Exemplo n.º 1
int main() {

  Image<RGBColor> image;
  string jpg_filenameL = stlplus::folder_up(string(THIS_SOURCE_DIR))
    + "/imageData/StanfordMobileVisualSearch/Ace_0.png";
  ReadImage(jpg_filenameL.c_str(), &image);

  Image<unsigned char> imageL;
  Rgb2Gray(image, &imageL);

  string jpg_filenameR = stlplus::folder_up(string(THIS_SOURCE_DIR))
    + "/imageData/StanfordMobileVisualSearch/Ace_1.png";
  ReadImage(jpg_filenameR.c_str(), &image);

  Image<unsigned char> imageR;
  Rgb2Gray(image, &imageR);

  // Define the used descriptor (SIFT : 128 float value)
  typedef float descType;
  typedef Descriptor<descType,128> SIFTDescriptor;

  // Prepare vector to store detected feature and associated descriptor
  vector<SIOPointFeature> featsL, featsR;
  vector<SIFTDescriptor > descsL, descsR;
  // Call SIFT detector
  bool bOctaveMinus1 = true;
  bool bRootSift = true;
  SIFTDetector(imageL, featsL, descsL, bOctaveMinus1, bRootSift);
  SIFTDetector(imageR, featsR, descsR, bOctaveMinus1, bRootSift);

  // Show both images side by side
    Image<unsigned char> concat;
    ConcatH(imageL, imageR, concat);
    string out_filename = "01_concat.jpg";
    WriteImage(out_filename.c_str(), concat);

  //- Draw features on the two image (side by side)
    Image<unsigned char> concat;
    ConcatH(imageL, imageR, concat);

    //-- Draw features :
    for (size_t i=0; i < featsL.size(); ++i )  {
      const SIOPointFeature & imaA = featsL[i];
      DrawCircle(imaA.x(), imaA.y(), imaA.scale(), 255, &concat);
    for (size_t i=0; i < featsR.size(); ++i )  {
      const SIOPointFeature & imaB = featsR[i];
      DrawCircle(imaB.x()+imageL.Width(), imaB.y(), imaB.scale(), 255, &concat);
    string out_filename = "02_features.jpg";
    WriteImage(out_filename.c_str(), concat);

  std::vector<IndMatch> vec_PutativeMatches;
  //-- Perform matching -> find Nearest neighbor, filtered with Distance ratio
    // Define the matcher
    //  and the used metric (Squared L2)
    typedef L2_Vectorized<SIFTDescriptor::bin_type> Metric;
    // Brute force matcher is defined as following:
    typedef ArrayMatcherBruteForce<SIFTDescriptor::bin_type, Metric> MatcherT;

    // Distance ratio quite high in order to have noise corrupted data. Squared due to squared metric
    getPutativesMatches<SIFTDescriptor, MatcherT>(descsL, descsR, Square(0.8), vec_PutativeMatches);

    // Draw correspondences after Nearest Neighbor ratio filter
    svgDrawer svgStream( imageL.Width() + imageR.Width(), max(imageL.Height(), imageR.Height()));
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), imageL.Width());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < vec_PutativeMatches.size(); ++i) {
      //Get back linked feature, draw a circle and link them by a line
      const SIOPointFeature & L = featsL[vec_PutativeMatches[i]._i];
      const SIOPointFeature & R = featsR[vec_PutativeMatches[i]._j];
      svgStream.drawLine(L.x(), L.y(), R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), svgStyle().stroke("green", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(L.x(), L.y(), L.scale(), svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), R.scale(),svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
    string out_filename = "03_siftMatches.svg";
    ofstream svgFile( out_filename.c_str() );
    svgFile << svgStream.closeSvgFile().str();

  // Homography geometry filtering of putative matches
    //A. get back interest point and send it to the robust estimation framework
    Mat xL(2, vec_PutativeMatches.size());
    Mat xR(2, vec_PutativeMatches.size());

    for (size_t k = 0; k < vec_PutativeMatches.size(); ++k)  {
      const SIOPointFeature & imaL = featsL[vec_PutativeMatches[k]._i];
      const SIOPointFeature & imaR = featsR[vec_PutativeMatches[k]._j];
      xL.col(k) = imaL.coords().cast<double>();
      xR.col(k) = imaR.coords().cast<double>();

    //-- Homography robust estimation
    std::vector<size_t> vec_inliers;
    typedef ACKernelAdaptor<

    KernelType kernel(
      xL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height(),
      xR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(),
      false); // configure as point to point error model.

    Mat3 H;
    std::pair<double,double> ACRansacOut = ACRANSAC(kernel, vec_inliers, 1024, &H,
    const double & thresholdH = ACRansacOut.first;
    const double & NFAH = ACRansacOut.second;

    // Check the homography support some point to be considered as valid
    if (vec_inliers.size() > KernelType::MINIMUM_SAMPLES *2.5) {

      std::cout << "\nFound a homography under the confidence threshold of: "
        << thresholdH << " pixels\n\twith: " << vec_inliers.size() << " inliers"
        << " from: " << vec_PutativeMatches.size()
         << " putatives correspondences"
        << std::endl;

      //Show homography validated point and compute residuals
      std::vector<double> vec_residuals(vec_inliers.size(), 0.0);
      svgDrawer svgStream( imageL.Width() + imageR.Width(), max(imageL.Height(), imageR.Height()));
      svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
      svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), imageL.Width());
      for ( size_t i = 0; i < vec_inliers.size(); ++i)  {
        size_t idx = vec_inliers[i];
        const SIOPointFeature & LL = featsL[vec_PutativeMatches[vec_inliers[i]]._i];
        const SIOPointFeature & RR = featsR[vec_PutativeMatches[vec_inliers[i]]._j];
        const Vec2f L = LL.coords();
        const Vec2f R = RR.coords();
        svgStream.drawLine(L.x(), L.y(), R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), svgStyle().stroke("green", 2.0));
        svgStream.drawCircle(L.x(), L.y(), LL.scale(), svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
        svgStream.drawCircle(R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), RR.scale(),svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
        // residual computation
        vec_residuals[i] = std::sqrt(KernelType::ErrorT::Error(H,
      string out_filename = "04_ACRansacHomography.svg";
      ofstream svgFile( out_filename.c_str() );
      svgFile << svgStream.closeSvgFile().str();

      // Display some statistics of reprojection errors
      float dMin, dMax, dMean, dMedian;
      minMaxMeanMedian<float>(vec_residuals.begin(), vec_residuals.end(),
                            dMin, dMax, dMean, dMedian);

      std::cout << std::endl
        << "Homography matrix estimation, residuals statistics:" << "\n"
        << "\t-- Residual min:\t" << dMin << std::endl
        << "\t-- Residual median:\t" << dMedian << std::endl
        << "\t-- Residual max:\t "  << dMax << std::endl
        << "\t-- Residual mean:\t " << dMean << std::endl;

      // Perform GUIDED MATCHING
      // Use the computed model with all possible point couples
      //  and keep the one that have the error under the AC-RANSAC precision
      //  value.

      Mat xL, xR;
      PointsToMat(featsL, xL);
      PointsToMat(featsR, xR);
      std::vector<IndMatch> vec_corresponding_index;
      GuidedMatching<Mat3, openMVG::homography::kernel::AsymmetricError>(
        H, xL, xR, Square(thresholdH), vec_corresponding_index);

      std::cout << "\nGuided homography matching found "
        << vec_corresponding_index.size() << " correspondences."
        << std::endl;

      // Merge AC Ransac and H-Guided matches
      std::set<IndMatch> set_matches(vec_corresponding_index.begin(),
      for ( size_t i = 0; i < vec_inliers.size(); ++i)  {
      std::cout << "\nGuided homography + AC Ransac results matching found "
        << set_matches.size() << " correspondences."
        << std::endl;
      // Update the corresponding index:
      vec_corresponding_index.assign(set_matches.begin(), set_matches.end());

        //Show homography validated correspondences and compute residuals
        std::vector<double> vec_residuals(vec_corresponding_index.size(), 0.0);
        svgDrawer svgStream( imageL.Width() + imageR.Width(), max(imageL.Height(), imageR.Height()));
        svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
        svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), imageL.Width());
        for ( size_t i = 0; i < vec_corresponding_index.size(); ++i)  {

          const SIOPointFeature & LL = featsL[vec_corresponding_index[i]._i];
          const SIOPointFeature & RR = featsR[vec_corresponding_index[i]._j];
          const Vec2f L = LL.coords();
          const Vec2f R = RR.coords();
          svgStream.drawLine(L.x(), L.y(), R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), svgStyle().stroke("green", 2.0));
          svgStream.drawCircle(L.x(), L.y(), LL.scale(), svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
          svgStream.drawCircle(R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), RR.scale(),svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
          // residual computation
          vec_residuals[i] = std::sqrt(KernelType::ErrorT::Error(H,
        string out_filename = "04_ACRansacHomography_guided.svg";
        ofstream svgFile( out_filename.c_str() );
        svgFile << svgStream.closeSvgFile().str();

        // Display some statistics of reprojection errors
        float dMin, dMax, dMean, dMedian;
        minMaxMeanMedian<float>(vec_residuals.begin(), vec_residuals.end(),
                              dMin, dMax, dMean, dMedian);

        std::cout << std::endl
          << "Homography matrix estimation, residuals statistics:" << "\n"
          << "\t-- Residual min:\t" << dMin << std::endl
          << "\t-- Residual median:\t" << dMedian << std::endl
          << "\t-- Residual max:\t "  << dMax << std::endl
          << "\t-- Residual mean:\t " << dMean << std::endl;
    else  {
      std::cout << "ACRANSAC was unable to estimate a rigid homography"
        << std::endl;
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 2
void RenderGrid::draw ()
   _width = _cnvOpt.width;
   _height = _cnvOpt.height;

   bool enableRefAtoms = refAtoms.size() > 0 && _factory.isItemMolecule(objs[0]);
   if (enableRefAtoms && refAtoms.size() != objs.size())
      throw Error("Number of reference atoms should be same as the number of objects");
   bool enableTitles = titles.size() > 0;
   if (enableTitles && titles.size() != objs.size())
      throw Error("Number of titles should be same as the number of objects");

   nRows = (objs.size() + nColumns - 1) / nColumns;

   commentOffset = 0;
   if (comment >= 0) {
      commentOffset = _cnvOpt.commentOffset;

