = thread.GetProcess();
  if (process_sp) {
    Target &target(process_sp->GetTarget());
    const bool prefer_file_cache = true;
    Status error;
    if (target.ReadMemory(func.GetBaseAddress(), prefer_file_cache,
                          opcode_data.data(), 4, error) == 4) {
      uint8_t i386_push_mov[] = {0x55, 0x89, 0xe5};
      uint8_t x86_64_push_mov[] = {0x55, 0x48, 0x89, 0xe5};

      if (memcmp(opcode_data.data(), i386_push_mov, sizeof(i386_push_mov)) ==
              0 ||
          memcmp(opcode_data.data(), x86_64_push_mov,
                 sizeof(x86_64_push_mov)) == 0) {
        ABISP abi_sp = process_sp->GetABI();
        if (abi_sp) {
          return abi_sp->CreateDefaultUnwindPlan(unwind_plan);
  return false;
Exemplo n.º 14
ABISysV_hexagon::PrepareTrivialCall ( Thread &thread, 
                                      lldb::addr_t  sp  , 
                                      lldb::addr_t  pc  , 
                                      lldb::addr_t  ra  , 
                                      llvm::Type   &prototype,
                                      llvm::ArrayRef<ABI::CallArgument> args) const
    // default number of register passed arguments for varg functions
    const int nVArgRegParams = 1;
    Error error;

    // grab the process so we have access to the memory for spilling
    lldb::ProcessSP proc = thread.GetProcess( );

    // push host data onto target
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < args.size( ); i++ )
        const ABI::CallArgument &arg = args[i];
        // skip over target values
        if ( arg.type == ABI::CallArgument::TargetValue )
        // round up to 8 byte multiple
        size_t argSize = ( arg.size | 0x7 ) + 1;

        // create space on the stack for this data
        sp -= argSize;

        // write this argument onto the stack of the host process
        proc.get( )->WriteMemory( sp, arg.data, arg.size, error );
        if ( error.Fail( ) )
            return false;

        // update the argument with the target pointer
        //XXX: This is a gross hack for getting around the const
        *((size_t*)(&arg.value)) = sp;

    // print the original stack pointer
    printf( "sp : %04lx \n", sp );

    // make sure number of parameters matches prototype
    assert( prototype.getFunctionNumParams( ) == args.size( ) );

    // check if this is a variable argument function
    bool isVArg = prototype.isFunctionVarArg();

    // get the register context for modifying all of the registers
    RegisterContext *reg_ctx = thread.GetRegisterContext().get();
    if (!reg_ctx)
        return false;
    // number of arguments passed by register
    int nRegArgs = nVArgRegParams;
    if (! isVArg )
        // number of arguments is limited by [R0 : R5] space
        nRegArgs = args.size( );
        if ( nRegArgs > 6 )
            nRegArgs = 6;

    // pass arguments that are passed via registers
    for ( int i = 0; i < nRegArgs; i++ )
        // get the parameter as a u32
        uint32_t param = (uint32_t)args[i].value;
        // write argument into register
        if (!reg_ctx->WriteRegisterFromUnsigned( i, param ))
            return false;

    // number of arguments to spill onto stack
    int nSpillArgs = args.size( ) - nRegArgs;
    // make space on the stack for arguments
    sp -= 4 * nSpillArgs;
    // align stack on an 8 byte boundary
    if ( sp & 7 )
        sp -= 4;

    // arguments that are passed on the stack
    for ( size_t i = nRegArgs, offs=0; i < args.size( ); i++ )
        // get the parameter as a u32
        uint32_t param = (uint32_t)args[i].value;
        // write argument to stack
        proc->WriteMemory( sp + offs, (void*)&param, sizeof( param ), error );
        if ( !error.Success( ) )
            return false;
        offs += 4;

    // update registers with current function call state
    reg_ctx->WriteRegisterFromUnsigned ( 41, pc );
    reg_ctx->WriteRegisterFromUnsigned ( 31, ra );
    reg_ctx->WriteRegisterFromUnsigned ( 29, sp );
//  reg_ctx->WriteRegisterFromUnsigned ( FP ??? );

    // quick and dirty stack dumper for debugging
    for ( int i = -8; i < 8; i++ )
        uint32_t data = 0;
        lldb::addr_t addr = sp + i * 4;
        proc->ReadMemory( addr, (void*)&data, sizeof( data ), error );
        printf( "\n0x%04lx 0x%08x ", addr, data );
        if ( i == 0 ) printf( "<<-- sp" );
    printf( "\n" );
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 15
UnwindAssemblyInstEmulation::GetNonCallSiteUnwindPlanFromAssembly (AddressRange& range, 
                                                                   Thread& thread, 
                                                                   UnwindPlan& unwind_plan)
    if (range.GetByteSize() > 0 && 
        range.GetBaseAddress().IsValid() &&
        // The the instruction emulation subclass setup the unwind plan for the
        // first instruction.
        m_inst_emulator_ap->CreateFunctionEntryUnwind (unwind_plan);

        // CreateFunctionEntryUnwind should have created the first row. If it
        // doesn't, then we are done.
        if (unwind_plan.GetRowCount() == 0)
            return false;
        ExecutionContext exe_ctx;
        DisassemblerSP disasm_sp (Disassembler::DisassembleRange (m_arch,
        LogSP log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_UNWIND));

        if (disasm_sp)
            m_range_ptr = &range;
            m_thread_ptr = &thread;
            m_unwind_plan_ptr = &unwind_plan;

            const uint32_t addr_byte_size = m_arch.GetAddressByteSize();
            const bool show_address = true;
            const bool show_bytes = true;
            const bool raw = false;
            // Initialize the CFA with a known value. In the 32 bit case
            // it will be 0x80000000, and in the 64 bit case 0x8000000000000000.
            // We use the address byte size to be safe for any future addresss sizes
            m_inst_emulator_ap->GetRegisterInfo (unwind_plan.GetRegisterKind(), 
            m_fp_is_cfa = false;

            m_initial_sp = (1ull << ((addr_byte_size * 8) - 1));
            RegisterValue cfa_reg_value;
            cfa_reg_value.SetUInt (m_initial_sp, m_cfa_reg_info.byte_size);
            SetRegisterValue (m_cfa_reg_info, cfa_reg_value);
            const InstructionList &inst_list = disasm_sp->GetInstructionList ();
            const size_t num_instructions = inst_list.GetSize();
            if (num_instructions > 0)
                Instruction *inst = inst_list.GetInstructionAtIndex (0).get();
                const addr_t base_addr = inst->GetAddress().GetFileAddress();
                // Initialize the current row with the one row that was created
                // from the CreateFunctionEntryUnwind call above...
                m_curr_row = unwind_plan.GetLastRow();

                for (size_t idx=0; idx<num_instructions; ++idx)
                    inst = inst_list.GetInstructionAtIndex (idx).get();
                    if (inst)

