EStatusCode CFFEmbeddedFontWriter::WriteCharStrings(const UIntVector& inSubsetGlyphIDs)
		1. build the charstrings data, looping the glyphs charstrings and writing a flattened
		   version of each charstring
		2. write the charstring index based on offsets inside the data (size should be according to the max)
		3. copy the data into the stream

	unsigned long* offsets = new unsigned long[inSubsetGlyphIDs.size() + 1];
	MyStringBuf charStringsData;
	OutputStringBufferStream charStringsDataWriteStream(&charStringsData);
	CharStringType2Flattener charStringFlattener;
	UIntVector::const_iterator itGlyphs = inSubsetGlyphIDs.begin();
	EStatusCode status = PDFHummus::eSuccess;

		unsigned short i=0;
		for(; itGlyphs != inSubsetGlyphIDs.end() && PDFHummus::eSuccess == status; ++itGlyphs,++i)
			offsets[i] = (unsigned long)charStringsDataWriteStream.GetCurrentPosition();
			status = charStringFlattener.WriteFlattenedGlyphProgram(	0,
		if(status != PDFHummus::eSuccess)

		offsets[i] = (unsigned long)charStringsDataWriteStream.GetCurrentPosition();


		// write index section
		mCharStringPosition = mFontFileStream.GetCurrentPosition();
		Byte sizeOfOffset = GetMostCompressedOffsetSize(offsets[i] + 1);
		mPrimitivesWriter.WriteCard16((unsigned short)inSubsetGlyphIDs.size());
			mPrimitivesWriter.WriteOffset(offsets[i] + 1);

		// Write data
		InputStringBufferStream charStringsDataReadStream(&charStringsData);
		OutputStreamTraits streamCopier(&mFontFileStream);
		status = streamCopier.CopyToOutputStream(&charStringsDataReadStream);
		if(status != PDFHummus::eSuccess)

	delete[] offsets;
	return status;
EStatusCode CFFEmbeddedFontWriter::WriteFDSelect(const UIntVector& inSubsetGlyphIDs,const FontDictInfoToByteMap& inNewFontDictsIndexes)
	// always write format 3. cause at most cases the FD dicts count will be so low that it'd
	// take a bloody mircale for no repeats to occur.
	UIntVector::const_iterator itGlyphs = inSubsetGlyphIDs.begin();

	mFDSelectPosition = mFontFileStream.GetCurrentPosition();

	LongFilePositionType rangesCountPosition = mFontFileStream.GetCurrentPosition();
	mPrimitivesWriter.WriteCard16(1); // temporary. will get back to this later

	unsigned short rangesCount = 1;
	Byte currentFD,newFD;
	unsigned short glyphIndex = 1;
	FontDictInfoToByteMap::const_iterator itNewIndex = 
	// k. seems like i probably just imagine exceptions here. i guess there must
	// be a proper FDSelect with FDs for i'm defaulting to some 0
	currentFD = (itNewIndex == inNewFontDictsIndexes.end() ? 0:itNewIndex->second);

	for(; itGlyphs != inSubsetGlyphIDs.end(); ++itGlyphs,++glyphIndex)
		itNewIndex = 
		newFD = (itNewIndex == inNewFontDictsIndexes.end() ? 0:itNewIndex->second);
		if(newFD != currentFD)
			currentFD = newFD;
	mPrimitivesWriter.WriteCard16((unsigned short)inSubsetGlyphIDs.size());
	// go back to ranges count if not equal to what's already written
	if(rangesCount != 1)
		LongFilePositionType currentPosition = mFontFileStream.GetCurrentPosition();
	return mPrimitivesWriter.GetInternalState();
void TowerTemporal::update(float t)
  static const float sShotFadeOut = 0.5f;
  mTimeSinceLastAction += t;
  float atkDur = 1.0f/mAtkSpeed;
  if (mTimeSinceLastAction >= atkDur)
    // Get all Aliens within the tower's range
    Alien* alien = NULL;
    UIntVector ids = getTargetsInRange();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < ids.size(); ++i)
      unsigned int id = ids[i];
      alien = AlienFactory::getSingleton().getAlien(id);
      if (alien && alien->getState() != Alien::DYING && alien->getState() != Alien::DEAD)
        alien->slow(0.5f, atkDur*0.5f);

