Exemplo n.º 1
Triplets ThreeSum(vector<int> arr, int targetSum)
	sort(arr.begin(), arr.end());
	int length = arr.size();
	Triplets ret;
	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
		//skip duplicate
		if (i > 0 && arr[i] == arr[i - 1])

		int left = i + 1;
		int right = length - 1;
		while (left < right)
			int currSum = arr[i] + arr[left] + arr[right];

			if (currSum > targetSum)
			else if (currSum < targetSum)
				vector<int> triplet(3);
				triplet[0] = arr[i];
				triplet[1] = arr[left];
				triplet[2] = arr[right];
	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 2
void BuildProblem( Triplets& triplets, const Mat& rgb, const Mat& Known, const double epsilon=1e-5 )
    typedef typename Triplets::value_type Trip;
    const int nc(3), half_window_size(window_size/2), neb_size ( window_size * window_size );
    const Mat known( erode( Known ) );
    const Size size( rgb.size() );
    const int lap_size ( size.area( ) );
    const MatrixXi indsM ( Map<MatrixXi> ( VectorXi(VectorXi::LinSpaced( lap_size, 0, lap_size-1 )).data( ),   size.height, size.width ) );
    typedef double cType;
    const Mat st(transpose(rgb).reshape(1));
    MatrixXd Rgbm( st.cols, st.rows );  std::copy( st.begin<uchar>(), st.end<uchar>(), Rgbm.data() );
    Rgbm /= 255;
    vector<cType> sum(lap_size,0);
    const Matrix< double, nc, nc > EpsEye (  (epsilon/neb_size) * Matrix< double, nc, nc >::Identity()  );
    for (int i( half_window_size ); i < size.height - half_window_size; ++i) {
        for (int j( half_window_size ); j < size.width - half_window_size; ++j) {
            if ( !known.at<uchar>(i, j) ){
                const Matrix< double, window_size*nc, window_size> wb ( Rgbm.block<window_size*nc, window_size>( (i-1)*nc, j-1 ) );
                const Matrix< double, nc, neb_size > Wk  ( wb.data() );
                const Matrix< double, nc, 1 > win_mu( Wk.rowwise( ).sum( )/neb_size );
                const Matrix< double, nc, nc > mi ( Wk*Wk.transpose()/neb_size - win_mu*win_mu.transpose() + EpsEye ) ,Win_var ( mi.inverse( ) );
                const Matrix< double, nc, neb_size > Wkm( Wk - win_mu.replicate<1,neb_size>() );
                const Matrix <double, neb_size, neb_size> tvals( ( Matrix <double, neb_size, neb_size>::Ones() + Wkm.transpose( ) * Win_var * Wkm )/neb_size );

                const Matrix <int, window_size, window_size> win_inds_block ( indsM.block<window_size, window_size>( i - half_window_size, j - half_window_size ) );
                const Matrix <int, neb_size, 1> win_inds( win_inds_block.data( ) );
                const Matrix <int, neb_size, neb_size> row_inds (win_inds. template replicate<1,neb_size>());
                for (int r(0); r < tvals.rows( ); ++r) {
                    for(int c(0); c < tvals.cols( ); ++c ) {
                        const cType v( -tvals.coeff(r,c) );
                        if( abs(v) > epsilon ){
                            const int cr( row_inds(c, r) ), rc( row_inds(r, c) );
                            const Trip tp( cr, rc, v );
                            sum[ rc ] -= v;
    for ( int i(0); i < lap_size; ++i ) {
        triplets.push_back( Trip( i, i, sum[i] ) );
Exemplo n.º 3
void VDBLinearFEMSolverModule<LatticeType>::updateStencil() {

    if(!m_obj) {
        std::cout << "No object set... shouldn't be updating stencil" << std::endl;