                        if (log && log->GetVerbose ())
                            StreamString strm;
                            inst->Dump(&strm, inst_list.GetMaxOpcocdeByteSize (), show_address, show_bytes, &exe_ctx, raw);
                            log->PutCString (strm.GetData());

                        m_inst_emulator_ap->SetInstruction (inst->GetOpcode(), 

                        m_inst_emulator_ap->EvaluateInstruction (eEmulateInstructionOptionIgnoreConditions);
                        if (unwind_plan.GetLastRow() != m_curr_row)
                            // Be sure to not edit the offset unless our row has changed
                            // so that the "!=" call above doesn't trigger every time
                            m_curr_row.SetOffset (inst->GetAddress().GetFileAddress() + inst->GetOpcode().GetByteSize() - base_addr);
                            // Append the new row
                            unwind_plan.AppendRow (m_curr_row);
        if (log && log->GetVerbose ())
            StreamString strm;
            lldb::addr_t base_addr = range.GetBaseAddress().GetLoadAddress(&thread.GetProcess().GetTarget());
            strm.Printf ("Resulting unwind rows for [0x%llx - 0x%llx):", base_addr, base_addr + range.GetByteSize());
            unwind_plan.Dump(strm, &thread, base_addr);
            log->PutCString (strm.GetData());
        return unwind_plan.GetRowCount() > 0;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 16
ABISysV_i386::GetReturnValueObjectSimple (Thread &thread,
                                          CompilerType &return_clang_type) const
    ValueObjectSP return_valobj_sp;
    Value value;

    if (!return_clang_type)
        return return_valobj_sp;

    value.SetCompilerType (return_clang_type);

    RegisterContext *reg_ctx = thread.GetRegisterContext().get();
    if (!reg_ctx)
        return return_valobj_sp;

    const uint32_t type_flags = return_clang_type.GetTypeInfo ();

    unsigned eax_id = reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfoByName("eax", 0)->kinds[eRegisterKindLLDB];
    unsigned edx_id = reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfoByName("edx", 0)->kinds[eRegisterKindLLDB];

    // Following "IF ELSE" block categorizes various 'Fundamental Data Types'.
    // The terminology 'Fundamental Data Types' used here is adopted from
    // Table 2.1 of the reference document (specified on top of this file)

    if (type_flags & eTypeIsPointer)     // 'Pointer'
        uint32_t ptr = thread.GetRegisterContext()->ReadRegisterAsUnsigned(eax_id, 0) & 0xffffffff ;
        value.GetScalar() = ptr;
        return_valobj_sp = ValueObjectConstResult::Create (thread.GetStackFrameAtIndex(0).get(),

    else if ((type_flags & eTypeIsScalar) || (type_flags & eTypeIsEnumeration)) //'Integral' + 'Floating Point'
        const size_t byte_size = return_clang_type.GetByteSize(nullptr);
        bool success = false;

        if (type_flags & eTypeIsInteger)    // 'Integral' except enum
            const bool is_signed = ((type_flags & eTypeIsSigned) != 0);
            uint64_t raw_value = thread.GetRegisterContext()->ReadRegisterAsUnsigned(eax_id, 0) & 0xffffffff ;
            raw_value |= (thread.GetRegisterContext()->ReadRegisterAsUnsigned(edx_id, 0) & 0xffffffff) << 32;

            switch (byte_size)

                case 16:
                   // For clang::BuiltinType::UInt128 & Int128
                   // ToDo: Need to decide how to handle it
                   break ;

                case 8:
                    if (is_signed)
                        value.GetScalar() = (int64_t)(raw_value);
                        value.GetScalar() = (uint64_t)(raw_value);
                    success = true;

                case 4:
                    if (is_signed)
                        value.GetScalar() = (int32_t)(raw_value & UINT32_MAX);
                        value.GetScalar() = (uint32_t)(raw_value & UINT32_MAX);
                    success = true;

                case 2:
                    if (is_signed)
                        value.GetScalar() = (int16_t)(raw_value & UINT16_MAX);
                        value.GetScalar() = (uint16_t)(raw_value & UINT16_MAX);
                    success = true;

                case 1:
                    if (is_signed)
                        value.GetScalar() = (int8_t)(raw_value & UINT8_MAX);
                        value.GetScalar() = (uint8_t)(raw_value & UINT8_MAX);
                    success = true;

             if (success)
                 return_valobj_sp = ValueObjectConstResult::Create (thread.GetStackFrameAtIndex(0).get(),

        else if (type_flags & eTypeIsEnumeration)     // handles enum
            uint32_t enm = thread.GetRegisterContext()->ReadRegisterAsUnsigned(eax_id, 0) & 0xffffffff ;
            value.GetScalar() = enm;
            return_valobj_sp = ValueObjectConstResult::Create (thread.GetStackFrameAtIndex(0).get(),

        else if (type_flags & eTypeIsFloat)  // 'Floating Point'
            if (byte_size <= 12)      // handles float, double, long double, __float80
                const RegisterInfo *st0_info = reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfoByName("st0", 0);
                RegisterValue st0_value;

                if (reg_ctx->ReadRegister (st0_info, st0_value))
                    DataExtractor data;
                    if (st0_value.GetData(data))
                        lldb::offset_t offset = 0;
                        long double value_long_double = data.GetLongDouble(&offset);