    // Reset the scale of the shot graphics

    // Reset the time since last action
    mTimeSinceLastAction = 0;
  // Update the shot graphics
  if (mTimeSinceLastAction < sShotFadeOut)
    float shotPerc = mTimeSinceLastAction / sShotFadeOut; 
    Ogre::Vector3 scale = Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_SCALE * Ogre::Math::Sqrt(mRangeSqr) * 0.5;
    scale = scale * Ogre::Math::Sqrt(shotPerc);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < mRingVertices.size(); ++i)
      mpShotGraphics->colour(0.33, 0.33, 1, 1-shotPerc);
Exemplo n.º 4
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Note - this is an implementation of the standard (recursive) Cm-Cl algorithm without further
// optimizations (except we're using some nice LUTs). A description of the algorithm can be found
// here:
// The code is mostly O(n), however parts are O(nlogn) which is therefore the algorithm's
// expected total runtime complexity. The implementation is able to work in-place on the same
// mesh arrays. Calling #InternSubdivide() directly is not encouraged. The code can operate
// in-place unless 'smesh' and 'out' are equal (no strange overlaps or reorderings).
// Previous data is replaced/deleted then.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CatmullClarkSubdivider::InternSubdivide (
    const aiMesh* const * smesh,
    size_t nmesh,
    aiMesh** out,
    unsigned int num
    ai_assert(NULL != smesh && NULL != out);

    // no subdivision requested or end of recursive refinement
    if (!num) {

    UIntVector maptbl;
    SpatialSort spatial;

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 0. Offset table to index all meshes continuously, generate a spatially
    // sorted representation of all vertices in all meshes.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    typedef std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int> IntPair;
    std::vector<IntPair> moffsets(nmesh);
    unsigned int totfaces = 0, totvert = 0;
    for (size_t t = 0; t < nmesh; ++t) {
        const aiMesh* mesh = smesh[t];

        moffsets[t] = IntPair(totfaces,totvert);

        totfaces += mesh->mNumFaces;
        totvert  += mesh->mNumVertices;

    const unsigned int num_unique = spatial.GenerateMappingTable(maptbl,ComputePositionEpsilon(smesh,nmesh));

#define FLATTEN_VERTEX_IDX(mesh_idx, vert_idx) (moffsets[mesh_idx].second+vert_idx)
#define   FLATTEN_FACE_IDX(mesh_idx, face_idx) (moffsets[mesh_idx].first+face_idx)

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 1. Compute the centroid point for all faces
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    std::vector<Vertex> centroids(totfaces);
    unsigned int nfacesout = 0;
    for (size_t t = 0, n = 0; t < nmesh; ++t) {
        const aiMesh* mesh = smesh[t];
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh->mNumFaces;++i,++n)
            const aiFace& face = mesh->mFaces[i];
            Vertex& c = centroids[n];

            for (unsigned int a = 0; a < face.mNumIndices;++a) {
                c += Vertex(mesh,face.mIndices[a]);

            c /= static_cast<float>(face.mNumIndices);
            nfacesout += face.mNumIndices;

    // we want edges to go away before the recursive calls so begin a new scope
    EdgeMap edges;

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 2. Set each edge point to be the average of all neighbouring
    // face points and original points. Every edge exists twice
    // if there is a neighboring face.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    for (size_t t = 0; t < nmesh; ++t) {
        const aiMesh* mesh = smesh[t];

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh->mNumFaces;++i)   {
            const aiFace& face = mesh->mFaces[i];

            for (unsigned int p =0; p< face.mNumIndices; ++p) {
                const unsigned int id[] = {
                const unsigned int mp[] = {

                Edge& e = edges[MAKE_EDGE_HASH(mp[0],mp[1])];
                if (e.ref<=2) {
                    if (e.ref==1) { // original points (end points) - add only once
                        e.edge_point = e.midpoint = Vertex(mesh,id[0])+Vertex(mesh,id[1]);
                        e.midpoint *= 0.5f;
                    e.edge_point += centroids[FLATTEN_FACE_IDX(t,i)];