   Vec2f refSizeLT, refSizeRB;
   Array<float> columnExtentLeft, columnExtentRight, rowExtentTop, rowExtentBottom;
   for (int i = 0; i < objs.size(); ++i) {
      if (enableRefAtoms)
         _factory.getItemMolecule(objs[i]).refAtom = refAtoms[i];
      if (enableRefAtoms) {
         const Vec2f& r = _factory.getItemMolecule(objs[i]).refAtomPos;
         Vec2f d;
         d.diff(_factory.getItemMolecule(objs[i]).size, r);
         int col = i % nColumns;
         int row = i / nColumns;
         columnExtentLeft[col] = __max(columnExtentLeft[col], r.x);
         columnExtentRight[col] = __max(columnExtentRight[col], d.x);
         rowExtentTop[row] = __max(rowExtentTop[row], r.y);
         rowExtentBottom[row] = __max(rowExtentBottom[row], d.y);
      } else {
   if (enableRefAtoms)
      maxsz.sum(refSizeLT, refSizeRB);

   titleOffset = 0;
   if (enableTitles) {
      titleOffset = _cnvOpt.titleOffset;
      for (int i = 0; i < titles.size(); ++i) {

   outerMargin.x = (float)(minMarg + _cnvOpt.marginX);
   outerMargin.y = (float)(minMarg + _cnvOpt.marginY);

   _width = __min(_width, _getMaxWidth());
   _height = __min(_height, _getMaxHeight());
   scale = _getScale(_width, _height);
   if (_width < 1)
      _width = _getDefaultWidth(scale);
   if (_height < 1)
      _height = _getDefaultHeight(scale);

   _rc.initContext(_width, _height);
   cellsz.set(__max(maxsz.x * scale, maxTitleSize.x),
      maxsz.y * scale + maxTitleSize.y + titleOffset);
   clientArea.set(cellsz.x * nColumns + _cnvOpt.gridMarginX * (nColumns - 1),
      cellsz.y * nRows + _cnvOpt.gridMarginY * (nRows - 1));
   if (_cnvOpt.xOffset > 0 || _cnvOpt.yOffset > 0)
      _rc.translate((float)_cnvOpt.xOffset, (float)_cnvOpt.yOffset);
   _rc.translate(outerMargin.x, outerMargin.y);
   if (_cnvOpt.commentPos == COMMENT_POS_TOP) {
      _rc.translate(0, (float)commentOffset);
      _rc.translate((_width - clientArea.x) / 2 - outerMargin.x, (_height - commentSize.y - commentOffset - clientArea.y) / 2 - outerMargin.y);
      for (int i = 0; i < objs.size(); ++i) {
            int y = i / nColumns;
            int x = i % nColumns;
            Vec2f size(_factory.getItem(objs[i]).size);

            _rc.translate(x * (cellsz.x + _cnvOpt.gridMarginX), y * (cellsz.y + _cnvOpt.gridMarginY));
               if (enableRefAtoms) {
                  _rc.translate(0.5f * (cellsz.x - (columnExtentRight[x] + columnExtentLeft[x]) * scale), 0.5f * (maxsz.y - (rowExtentBottom[y]+ rowExtentTop[y])) * scale);
                  const Vec2f r = _factory.getItemMolecule(objs[i]).refAtomPos;
                  _rc.translate((columnExtentLeft[x] - r.x) * scale, (rowExtentTop[y] - r.y) * scale);
               } else {
                  _rc.translate(0.5f * (cellsz.x - size.x * scale), 0.5f * (maxsz.y - size.y) * scale);
            _rc.translate(0, maxsz.y * scale + titleOffset);

            if (enableTitles) {
               Vec2f titleSize(_factory.getItem(titles[i]).size);
               _rc.translate(_cnvOpt.titleAlign.getBboxRelativeOffset() * (cellsz.x - titleSize.x), 0.5f * (maxTitleSize.y - titleSize.y));
   if (_cnvOpt.commentPos == COMMENT_POS_BOTTOM) {
      _rc.translate(0, _height - commentOffset - commentSize.y - 2*outerMargin.y);
Exemplo n.º 3
// React to size changes
void reshape(Vec2f Size, SimpleSceneManager *mgr)
    mgr->resize(Size.x(), Size.y());
Exemplo n.º 4
OGLText::OGLText(const Vec2f& position, const Color& color, const std::string& text, float size) :_position(position.X(), position.Y(), -1.f), m_text(text), _fontLoc("sansserif.glf"), _color(color)
    m_font = new GLFont();
    //Approximation of size based on 12px 24px 22px
    _size = size * (1 - (1 / m_font->m_height));
    _width = m_font->m_width * text.size();
    _rot = 0.f;
Exemplo n.º 5
void SerialTestApp::mouseDrag( MouseEvent event )
    mousePos = event.getPos();
    Vec2f offset = mousePos - getWindowCenter();

    float speed = offset.length();
    float amtLeftWheel = 0;
    float amtRightWheel = 0;
    // Turning scheme:
    // 0-90°
    // 0 == other wheel moves forward @ speed
    // 90 == other wheel moves backwards @ speed
    // Never account for moving backwards.
    // Hard left or right is all we can do.
    float yRange = (MAX((offset.y*-1), 0.0)*2.0f) - 1.0f; // -1..1
    // Always having one wheel moving forward ensures we're
    // driving forward. We can't drive backwards.
    if(offset.x < 0){
        amtRightWheel = 1;
        amtLeftWheel = yRange;// -1..1 //offset.y*-1;
        amtLeftWheel = 1;
        amtRightWheel = yRange;// -1..1 //offset.y*-1;
    // Making the lw / rw amount a function of the speed
    const static int MAX_SPEED = 200;
    float speedScalar = MIN((speed/(float)MAX_SPEED), 1.0);
    amtLeftWheel *= speedScalar;
    amtRightWheel *= speedScalar;
    int lw = 255+(amtLeftWheel*255); // 0..255..500
    int rw = 255+(amtRightWheel*255); // 0..255..500
    string directions = "" + boost::lexical_cast<string>((int)lw) + "," +
                             boost::lexical_cast<string>((int)rw) + ",\n";

    console() << directions << "\n";
    // SIM Arduino code
    long val = (lw*(long)1000)+rw;
    int rVal = val % 1000;
    int lVal = (val - rVal) * 0.001;
    int lDirection = lVal >= 255 ? 1 : -1;
    int rDirection = rVal >= 255 ? 1 : -1;
    int lAbsVal = abs(lVal-255);
    int rAbsVal = abs(rVal-255);

    console() << "lw : " << lw << " rw: " << rw;
    console() << " lAbsVal : " << lAbsVal << " rAbsVal: " << rAbsVal << "\n";
    _ardLDir = lDirection;
    _ardRDir = rDirection;
    _ardLVal = lAbsVal;
    _ardRVal = rAbsVal;

Exemplo n.º 6
void Draw::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) {
  //  printf("mouse release event %d\n", e->button());
  // draw
  _mousePressed = 0;
  if (_tool == D_DRAW && _currDPath) {  // draw
    //_pressure = 2.*_sens; 
    if (_currDPath->getNumElements() > 1) {
      Vec2f loc = unproject(e->x(), e->y(), _h);
      _currDPath->addVertex(loc.x(), loc.y(), mapPressure());

      //for (int i=0; i<2; i++)

      bool res=false;
      if (!_freeDraw)
	res = _currDPath->correspondRoto2(_is->getRotoCurves(_frame), _w, _h);
      if (res) {
	_corrShow = 1;
      else _currDPath = NULL;
      emit restoreCursor();
    else {
      delete _currDPath;
      _currDPath = NULL;

  else if (_tool == D_PAINT && _currDPath) { // paint
    Bboxf2D bbox = _currDPath->calcBbox();
    DrawPatch *dch = new DrawPatch((int)floor(bbox.lower.x()),(int)floor(bbox.lower.y()),
				   (int)ceil(bbox.width()), (int)ceil(bbox.height()),
    //printf("patch corner: %f %f, window: %f %f\n",dch->x(), dch->y(),
    //   bbox.width(), bbox.height());
    delete _currDPath;
    _currDPath = NULL;

    if (_propPatch && _propMode==1)

  else if (_tool == D_SELECT) { // select
    if (_selected && _dragDirty) {
      _dragDirty = false;
  else if (_tool == D_OVERDRAW && _currDPath) {// overdraw 
    if (_currDPath->getNumElements() > 1) {
    else {
      delete _currDPath; _currDPath=NULL;

  else if (_tool==D_DROPPER) {
    _captureColor = true;
    _captureColorLoc.Set(e->x(), _h-e->y());
    _captureColor = false;

  else if (_tool==D_NUDGE) { // nudge

  //_minimalRenderMode = 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
void SpringCam::dragCam( const Vec2f &posOffset, float distFromCenter )
	mEyeNode.mAcc += Vec3f( posOffset.xy(), distFromCenter );
Exemplo n.º 8
// the next edge normal is computed as a pi/2 clockwise rotation of
// the direction from this point to the next one. The edge normals
// do thus point to the left of the path.
// Author: afischle
static Vec2f computeEdgeNormal(const Vec2f &a, const Vec2f &b, bool cw)
    Vec2f d = b - a;
    return cw == true ? Vec2f(d.y(), -d.x()) : Vec2f(-d.y(), d.x());
Exemplo n.º 9
void StageSelect::drawScrollbar() {
	Vec2f pos = Vec2f(-15, -50);
	Vec2f size = Vec2f(870, 760);
	drawCenterTexture(pos,size, scrollbar_tex_);
	drawCenterTexture(pos+Vec2f(-22,0), Vec2f(size.x()*0.2,size.y()*0.6), scroll_tex_);
Exemplo n.º 10
float Boid::dist(Vec2f v1,Vec2f v2)
    return v1.distance(v2);
Exemplo n.º 11
	void update(float dt, vector<Planet*>& planets, paramStruct& params)
		if(charging && charge < MAXCHARGE) charge += dt * 1.5f;
		pars = params;
		if(jumpInert > .0f)
		if(jumpInert < .0f)
			jumpInert = .0f;
		if(turn != params.turn)
			charging = false;
			charge = .0f;
		turn = params.turn;
		pos += vel * dt;
		if(pos.x > getWindowWidth())
			pos.x = pos.x-getWindowWidth();
		if(pos.x < 0)
			pos.x = getWindowWidth()+pos.x;
		if(pos.y > getWindowHeight())
			pos.y = pos.y-getWindowHeight();
		if(pos.y < 0)
			pos.y = getWindowHeight()+pos.y;
		Planet* closest = planets[0];
		float dst = 999999999.0f;
		vector<Planet*>::iterator it;
		for(it = planets.begin(); it < planets.end(); it++)
			Vec2f moonToPlanet = ((*it)->pos - pos);
			if(moonToPlanet.length() < dst)
				closest = (*it);
				dst = moonToPlanet.length();
		//	vel += moonToPlanet.normalized() * 1.0f * (*it)->radius * (*it)->radius * 3.14 / (math<float>::max(moonToPlanet.length() * moonToPlanet.length(), 80.0f));