                        if (byte_size == 4)    // float is 4 bytes
                            float value_float = (float)value_long_double;
                            value.GetScalar() = value_float;
                            success = true;
                        else if (byte_size == 8)   // double is 8 bytes
                            // On Android Platform: long double is also 8 bytes
                            // It will be handled here only.
                            double value_double = (double)value_long_double;
                            value.GetScalar() =  value_double;
                            success = true;
                        else if (byte_size == 12) // long double and __float80 are 12 bytes on i386
                            value.GetScalar() = value_long_double;
                            success = true;

                if (success)
                    return_valobj_sp = ValueObjectConstResult::Create (thread.GetStackFrameAtIndex(0).get(),
            else if(byte_size == 16)   // handles __float128
                lldb::addr_t storage_addr = (uint32_t)(thread.GetRegisterContext()->ReadRegisterAsUnsigned(eax_id, 0) & 0xffffffff);
                return_valobj_sp = ValueObjectMemory::Create (&thread,
                                                              Address (storage_addr, nullptr),

        else  // Neither 'Integral' nor 'Floating Point'
            // If flow reaches here then check type_flags
            // This type_flags is unhandled

    else if (type_flags & eTypeIsComplex)    // 'Complex Floating Point'
       // ToDo: Yet to be implemented

    else if (type_flags & eTypeIsVector)    // 'Packed'
        const size_t byte_size = return_clang_type.GetByteSize(nullptr);
        if (byte_size > 0)
            const RegisterInfo *vec_reg = reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfoByName("xmm0", 0);
            if (vec_reg == nullptr)
                vec_reg = reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfoByName("mm0", 0);

            if (vec_reg)
                if (byte_size <= vec_reg->byte_size)
                    ProcessSP process_sp (thread.GetProcess());
                    if (process_sp)
                        std::unique_ptr<DataBufferHeap> heap_data_ap (new DataBufferHeap(byte_size, 0));
                        const ByteOrder byte_order = process_sp->GetByteOrder();
                        RegisterValue reg_value;
                        if (reg_ctx->ReadRegister(vec_reg, reg_value))
                            Error error;
                            if (reg_value.GetAsMemoryData (vec_reg,
                                DataExtractor data (DataBufferSP (heap_data_ap.release()),
                                return_valobj_sp = ValueObjectConstResult::Create (&thread,
                else if (byte_size <= vec_reg->byte_size*2)
                    const RegisterInfo *vec_reg2 = reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfoByName("xmm1", 0);
                    if (vec_reg2)
                        ProcessSP process_sp (thread.GetProcess());
                        if (process_sp)
                            std::unique_ptr<DataBufferHeap> heap_data_ap (new DataBufferHeap(byte_size, 0));
                            const ByteOrder byte_order = process_sp->GetByteOrder();
                            RegisterValue reg_value;
                            RegisterValue reg_value2;
                            if (reg_ctx->ReadRegister(vec_reg, reg_value) && reg_ctx->ReadRegister(vec_reg2, reg_value2))

                                Error error;
                                if (reg_value.GetAsMemoryData (vec_reg,
                                                               error) &&
                                    reg_value2.GetAsMemoryData (vec_reg2,
                                                                heap_data_ap->GetBytes() + vec_reg->byte_size,
                                                                heap_data_ap->GetByteSize() - vec_reg->byte_size,
                                    DataExtractor data (DataBufferSP (heap_data_ap.release()),
                                    return_valobj_sp = ValueObjectConstResult::Create (&thread,

    else    // 'Decimal Floating Point'
       //ToDo: Yet to be implemented
    return return_valobj_sp;
Exemplo n.º 17
    Thread &thread,
    uint32_t exc_type, 
    uint32_t exc_data_count,
    uint64_t exc_code,
    uint64_t exc_sub_code,
    uint64_t exc_sub_sub_code,
    bool pc_already_adjusted,
    bool adjust_pc_if_needed
    if (exc_type != 0)
        uint32_t pc_decrement = 0;
        ExecutionContext exe_ctx (thread.shared_from_this());
        Target *target = exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr();
        const llvm::Triple::ArchType cpu = target ? target->GetArchitecture().GetMachine() : llvm::Triple::UnknownArch;

        switch (exc_type)
        case 1: // EXC_BAD_ACCESS

        case 2: // EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION
            switch (cpu)
            case llvm::Triple::ppc:
            case llvm::Triple::ppc64:
                switch (exc_code)
                case 1: // EXC_PPC_INVALID_SYSCALL
                case 2: // EXC_PPC_UNIPL_INST
                case 3: // EXC_PPC_PRIVINST
                case 4: // EXC_PPC_PRIVREG
                case 5: // EXC_PPC_TRACE
                    return StopInfo::CreateStopReasonToTrace (thread);
                case 6: // EXC_PPC_PERFMON


        case 3: // EXC_ARITHMETIC
        case 4: // EXC_EMULATION

        case 5: // EXC_SOFTWARE
            if (exc_code == 0x10003) // EXC_SOFT_SIGNAL
                if (exc_sub_code == 5)
                    // On MacOSX, a SIGTRAP can signify that a process has called
                    // exec, so we should check with our dynamic loader to verify.
                    ProcessSP process_sp (thread.GetProcess());
                    if (process_sp)
                        DynamicLoader *dynamic_loader = process_sp->GetDynamicLoader();
                        if (dynamic_loader && dynamic_loader->ProcessDidExec())
                            // The program was re-exec'ed
                            return StopInfo::CreateStopReasonWithExec (thread);
//                        if (!process_did_exec)
//                        {
//                            // We have a SIGTRAP, make sure we didn't exec by checking
//                            // for the PC being at "_dyld_start"...
//                            lldb::StackFrameSP frame_sp (thread.GetStackFrameAtIndex(0));
//                            if (frame_sp)
//                            {
//                                const Symbol *symbol = frame_sp->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextSymbol).symbol;
//                                if (symbol)
//                                {
//                                    if (symbol->GetName() == ConstString("_dyld_start"))
//                                        process_did_exec = true;
//                                }
//                            }
//                        }
                return StopInfo::CreateStopReasonWithSignal (thread, exc_sub_code);
        case 6: // EXC_BREAKPOINT
                bool is_actual_breakpoint = false;
                bool is_trace_if_actual_breakpoint_missing = false;
                switch (cpu)
                case llvm::Triple::x86:
                case llvm::Triple::x86_64:
                    if (exc_code == 1) // EXC_I386_SGL
                        if (!exc_sub_code)
                            // This looks like a plain trap.
                            // Have to check if there is a breakpoint here as well.  When you single-step onto a trap,
                            // the single step stops you not to trap.  Since we also do that check below, let's just use
                            // that logic.
                            is_actual_breakpoint = true;
                            is_trace_if_actual_breakpoint_missing = true;