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 3. Normalize edge points
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    {unsigned int bad_cnt = 0;
    for (EdgeMap::iterator it = edges.begin(); it != edges.end(); ++it) {
        if ((*it).second.ref < 2) {
        (*it).second.edge_point *= 1.f/((*it).second.ref+2.f);

    if (bad_cnt) {
        // Report the number of bad edges. bad edges are referenced by less than two
        // faces in the mesh. They occur at outer model boundaries in non-closed
        // shapes.
        char tmp[512];
        ai_snprintf(tmp, 512, "Catmull-Clark Subdivider: got %u bad edges touching only one face (totally %u edges). ",
            bad_cnt,static_cast<unsigned int>(edges.size()));


    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 4. Compute a vertex-face adjacency table. We can't reuse the code
    // from VertexTriangleAdjacency because we need the table for multiple
    // meshes and out vertex indices need to be mapped to distinct values
    // first.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    UIntVector faceadjac(nfacesout), cntadjfac(maptbl.size(),0), ofsadjvec(maptbl.size()+1,0); {
    for (size_t t = 0; t < nmesh; ++t) {
        const aiMesh* const minp = smesh[t];
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < minp->mNumFaces; ++i) {

            const aiFace& f = minp->mFaces[i];
            for (unsigned int n = 0; n < f.mNumIndices; ++n) {
    unsigned int cur = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < cntadjfac.size(); ++i) {
        ofsadjvec[i+1] = cur;
        cur += cntadjfac[i];
    for (size_t t = 0; t < nmesh; ++t) {
        const aiMesh* const minp = smesh[t];
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < minp->mNumFaces; ++i) {

            const aiFace& f = minp->mFaces[i];
            for (unsigned int n = 0; n < f.mNumIndices; ++n) {
                faceadjac[ofsadjvec[1+maptbl[FLATTEN_VERTEX_IDX(t,f.mIndices[n])]]++] = FLATTEN_FACE_IDX(t,i);

    // check the other way round for consistency

    for (size_t t = 0; t < ofsadjvec.size()-1; ++t) {
        for (unsigned int m = 0; m <  cntadjfac[t]; ++m) {
            const unsigned int fidx = faceadjac[ofsadjvec[t]+m];
            ai_assert(fidx < totfaces);
            for (size_t n = 1; n < nmesh; ++n) {

                if (moffsets[n].first > fidx) {
                    const aiMesh* msh = smesh[--n];
                    const aiFace& f = msh->mFaces[fidx-moffsets[n].first];

                    bool haveit = false;
                    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < f.mNumIndices; ++i) {
                        if (maptbl[FLATTEN_VERTEX_IDX(n,f.mIndices[i])]==(unsigned int)t) {
                            haveit = true;
                    if (!haveit) {
                        DefaultLogger::get()->debug("Catmull-Clark Subdivider: Index not used");


#define GET_ADJACENT_FACES_AND_CNT(vidx,fstartout,numout) \
    fstartout = &faceadjac[ofsadjvec[vidx]], numout = cntadjfac[vidx]

    typedef std::pair<bool,Vertex> TouchedOVertex;
    std::vector<TouchedOVertex > new_points(num_unique,TouchedOVertex(false,Vertex()));
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 5. Spawn a quad from each face point to the corresponding edge points
    // the original points being the fourth quad points.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    for (size_t t = 0; t < nmesh; ++t) {
        const aiMesh* const minp = smesh[t];
        aiMesh* const mout = out[t] = new aiMesh();

        for (unsigned int a  = 0; a < minp->mNumFaces; ++a) {
            mout->mNumFaces += minp->mFaces[a].mNumIndices;

        // We need random access to the old face buffer, so reuse is not possible.
        mout->mFaces = new aiFace[mout->mNumFaces];

        mout->mNumVertices = mout->mNumFaces*4;
        mout->mVertices = new aiVector3D[mout->mNumVertices];

