Exemplo n.º 1
TEST_F(TransportFromScratch, mixDiffCoeffs)
    Transport* trRef = newTransportMgr("Mix", ref.get());
    MixTransport trTest;

    size_t K = ref->nSpecies();
    vector_fp Dref(3);
    vector_fp Dtest(3);
    ref->setState_TPX(400, 5e5, "H2:0.5, O2:0.3, H2O:0.2");
    test->setState_TPX(400, 5e5, "H2:0.5, O2:0.3, H2O:0.2");

    for (size_t k=0; k < K; k++) {
        EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(Dref[k], Dtest[k]) << "k = " << k;
Exemplo n.º 2
int transport_example1(int job)
    try {
        cout << "Mixture-averaged transport properties." << endl;
        if (job > 0) {
            cout << "Viscosity, thermal conductivity, and mixture-averaged\n"
                 << "diffusion coefficients at 2 atm for a "
                 << "range of temperatures" << endl;
        if (job <= 1) {
            return 0;

        // create a gas mixture, and set its state

        IdealGasMix gas("gri30.xml", "gri30");
        doublereal temp = 500.0;
        doublereal pres = 2.0*OneAtm;
        gas.setState_TPX(temp, pres, "H2:1.0, CH4:0.1");

        // create a transport manager that implements
        // mixture-averaged transport properties

        Transport* tr = newTransportMgr("Mix", &gas);

        size_t nsp = gas.nSpecies();

        // create a 2D array to hold the outputs
        int ntemps = 20;
        Array2D output(nsp+3, ntemps);

        // main loop
        for (int i = 0; i < ntemps; i++) {
            temp = 500.0 + 100.0*i;
            gas.setState_TP(temp, pres);
            output(0,i) = temp;
            output(1,i) = tr->viscosity();
            output(2,i) = tr->thermalConductivity();

        // make a Tecplot data file and an Excel spreadsheet
        std::string plotTitle = "transport example 1: "
                                "mixture-averaged transport properties";
        plotTransportSoln("tr1.dat", "TEC", plotTitle, gas, output);
        plotTransportSoln("tr1.csv", "XL", plotTitle, gas, output);

        // print final temperature
        cout << "Output files:" << endl
             << "  tr1.csv    (Excel CSV file)" << endl
             << "  tr1.dat    (Tecplot data file)" << endl;
    } catch (CanteraError& err) {
        // handle exceptions thrown by Cantera
        std::cout << err.what() << std::endl;
        cout << " terminating... " << endl;
        return -1;
    return 0;