                            // It's a watchpoint, then.
                            // The exc_sub_code indicates the data break address.
                            lldb::WatchpointSP wp_sp;
                            if (target)
                                wp_sp = target->GetWatchpointList().FindByAddress((lldb::addr_t)exc_sub_code);
                            if (wp_sp && wp_sp->IsEnabled())
                                // Debugserver may piggyback the hardware index of the fired watchpoint in the exception data.
                                // Set the hardware index if that's the case.
                                if (exc_data_count >=3)
                                return StopInfo::CreateStopReasonWithWatchpointID(thread, wp_sp->GetID());
                    else if (exc_code == 2 ||   // EXC_I386_BPT
                             exc_code == 3)     // EXC_I386_BPTFLT
                        // KDP returns EXC_I386_BPTFLT for trace breakpoints
                        if (exc_code == 3)
                            is_trace_if_actual_breakpoint_missing = true;

                        is_actual_breakpoint = true;
                        if (!pc_already_adjusted)
                            pc_decrement = 1;

                case llvm::Triple::ppc:
                case llvm::Triple::ppc64:
                    is_actual_breakpoint = exc_code == 1; // EXC_PPC_BREAKPOINT
                case llvm::Triple::arm:
                    if (exc_code == 0x102) // EXC_ARM_DA_DEBUG
                        // It's a watchpoint, then, if the exc_sub_code indicates a known/enabled
                        // data break address from our watchpoint list.
                        lldb::WatchpointSP wp_sp;
                        if (target)
                            wp_sp = target->GetWatchpointList().FindByAddress((lldb::addr_t)exc_sub_code);
                        if (wp_sp && wp_sp->IsEnabled())
                            // Debugserver may piggyback the hardware index of the fired watchpoint in the exception data.
                            // Set the hardware index if that's the case.
                            if (exc_data_count >=3)
                            return StopInfo::CreateStopReasonWithWatchpointID(thread, wp_sp->GetID());
                            is_actual_breakpoint = true;
                            is_trace_if_actual_breakpoint_missing = true;
                    else if (exc_code == 1) // EXC_ARM_BREAKPOINT
                        is_actual_breakpoint = true;
                        is_trace_if_actual_breakpoint_missing = true;
                    else if (exc_code == 0) // FIXME not EXC_ARM_BREAKPOINT but a kernel is currently returning this so accept it as indicating a breakpoint until the kernel is fixed
                        is_actual_breakpoint = true;
                        is_trace_if_actual_breakpoint_missing = true;

                case llvm::Triple::aarch64:
                    if (exc_code == 1 && exc_sub_code == 0) // EXC_ARM_BREAKPOINT
                        // This is hit when we single instruction step aka MDSCR_EL1 SS bit 0 is set
                        return StopInfo::CreateStopReasonToTrace(thread);
                    if (exc_code == 0x102) // EXC_ARM_DA_DEBUG
                        // It's a watchpoint, then, if the exc_sub_code indicates a known/enabled
                        // data break address from our watchpoint list.
                        lldb::WatchpointSP wp_sp;
                        if (target)
                            wp_sp = target->GetWatchpointList().FindByAddress((lldb::addr_t)exc_sub_code);
                        if (wp_sp && wp_sp->IsEnabled())
                            // Debugserver may piggyback the hardware index of the fired watchpoint in the exception data.
                            // Set the hardware index if that's the case.
                            if (exc_data_count >= 3)
                            return StopInfo::CreateStopReasonWithWatchpointID(thread, wp_sp->GetID());
                        // EXC_ARM_DA_DEBUG seems to be reused for EXC_BREAKPOINT as well as EXC_BAD_ACCESS
                        if (thread.GetTemporaryResumeState() == eStateStepping)
                            return StopInfo::CreateStopReasonToTrace(thread);
                    // It looks like exc_sub_code has the 4 bytes of the instruction that triggered the 
                    // exception, i.e. our breakpoint opcode
                    is_actual_breakpoint = exc_code == 1;


                if (is_actual_breakpoint)
                    RegisterContextSP reg_ctx_sp (thread.GetRegisterContext());
                    addr_t pc = reg_ctx_sp->GetPC() - pc_decrement;

                    ProcessSP process_sp (thread.CalculateProcess());

                    lldb::BreakpointSiteSP bp_site_sp;
                    if (process_sp)
                        bp_site_sp = process_sp->GetBreakpointSiteList().FindByAddress(pc);
                    if (bp_site_sp && bp_site_sp->IsEnabled())
                        // Update the PC if we were asked to do so, but only do
                        // so if we find a breakpoint that we know about cause
                        // this could be a trap instruction in the code
                        if (pc_decrement > 0 && adjust_pc_if_needed)
                            reg_ctx_sp->SetPC (pc);

                        // If the breakpoint is for this thread, then we'll report the hit, but if it is for another thread,
                        // we can just report no reason.  We don't need to worry about stepping over the breakpoint here, that
                        // will be taken care of when the thread resumes and notices that there's a breakpoint under the pc.
                        // If we have an operating system plug-in, we might have set a thread specific breakpoint using the
                        // operating system thread ID, so we can't make any assumptions about the thread ID so we must always
                        // report the breakpoint regardless of the thread.
                        if (bp_site_sp->ValidForThisThread (&thread) || thread.GetProcess()->GetOperatingSystem () != NULL)
                            return StopInfo::CreateStopReasonWithBreakpointSiteID (thread, bp_site_sp->GetID());
                            return StopInfoSP();

                    // Don't call this a trace if we weren't single stepping this thread.
                    if (is_trace_if_actual_breakpoint_missing && thread.GetTemporaryResumeState() == eStateStepping)
                        return StopInfo::CreateStopReasonToTrace (thread);

        case 7:     // EXC_SYSCALL
        case 8:     // EXC_MACH_SYSCALL
        case 9:     // EXC_RPC_ALERT
        case 10:    // EXC_CRASH
        return StopInfoSP(new StopInfoMachException (thread, exc_type, exc_data_count, exc_code, exc_sub_code));
    return StopInfoSP();
Exemplo n.º 18
RegisterContext::RegisterContext (Thread &thread, uint32_t concrete_frame_idx) :
    m_thread (thread),
    m_concrete_frame_idx (concrete_frame_idx),
    m_stop_id (thread.GetProcess()->GetStopID())
// ThreadPlanCallFunction: Plan to call a single function
ThreadPlanCallFunction::ConstructorSetup (Thread &thread,
                                          ABI *& abi,
                                          lldb::addr_t &start_load_addr,
                                          lldb::addr_t &function_load_addr)
    SetIsMasterPlan (true);
    SetOkayToDiscard (false);
    SetPrivate (true);