        // quads only, keep material index
        mout->mPrimitiveTypes = aiPrimitiveType_POLYGON;
        mout->mMaterialIndex = minp->mMaterialIndex;

        if (minp->HasNormals()) {
            mout->mNormals = new aiVector3D[mout->mNumVertices];

        if (minp->HasTangentsAndBitangents()) {
            mout->mTangents = new aiVector3D[mout->mNumVertices];
            mout->mBitangents = new aiVector3D[mout->mNumVertices];

        for(unsigned int i = 0; minp->HasTextureCoords(i); ++i) {
            mout->mTextureCoords[i] = new aiVector3D[mout->mNumVertices];
            mout->mNumUVComponents[i] = minp->mNumUVComponents[i];

        for(unsigned int i = 0; minp->HasVertexColors(i); ++i) {
            mout->mColors[i] = new aiColor4D[mout->mNumVertices];

        mout->mNumVertices = mout->mNumFaces<<2u;
        for (unsigned int i = 0, v = 0, n = 0; i < minp->mNumFaces;++i) {

            const aiFace& face = minp->mFaces[i];
            for (unsigned int a = 0; a < face.mNumIndices;++a)  {

                // Get a clean new face.
                aiFace& faceOut = mout->mFaces[n++];
                faceOut.mIndices = new unsigned int [faceOut.mNumIndices = 4];

                // Spawn a new quadrilateral (ccw winding) for this original point between:
                // a) face centroid

                // b) adjacent edge on the left, seen from the centroid
                const Edge& e0 = edges[MAKE_EDGE_HASH(maptbl[FLATTEN_VERTEX_IDX(t,face.mIndices[a])],
                    ])];  // fixme: replace with mod face.mNumIndices?

                // c) adjacent edge on the right, seen from the centroid
                const Edge& e1 = edges[MAKE_EDGE_HASH(maptbl[FLATTEN_VERTEX_IDX(t,face.mIndices[a])],
                    ])];  // fixme: replace with mod face.mNumIndices?


                // d= original point P with distinct index i
                // F := 0
                // R := 0
                // n := 0
                // for each face f containing i
                //    F := F+ centroid of f
                //    R := R+ midpoint of edge of f from i to i+1
                //    n := n+1
                // (F+2R+(n-3)P)/n
                const unsigned int org = maptbl[FLATTEN_VERTEX_IDX(t,face.mIndices[a])];
                TouchedOVertex& ov = new_points[org];

                if (!ov.first) {
                    ov.first = true;

                    const unsigned int* adj; unsigned int cnt;

                    if (cnt < 3) {
                        ov.second = Vertex(minp,face.mIndices[a]);
                    else {

                        Vertex F,R;
                        for (unsigned int o = 0; o < cnt; ++o) {
                            ai_assert(adj[o] < totfaces);
                            F += centroids[adj[o]];

                            // adj[0] is a global face index - search the face in the mesh list
                            const aiMesh* mp = NULL;
                            size_t nidx;

                            if (adj[o] < moffsets[0].first) {
                                mp = smesh[nidx=0];
                            else {
                                for (nidx = 1; nidx<= nmesh; ++nidx) {
                                    if (nidx == nmesh ||moffsets[nidx].first > adj[o]) {
                                        mp = smesh[--nidx];

                            ai_assert(adj[o]-moffsets[nidx].first < mp->mNumFaces);
                            const aiFace& f = mp->mFaces[adj[o]-moffsets[nidx].first];
                            bool haveit = false;

                            // find our original point in the face
                            for (unsigned int m = 0; m < f.mNumIndices; ++m) {
                                if (maptbl[FLATTEN_VERTEX_IDX(nidx,f.mIndices[m])] == org) {

                                    // add *both* edges. this way, we can be sure that we add
                                    // *all* adjacent edges to R. In a closed shape, every
                                    // edge is added twice - so we simply leave out the
                                    // factor 2.f in the amove formula and get the right
                                    // result.

                                    const Edge& c0 = edges[MAKE_EDGE_HASH(org,maptbl[FLATTEN_VERTEX_IDX(
                                    // fixme: replace with mod face.mNumIndices?

