Exemplo n.º 1
  bool CREAMClient::startJob(const std::string& jobid) {
    logger.msg(VERBOSE, "Creating and sending job start request");

    action = "JobStart";

    PayloadSOAP req(cream_ns);
    XMLNode jobStartRequest = req.NewChild("types:" + action + "Request");
    XMLNode xjobId = jobStartRequest.NewChild("types:jobId");
    xjobId.NewChild("types:id") = jobid;
    xjobId.NewChild("types:creamURL") = client->GetURL().str();

    XMLNode response;
    if (!process(req, response)) return false;

    if (!response) {
      logger.msg(VERBOSE, "Empty response");
      return false;

    if (!response["result"]["jobId"]["id"]) {
      logger.msg(VERBOSE, "No job ID in response");
      return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
  bool UNICOREClient::listTargetSystemFactories(std::list< std::pair<URL, ServiceType> >& tsf) {

    logger.msg(INFO, "Creating and sending an index service query");
    PayloadSOAP req(unicore_ns);
    XMLNode query = req.NewChild("rp:QueryResourceProperties");
    XMLNode exp = query.NewChild("rp:QueryExpression");
    exp.NewAttribute("Dialect") = "http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xpath-19991116";
    exp = "//*";
    PayloadSOAP *resp = NULL;
                    &req, &resp);
    if (resp == NULL) {
      logger.msg(VERBOSE, "There was no SOAP response");
      return false;

    XMLNodeList memberServices = resp->Body().Path("QueryResourcePropertiesResponse/Entry/MemberServiceEPR");
    for (XMLNodeList::iterator it = memberServices.begin(); it != memberServices.end(); it++) {
      if (((std::string)(*it)["Metadata"]["InterfaceName"]).find("BESFactoryPortType") != std::string::npos) { // it.Metadata.InterfaceName should contain 'BESFactoryPortType'...
        tsf.push_back(std::pair<URL, ServiceType>(URL((std::string)(*it)["Address"]), COMPUTING));

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
  bool CREAMClient::getJobDesc(const std::string& jobid, std::string& desc) {
    logger.msg(VERBOSE, "Creating and sending a status request");

    action = "JobInfo";

    PayloadSOAP req(cream_ns);
    XMLNode xjobId = req.NewChild("types:" + action + "Request").NewChild("types:jobId");
    xjobId.NewChild("types:id") = jobid;
    xjobId.NewChild("types:creamURL") = client->GetURL().str();

    XMLNode response;
    if (!process(req, response)) return false;

    if (ISVALID(response["result"]["jobInfo"]["JDL"])) {
      desc = (std::string)response["result"]["jobInfo"]["JDL"];
      return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
  bool CREAMClient::resume(const std::string& jobid) {
    logger.msg(VERBOSE, "Creating and sending request to resume a job");

    action = "JobResume";

    PayloadSOAP req(cream_ns);
    XMLNode xjobId = req.NewChild("types:" + action + "Request").NewChild("types:jobId");
    xjobId.NewChild("types:id") = jobid;
    xjobId.NewChild("types:creamURL") = client->GetURL().str();

    XMLNode response;
    if (!process(req, response)) return false;

    if (!response) {
      logger.msg(VERBOSE, "Empty response");
      return false;

    return true;
bool EngineLoop::WriteBoost()
	XMLData data;


	XMLNode boostNode = data.NewChild("boost");
	boostNode.SetAttributeString("name", "boost");

	XMLNode configNode = boostNode.NewChild("config");

	XMLNode varNode_config = configNode.NewChild("var");
	varNode_config.SetAttributeInt("width", (int)mBoostSize.Width);
	varNode_config.SetAttributeInt("height", (int)mBoostSize.Height);

	XMLNode playNode = boostNode.NewChild("play");
	XMLNode varNode_play = playNode.NewChild("var");
	varNode_play.SetAttributeString("projectname", mProjectName);
	varNode_play.SetAttributeString("playlogicmode", GetPlayLogicModeStr());

	return data.SaveFile("Data/boost.xml");
Exemplo n.º 6
bool Project::SaveConfig(const std::string &filename)
    // xml
    XMLData data;

    XMLNode projNode = data.NewChild("project");