    ProcessSP process_sp (thread.GetProcess());
    if (!process_sp)
        return false;
    abi = process_sp->GetABI().get();
    if (!abi)
        return false;
    Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_STEP));
    m_function_sp = thread.GetRegisterContext()->GetSP() - abi->GetRedZoneSize();
    // If we can't read memory at the point of the process where we are planning to put our function, we're
    // not going to get any further...
    Error error;
    process_sp->ReadUnsignedIntegerFromMemory(m_function_sp, 4, 0, error);
    if (!error.Success())
        m_constructor_errors.Printf ("Trying to put the stack in unreadable memory at: 0x%" PRIx64 ".", m_function_sp);
        if (log)
            log->Printf ("ThreadPlanCallFunction(%p): %s.", this, m_constructor_errors.GetData());
        return false;
    Module *exe_module = GetTarget().GetExecutableModulePointer();

    if (exe_module == NULL)
        m_constructor_errors.Printf ("Can't execute code without an executable module.");
        if (log)
            log->Printf ("ThreadPlanCallFunction(%p): %s.", this, m_constructor_errors.GetData());
        return false;
        ObjectFile *objectFile = exe_module->GetObjectFile();
        if (!objectFile)
            m_constructor_errors.Printf ("Could not find object file for module \"%s\".", 

            if (log)
                log->Printf ("ThreadPlanCallFunction(%p): %s.", this, m_constructor_errors.GetData());
            return false;
        m_start_addr = objectFile->GetEntryPointAddress();
        if (!m_start_addr.IsValid())
            m_constructor_errors.Printf ("Could not find entry point address for executable module \"%s\".", 
            if (log)
                log->Printf ("ThreadPlanCallFunction(%p): %s.", this, m_constructor_errors.GetData());
            return false;
    start_load_addr = m_start_addr.GetLoadAddress (&GetTarget());
    // Checkpoint the thread state so we can restore it later.
    if (log && log->GetVerbose())
        ReportRegisterState ("About to checkpoint thread before function call.  Original register state was:");

    if (!thread.CheckpointThreadState (m_stored_thread_state))
        m_constructor_errors.Printf ("Setting up ThreadPlanCallFunction, failed to checkpoint thread state.");
        if (log)
            log->Printf ("ThreadPlanCallFunction(%p): %s.", this, m_constructor_errors.GetData());
        return false;
    function_load_addr = m_function_addr.GetLoadAddress (&GetTarget());
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 20
ValueObjectSP ABISysV_ppc64::GetReturnValueObjectSimple(
    Thread &thread, CompilerType &return_compiler_type) const {
  ValueObjectSP return_valobj_sp;
  Value value;

  if (!return_compiler_type)
    return return_valobj_sp;

  // value.SetContext (Value::eContextTypeClangType, return_value_type);

  RegisterContext *reg_ctx = thread.GetRegisterContext().get();
  if (!reg_ctx)
    return return_valobj_sp;

  const uint32_t type_flags = return_compiler_type.GetTypeInfo();
  if (type_flags & eTypeIsScalar) {

    bool success = false;
    if (type_flags & eTypeIsInteger) {
      // Extract the register context so we can read arguments from registers

      const size_t byte_size = return_compiler_type.GetByteSize(nullptr);
      uint64_t raw_value = thread.GetRegisterContext()->ReadRegisterAsUnsigned(
          reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfoByName("r3", 0), 0);
      const bool is_signed = (type_flags & eTypeIsSigned) != 0;
      switch (byte_size) {

      case sizeof(uint64_t):
        if (is_signed)
          value.GetScalar() = (int64_t)(raw_value);
          value.GetScalar() = (uint64_t)(raw_value);
        success = true;

      case sizeof(uint32_t):
        if (is_signed)
          value.GetScalar() = (int32_t)(raw_value & UINT32_MAX);
          value.GetScalar() = (uint32_t)(raw_value & UINT32_MAX);
        success = true;

      case sizeof(uint16_t):
        if (is_signed)
          value.GetScalar() = (int16_t)(raw_value & UINT16_MAX);
          value.GetScalar() = (uint16_t)(raw_value & UINT16_MAX);
        success = true;

      case sizeof(uint8_t):
        if (is_signed)
          value.GetScalar() = (int8_t)(raw_value & UINT8_MAX);
          value.GetScalar() = (uint8_t)(raw_value & UINT8_MAX);
        success = true;
    } else if (type_flags & eTypeIsFloat) {
      if (type_flags & eTypeIsComplex) {
        // Don't handle complex yet.
      } else {
        const size_t byte_size = return_compiler_type.GetByteSize(nullptr);
        if (byte_size <= sizeof(long double)) {
          const RegisterInfo *f1_info = reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfoByName("f1", 0);
          RegisterValue f1_value;
          if (reg_ctx->ReadRegister(f1_info, f1_value)) {
            DataExtractor data;
            if (f1_value.GetData(data)) {
              lldb::offset_t offset = 0;
              if (byte_size == sizeof(float)) {
                value.GetScalar() = (float)data.GetFloat(&offset);
                success = true;
              } else if (byte_size == sizeof(double)) {
                value.GetScalar() = (double)data.GetDouble(&offset);
                success = true;

    if (success)
      return_valobj_sp = ValueObjectConstResult::Create(
          thread.GetStackFrameAtIndex(0).get(), value, ConstString(""));
  } else if (type_flags & eTypeIsPointer) {
    unsigned r3_id =
        reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfoByName("r3", 0)->kinds[eRegisterKindLLDB];
    value.GetScalar() =
        (uint64_t)thread.GetRegisterContext()->ReadRegisterAsUnsigned(r3_id, 0);
    return_valobj_sp = ValueObjectConstResult::Create(
        thread.GetStackFrameAtIndex(0).get(), value, ConstString(""));
  } else if (type_flags & eTypeIsVector) {
    const size_t byte_size = return_compiler_type.GetByteSize(nullptr);
    if (byte_size > 0) {
      const RegisterInfo *altivec_reg = reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfoByName("v2", 0);
      if (altivec_reg) {
        if (byte_size <= altivec_reg->byte_size) {
          ProcessSP process_sp(thread.GetProcess());
          if (process_sp) {
            std::unique_ptr<DataBufferHeap> heap_data_ap(
                new DataBufferHeap(byte_size, 0));
            const ByteOrder byte_order = process_sp->GetByteOrder();
            RegisterValue reg_value;
            if (reg_ctx->ReadRegister(altivec_reg, reg_value)) {
              Status error;
              if (reg_value.GetAsMemoryData(
                      altivec_reg, heap_data_ap->GetBytes(),
                      heap_data_ap->GetByteSize(), byte_order, error)) {
                DataExtractor data(DataBufferSP(heap_data_ap.release()),
                                   byte_order, process_sp->GetTarget()
                return_valobj_sp = ValueObjectConstResult::Create(
                    &thread, return_compiler_type, ConstString(""), data);