    const LatticeType& vL = m_obj->getDOFs();
    std::vector<int>::iterator begin=m_vertex_neighbors.begin();
    std::vector<int>::iterator end=m_vertex_neighbors.end();
    ActiveLatticeIterator a = m_obj->activeVertexIterator();

    int totalReserve = 0;
    for(ActiveLatticeIterator active = a; active; ++active) {
        for(int32_t m=-1; m < 2; ++m) {
            for(int32_t n=-1; n < 2; ++n) {
                for(int32_t l=-1; l < 2; ++l) {
                    //if((m & n & l) == 0) 
                    SIndex3 tmp = active.index() + SIndex3(m,n,l);
                    //if(!m_obj->validVertexIndex3(tmp)) continue;
                    if(m_obj->getVertex(tmp.i,tmp.j,tmp.k) != -1) {
                        m_vertex_neighbors[3*active.value()] += 1;
                        m_vertex_neighbors[3*active.value()+1] += 1;
                        m_vertex_neighbors[3*active.value()+2] += 1;

    int numDOFs = 3*vL.activeCount();
    int32_t NI=vL.NI();
    int32_t NJ=vL.NJ();
    int32_t NK=vL.NK();
    std::cout << "Allocating sparse matrix of size: " << numDOFs << std::endl;
    M = SparseMatrix(numDOFs,numDOFs);
    rhs = Vector::Zero(numDOFs);
    //Pre-reserve the places where we will have fillin

    typedef Eigen::Triplet<Scalar> Triplet;
    typedef std::vector<Triplet> Triplets;
    Triplets triplets;
    std::vector<bool> used_constraints(numDOFs);
    //rms::ScalarGrid::ConstAccessor accessor = GetDistanceGrid()->getConstAccessor();
    rms::VectorGridPtr velocityFieldPtr = m_obj->getVectorField();
    rms::ScalarGridPtr rigidFieldPtr = m_obj->getRigidField();
    rms::ScalarGridPtr heatFieldPtr = m_obj->getHeatField();
    rms::RGBAGridPtr materialFieldPtr = m_obj->getMaterialField();
    rms::ScalarGrid::ConstAccessor heatAccessor = heatFieldPtr->getConstAccessor();
    rms::ScalarGrid::ConstAccessor rigidAccessor = rigidFieldPtr->getConstAccessor();
    rms::RGBAGrid::ConstAccessor materialAccessor = materialFieldPtr->getConstAccessor();
    rms::VectorGrid::ConstAccessor velocityAccessor = velocityFieldPtr->getConstAccessor();
    int count=0;

    std::cout << "About to look at heat field" << std::endl;
    Scalar scale = heatFieldPtr->transform().voxelVolume();
    std::set<int32_t> used_vertex;
    StiffnessEntryStorage store(scale,integrator);//TODO: need to fix this
    std::cout << "Mincoord: " << m_minCoord << std::endl;
    vdb::CoordBBox bbox = m_obj->getDistanceField()->evalActiveVoxelBoundingBox();
    std::cout << bbox.min() << " " << bbox.max() << std::endl;
    m_minCoord = bbox.min();
    for(rms::ScalarGrid::ValueOnCIter it =  m_obj->getDistanceField()->cbeginValueOn(); it; ++it) {
        if(it.getValue() >= 0) continue;
        if(count++ % 1000 == 0) {
            std::cout << count << "/" << numDOFs << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Working in voxel: " << it.getCoord() << std::endl;
        Index3 idx = VDBtoLatticeCoord(it.getCoord());
        //std::cout << "True index: " << idx << " " << it.getCoord() << std::endl;
           if(m_obj->getVertex(idx.i,idx.j,idx.k) == -1) {
           std::cout << "bottomleftinner lattice index doesn't exist, clearly lattice just isn't populated"<< std::endl;
        const vdb::Coord vdbcoord = m_minCoord + vdb::Coord(idx.i,idx.j,idx.k);