		//	vel += moonToPlanet.normalized() * params.distFactor * moonToPlanet.length();//20000.0f/(math<float>::max(moonToPlanet.length(), 100.0f));
		//	vel += (-params.repulse)* moonToPlanet.normalized() / moonToPlanet.length();
		nearest = closest;
		Vec2f moonToPlanet = closest->pos - pos;
		if(!closestPlanet && moonToPlanet.length() > closest->radius * 2.5f)
			vel += moonToPlanet.normalized() * 36.5f * pars.speed *
					closest->radius * closest->radius * closest->radius * (2.0f/3.0f) * M_PI 
					/ (math<float>::max(moonToPlanet.length() * moonToPlanet.length(), 80.0f));
		if(!jumpInert && !closestPlanet && moonToPlanet.length() < closest->radius * 1.7f && losing.size() == 0)
			closestPlanet = closest;
		if(closestPlanet && !jumpInert && losing.size() == 0)
			Vec2f m2cp = (closestPlanet->pos - pos);
			Vec2f r = pos - closestPlanet->pos;
			vel = r * 300.0f * pars.speed;
			if(m2cp.length() < closestPlanet->radius)
				pos += -m2cp.normalized() * (5.0f + closestPlanet->radius - m2cp.length());
		//vel /= planets.size();
//		Vec2f newpos = (pos + vel * dt);
//		for(it = planets.begin(); it < planets.end(); it++)
//		{
//			if(newpos.distance((*it)->pos) < (*it)->radius * 1.5f)
//				vel -= ((*it)->pos - pos);
//		}
		closest = 0;
		delete closest;
		// particles
		vector<Particle*>::iterator pit;
		for(pit = losing.begin(); pit < losing.end(); pit++)
			if((*pit)->time > (*pit)->lt)
Exemplo n.º 12
Vec2f MoleculeLayoutSmoothingSegment::_getPosition(Vec2f p) {
   Vec2f point;
   point.rotate(_finish - _start);
   return point + _start;
Exemplo n.º 13
MoleculeLayoutSmoothingSegment::MoleculeLayoutSmoothingSegment(MoleculeLayoutGraphSmart& mol, Vec2f& start, Vec2f& finish) :
   Vec2f diameter = (_finish - _start);
   _length = diameter.length();
   Vec2f rotate_vector = diameter / diameter.lengthSqr();
   rotate_vector.y *= -1;

   bool is_line = false;
   for (int v : _graph.vertices()) if (_graph.getVertex(v).degree() == 1) is_line = true;

   if (!is_line) {
      for (int v : _graph.vertices()) {

         _pos[v] -= _start;
   else {
	   // this is straight line
	   QS_DEF(Array<int>, vert);
	   vert.clear(); // list or vertices in order of connection
	   for (int v : _graph.vertices()) if (_graph.getVertex(v).degree() == 1) {
	   while (vert.size() < _graph.vertexCount()) {
		   for (int n = _graph.getVertex(vert.top()).neiBegin(); n != _graph.getVertex(vert.top()).neiEnd(); n = _graph.getVertex(vert.top()).neiNext(n))
			   if (_graph.getVertex(vert.top()).neiVertex(n) != vert[vert.size() - 2]) {
	   for (int i = 0; i < vert.size(); i++) _pos[vert[i]].set(i * 1. / (vert.size() - 1), 0);

   // double ternary search of center of component
   float MLx = 0, Ly = 0, MRx = 0, Ry = 0, Lx, Rx;
   for (int v : _graph.vertices()) {
	   MLx = __min(MLx, _pos[v].x);
	   MRx = __max(MRx, _pos[v].x);
	   Ly = __min(Ly, _pos[v].y);
	   Ry = __max(Ry, _pos[v].y);
   while (Ry - Ly > EPSILON) {
	   float dy = (Ry - Ly) / 3;
	   float ry[2];
	   float My = Ly + dy;
	   for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		   Lx = MLx, Rx = MRx;
		   float rx[2];
		   while (Rx - Lx > EPSILON) {
			   float dx = (Rx - Lx) / 3;
			   float Mx = Lx + dx;
			   for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
				   rx[j] = calc_radius(Vec2f(Mx, My));
				   Mx += dx;
			   if (rx[0] > rx[1]) Lx += dx; else Rx -= dx;
		   ry[i] = calc_radius(Vec2f(Rx, My));
		   My += dy;
	   if (ry[0] > ry[1]) Ly += dy; else Ry -= dy;
   _center = Vec2f(Rx, Ry);
   _radius = calc_radius(_center);
   _radius = 0;
   Vec2f center(0.5, 0);
   for (int v : _graph.vertices()) {
      float dist = (center - _pos[v]).length();
      if (dist > _radius) _radius = dist;
   _center = center;*/
   _square = 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
void BorderLayout::updateLayout(const MFUnrecChildComponentPtr* Components, const Component* ParentComponent) const
	Pnt2f borderTopLeft, borderBottomRight;
	dynamic_cast<const ComponentContainer*>(ParentComponent)->getInsideInsetsBounds(borderTopLeft, borderBottomRight);
	Vec2f borderSize(borderBottomRight-borderTopLeft);

	Real32 NorthHeight(0);
	Real32 SouthHeight(0);
	Real32 WestWidth(0);
	Real32 EastWidth(0);
	Vec2f size;
	Vec2f offset;

	// the first pass through gets some crucial dimensions to determine
	// the sizes of the buttons
	for(UInt32 i = 0 ; i<Components->size(); ++i)
		if((*Components)[i]->getConstraints() != NULL)
			switch (dynamic_cast<BorderLayoutConstraints*>((*Components)[i]->getConstraints())->getRegion()) {
				// don't need to do anything with the center quite yet
				case BorderLayoutConstraints::BORDER_NORTH:
					NorthHeight = (*Components)[i]->getPreferredSize().y();
				case BorderLayoutConstraints::BORDER_EAST:
					EastWidth = (*Components)[i]->getPreferredSize().x();
				case BorderLayoutConstraints::BORDER_SOUTH:
					SouthHeight = (*Components)[i]->getPreferredSize().y();
				case BorderLayoutConstraints::BORDER_WEST:
					WestWidth = (*Components)[i]->getPreferredSize().x();
    Pnt2f Pos;
	// this second pass sets its size and draws them
	for(UInt32 i = 0 ; i<Components->size(); ++i)
		// Find its region and draw it accordingly
		if((*Components)[i]->getConstraints() != NULL)
			switch (dynamic_cast<BorderLayoutConstraints*>((*Components)[i]->getConstraints())->getRegion()) {
				case BorderLayoutConstraints::BORDER_CENTER: 
					// set up the size of the button and its extra displacement
					if ((*Components)[i]->getMaxSize().x() < borderSize.x()-(WestWidth+EastWidth))
						size[0] = (*Components)[i]->getMaxSize().x();
						offset[0] = (borderSize.x()-(WestWidth+EastWidth)-size[0])/2 + WestWidth;
						size[0] = borderSize.x()-(WestWidth+EastWidth);
						offset[0] = WestWidth;
					if ((*Components)[i]->getMaxSize().y() < borderSize.y()-(NorthHeight+SouthHeight))
						size[1] = (*Components)[i]->getMaxSize().y();
						offset[1] = (borderSize.y()-(NorthHeight+SouthHeight)-size[1])/2 + NorthHeight;
						size[1] = borderSize.y()-(NorthHeight+SouthHeight);
						offset[1] = NorthHeight;
				case BorderLayoutConstraints::BORDER_NORTH:
					// set up the size of the button and its extra displacement
					size[1] = (*Components)[i]->getPreferredSize().y();
					offset[1] = 0;
					if ((*Components)[i]->getMaxSize().x() < borderSize.x())
						size[0] = (*Components)[i]->getMaxSize().x();
						offset[0] = (borderSize.x()-size[0])/2;
						size[0] = borderSize.x();
						offset[0] = 0;
				case BorderLayoutConstraints::BORDER_EAST:
					// set up the size of the button and its extra displacement
					size[0] = (*Components)[i]->getPreferredSize().x();
					offset[0] = borderSize.x()-size.x();
					if ((*Components)[i]->getMaxSize().y() < borderSize.y()-(NorthHeight+SouthHeight))
						size[1] = (*Components)[i]->getMaxSize().y();
						offset[1] = (borderSize.y()-size[1]-(NorthHeight+SouthHeight))/2+NorthHeight;
						size[1] = borderSize.y()-(NorthHeight+SouthHeight);
						offset[1] = NorthHeight;
				case BorderLayoutConstraints::BORDER_SOUTH:
					// set up the size of the button and its extra displacement
					size[1] = (*Components)[i]->getPreferredSize().y();
					offset[1] = borderSize.y()-size[1];
					if ((*Components)[i]->getMaxSize().x() < borderSize.x())
						size[0] = (*Components)[i]->getMaxSize().x();
						offset[0] = (borderSize.x()-size[0])/2;
						size[0] = borderSize.x();
						offset[0] = 0;
				case BorderLayoutConstraints::BORDER_WEST:
					// set up the size of the button and its extra displacement
					size[0] = (*Components)[i]->getPreferredSize().x();
					offset[0] = 0;
					if ((*Components)[i]->getMaxSize().y() < borderSize.y()-(NorthHeight+SouthHeight))
						size[1] = (*Components)[i]->getMaxSize().y();
						offset[1] = (borderSize.y()-size[1]-(NorthHeight+SouthHeight))/2 + NorthHeight;
						size[1] = borderSize.y()-(NorthHeight+SouthHeight);
						offset[1] = NorthHeight;
					// if it isn't any of the regions, set it up to not be drawn
					size[0] = size[1] = offset[0] = offset[1] = 0;
			size[0] = osgMin(osgMax(size[0], (*Components)[i]->getMinSize().x()), (*Components)[i]->getMaxSize().x());
			size[1] = osgMin(osgMax(size[1], (*Components)[i]->getMinSize().y()), (*Components)[i]->getMaxSize().y());
            // now set the position and size of the button
            if((*Components)[i]->getSize() != size)
            Pos = borderTopLeft + Vec2f(offset);
            if((*Components)[i]->getPosition() != Pos)
Exemplo n.º 15
int main() {

  std::string sInputDir = stlplus::folder_up(string(THIS_SOURCE_DIR))
    + "/imageData/SceauxCastle/";
  string jpg_filenameL = sInputDir + "100_7101.jpg";
  string jpg_filenameR = sInputDir + "100_7102.jpg";