  return return_valobj_sp;
Exemplo n.º 21
bool ABISysV_s390x::PrepareTrivialCall(Thread &thread, addr_t sp,
                                       addr_t func_addr, addr_t return_addr,
                                       llvm::ArrayRef<addr_t> args) const {
  Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_EXPRESSIONS));

  if (log) {
    StreamString s;
    s.Printf("ABISysV_s390x::PrepareTrivialCall (tid = 0x%" PRIx64
             ", sp = 0x%" PRIx64 ", func_addr = 0x%" PRIx64
             ", return_addr = 0x%" PRIx64,
             thread.GetID(), (uint64_t)sp, (uint64_t)func_addr,

    for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i)
      s.Printf(", arg%" PRIu64 " = 0x%" PRIx64, static_cast<uint64_t>(i + 1),

  RegisterContext *reg_ctx = thread.GetRegisterContext().get();
  if (!reg_ctx)
    return false;

  const RegisterInfo *pc_reg_info =
      reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfo(eRegisterKindGeneric, LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_PC);
  const RegisterInfo *sp_reg_info =
      reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfo(eRegisterKindGeneric, LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_SP);
  const RegisterInfo *ra_reg_info = reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfoByName("r14", 0);
  ProcessSP process_sp(thread.GetProcess());

  // Allocate a new stack frame and space for stack arguments if necessary

  addr_t arg_pos = 0;
  if (args.size() > 5) {
    sp -= 8 * (args.size() - 5);
    arg_pos = sp;

  sp -= 160;

  // Process arguments

  for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
    if (i < 5) {
      const RegisterInfo *reg_info = reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfo(
          eRegisterKindGeneric, LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG1 + i);
      if (log)
        log->Printf("About to write arg%" PRIu64 " (0x%" PRIx64 ") into %s",
                    static_cast<uint64_t>(i + 1), args[i], reg_info->name);
      if (!reg_ctx->WriteRegisterFromUnsigned(reg_info, args[i]))
        return false;
    } else {
      Status error;
      if (log)
        log->Printf("About to write arg%" PRIu64 " (0x%" PRIx64 ") onto stack",
                    static_cast<uint64_t>(i + 1), args[i]);
      if (!process_sp->WritePointerToMemory(arg_pos, args[i], error))
        return false;
      arg_pos += 8;

  // %r14 is set to the return address

  if (log)
    log->Printf("Writing RA: 0x%" PRIx64, (uint64_t)return_addr);

  if (!reg_ctx->WriteRegisterFromUnsigned(ra_reg_info, return_addr))
    return false;

  // %r15 is set to the actual stack value.

  if (log)
    log->Printf("Writing SP: 0x%" PRIx64, (uint64_t)sp);

  if (!reg_ctx->WriteRegisterFromUnsigned(sp_reg_info, sp))
    return false;

  // %pc is set to the address of the called function.

  if (log)
    log->Printf("Writing PC: 0x%" PRIx64, (uint64_t)func_addr);

  if (!reg_ctx->WriteRegisterFromUnsigned(pc_reg_info, func_addr))
    return false;

  return true;
Exemplo n.º 22
bool ABISysV_ppc64::PrepareTrivialCall(Thread &thread, addr_t sp,
                                       addr_t func_addr, addr_t return_addr,
                                       llvm::ArrayRef<addr_t> args) const {
  Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_EXPRESSIONS));

  if (log) {
    StreamString s;
    s.Printf("ABISysV_ppc64::PrepareTrivialCall (tid = 0x%" PRIx64
             ", sp = 0x%" PRIx64 ", func_addr = 0x%" PRIx64
             ", return_addr = 0x%" PRIx64,
             thread.GetID(), (uint64_t)sp, (uint64_t)func_addr,

    for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i)
      s.Printf(", arg%" PRIu64 " = 0x%" PRIx64, static_cast<uint64_t>(i + 1),

  RegisterContext *reg_ctx = thread.GetRegisterContext().get();
  if (!reg_ctx)
    return false;

  const RegisterInfo *reg_info = nullptr;

  if (args.size() > 8) // TODO handle more than 8 arguments
    return false;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
    reg_info = reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfo(eRegisterKindGeneric,
                                        LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG1 + i);
    if (log)
      log->Printf("About to write arg%" PRIu64 " (0x%" PRIx64 ") into %s",
                  static_cast<uint64_t>(i + 1), args[i], reg_info->name);
    if (!reg_ctx->WriteRegisterFromUnsigned(reg_info, args[i]))
      return false;

  // First, align the SP

  if (log)
    log->Printf("16-byte aligning SP: 0x%" PRIx64 " to 0x%" PRIx64,
                (uint64_t)sp, (uint64_t)(sp & ~0xfull));

  sp &= ~(0xfull); // 16-byte alignment

  sp -= 8;

  Status error;
  const RegisterInfo *pc_reg_info =
      reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfo(eRegisterKindGeneric, LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_PC);
  const RegisterInfo *sp_reg_info =
      reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfo(eRegisterKindGeneric, LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_SP);
  ProcessSP process_sp(thread.GetProcess());

  RegisterValue reg_value;

  if (log)
    log->Printf("Pushing the return address onto the stack: 0x%" PRIx64
                ": 0x%" PRIx64,
                (uint64_t)sp, (uint64_t)return_addr);

  // Save return address onto the stack
  if (!process_sp->WritePointerToMemory(sp, return_addr, error))
    return false;

  // %r1 is set to the actual stack value.