        vdb::Vec4f material = materialAccessor.getValue(vdbcoord);
        vdb::Vec3f velocity = velocityAccessor.getValue(vdbcoord);
        float lambda = material(0);
        float mu = material(1);
        float density = material(3) * 0.125;//Divide because each basis function only takes on 1/8th of a whole cube
        for(VDBVoxelNodeIterator<LatticeType> alpha(m_obj->getDOFs(),idx); alpha; ++alpha) {
            const Index3 & alpha_index = alpha.index();
            const vdb::Coord alpha_vdbcoord = m_minCoord + vdb::Coord(alpha_index.i,alpha_index.j,alpha_index.k);
            const int32_t alpha_value = alpha.value();
            const int32_t alphaind = mat_ind(alpha_value,0);
            //const LinearElasticVertexProperties & alpha_props = m_vertex_properties[alpha_value];
            //alpha sets the matrix, betas set the rhs values for alpha
            std::cout << alpha_vdbcoord << ": ";
            if(rigidAccessor.getValue(alpha_vdbcoord) < 0) {
                std::cout << "Rigid!" << std::endl;
                if(used_vertex.find(alpha_value) == used_vertex.end()) {
                    const int32_t ind = alphaind;
                    std::cout << rhs(alphaind+0) << " ";
                    std::cout << rhs(alphaind+1) << " ";
                    std::cout << rhs(alphaind+2) << std::endl;
            } else {
                std::cout << "Elastic!" << std::endl;
                rhs(alphaind+0) += velocity(0)*density;
                rhs(alphaind+1) += velocity(1)*density;
                rhs(alphaind+2) += velocity(2)*density;
                //std::cout << velocity << std::endl;
                for(VDBVoxelNodeIterator<LatticeType> beta(m_obj->getDOFs(),idx); beta; ++beta) {
                    const Index3 & beta_index = beta.index();
                    const int32_t beta_value = beta.value();
                       if(alpha_value < 0 || beta_value < 0) {
                       std::cout << "WTF Shouldn't be finding vertices out of nowhere..." << alpha_value << " " << beta_value << ": " << it.getCoord()<< ":A" << alpha_index << ":B" << beta_index << std::endl;
                       std::cout << idx << " " << it.getCoord() << std::endl;

                    //const LinearElasticVertexProperties & beta_props = m_vertex_properties[beta_value];
                    //const Vector3 beta_externalForce = beta_props.externalForce;
                    const vdb::Coord beta_vdbcoord = m_minCoord + vdb::Coord(beta_index.i,beta_index.j,beta_index.k);
                    if(rigidAccessor.getValue(beta_vdbcoord) > 0) {
                        for(int32_t alphadim = 0; alphadim < 3; ++alphadim) {
                            const int32_t alpha_i = mat_ind(alpha_value,alphadim);
                            for(int32_t betadim = 0; betadim < 3; ++betadim) {
                                const int32_t beta_i = mat_ind(beta_value,betadim);
                                const Scalar v = store.genericTerm(alpha.pos(), beta.pos(), alphadim, betadim,lambda,mu);


                       const SIndex3 rel_alpha = alpha_index - idx;
                       const int32_t ind_alpha = rel_alpha.i * 4 + rel_alpha.j * 2 + rel_alpha.k;

                       const SIndex3 rel_beta = beta_index - idx;
                       const int32_t ind_beta = rel_beta.i * 4 + rel_beta.j * 2 + rel_beta.k;
                    //const Scalar diag = integrator.i(boost::bind(&StiffnessEntryFunctor::diagonalTermi
                    const Scalar diag = store.diagonalTerm(alpha.pos(), beta.pos(), mu);
                    for(int32_t dim = 0; dim < 3; ++dim) {
                        const int32_t ai = mat_ind(alpha_value,dim);
                        const int32_t bi = mat_ind(beta_value,dim);

    //std::cout << rhs.transpose() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Number of matrix etdntries (with duplicates): " << triplets.size() << std::endl;

    //std::cout << M << std::endl;