  Image<unsigned char> imageL, imageR;
  ReadImage(jpg_filenameL.c_str(), &imageL);
  ReadImage(jpg_filenameR.c_str(), &imageR);

  // Define the used descriptor (SIFT : 128 float value)
  typedef float descType;
  typedef Descriptor<descType,128> SIFTDescriptor;

  // Prepare vector to store detected feature and associated descriptor
  vector<SIOPointFeature> featsL, featsR;
  vector<SIFTDescriptor > descsL, descsR;
  // Call SIFT detector
  bool bOctaveMinus1 = false;
  bool bRootSift = true;
  SIFTDetector(imageL, featsL, descsL, bOctaveMinus1, bRootSift);
  SIFTDetector(imageR, featsR, descsR, bOctaveMinus1, bRootSift);

  // Show both images side by side
    Image<unsigned char> concat;
    ConcatH(imageL, imageR, concat);
    string out_filename = "01_concat.jpg";
    WriteImage(out_filename.c_str(), concat);

  //- Draw features on the two image (side by side)
    Image<unsigned char> concat;
    ConcatH(imageL, imageR, concat);

    //-- Draw features :
    for (size_t i=0; i < featsL.size(); ++i )  {
      const SIOPointFeature & imaA = featsL[i];
      DrawCircle(imaA.x(), imaA.y(), imaA.scale(), 255, &concat);
    for (size_t i=0; i < featsR.size(); ++i )  {
      const SIOPointFeature & imaB = featsR[i];
      DrawCircle(imaB.x()+imageL.Width(), imaB.y(), imaB.scale(), 255, &concat);
    string out_filename = "02_features.jpg";
    WriteImage(out_filename.c_str(), concat);

  std::vector<IndMatch> vec_PutativeMatches;
  //-- Perform matching -> find Nearest neighbor, filtered with Distance ratio
    // Define the matcher
    //  and the used metric (Squared L2)
    typedef L2_Vectorized<SIFTDescriptor::bin_type> Metric;
    // Brute force matcher is defined as following:
    typedef ArrayMatcherBruteForce<SIFTDescriptor::bin_type, Metric> MatcherT;

    // Distance ratio quite high in order to have noise corrupted data. Squared due to squared metric
    getPutativesMatches<SIFTDescriptor, MatcherT>(descsL, descsR, Square(0.8), vec_PutativeMatches);

    IndMatchDecorator<float> matchDeduplicator(
            vec_PutativeMatches, featsL, featsR);

    // Draw correspondences after Nearest Neighbor ratio filter
    svgDrawer svgStream( imageL.Width() + imageR.Width(), max(imageL.Height(), imageR.Height()));
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), imageL.Width());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < vec_PutativeMatches.size(); ++i) {
      //Get back linked feature, draw a circle and link them by a line
      const SIOPointFeature & L = featsL[vec_PutativeMatches[i]._i];
      const SIOPointFeature & R = featsR[vec_PutativeMatches[i]._j];
      svgStream.drawLine(L.x(), L.y(), R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), svgStyle().stroke("green", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(L.x(), L.y(), L.scale(), svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), R.scale(),svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
    string out_filename = "03_siftMatches.svg";
    ofstream svgFile( out_filename.c_str() );
    svgFile << svgStream.closeSvgFile().str();

  // Essential geometry filtering of putative matches
    Mat3 K;
    //read K from file
    if (!readIntrinsic(stlplus::create_filespec(sInputDir,"K","txt"), K))
      std::cerr << "Cannot read intrinsic parameters." << std::endl;
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

    //A. prepare the corresponding putatives points
    Mat xL(2, vec_PutativeMatches.size());
    Mat xR(2, vec_PutativeMatches.size());
    for (size_t k = 0; k < vec_PutativeMatches.size(); ++k)  {
      const SIOPointFeature & imaL = featsL[vec_PutativeMatches[k]._i];
      const SIOPointFeature & imaR = featsR[vec_PutativeMatches[k]._j];
      xL.col(k) = imaL.coords().cast<double>();
      xR.col(k) = imaR.coords().cast<double>();

    //B. robust estimation of the essential matrix
    std::vector<size_t> vec_inliers;
    Mat3 E;
    std::pair<size_t, size_t> size_imaL(imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
    std::pair<size_t, size_t> size_imaR(imageR.Width(), imageR.Height());
    double thresholdE = 0.0, NFA = 0.0;
    if (robustEssential(
      K, K,         // intrinsics
      xL, xR,       // corresponding points
      &E,           // essential matrix
      &vec_inliers, // inliers
      size_imaL,    // Left image size
      size_imaR,    // Right image size
      &thresholdE,  // Found AContrario Theshold
      &NFA,         // Found AContrario NFA
      std::cout << "\nFound an Essential matrix under the confidence threshold of: "
        << thresholdE << " pixels\n\twith: " << vec_inliers.size() << " inliers"
        << " from: " << vec_PutativeMatches.size()
        << " putatives correspondences"
        << std::endl;

      // Show Essential validated point
      svgDrawer svgStream( imageL.Width() + imageR.Width(), max(imageL.Height(), imageR.Height()));
      svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
      svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), imageL.Width());
      for ( size_t i = 0; i < vec_inliers.size(); ++i)  {
        size_t idx = vec_inliers[i];
        const SIOPointFeature & LL = featsL[vec_PutativeMatches[vec_inliers[i]]._i];
        const SIOPointFeature & RR = featsR[vec_PutativeMatches[vec_inliers[i]]._j];
        const Vec2f L = LL.coords();
        const Vec2f R = RR.coords();
        svgStream.drawLine(L.x(), L.y(), R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), svgStyle().stroke("green", 2.0));
        svgStream.drawCircle(L.x(), L.y(), LL.scale(), svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
        svgStream.drawCircle(R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), RR.scale(),svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
      string out_filename = "04_ACRansacEssential.svg";
      ofstream svgFile( out_filename.c_str() );
      svgFile << svgStream.closeSvgFile().str();

      //C. Extract the rotation and translation of the camera from the essential matrix
      Mat3 R;
      Vec3 t;
      if (!estimate_Rt_fromE(K, K, xL, xR, E, vec_inliers,
        &R, &t))
        std::cerr << " /!\\ Failed to compute initial R|t for the initial pair" << std::endl;
        return false;
      std::cout << std::endl
        << "-- Rotation|Translation matrices: --" << std::endl
        << R << std::endl << std::endl << t << std::endl;

      // Build Left and Right Camera
      PinholeCamera camL(K, Mat3::Identity(), Vec3::Zero());
      PinholeCamera camR(K, R, t);

      //C. Triangulate and export inliers as a PLY scene
      std::vector<Vec3> vec_3DPoints;
        camL, camR,
        xL, xR, vec_3DPoints);

      // Export as PLY (camera pos + 3Dpoints)
      std::vector<Vec3> vec_camPos;
      vec_camPos.push_back( camL._C );
      vec_camPos.push_back( camR._C );
      exportToPly(vec_3DPoints, vec_camPos, "EssentialGeometry.ply");

    else  {
      std::cout << "ACRANSAC was unable to estimate a rigid essential matrix"
        << std::endl;
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 16
void StageSelect::drawWindow() {
	Vec2f pos = Vec2f(-WIDTH / 2, -HEIGHT / 2);
	Vec2f size = Vec2f(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
	drawTextureBox(pos.x(), pos.y(), size.x(), size.y(),
		0, 0, window_tex_.width(), window_tex_.height(), window_tex_, Color::white);
Exemplo n.º 17
	void World::simulate(float dt)

		int vIterNum = 50;
		int pIterNum = 10;

		mColManager.preocss( dt );

		for( RigidBodyList::iterator iter = mRigidBodies.begin() ,itEnd = mRigidBodies.end();
			iter != itEnd ; ++iter )
			RigidBody* body = *iter;
			if ( body->getMotionType() != BodyMotion::eStatic )
				if ( body->getMotionType() == BodyMotion::eDynamic )
					body->addLinearImpulse( body->mMass * mGrivaty * dt );

				body->mLinearVel *= 1.0 / ( 1 + body->mLinearDamping );

		ContactManifold** sortedContact = new ( mAllocator ) ContactManifold* [ mColManager.mMainifolds.size() ];
		int numMainfold = mColManager.mMainifolds.size(); 

		int idxStatic = mColManager.mMainifolds.size() - 1;
		int idxNormal = 0;

		for( int i = 0 ; i < mColManager.mMainifolds.size() ; ++i )
			ContactManifold& cm = *mColManager.mMainifolds[i];

			RigidBody* bodyA = static_cast< RigidBody* >( cm.mContect.object[0] );
			RigidBody* bodyB = static_cast< RigidBody* >( cm.mContect.object[1] );

			if ( bodyA->getMotionType() == BodyMotion::eStatic || 
				 bodyB->getMotionType() == BodyMotion::eStatic )
				sortedContact[idxStatic--] = &cm;
				sortedContact[idxNormal++] = &cm;


		for( int i = 0 ; i < numMainfold ; ++i )
			ContactManifold& cm = *sortedContact[i];
			Contact& c = cm.mContect;