  if (log)
    log->Printf("Writing SP: 0x%" PRIx64, (uint64_t)sp);

  if (!reg_ctx->WriteRegisterFromUnsigned(sp_reg_info, sp))
    return false;

  // %pc is set to the address of the called function.

  if (log)
    log->Printf("Writing IP: 0x%" PRIx64, (uint64_t)func_addr);

  if (!reg_ctx->WriteRegisterFromUnsigned(pc_reg_info, func_addr))
    return false;

  return true;
Exemplo n.º 23
void ArchitectureArm::OverrideStopInfo(Thread &thread) {
  // We need to check if we are stopped in Thumb mode in a IT instruction
  // and detect if the condition doesn't pass. If this is the case it means
  // we won't actually execute this instruction. If this happens we need to
  // clear the stop reason to no thread plans think we are stopped for a
  // reason and the plans should keep going.
  // We do this because when single stepping many ARM processes, debuggers
  // often use the BVR/BCR registers that says "stop when the PC is not
  // equal to its current value". This method of stepping means we can end
  // up stopping on instructions inside an if/then block that wouldn't get
  // executed. By fixing this we can stop the debugger from seeming like
  // you stepped through both the "if" _and_ the "else" clause when source
  // level stepping because the debugger stops regardless due to the BVR/BCR
  // triggering a stop.
  // It also means we can set breakpoints on instructions inside an an
  // if/then block and correctly skip them if we use the BKPT instruction.
  // The ARM and Thumb BKPT instructions are unconditional even when executed
  // in a Thumb IT block.
  // If your debugger inserts software traps in ARM/Thumb code, it will
  // need to use 16 and 32 bit instruction for 16 and 32 bit thumb
  // instructions respectively. If your debugger inserts a 16 bit thumb
  // trap on top of a 32 bit thumb instruction for an opcode that is inside
  // an if/then, it will change the it/then to conditionally execute your
  // 16 bit trap and then cause your program to crash if it executes the
  // trailing 16 bits (the second half of the 32 bit thumb instruction you
  // partially overwrote).

  RegisterContextSP reg_ctx_sp(thread.GetRegisterContext());
  if (!reg_ctx_sp)

  const uint32_t cpsr = reg_ctx_sp->GetFlags(0);
  if (cpsr == 0)

  // Read the J and T bits to get the ISETSTATE
  const uint32_t J = Bit32(cpsr, 24);
  const uint32_t T = Bit32(cpsr, 5);
  const uint32_t ISETSTATE = J << 1 | T;
  if (ISETSTATE == 0) {
// NOTE: I am pretty sure we want to enable the code below
// that detects when we stop on an instruction in ARM mode
// that is conditional and the condition doesn't pass. This
// can happen if you set a breakpoint on an instruction that
// is conditional. We currently will _always_ stop on the
// instruction which is bad. You can also run into this while
// single stepping and you could appear to run code in the "if"
// and in the "else" clause because it would stop at all of the
// conditional instructions in both.
// In such cases, we really don't want to stop at this location.
// I will check with the lldb-dev list first before I enable this.
#if 0
    // ARM mode: check for condition on intsruction
    const addr_t pc = reg_ctx_sp->GetPC();
    Status error;
    // If we fail to read the opcode we will get UINT64_MAX as the
    // result in "opcode" which we can use to detect if we read a
    // valid opcode.
    const uint64_t opcode = thread.GetProcess()->ReadUnsignedIntegerFromMemory(pc, 4, UINT64_MAX, error);
    if (opcode <= UINT32_MAX)
        const uint32_t condition = Bits32((uint32_t)opcode, 31, 28);
        if (!ARMConditionPassed(condition, cpsr))
            // We ARE stopped on an ARM instruction whose condition doesn't
            // pass so this instruction won't get executed.
            // Regardless of why it stopped, we need to clear the stop info
            thread.SetStopInfo (StopInfoSP());
  } else if (ISETSTATE == 1) {
    // Thumb mode
    const uint32_t ITSTATE = Bits32(cpsr, 15, 10) << 2 | Bits32(cpsr, 26, 25);
    if (ITSTATE != 0) {
      const uint32_t condition = Bits32(ITSTATE, 7, 4);
      if (!ARMConditionPassed(condition, cpsr)) {
        // We ARE stopped in a Thumb IT instruction on an instruction whose
        // condition doesn't pass so this instruction won't get executed.
        // Regardless of why it stopped, we need to clear the stop info
bool UnwindAssembly_x86::AugmentUnwindPlanFromCallSite(
    AddressRange &func, Thread &thread, UnwindPlan &unwind_plan) {
  bool do_augment_unwindplan = true;

  UnwindPlan::RowSP first_row = unwind_plan.GetRowForFunctionOffset(0);
  UnwindPlan::RowSP last_row = unwind_plan.GetRowForFunctionOffset(-1);

  int wordsize = 8;
  ProcessSP process_sp(thread.GetProcess());
  if (process_sp.get() == nullptr)
    return false;

  wordsize = process_sp->GetTarget().GetArchitecture().GetAddressByteSize();

  RegisterNumber sp_regnum(thread, eRegisterKindGeneric,
  RegisterNumber pc_regnum(thread, eRegisterKindGeneric,

  // Does this UnwindPlan describe the prologue?  I want to see that the CFA is
  // set in terms of the stack pointer plus an offset, and I want to see that
  // rip is retrieved at the CFA-wordsize. If there is no description of the
  // prologue, don't try to augment this eh_frame unwinder code, fall back to
  // assembly parsing instead.

  if (first_row->GetCFAValue().GetValueType() !=
          UnwindPlan::Row::FAValue::isRegisterPlusOffset ||
      RegisterNumber(thread, unwind_plan.GetRegisterKind(),
                     first_row->GetCFAValue().GetRegisterNumber()) !=
          sp_regnum ||
      first_row->GetCFAValue().GetOffset() != wordsize) {
    return false;
  UnwindPlan::Row::RegisterLocation first_row_pc_loc;
  if (!first_row->GetRegisterInfo(
          first_row_pc_loc) ||
      !first_row_pc_loc.IsAtCFAPlusOffset() ||
      first_row_pc_loc.GetOffset() != -wordsize) {
    return false;

  // It looks like the prologue is described. Is the epilogue described?  If it
  // is, no need to do any augmentation.

  if (first_row != last_row &&
      first_row->GetOffset() != last_row->GetOffset()) {
    // The first & last row have the same CFA register and the same CFA offset
    // value and the CFA register is esp/rsp (the stack pointer).