    // general
    XMLNode generalNode = projNode.NewChild("general");
    generalNode.SetAttributeString("name", GetName().c_str());
    generalNode.SetAttributeString("screenorientation", _ToSOStr(mScreenOrientation));
    generalNode.SetAttributeInt("width", (int)mSize.Width);
    generalNode.SetAttributeInt("height", (int)mSize.Height);
    std::string colorStr =
        StringHelp::IntToString((int)(mBackgroundColor[0] * 255.0f)) + "," +
        StringHelp::IntToString((int)(mBackgroundColor[1] * 255.0f)) + "," +
        StringHelp::IntToString((int)(mBackgroundColor[2] * 255.0f)) + "," +
        StringHelp::IntToString((int)(mBackgroundColor[3] * 255.0f));
    generalNode.SetAttributeString("backcolor", colorStr);
    std::string projColorStr =
        StringHelp::IntToString((int)(mProjBackgroundColor[0] * 255.0f)) + "," +
        StringHelp::IntToString((int)(mProjBackgroundColor[1] * 255.0f)) + "," +
        StringHelp::IntToString((int)(mProjBackgroundColor[2] * 255.0f)) + "," +
        StringHelp::IntToString((int)(mProjBackgroundColor[3] * 255.0f));
    generalNode.SetAttributeString("projcolor", projColorStr);

    // scene
    XMLNode sceneNode = projNode.NewChild("scene");
    sceneNode.SetAttributeString("filename", mSceneFilename.c_str());

    // render setting
    XMLNode renderNode = projNode.NewChild("render_setting");

    // language
    XMLNode languageNode = projNode.NewChild("language");

    // publish
    XMLNode publish = projNode.NewChild("publish");

    // setting
    XMLNode settingNode = projNode.NewChild("edit_setting");
    settingNode.SetAttributeFloat("uicamerapercent", mEdit_UICameraPercent);

    if (data.SaveFile(filename))
        return true;

    return false;
Exemplo n.º 7
XMLNode get_node(XMLNode& parent,const char* name) {
  XMLNode n = parent[name];
  if(!n) n=parent.NewChild(name);
  return n;
Exemplo n.º 8
  bool CREAMClient::createDelegation(const std::string& delegation_id,
                                     const std::string& proxy) {
    logger.msg(VERBOSE, "Creating delegation");

    action = "getProxyReq";

    PayloadSOAP req(cream_ns);
    req.NewChild("deleg:" + action).NewChild("delegationID") = delegation_id;

    XMLNode response;
    if (!process(req, response, "http://www.gridsite.org/namespaces/delegation-2/")) return false;

    std::string proxyRequestStr = (std::string)response["getProxyReqReturn"];
    if (proxyRequestStr.empty()) {
      logger.msg(VERBOSE, "Malformed response: missing getProxyReqReturn");
      return false;

    //Sign the proxy certificate
    Credential signer(proxy, "", cadir, cafile);
    std::string signedCert;
    // TODO: Hardcoded time shift - VERY BAD approach
    Time start_time = Time() - Period(300);
    Time end_time = signer.GetEndTime();
    if(end_time < start_time) {
      logger.msg(VERBOSE, "Delegatable credentials expired: %s",end_time.str());
      return false;
    // CREAM is picky about end time of delegated credentials, so
    // make sure it does not exceed end time of signer
    Credential proxy_cred(start_time,end_time-start_time);
    proxy_cred.SetProxyPolicy("gsi2", "", "", -1);

    if (!(signer.SignRequest(&proxy_cred, signedCert))) {
      logger.msg(VERBOSE, "Failed signing certificate request");
      return false;

    std::string signedOutputCert, signedOutputCertChain;

    action = "putProxy";
    req = PayloadSOAP(cream_ns);
    XMLNode putProxyRequest = req.NewChild("deleg:" + action);
    putProxyRequest.NewChild("delegationID") = delegation_id;
    putProxyRequest.NewChild("proxy") = signedCert;

    response = XMLNode();
    if (!process(req, response, "http://www.gridsite.org/namespaces/delegation-2/"))
      return false;

    if (!response) {
      logger.msg(VERBOSE, "Failed putting signed delegation certificate to service");
      return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
  bool CREAMClient::stat(const std::string& jobid, Job& job) {
    logger.msg(VERBOSE, "Creating and sending a status request");

    action = "JobInfo";

    PayloadSOAP req(cream_ns);
    XMLNode xjobId = req.NewChild("types:" + action + "Request").NewChild("types:jobId");
    xjobId.NewChild("types:id") = jobid;
    xjobId.NewChild("types:creamURL") = client->GetURL().str();

    XMLNode response;
    if (!process(req, response)) return false;

    XMLNode jobInfoNode;
    jobInfoNode = response["result"]["jobInfo"];