			Vec2f cp = 0.5 * ( c.pos[0] + c.pos[1] );

			RigidBody* bodyA = static_cast< RigidBody* >( c.object[0] );
			RigidBody* bodyB = static_cast< RigidBody* >( c.object[1] );

			Vec2f vA = bodyA->getVelFromWorldPos( cp );
			Vec2f vB = bodyB->getVelFromWorldPos( cp );
			float vrel = c.normal.dot( vB - vA );
			float relectParam = 1.0f;
			cm.velParam = 0;
			if ( vrel < -1 )
				cm.velParam = -relectParam * vrel;

			//cm.impulse = 0;

			////warm start
			Vec2f rA = cp - bodyA->mPosCenter;
			Vec2f rB = cp - bodyB->mPosCenter;
			Vec2f dp = cm.impulse * c.normal;

			bodyA->mLinearVel -= dp * bodyA->mInvMass;
			//bodyA->mAngularVel -= rA.cross( dp ) * bodyA->mInvI;
			bodyB->mLinearVel += dp * bodyB->mInvMass;
			//bodyB->mAngularVel += rB.cross( dp ) * bodyB->mInvI;

		if ( numMainfold != 0 )
		//std::sort( sortedContact.begin() , sortedContact.end() , DepthSort() );

		for( int nIter = 0 ; nIter < vIterNum ; ++nIter )
			for( int i = 0 ; i < numMainfold ; ++i )
				ContactManifold& cm = *sortedContact[i];
				Contact& c = cm.mContect;

				RigidBody* bodyA = static_cast< RigidBody* >( c.object[0] );
				RigidBody* bodyB = static_cast< RigidBody* >( c.object[1] );

				Vec2f cp = 0.5 * ( c.pos[0] + c.pos[1] );

				Vec2f vA = bodyA->getVelFromWorldPos( cp );
				Vec2f vB = bodyB->getVelFromWorldPos( cp );
				Vec2f rA = cp - bodyA->mPosCenter;
				Vec2f rB = cp - bodyB->mPosCenter;
				Vec2f vrel = vB - vA;
				float vn = vrel.dot( c.normal );
				float nrA = rA.cross( c.normal );
				float nrB = rB.cross( c.normal );

				float invMass = 0;
				invMass += bodyA->mInvMass + bodyA->mInvI * nrA * nrA;
				invMass += bodyB->mInvMass + bodyB->mInvI * nrB * nrB;

				float impulse =  -( vn - cm.velParam ) / invMass;
				float newImpulse = Math::Max( cm.impulse + impulse , 0.0f );
				impulse = newImpulse - cm.impulse;

				bodyA->mLinearVel -= impulse * c.normal * bodyA->mInvMass;
				//bodyA->mAngularVel -= impulse * nrA * bodyA->mInvI;
				bodyB->mLinearVel += impulse * c.normal * bodyB->mInvMass;
				//bodyB->mAngularVel += impulse * nrB * bodyB->mInvI;

				cm.impulse = newImpulse;

				float fa = impulse * nrA * bodyA->mInvI;
				float fb = impulse * nrB * bodyB->mInvI;
				if ( fa != 0 || fb !=0 )
					int i = 1;

				if ( numMainfold != 0 )

		for( RigidBodyList::iterator iter = mRigidBodies.begin() ,itEnd = mRigidBodies.end();
			iter != itEnd ; ++iter )
			RigidBody* body = *iter;
			body->intergedTramsform( dt );

			//body->mAngularVel = 0;

		for( int nIter = 0 ; nIter < pIterNum ; ++nIter )
			float const kValueB = 0.8f;
			float const kMaxDepth = 2.f;
			float const kSlopValue = 0.0001f;

			float maxDepth = 0.0;
			for( int i = 0 ; i < numMainfold ; ++i )
				ContactManifold& cm = *sortedContact[i];
				Contact& c = cm.mContect;

				RigidBody* bodyA = static_cast< RigidBody* >( c.object[0] );
				RigidBody* bodyB = static_cast< RigidBody* >( c.object[1] );

				if ( bodyB->getMotionType() != BodyMotion::eDynamic &&
					 bodyB->getMotionType() != BodyMotion::eDynamic )

				Vec2f cpA = bodyA->mXForm.mul( c.posLocal[0] );
				Vec2f cpB = bodyB->mXForm.mul( c.posLocal[1] );
				//TODO: normal change need concerned
				Vec2f normal = c.normal;

				float depth = normal.dot( cpA - cpB ) + 0.001;
				if ( depth <= 0 )

				Vec2f cp = 0.5 * ( cpA + cpB );
				Vec2f rA = cp - bodyA->mPosCenter;
				Vec2f rB = cp - bodyB->mPosCenter;

				float nrA = rA.cross( normal );
				float nrB = rB.cross( normal );

				float invMass = 0;
				invMass += bodyA->mInvMass + bodyA->mInvI * nrA * nrA;
				invMass += bodyB->mInvMass + bodyB->mInvI * nrB * nrB;

				float offDepth = Math::Clamp (  ( depth - kSlopValue ) , 0 , kMaxDepth );

				float impulse = ( invMass > 0 ) ? kValueB * offDepth / invMass : 0;
				if ( impulse > 0 )

					bodyA->mXForm.translate( -impulse * normal * bodyA->mInvMass );
					bodyA->mRotationAngle += -impulse * nrA * bodyA->mInvI;
					bodyB->mXForm.translate( impulse * normal * bodyB->mInvMass );
					bodyB->mRotationAngle += impulse * nrB * bodyB->mInvI;

					Vec2f cpA = bodyA->mXForm.mul( c.posLocal[0] );
					Vec2f cpB = bodyB->mXForm.mul( c.posLocal[1] );

					//TODO: normal change need concerned
					float depth2 = normal.dot( cpA - cpB );

					float dp = depth - depth2;
					::Msg( "dp = %f " , dp );

					int i = 1;

			if ( maxDepth < 3 * kMaxDepth )

		if ( numMainfold != 0 )

Exemplo n.º 18
void StageSelect::drawCenterBox(Vec2f pos, Vec2f size, Color color) {
	drawFillBox(pos.x(), pos.y(), size.x(), size.y(), color, 0, Vec2f(1, 1), size / 2);
Exemplo n.º 19
void MapScreen::scroll(Vec2f new_cam_pos, Camera& cam)
	new_cam_pos = new_cam_pos + Vec2f(-16 - 8, -16 - 8);
	cam.position(Vec2f(round(new_cam_pos.x()), round(new_cam_pos.y())));
Exemplo n.º 20
void StageSelect::drawCenterTexture(Vec2f pos, Vec2f size, Texture image) {
	drawTextureBox(pos.x(), pos.y(), size.x(), size.y(), 0, 0, image.width(), image.height(), image, Color::white,
		0, Vec2f(1, 1), size / 2);
Exemplo n.º 21
Vec2f GravityCalculation(Vec2f move)
  return Vec2f(move.x(), move.y() - GR);
Exemplo n.º 22
// Handle obstacles in a generic way by post-adjusting a set of commanded game vars
bool WAKGameShared::obstacleBallHandling(GameVars& GV) const
	// Plot that obstacle ball handling is not active for the case that this function returns early
		PM.plotScalar(false * PMSCALE_LEGAL, PM_OBH_ACTIVE);

	// Don't do anything if obstacle avoidance is disabled or we don't have a ball
	if(!config.sEnableObstacles() || !config.obhEnableObstBallHandling() || !SV.haveBall)
		return false;

	// Don't do anything if the closest obstacle is not valid
		return false;

	// Calculate the ball to target unit vector
	Vec2f ballToTargetVec = GV.ballTargetDir - SV.ballDir;
	float ballToTargetDist = ballToTargetVec.norm();
	if(ballToTargetDist <= 0.0f)
		return false;
	Vec2f txhat = ballToTargetVec / ballToTargetDist;

	// Calculate the ball to obstacle unit vectors
	Vec2f ballToObstVec = SV.obstClosest.vec - SV.ballDir;
	float ballToObstDist = ballToObstVec.norm();
	if(ballToObstDist <= 0.0f || ballToObstDist >= std::min(config.kickMaxDist(), ballToTargetDist + config.obhObstBeyondTargetBuf()))
		return false;
	Vec2f oxhat = ballToObstVec / ballToObstDist;
	Vec2f oyhat = eigenRotatedCCW90(oxhat);

	// Calculate the angle at the ball from the obstacle to the ball target
	float angleAtBall = atan2(txhat.dot(oyhat), txhat.dot(oxhat));
	bool ballBehindObst = (fabs(angleAtBall) > M_PI_2);
	if(ballBehindObst && ballToObstDist > config.obhObstBeforeBallBuf())
		return false;

	// Wrap the angle at the ball to (-pi/2, pi/2] by factors of pi and adjust for the sign
	float angleAtBallStd = angleAtBall;
	if(angleAtBallStd > M_PI_2)
		angleAtBallStd -= M_PI;
	if(angleAtBallStd <= -M_PI_2)
		angleAtBallStd += M_PI;
	int angleAtBallStdSign = sign(angleAtBallStd);
	angleAtBallStd = fabs(angleAtBallStd);

	// Calculate the high and low angles at the ball, and the appropriate difference
	float angleAtBallHigh = coerce<float>(asin(coerceAbs(config.obhObstClearanceHigh() / ballToObstDist, 1.0f)), 0.0f, config.obhClearanceAngleHighMax());
	float angleAtBallLow = coerce<float>(asin(coerceAbs(config.obhObstClearanceLow() / ballToObstDist, 1.0f)), 0.0f, std::min(angleAtBallHigh, config.obhClearanceAngleLowMax()));

	// Calculate the angle to adjust the target angle by
	float angleAtBallDiff = angleAtBallHigh - angleAtBallLow;
	float targetAngleAdjust = 0.0f;
	if(angleAtBallStd < angleAtBallLow)
		targetAngleAdjust = angleAtBallStdSign * interpolateCoerced(0.0f, angleAtBallLow, 0.0f, angleAtBallDiff, angleAtBallStd);
	else if(angleAtBallStd < angleAtBallHigh)
		targetAngleAdjust = angleAtBallStdSign * interpolateCoerced(angleAtBallLow, angleAtBallHigh, angleAtBallDiff, 0.0f, angleAtBallStd);
	float targetAngleAdjustAbs = fabs(targetAngleAdjust);