    // We're checking that both of them have an unwind rule like "CFA=esp+4" or
    // CFA+rsp+8".

    if (first_row->GetCFAValue().GetValueType() ==
            last_row->GetCFAValue().GetValueType() &&
        first_row->GetCFAValue().GetRegisterNumber() ==
            last_row->GetCFAValue().GetRegisterNumber() &&
        first_row->GetCFAValue().GetOffset() ==
            last_row->GetCFAValue().GetOffset()) {
      // Get the register locations for eip/rip from the first & last rows. Are
      // they both CFA plus an offset?  Is it the same offset?

      UnwindPlan::Row::RegisterLocation last_row_pc_loc;
      if (last_row->GetRegisterInfo(
              last_row_pc_loc)) {
        if (last_row_pc_loc.IsAtCFAPlusOffset() &&
            first_row_pc_loc.GetOffset() == last_row_pc_loc.GetOffset()) {

          // One last sanity check:  Is the unwind rule for getting the caller
          // pc value "deref the CFA-4" or "deref the CFA-8"?

          // If so, we have an UnwindPlan that already describes the epilogue
          // and we don't need to modify it at all.

          if (first_row_pc_loc.GetOffset() == -wordsize) {
            do_augment_unwindplan = false;

  if (do_augment_unwindplan) {
    if (!func.GetBaseAddress().IsValid() || func.GetByteSize() == 0)
      return false;
    if (m_assembly_inspection_engine == nullptr)
      return false;
    const bool prefer_file_cache = true;
    std::vector<uint8_t> function_text(func.GetByteSize());
    Status error;
    if (process_sp->GetTarget().ReadMemory(
            func.GetBaseAddress(), prefer_file_cache, function_text.data(),
            func.GetByteSize(), error) == func.GetByteSize()) {
      RegisterContextSP reg_ctx(thread.GetRegisterContext());
      return m_assembly_inspection_engine->AugmentUnwindPlanFromCallSite(
          function_text.data(), func.GetByteSize(), func, unwind_plan, reg_ctx);

  return false;
Exemplo n.º 25
ABISysV_ppc::PrepareTrivialCall (Thread &thread,
                                    addr_t sp,
                                    addr_t func_addr,
                                    addr_t return_addr,
                                    llvm::ArrayRef<addr_t> args) const
    Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_EXPRESSIONS));

    if (log)
        StreamString s;
        s.Printf("ABISysV_ppc::PrepareTrivialCall (tid = 0x%" PRIx64 ", sp = 0x%" PRIx64 ", func_addr = 0x%" PRIx64 ", return_addr = 0x%" PRIx64,

        for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i)
            s.Printf (", arg%" PRIu64 " = 0x%" PRIx64, static_cast<uint64_t>(i + 1), args[i]);
        s.PutCString (")");

    RegisterContext *reg_ctx = thread.GetRegisterContext().get();
    if (!reg_ctx)
        return false;

    const RegisterInfo *reg_info = NULL;

    if (args.size() > 8) // TODO handle more than 8 arguments
        return false;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i)
        reg_info = reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfo(eRegisterKindGeneric, LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG1 + i);
        if (log)
            log->Printf("About to write arg%" PRIu64 " (0x%" PRIx64 ") into %s", static_cast<uint64_t>(i + 1), args[i], reg_info->name);
        if (!reg_ctx->WriteRegisterFromUnsigned(reg_info, args[i]))
            return false;

    // First, align the SP

    if (log)
        log->Printf("16-byte aligning SP: 0x%" PRIx64 " to 0x%" PRIx64, (uint64_t)sp, (uint64_t)(sp & ~0xfull));

    sp &= ~(0xfull); // 16-byte alignment

    sp -= 8;

    Error error;
    const RegisterInfo *pc_reg_info = reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfo (eRegisterKindGeneric, LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_PC);
    const RegisterInfo *sp_reg_info = reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfo (eRegisterKindGeneric, LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_SP);
    ProcessSP process_sp (thread.GetProcess());

    RegisterValue reg_value;

#if 0
    // This code adds an extra frame so that we don't lose the function that we came from
    // by pushing the PC and the FP and then writing the current FP to point to the FP value
    // we just pushed. It is disabled for now until the stack backtracing code can be debugged.

    // Save current PC
    const RegisterInfo *fp_reg_info = reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfo (eRegisterKindGeneric, LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_FP);
    if (reg_ctx->ReadRegister(pc_reg_info, reg_value))
        if (log)
            log->Printf("Pushing the current PC onto the stack: 0x%" PRIx64 ": 0x%" PRIx64, (uint64_t)sp, reg_value.GetAsUInt64());

        if (!process_sp->WritePointerToMemory(sp, reg_value.GetAsUInt64(), error))
            return false;

        sp -= 8;

        // Save current FP
        if (reg_ctx->ReadRegister(fp_reg_info, reg_value))
            if (log)
                log->Printf("Pushing the current FP onto the stack: 0x%" PRIx64 ": 0x%" PRIx64, (uint64_t)sp, reg_value.GetAsUInt64());

            if (!process_sp->WritePointerToMemory(sp, reg_value.GetAsUInt64(), error))
                return false;
        // Setup FP backchain
        reg_value.SetUInt64 (sp);

        if (log)
            log->Printf("Writing FP:  0x%" PRIx64 " (for FP backchain)", reg_value.GetAsUInt64());

        if (!reg_ctx->WriteRegister(fp_reg_info, reg_value))
            return false;

        sp -= 8;

    if (log)
        log->Printf("Pushing the return address onto the stack: 0x%" PRIx64 ": 0x%" PRIx64, (uint64_t)sp, (uint64_t)return_addr);

    // Save return address onto the stack
    if (!process_sp->WritePointerToMemory(sp, return_addr, error))
        return false;

    // %r1 is set to the actual stack value.

    if (log)
        log->Printf("Writing SP: 0x%" PRIx64, (uint64_t)sp);

    if (!reg_ctx->WriteRegisterFromUnsigned (sp_reg_info, sp))
        return false;

    // %pc is set to the address of the called function.

    if (log)
        log->Printf("Writing IP: 0x%" PRIx64, (uint64_t)func_addr);

    if (!reg_ctx->WriteRegisterFromUnsigned (pc_reg_info, func_addr))
        return false;

    return true;