                                    const Edge& c1 = edges[MAKE_EDGE_HASH(org,maptbl[FLATTEN_VERTEX_IDX(
                                    // fixme: replace with mod face.mNumIndices?
                                    R += c0.midpoint+c1.midpoint;

                                    haveit = true;

                            // this invariant *must* hold if the vertex-to-face adjacency table is valid
                            if ( !haveit ) {
                                DefaultLogger::get()->warn( "OBJ: no name for material library specified." );

                        const float div = static_cast<float>(cnt), divsq = 1.f/(div*div);
                        ov.second = Vertex(minp,face.mIndices[a])*((div-3.f) / div) + R*divsq + F*divsq;
    }  // end of scope for edges, freeing its memory

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 7. Apply the next subdivision step.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (num != 1) {
        std::vector<aiMesh*> tmp(nmesh);
        InternSubdivide (out,nmesh,&tmp.front(),num-1);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < nmesh; ++i) {
            delete out[i];
            out[i] = tmp[i];
Exemplo n.º 5
* Extracts and stores logical lines of code.
* Determines and extract logical SLOC to place in the result variable
* using addSLOC function. Each time the addSLOC function is called,
* a new logical SLOC is added. This function assumes that the directive
* is handled before it is called.
* \param result counter results
* \param line processed physical line of code
* \param lineBak original physical line of code
* \param strLSLOC processed logical string
* \param strLSLOCBak original logical string
* \param paren_cnt count of parenthesis
* \param loopWhiteSpace count of white space to determine loop ends
void CPythonCounter::LSLOC(results* result, string line, size_t lineNumber, string lineBak, string &strLSLOC, string &strLSLOCBak,
						   unsigned int &paren_cnt, UIntVector &loopWhiteSpace)
#define CONT_STR_LENGTH 18
	string continuation_str[] = {"is", "in", "not", "+", "-", "*", "/", "=", "<", ">", "|", "&", "%", "^", "\\", "~", ",", "$"};
	size_t start = 0;	// starting index of the working string
	size_t i = 0, idx, strSize;
	int n;
	bool trunc_flag = false;
	unsigned int cnt = 0, numWS;
	string exclude = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_$";

	string tmp;

	// process:
	// paren_cnt is used with {} [] ()
	// 1. check if the  current char is in one of the parentheses
	// 2.   if no, check if the line has : or ; (statement separators), except else:
	// 3.      if yes, count and put the statement in the result
	// 4. if the line does not ends with a continuation string or a statement separator (handled)
	//      and the line is not in one of the parentheses
	//      then count and put the statement in the result
	// 5. physical count considers all lines executables (or directives, no declarations)

	// check for loop ends, new loops, and record white space in order to determine ends
	if (print_cmplx)
		// check white space for loop ends
		if (loopWhiteSpace.size() > 0)
			// get white space
			tmp = line;
			tmp = CUtil::TrimString(tmp, -1);
			numWS = (unsigned)(line.length() - tmp.length());

			// check for loop ends
			for (n = (int)loopWhiteSpace.size() - 1; n >= 0; n--)
				if ( != numWS)

		// check for loop keywords (for, while)
		cnt = 0;
		CUtil::CountTally(line, loop_keywords, cnt, 1, exclude, "", "", NULL);
		if (cnt > 0)
			if (loopWhiteSpace.size() < 1)
				// get white space
				tmp = line;
				tmp = CUtil::TrimString(tmp, -1);
				numWS = (unsigned)(line.length() - tmp.length());

			// add nested loop white space and record nested loop level
			for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)

				if ((unsigned int)result->cmplx_nestloop_count.size() < loopWhiteSpace.size())

	line = CUtil::TrimString(line);
	lineBak = CUtil::TrimString(lineBak);
	size_t line_length = line.length();
	bool lineContinued = false;

	while (i < line_length)
		switch (line[i])
		case '{': case '[': case '(': // parentheses opener
		case '}': case ']': case ')': // parentheses closer
			if (paren_cnt > 0)

