Exemplo n.º 1
VolumeCollection* FlowReader::read(const std::string& url)
    throw(tgt::FileException, std::bad_alloc)
    VolumeOrigin origin(url);
    std::string fileName = origin.getPath();

    LINFO("reading flow file '" << fileName << "'...");

    // try to open the file
    std::fstream ifs(fileName.c_str(), std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary);
    if (ifs.good() == false)
        throw tgt::IOException("Unable to open flow file for reading", fileName);

    // read the magic number (string "VOREENFLOW")
    char magicNumber[11] = {0};
    ifs.read(magicNumber, 11);
    std::string temp(magicNumber);
    if (temp != "VOREENFLOW")
        throw tgt::IOException("Missing magic number in flow file", fileName);

    // read file version (must currently be 1 or 2)
    unsigned int fileVersion = 0;
    ifs.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&fileVersion), sizeof(unsigned int));
    LINFO("file version: " << fileVersion);
    if ((fileVersion < 1) || (fileVersion > 2))
        throw tgt::IOException("Unsupported file version of flow file", fileName);

    // read flow dimension (usually 3 for 3D flows)
    unsigned int flowDimension = 0;
    ifs.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&flowDimension), sizeof(unsigned int));
    LINFO("flow dimension: " << flowDimension << "D");
    if (flowDimension != 3)
        throw tgt::IOException("Unsupported flow dimension in flow file", fileName);

    unsigned char dataOrientation = 0;
    unsigned char reverseSlicesMask = 0;

    ifs.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&dataOrientation), sizeof(unsigned char));
    if (fileVersion > 1) {
        ifs.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&reverseSlicesMask), sizeof(unsigned char));

    // read the dimension of the volume data containing the flow
    tgt::ivec3 dimensions;
    ifs.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&dimensions), sizeof(tgt::ivec3));
    LINFO("volume dimensions: " << dimensions);

    unsigned int byteSize = 0;
    ifs.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&byteSize), sizeof(unsigned int));
    LINFO("expected size of vector field: " << byteSize << " byte");

    VolumeFlow3D* volume = readConvert(dimensions, dataOrientation, ifs);

    if (volume == 0) {
        LERROR("an error occured during reading flow data! Proceeding impossible.");
        return 0;

    if (reverseSlicesMask != 0)
        reverseSlices(volume, reverseSlicesMask);

    // TODO: volume container merge
    /*VolumeSet* volumeSet = new VolumeSet(fileName);
    VolumeSeries* volumeSeries = new VolumeSeries(Modality::MODALITY_FLOW.getName(),
    VolumeHandle* volumeHandle = new VolumeHandle(volume, 0.0f);

    volumeSeries->addVolumeHandle(volumeHandle); */

    VolumeCollection* collection = new VolumeCollection();
    VolumeHandle* volumeHandle = new VolumeHandle(volume, tgt::vec3(1.0f), tgt::vec3(0.0f));//FIXME: spacing?

    // TODO: origin does not save series and timestamp anymore
    //volumeHandle->setOrigin(fileName, Modality::MODALITY_FLOW.getName(), 0.0f);

    return collection;
Exemplo n.º 2
VolumeCollection* PVMVolumeReader::read(const std::string &url)
    throw (tgt::FileException, tgt::IOException, std::bad_alloc)
    VolumeOrigin origin(url);
    std::string fileName = origin.getPath();

    uint8_t* data;
    uint8_t* tmpData;

    unsigned int width, height, depth, components;
    float scalex, scaley, scalez;
    unsigned char *description;
    unsigned char *courtesy;
    unsigned char *parameter;
    unsigned char *comment;

    LINFO("Reading PVM volume " << fileName);

        TODO This subroutine returns an array created with malloc but it should
        be created with 'new[]' because this chunk of data will be deleted with 'delete[]'.
        This can cause hard to find errors.

        As a temporary workaround the data are copied over into a new array
        and the c-array is deleted with 'free'.
        Because of some c-pointer vodoo done in ddsbase.cpp free must be invoked
        after the use of all other returned pointers. (roland)
    tmpData = readPVMvolume(const_cast<char*>(fileName.c_str()), getProgressBar(),
                            &width, &height, &depth, &components,
                            &scalex, &scaley, &scalez, &description, &courtesy,
                            &parameter, &comment);

    if (!tmpData) {
        LERROR("PVM Reading failed");
        return 0;

    data = new uint8_t[width * height * depth * components];
    memcpy(data, tmpData, width * height * depth * components);

    Volume* dataset = 0;

    if (!data) {
        throw tgt::IOException();
    else {
        LINFO("Size: " << width << " x " << height << " x " << depth);
        LINFO("Spacing: " << scalex << " x " << scaley << " x " << scalez);
        LINFO("Components: " << components);
        if (description)
            LINFO("Description: " << description);
        if (courtesy)
            LINFO("Courtesy: " << courtesy);
        if (parameter)
            LINFO("Parameter: " << parameter);
        if (comment)
            LINFO("Comment: " << comment);
        if (components == 1) {
            LINFO("Create 8 bit data set.");
            dataset = new VolumeUInt8(data, tgt::ivec3(width, height, depth),
                                      tgt::vec3(scalex, scaley, scalez));
        else if (components == 2) {
            // the endianness conversion in ddsbase.cpp seem to be broken,
            // so we perform it here instead
            uint16_t* data16 = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(data);
            int numElements = width * height * depth;
            uint16_t maxValue = 0;
            for (int i=0; i < numElements; i++) {
                if (data16[i] > maxValue)
                    maxValue = data16[i];

            int bits;
            if (maxValue < 4096) {
                LINFO("Create 12 bit data set.");
                bits = 12;
            } else {
                LINFO("Create 16 bit data set.");
                bits = 16;
            dataset = new VolumeUInt16((uint16_t*)data,
                                       tgt::ivec3(width, height, depth),
                                       tgt::vec3(scalex, scaley, scalez),

        else LERROR("Bit depth not supported.");

    // TODO now it is safe to free

    VolumeCollection* volumeCollection = new VolumeCollection();
    if (dataset) {
        VolumeHandle* volumeHandle = new VolumeHandle(dataset, 0.0f);

    return volumeCollection;