	// Calculate the angle adjust limits for dribbling and foot selection
	float angleAdjustForDribble = coerceMin(0.5f * GV.ballTargetWedge * config.obhAngleAdjustWedgeRatio(), 0.0f);
	float angleAdjustForFootSel = config.obhAngleAdjustForFootSel();

	// See whether the obstacle is blocking
	bool obstMightBlock = (angleAtBallDiff > angleAdjustForDribble);
	bool obstIsBlocking = (obstMightBlock && (angleAtBallStd < angleAtBallLow || targetAngleAdjustAbs > angleAdjustForDribble));

	// Disable kick and suggest a foot to use if the obstacle is blocking
	bool kickIfPossible = !obstIsBlocking;
	GameVars::FootSelection suggestFoot = GameVars::FS_EITHER_FOOT;
	if(obstIsBlocking && ballToObstDist < config.obhFootSelObstBallDistMax())
		if(targetAngleAdjust > angleAdjustForFootSel)
			suggestFoot = (ballBehindObst ? GameVars::FS_LEFT_FOOT : GameVars::FS_RIGHT_FOOT);
		else if(targetAngleAdjust < -angleAdjustForFootSel)
			suggestFoot = (ballBehindObst ? GameVars::FS_RIGHT_FOOT : GameVars::FS_LEFT_FOOT);

	// Decide whether the obstacle ball handling has to make an adjustment to the game variables
	bool adjustNotNeeded = (targetAngleAdjustAbs <= 0.0f && kickIfPossible && suggestFoot == GameVars::FS_EITHER_FOOT);

	// Plotting
		PM.plotScalar(!adjustNotNeeded * PMSCALE_LEGAL, PM_OBH_ACTIVE);
		PM.plotScalar(ballToObstDist, PM_OBH_BALLTOOBSTDIST);
		PM.plotScalar(angleAtBallLow, PM_OBH_ANGLEATBALLLOW);
		PM.plotScalar(angleAtBallHigh, PM_OBH_ANGLEATBALLHIGH);
		PM.plotScalar(angleAtBallStd, PM_OBH_ANGLEATBALLSTD);
		PM.plotScalar(targetAngleAdjust, PM_OBH_TARGETANGLEADJUST);
		PM.plotScalar(angleAdjustForDribble, PM_OBH_ANGLEADJUSTFORDRIBBLE);
		PM.plotScalar(angleAdjustForFootSel, PM_OBH_ANGLEADJUSTFORFOOTSEL);
		PM.plotScalar(kickIfPossible * PMSCALE_KICK, PM_OBH_KICKIFPOSSIBLE);
		PM.plotScalar(suggestFoot, PM_OBH_SUGGESTFOOT);

	// If no adjustment is required then we are fine
		return false;

	// Calculate the new ball target as a rotation of the nominal ball target
	Vec2f ballToTargetVecDes = eigenRotatedCCW(ballToTargetVec, targetAngleAdjust);
	Vec2f ballTargetVec = SV.ballDir + ballToTargetVecDes;

	// Update the game variables
	GV.ballTargetDir = ballTargetVec;
		GV.kickIfPossible = kickIfPossible;
	if(GV.suggestFoot == GameVars::FS_EITHER_FOOT)
		GV.suggestFoot = suggestFoot;

	// Return that the game variables were modified
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 23
OGLText::OGLText(Vec2f position, const Color& color, const std::string& text, const char* fontLoc, float size) :_position(position.X(), position.Y(), -1.f), m_text(text), _fontLoc(fontLoc), _color(color)
    m_font = new GLFont();
    //Create an approximation of how normal fontsizes work (Not 1:1, but close)
    _size = size * (1 - (1 / m_font->m_height));
    _width = _size * text.size();
    _rot = 0.f;
Exemplo n.º 24
int Flocking::update()
    int i;
    Vec2f centroid(0,0);
    for(i = 0; i < boids.size(); i++)

            boids[i].reachedDestination = true;

            Vec2f dir = partialDerivaties[(int)boids[i].loc.x][(int)boids[i].loc.y];

            float val = collisionSDF[(int)boids[i].loc.x][(int)boids[i].loc.y];



            vector<Vec2f> path;
            path = pathFinder.getPath(sceneMap,boids[i].loc);
                Vec2f dest = path[min((int)path.size()-1,10)]; //!@#
                boids[i].seek(dest,destWeight); //seek the Goal !@#

            boids[i].hitObstacle = true;

        //boids[i].seek(destinationSeek,destWeight); //seek the Goal !@#
	       boids[i].seek(destination,destWeight); //seek the Goal !@#

            removeBoid(boids[i].loc.x,boids[i].loc.y,1);  //ineffcient way to remove boids


    centroid /=flockSize();

            vector<Vec2f> path;
            path = pathFinder.getPath(sceneMap,centroid);
                destinationSeek = path[min((int)path.size()-1,5)]; 


        return 0;
        return 1;
Exemplo n.º 25
void MyAppli::onExec () {
    if (getClock("RequestTime").getElapsedTime().asSeconds() >= timeBtwnTwoReq.asSeconds()) {
        std::string request = "GETCARPOS";
        sf::Packet packet;
        received = false;
    std::string response;
    if (Network::getResponse("STOPCARMOVE", response)) {
        std::vector<std::string> infos = split(response, "*");
        int id = conversionStringInt(infos[0]);
        Vec3f newPos (conversionStringFloat(infos[1]), conversionStringFloat(infos[2]), 0);
        Caracter* caracter = static_cast<Caracter*>(World::getEntity(id));
        Vec3f actualPos = Vec3f(caracter->getCenter().x, caracter->getCenter().y, 0);
        if (hero->getId() == id) {
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < getRenderComponentManager().getNbComponents(); i++) {
                View view = getRenderComponentManager().getRenderComponent(i)->getView();
                Vec3f d = newPos - view.getPosition();
                view.move(d.x, d.y, d.y);
            Vec3f d = newPos - getView().getPosition();
            getView().move(d.x, d.y, d.y);
        Vec3f d = newPos - actualPos;
        World::moveEntity(caracter, d.x, d.y, d.y);
    if (Network::getResponse("MONSTERONMOUSE", response)) {
        std::cout<<"monster on mouse!"<<std::endl;
    if (Network::getResponse("NEWPATH", response)) {
        std::vector<std::string> infos = split(response, "*");
        std::vector<Vec2f> path;
        int size = conversionStringInt(infos[0]);
        int id = conversionStringInt(infos[1]);
        Caracter* caracter = static_cast<Caracter*>(World::getEntity(id));
        Vec2f actualPos (conversionStringFloat(infos[2]), conversionStringFloat(infos[3]));
        Vec2f newPos = Computer::getPosOnPathFromTime(actualPos, caracter->getPath(),ping,caracter->getSpeed());
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            path.push_back(Vec2f(conversionStringFloat(infos[i*2+4]), conversionStringFloat(infos[i*2+5])));
        Vec2f d = newPos - actualPos;
        Vec2f dir = d.normalize();
        if (dir != caracter->getDir())
        World::moveEntity(caracter, d.x, d.y, d.y);
        caracter->interpolation.first = caracter->getCenter();
        caracter->interpolation.second = Computer::getPosOnPathFromTime(caracter->interpolation.first, caracter->getPath(),ping + timeBtwnTwoReq.asMicroseconds(),caracter->getSpeed());
    if (Network::getResponse("NEWPOS", response)) {
        std::vector<std::string> infos = split(response, "*");
        if (infos.size() == 4) {
            int id = conversionStringInt(infos[0]);
            ping = conversionStringLong(infos[1]);
            Caracter* caracter = static_cast<Caracter*>(World::getEntity(id));
            Vec3f actualPos = Vec3f(caracter->getCenter().x, caracter->getCenter().y, 0);
            Vec3f newPos (conversionStringFloat(infos[2]), conversionStringFloat(infos[3]), 0);
            Vec3f d = newPos - actualPos;
            if (id == hero->getId()) {
                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < getRenderComponentManager().getNbComponents(); i++) {
                    View view = getRenderComponentManager().getRenderComponent(i)->getView();
                    view.move(d.x, d.y, d.y);
                getView().move (d.x, d.y, d.y);
            World::moveEntity(caracter, d.x, d.y, d.y);
            caracter->interpolation.first = Vec3f(caracter->getCenter().x, caracter->getCenter().y, 0);
            if (caracter->isMoving()) {
                if (caracter->isMovingFromKeyboard()) {
                    caracter->interpolation.second = caracter->interpolation.first + Vec3f(caracter->getDir().x,caracter->getDir().y,0)  * caracter->getSpeed() * (ping + timeBtwnTwoReq.asMicroseconds());
                } else {
                    caracter->interpolation.second = Computer::getPosOnPathFromTime(caracter->interpolation.first, caracter->getPath(),ping + timeBtwnTwoReq.asMicroseconds(),caracter->getSpeed());
            } else {
                caracter->interpolation.second = caracter->interpolation.first;