		// 2. if no parentheses enclosing, and if the char is a statement separator
		if (paren_cnt == 0 && (line[i] == ';' || line[i] == ':'))
			tmp = CUtil::ClearRedundantSpaces(line);
			// if line[..i] is else: then exit the outer if
			if (tmp.rfind("else:") != tmp.length() - 5)
				// 3.
				strSize = CUtil::TruncateLine(i + 1 - start, strLSLOC.length(), this->lsloc_truncate, trunc_flag);
				if (strSize > 0)
					strLSLOC += line.substr(start, i);
					strLSLOCBak += lineBak.substr(start, i);
				if (result->addSLOC(strLSLOCBak, lineNumber, trunc_flag))
					// increase logical SLOC here
				strLSLOC = strLSLOCBak = "";
				start = i + 1;
				lineContinued = true;

	if (paren_cnt == 0)
		// add logical SLOC if the line does not end with a continuation string/char
		if (!lineContinued)
			for (i = 0; i < CONT_STR_LENGTH; i++)
				if (continuation_str[i].length() == 1)
					if (line[line_length - 1] == continuation_str[i][0])
						lineContinued = true;
					idx = CUtil::FindKeyword(line, continuation_str[i]);
					if (idx != string::npos && idx == line_length - continuation_str[i].length() - 1)
						lineContinued = true;

		if (!lineContinued)
			strSize = CUtil::TruncateLine(line_length - start, strLSLOC.length(), this->lsloc_truncate, trunc_flag);
			if (strSize > 0)
				strLSLOC += line.substr(start, line_length);
				strLSLOCBak += lineBak.substr(start, line_length);
			if (result->addSLOC(strLSLOCBak, lineNumber, trunc_flag))
				// increase logical SLOC here
			strLSLOC = strLSLOCBak = "";
			tmp = CUtil::TrimString(line.substr(start, line_length - start));
			strSize = CUtil::TruncateLine(tmp.length(), strLSLOC.length(), this->lsloc_truncate, trunc_flag);
			if (strSize > 0)
				strLSLOC += tmp.substr(0, strSize);
				tmp = CUtil::TrimString(lineBak.substr(start, line_length - start));
				strLSLOCBak += tmp.substr(0, strSize);
EStatusCode CFFEmbeddedFontWriter::WriteEncodings(const UIntVector& inSubsetGlyphIDs)
	// if it's a CID. don't bother with encodings (marks as 0)
		mEncodingPosition = 0;
		return PDFHummus::eSuccess;

	// not CID, write encoding, according to encoding values from the original font
	EncodingsInfo* encodingInfo = mOpenTypeInput.mCFF.mTopDictIndex[0].mEncoding;
	if(encodingInfo->mEncodingStart <= 1)
		mEncodingPosition = encodingInfo->mEncodingStart;
		return PDFHummus::eSuccess;
		// original font had custom encoding, let's subset it according to just the glyphs we 
		// actually have. but cause i'm lazy i'll just do the first format.

		// figure out if we got supplements
		UIntVector::const_iterator it = inSubsetGlyphIDs.begin();
		ByteAndUShortList supplements;

		for(; it != inSubsetGlyphIDs.end();++it)
			// don't be confused! the supplements is by SID! not GID!
			unsigned short sid = mOpenTypeInput.mCFF.GetGlyphSID(0,*it);

			UShortToByteList::iterator itSupplements = encodingInfo->mSupplements.find(sid);
			if(itSupplements != encodingInfo->mSupplements.end())
				ByteList::iterator itMoreEncoding = itSupplements->second.begin();
				for(; itMoreEncoding != itSupplements->second.end(); ++itMoreEncoding)

		mEncodingPosition = mFontFileStream.GetCurrentPosition();

		if(supplements.size() > 0)

		// assuming that 0 is in the subset glyphs IDs, which does not require encoding
		// get the encodings count
		Byte encodingGlyphsCount = std::min((Byte)(inSubsetGlyphIDs.size()-1),encodingInfo->mEncodingsCount); 

		for(Byte i=0; i < encodingGlyphsCount;++i)
			if(inSubsetGlyphIDs[i+1] < encodingInfo->mEncodingsCount)

		if(supplements.size() > 0)
			ByteAndUShortList::iterator itCollectedSupplements = supplements.begin();

			for(; itCollectedSupplements != supplements.end(); ++itCollectedSupplements)

	return mPrimitivesWriter.GetInternalState();