   } else {
       std::vector<Entity*> caracters = World::getEntities("E_MONSTER+E_HERO");
       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < caracters.size(); i++) {
            Caracter* caracter = static_cast<Caracter*>(caracters[i]);
            if (caracter->isMoving()) {
                if (caracter->isMovingFromKeyboard()) {
                    Vec3f actualPos = Vec3f(caracter->getCenter().x, caracter->getCenter().y, 0);
                    sf::Int64 elapsedTime = caracter->getClkTransfertTime().getElapsedTime().asMicroseconds();
                    Vec3f newPos = caracter->interpolation.first + (caracter->interpolation.second - caracter->interpolation.first) * ((float) elapsedTime / (float) (ping + timeBtwnTwoReq.asMicroseconds()));
                    Ray ray(actualPos, newPos);
                    if (World::collide(caracter, ray)) {
                        newPos = actualPos;
                    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < getRenderComponentManager().getNbComponents(); i++) {
                        View view = getRenderComponentManager().getRenderComponent(i)->getView();
                        Vec3f d = newPos - view.getPosition();
                        view.move(d.x, d.y, d.y);
                    Vec3f d = newPos - actualPos;
                    World::moveEntity(caracter, d.x, d.y, d.y);
                    getView().move(d.x, d.y, d.y);
                } else {
                    Vec3f actualPos (caracter->getCenter().x, caracter->getCenter().y, 0);
                    sf::Int64 elapsedTime = caracter->getClkTransfertTime().getElapsedTime().asMicroseconds();
                    Vec3f newPos = caracter->interpolation.first + (caracter->interpolation.second - caracter->interpolation.first) * ((float) elapsedTime / (float) (ping + timeBtwnTwoReq.asMicroseconds()));
                    Vec3f d = newPos - actualPos;
                    if (newPos.computeDist(caracter->getPath()[caracter->getPath().size() - 1]) <= PATH_ERROR_MARGIN) {
                        newPos = caracter->getPath()[caracter->getPath().size() - 1];
                    if (caracter->getId() == hero->getId()) {
                        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < getRenderComponentManager().getNbComponents(); i++) {
                            View view = getRenderComponentManager().getRenderComponent(i)->getView();
                            view.move(d.x, d.y, d.y);
                        getView().move(d.x, d.y, d.y);
                    Vec2f dir = d.normalize();
                    if (dir != caracter->getDir())
                    World::moveEntity(caracter, d.x, d.y, d.y);
    if (hero->isInFightingMode()) {
        if (hero->getFocusedCaracter() != nullptr) {
            int distToEnnemi = hero->getCenter().computeDist(hero->getFocusedCaracter()->getCenter());
            if (distToEnnemi <= hero->getRange()) {
                if (hero->isMoving())
            } else {
Exemplo n.º 26
void Button::drawInternal(Graphics* const TheGraphics, Real32 Opacity) const
    Pnt2f TopLeft, BottomRight;
    getInsideBorderBounds(TopLeft, BottomRight);

    //If I have a DrawObject then Draw it
    UIDrawObjectCanvasRefPtr DrawnDrawObject = getDrawnDrawObject();
    UIDrawObjectCanvasRefPtr BaseDrawObject = getBaseDrawObject();

    if(DrawnDrawObject != NULL)
        //Get the Draw Object Size
        Pnt2f DrawObjectTopLeft, DrawObjectBottomRight;
        DrawnDrawObject->getDrawObjectBounds(DrawObjectTopLeft, DrawObjectBottomRight);

        Pnt2f BaseDrawObjectTopLeft, BaseDrawObjectBottomRight;
        BaseDrawObject->getDrawObjectBounds(BaseDrawObjectTopLeft, BaseDrawObjectBottomRight);

        if(getText() != "" && getFont() != NULL)
            //Draw both the text and Draw Object

            //Get the Text Size
            Pnt2f TextTopLeft, TextBottomRight;
            getFont()->getBounds(getText(), TextTopLeft, TextBottomRight);

            Vec2f InternalsSize;
            if(getDrawObjectToTextAlignment() == ALIGN_DRAW_OBJECT_LEFT_OF_TEXT || 
               getDrawObjectToTextAlignment() == ALIGN_DRAW_OBJECT_RIGHT_OF_TEXT)
                InternalsSize.setValues((TextBottomRight.x()-TextTopLeft.x()) + (DrawObjectBottomRight.x()-DrawObjectTopLeft.x()) + getDrawObjectToTextPadding(),
                                        osgMax((TextBottomRight.y()-TextTopLeft.y()), (DrawObjectBottomRight.y()-DrawObjectTopLeft.y())));
                InternalsSize.setValues(osgMax((TextBottomRight.x()-TextTopLeft.x()), (DrawObjectBottomRight.x()-DrawObjectTopLeft.x())),
                                        (TextBottomRight.y()-TextTopLeft.y()) + (DrawObjectBottomRight.y()-DrawObjectTopLeft.y()) + getDrawObjectToTextPadding());

            Pnt2f InternalAlignment;
            InternalAlignment = calculateAlignment(TopLeft, (BottomRight-TopLeft), InternalsSize,getAlignment().y(), getAlignment().x());

            //Draw Object Alignment
            Pnt2f DrawObjectAlignedPosition;
                case ALIGN_DRAW_OBJECT_LEFT_OF_TEXT:
                    DrawObjectAlignedPosition = calculateAlignment(InternalAlignment, InternalsSize, (BaseDrawObjectBottomRight - BaseDrawObjectTopLeft),0.5f, 0.0);
                case ALIGN_DRAW_OBJECT_RIGHT_OF_TEXT:
                    DrawObjectAlignedPosition = calculateAlignment(InternalAlignment, InternalsSize, (BaseDrawObjectBottomRight - BaseDrawObjectTopLeft),0.5f, 1.0);
                case ALIGN_DRAW_OBJECT_ABOVE_TEXT:
                    DrawObjectAlignedPosition = calculateAlignment(InternalAlignment, InternalsSize, (BaseDrawObjectBottomRight - BaseDrawObjectTopLeft),0.0f, 0.5);
                case ALIGN_DRAW_OBJECT_BELOW_TEXT:
                    DrawObjectAlignedPosition = calculateAlignment(InternalAlignment, InternalsSize, (BaseDrawObjectBottomRight - BaseDrawObjectTopLeft),1.0f, 0.5);
            //If active then translate the Text by the Active Offset
            DrawObjectAlignedPosition = DrawObjectAlignedPosition + getDrawnOffset();

            DrawnDrawObject->setPosition( DrawObjectAlignedPosition );

            //Text Alignment
            Pnt2f TextAlignedPosition;
                case ALIGN_DRAW_OBJECT_LEFT_OF_TEXT:
                    TextAlignedPosition = calculateAlignment(InternalAlignment, InternalsSize, (TextBottomRight - TextTopLeft),0.5f, 1.0);
                case ALIGN_DRAW_OBJECT_RIGHT_OF_TEXT:
                    TextAlignedPosition = calculateAlignment(InternalAlignment, InternalsSize, (TextBottomRight - TextTopLeft),0.5f, 0.0);
                case ALIGN_DRAW_OBJECT_ABOVE_TEXT:
                    TextAlignedPosition = calculateAlignment(InternalAlignment, InternalsSize, (TextBottomRight - TextTopLeft),1.0f, 0.5);
                case ALIGN_DRAW_OBJECT_BELOW_TEXT:
                    TextAlignedPosition = calculateAlignment(InternalAlignment, InternalsSize, (TextBottomRight - TextTopLeft),0.0f, 0.5);

            drawText(TheGraphics, TextAlignedPosition, Opacity);
            //Just Draw the Draw Object
            Pnt2f AlignedPosition;
            AlignedPosition = calculateAlignment(TopLeft, (BottomRight-TopLeft), (BaseDrawObjectBottomRight - BaseDrawObjectTopLeft),getAlignment().y(), getAlignment().x());

            //If active then translate the Text by the Active Offset
            AlignedPosition = AlignedPosition + getDrawnOffset();

            DrawnDrawObject->setPosition( AlignedPosition );

        //Draw the DrawnDrawObject
        DrawnDrawObject->draw(TheGraphics, getOpacity()*Opacity);

    else if(getText() != "" && getFont() != NULL)
        //Just Draw the Text
        Pnt2f AlignedPosition;
        Pnt2f TextTopLeft, TextBottomRight;
        getFont()->getBounds(getText(), TextTopLeft, TextBottomRight);

        AlignedPosition = calculateAlignment(TopLeft, (BottomRight-TopLeft), (TextBottomRight - TextTopLeft),getAlignment().y(), getAlignment().x());

        drawText(TheGraphics, AlignedPosition, Opacity);
Exemplo n.º 27
//@todo: убрать\прокомментить этот феерический высер
void TargetEnergySystem::update(EntityPtr entity)
	if(!HasCmpt(TargetComponent, entity))
	GetCmpt(TargetComponent, target_com, entity);
	//If target is null, dissappear
	EntityPtr target = target_com->target;
	GetCmpt(EnergyStorageComponent, enesto, target);
	GetCmpt(PositionComponent, target_pos_com, target);
	GetCmpt(NodeComponent, target_node_com, target);
	GetCmpt(MovementComponent, move_com, entity);
	GetCmpt(PositionComponent, pos_com, entity);

	//If energy reached target
	Vec2f dist = target_pos_com->position - pos_com->position;
	bool target_changed = false;
	if(dist.length() < 0.01f)
		//Check, is target enemy tower
			GetCmpt(EnergyStorageComponent, target_enesto_cmpt, target_com->target);
		//@todo: changing entity position thoughtlessly is VERY dangerous!
		// it cost 3 evenings of debug.
		// Reposition here break GameLogic entity iterator
		// Changing position without changing cell can produce entityPtr
		// duplicate on two cells.
		// @todo: changing entity position should be on map or gamelogic.
		/*pos_com->old_position = pos_com->position;
		pos_com->position = target_pos_com->position;
			(entity, pos_com->old_position, pos_com->position);*/
		EntityIt it = target_node_com->children.begin();
		EntityPtr next_target = target;
		float min_energy_balance = 1.0f;
		while (it != target_node_com->children.end())
			GetCmpt(EnergyStorageComponent, enesto_child, (it->get()));
			if(enesto_child->balance < min_energy_balance)
				next_target = (*it);
				min_energy_balance = enesto_child->balance;
		if(min_energy_balance == 1.0) //children are full (or not exist)
				merge_energy(target, entity);
				// All childs are full and we have reached base tower.
				target_com->target = target_node_com->parent;

				target_changed = true;
			target_com->target = next_target;
			target_changed = true;

		GetCmpt(PositionComponent, new_target_pos, target_com->target);
		dist = new_target_pos->position - pos_com->position;

	// Energy, moving to enemy target, move unlinear
	if (target_com->target_enemy)
		move_com->speed = dist;
		move_com->speed.length(0.5f); //0.5 per sec.

Exemplo n.º 28
Vec2f Pendulum::AnGravity(Vec2f pos_, Vec2f sPos_, float rotate_, float rotateS_, float length_)

  Vec2f putPos = pos_;
  // 現在の角度
  float rad = rotate_ * M_PI / 180;

  // 現在の重りの位置
  putPos.x() = sPos_.x() + cos(rad) * length_;
  putPos.y() = sPos_.y() + sin(rad) * length_;

  // 重りと支点との距離を算出
  float vx = putPos.x() - sPos_.x();
  float vy = putPos.y() - sPos_.y();

  float t = -(vy * 0) / (vx * vx + vy * vy);

  // 重力移動量を反映した重りの位置
  float gx = putPos.x() + t * vx;
  float gy = putPos.y() + t * vy;

  // 2つの重りの位置の角度差
  float r = atan2(gy - sPos_.y(), gx - sPos_.x()) * 180 / M_PI;

  float sub = r - rotate_;
  sub -= floor(sub / 360.0) * 360.0;

  // 角度差を角速度に加算
  if (sub <-180.0)	sub += 360.0;
  if (sub > 180.0)	sub -= 360.0;
  rotateS_ += sub;

  // 摩擦
  //	rot_spd *= 0.995;

  // 角度に角速度を加算
  rotate_ += rotateS_;

  // 新しい重りの位置
  rad = rotate_ * M_PI / 180;
  putPos.x() = sPos_.x() + cos(rad) * length_;
  putPos.y() = sPos_.y() + sin(rad) * length_;

  // 重りの座標

  return putPos;
// React to size changes
void reshape(Vec2f Size)
    mgr->resize(Size.x(), Size.y());
Exemplo n.º 30
int main() {

  const std::string sInputDir = stlplus::folder_up(string(THIS_SOURCE_DIR))
    + "/imageData/SceauxCastle/";
  const string jpg_filenameL = sInputDir + "100_7101.jpg";
  const string jpg_filenameR = sInputDir + "100_7102.jpg";

  Image<unsigned char> imageL, imageR;
  ReadImage(jpg_filenameL.c_str(), &imageL);
  ReadImage(jpg_filenameR.c_str(), &imageR);

  // Detect regions thanks to an image_describer
  using namespace openMVG::features;
  std::unique_ptr<Image_describer> image_describer(new SIFT_Image_describer);
  std::map<IndexT, std::unique_ptr<features::Regions> > regions_perImage;
  image_describer->Describe(imageL, regions_perImage[0]);
  image_describer->Describe(imageR, regions_perImage[1]);

  const SIFT_Regions* regionsL = dynamic_cast<SIFT_Regions*>(regions_perImage.at(0).get());
  const SIFT_Regions* regionsR = dynamic_cast<SIFT_Regions*>(regions_perImage.at(1).get());

  const PointFeatures
    featsL = regions_perImage.at(0)->GetRegionsPositions(),
    featsR = regions_perImage.at(1)->GetRegionsPositions();

  // Show both images side by side
    Image<unsigned char> concat;
    ConcatH(imageL, imageR, concat);
    string out_filename = "01_concat.jpg";
    WriteImage(out_filename.c_str(), concat);

  //- Draw features on the two image (side by side)
    Image<unsigned char> concat;
    ConcatH(imageL, imageR, concat);

    //-- Draw features :
    for (size_t i=0; i < featsL.size(); ++i )  {
      const SIOPointFeature point = regionsL->Features()[i];
      DrawCircle(point.x(), point.y(), point.scale(), 255, &concat);
    for (size_t i=0; i < featsR.size(); ++i )  {
      const SIOPointFeature point = regionsR->Features()[i];
      DrawCircle(point.x()+imageL.Width(), point.y(), point.scale(), 255, &concat);
    string out_filename = "02_features.jpg";
    WriteImage(out_filename.c_str(), concat);

  std::vector<IndMatch> vec_PutativeMatches;
  //-- Perform matching -> find Nearest neighbor, filtered with Distance ratio
    // Define a matcher and a metric to find corresponding points
    typedef SIFT_Regions::DescriptorT DescriptorT;
    typedef L2_Vectorized<DescriptorT::bin_type> Metric;
    typedef ArrayMatcherBruteForce<DescriptorT::bin_type, Metric> MatcherT;
    // Distance ratio squared due to squared metric
    getPutativesMatches<DescriptorT, MatcherT>(
      Square(0.8), vec_PutativeMatches);

    IndMatchDecorator<float> matchDeduplicator(
            vec_PutativeMatches, featsL, featsR);

      << regions_perImage.at(0)->RegionCount() << " #Features on image A" << std::endl
      << regions_perImage.at(1)->RegionCount() << " #Features on image B" << std::endl
      << vec_PutativeMatches.size() << " #matches with Distance Ratio filter" << std::endl;

    // Draw correspondences after Nearest Neighbor ratio filter
    svgDrawer svgStream( imageL.Width() + imageR.Width(), max(imageL.Height(), imageR.Height()));
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), imageL.Width());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < vec_PutativeMatches.size(); ++i) {
      //Get back linked feature, draw a circle and link them by a line
      const SIOPointFeature L = regionsL->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[i]._i];
      const SIOPointFeature R = regionsR->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[i]._j];
      svgStream.drawLine(L.x(), L.y(), R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), svgStyle().stroke("green", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(L.x(), L.y(), L.scale(), svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), R.scale(),svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
    const std::string out_filename = "03_siftMatches.svg";
    std::ofstream svgFile( out_filename.c_str() );
    svgFile << svgStream.closeSvgFile().str();

  // Essential geometry filtering of putative matches
    Mat3 K;
    //read K from file
    if (!readIntrinsic(stlplus::create_filespec(sInputDir,"K","txt"), K))
      std::cerr << "Cannot read intrinsic parameters." << std::endl;
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

    //A. prepare the corresponding putatives points
    Mat xL(2, vec_PutativeMatches.size());
    Mat xR(2, vec_PutativeMatches.size());
    for (size_t k = 0; k < vec_PutativeMatches.size(); ++k)  {
      const PointFeature & imaL = featsL[vec_PutativeMatches[k]._i];
      const PointFeature & imaR = featsR[vec_PutativeMatches[k]._j];
      xL.col(k) = imaL.coords().cast<double>();
      xR.col(k) = imaR.coords().cast<double>();

    //B. Compute the relative pose thanks to a essential matrix estimation
    std::pair<size_t, size_t> size_imaL(imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
    std::pair<size_t, size_t> size_imaR(imageR.Width(), imageR.Height());
    sfm::RelativePose_Info relativePose_info;
    if (!sfm::robustRelativePose(K, K, xL, xR, relativePose_info, size_imaL, size_imaR, 256))
      std::cerr << " /!\\ Robust relative pose estimation failure."
        << std::endl;
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

    std::cout << "\nFound an Essential matrix:\n"
      << "\tprecision: " << relativePose_info.found_residual_precision << " pixels\n"
      << "\t#inliers: " << relativePose_info.vec_inliers.size() << "\n"
      << "\t#matches: " << vec_PutativeMatches.size()
      << std::endl;

    // Show Essential validated point
    svgDrawer svgStream( imageL.Width() + imageR.Width(), max(imageL.Height(), imageR.Height()));
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), imageL.Width());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < relativePose_info.vec_inliers.size(); ++i)  {
      const SIOPointFeature & LL = regionsL->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[relativePose_info.vec_inliers[i]]._i];
      const SIOPointFeature & RR = regionsR->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[relativePose_info.vec_inliers[i]]._j];
      const Vec2f L = LL.coords();
      const Vec2f R = RR.coords();
      svgStream.drawLine(L.x(), L.y(), R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), svgStyle().stroke("green", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(L.x(), L.y(), LL.scale(), svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), RR.scale(),svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
    const std::string out_filename = "04_ACRansacEssential.svg";
    std::ofstream svgFile( out_filename.c_str() );
    svgFile << svgStream.closeSvgFile().str();

    //C. Triangulate and export inliers as a PLY scene
    std::vector<Vec3> vec_3DPoints;

    // Setup camera intrinsic and poses
    Pinhole_Intrinsic intrinsic0(imageL.Width(), imageL.Height(), K(0, 0), K(0, 2), K(1, 2));
    Pinhole_Intrinsic intrinsic1(imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), K(0, 0), K(0, 2), K(1, 2));

    const Pose3 pose0 = Pose3(Mat3::Identity(), Vec3::Zero());
    const Pose3 pose1 = relativePose_info.relativePose;

    // Init structure by inlier triangulation
    const Mat34 P1 = intrinsic0.get_projective_equivalent(pose0);
    const Mat34 P2 = intrinsic1.get_projective_equivalent(pose1);
    std::vector<double> vec_residuals;
    vec_residuals.reserve(relativePose_info.vec_inliers.size() * 4);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < relativePose_info.vec_inliers.size(); ++i)  {
      const SIOPointFeature & LL = regionsL->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[relativePose_info.vec_inliers[i]]._i];
      const SIOPointFeature & RR = regionsR->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[relativePose_info.vec_inliers[i]]._j];
      // Point triangulation
      Vec3 X;
      TriangulateDLT(P1, LL.coords().cast<double>(), P2, RR.coords().cast<double>(), &X);
      // Reject point that is behind the camera
      if (pose0.depth(X) < 0 && pose1.depth(X) < 0)
      const Vec2 residual0 = intrinsic0.residual(pose0, X, LL.coords().cast<double>());
      const Vec2 residual1 = intrinsic1.residual(pose1, X, RR.coords().cast<double>());

    // Display some statistics of reprojection errors
    float dMin, dMax, dMean, dMedian;
    minMaxMeanMedian<float>(vec_residuals.begin(), vec_residuals.end(),
      dMin, dMax, dMean, dMedian);

    std::cout << std::endl
      << "Triangulation residuals statistics:" << "\n"
      << "\t-- Residual min:\t" << dMin << "\n"
      << "\t-- Residual median:\t" << dMedian << "\n"
      << "\t-- Residual max:\t " << dMax << "\n"
      << "\t-- Residual mean:\t " << dMean << std::endl;

      // Export as PLY (camera pos + 3Dpoints)
      std::vector<Vec3> vec_camPos;
      vec_camPos.push_back( pose0.center() );
      vec_camPos.push_back( pose1.center() );
      exportToPly(vec_3DPoints, vec_camPos, "EssentialGeometry.ply");
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;