    XMLNode lastStatusNode = jobInfoNode.Path("status").back();

    if (lastStatusNode["name"]) {
      job.State = JobStateCREAM((std::string)lastStatusNode["name"]);
    if (lastStatusNode["failureReason"]) {
    if (!job.State) {
      logger.msg(VERBOSE, "Unable to retrieve job status.");
      return false;

    if (ISVALID(jobInfoNode["jobId"]["id"])) {
      job.IDFromEndpoint = (std::string)jobInfoNode["jobId"]["id"];
    if (ISVALID(jobInfoNode["type"]))
      job.Type = (std::string)jobInfoNode["type"];
    if (ISVALID(jobInfoNode["JDL"])) {
      job.JobDescription = "egee:jdl";
      job.JobDescriptionDocument = (std::string)jobInfoNode["JDL"];

      std::list<JobDescription> jds;
      if (JobDescription::Parse(job.JobDescriptionDocument, jds) && !jds.empty()) {
        if (!jds.front().Application.Input.empty())
          job.StdIn = jds.front().Application.Input;

        if (!jds.front().Application.Output.empty())
          job.StdOut = jds.front().Application.Output;

        if (!jds.front().Application.Error.empty())
          job.StdErr = jds.front().Application.Error;

        if (!jds.front().Resources.QueueName.empty()) {
          job.Queue = jds.front().Resources.QueueName;
    if (ISVALID(lastStatusNode["exitCode"]))
      job.ExitCode = stringtoi((std::string)lastStatusNode["exitCode"]);
    if (ISVALID(jobInfoNode["delegationProxyInfo"])) {
      /* Format of delegationProxyInfo node.
      [ isRFC="<true|false>";
        valid from="<mon>/<date>/<yy> <hour>:<min> <AM|PM> (<timezone>)";
        valid to="<mon>/<date>/<yy> <hour>:<min> <AM|PM> (<timezone>)";
        holder DN="<DN>";
        holder AC issuer="<DN>";
        AC issuer="<DN>";
        VOMS attributes=<VOMS-Attributes>
      std::string delegationProxy = (std::string)jobInfoNode["delegationProxyInfo"];
      std::size_t lBracketPos = delegationProxy.find('['), rBracketPos = delegationProxy.rfind(']');
      if (lBracketPos != std::string::npos && rBracketPos != std::string::npos) {
        delegationProxy = trim(delegationProxy.substr(lBracketPos, rBracketPos - lBracketPos));
      std::list<std::string> tDelegInfo;
      tokenize(delegationProxy, tDelegInfo, ";");
      for (std::list<std::string>::iterator it = tDelegInfo.begin();
           it != tDelegInfo.end(); ++it) {
        std::list<std::string> keyValuePair;
        tokenize(*it, keyValuePair, "=", "\"", "\"");
        if (keyValuePair.size() != 2) continue;
        if (lower(trim(keyValuePair.front())) == "holder dn") job.Owner = trim(keyValuePair.back(), " \"");
        if (lower(trim(keyValuePair.front())) == "valid to")  stringtoTime(trim(keyValuePair.back(), " \""), job.ProxyExpirationTime);
    if (ISVALID(jobInfoNode["localUser"]))
      job.LocalOwner = (std::string)jobInfoNode["localUser"];
    if (ISVALID(jobInfoNode["lastCommand"])) {
      int job_register_id_first = -1;
      int job_register_id_last = -1;
      int job_start_id_first = -1;
      int job_start_id_last = -1;
      int local_id = 0;
      while (true) {
        if (!jobInfoNode["lastCommand"][local_id])
        if ((std::string)jobInfoNode["lastCommand"][local_id]["name"] == "JOB_REGISTER") {
          if (job_register_id_first == -1 && job_register_id_last == -1) {
            job_register_id_first = local_id;
            job_register_id_last = local_id;
          else if (job_register_id_last > -1)
            job_register_id_last = local_id;
        }  //end of the JOB_REGISTER

        if ((std::string)jobInfoNode["lastCommand"][local_id]["name"] == "JOB_START") {
          if (job_start_id_first == -1 && job_start_id_last == -1) {
            job_start_id_first = local_id;
            job_start_id_last = local_id;
          else if (job_start_id_last > -1)
            job_start_id_last = local_id;
        }  //end of the JOB_START

      //dependent on JOB_REGISTER
      if (job_register_id_first > -1)
        if (ISVALID(jobInfoNode["lastCommand"][job_register_id_first]["creationTime"])) {
          Time time((std::string)jobInfoNode["lastCommand"][job_register_id_first]["creationTime"]);
          if (time.GetTime() != -1)
            job.SubmissionTime = time;

      if (job_register_id_last > -1)
        if (ISVALID(jobInfoNode["lastCommand"][job_register_id_last]["creationTime"])) {
          Time time((std::string)jobInfoNode["lastCommand"][job_register_id_last]["creationTime"]);
          if (time.GetTime() != -1)
            job.CreationTime = time;
      //end of the JOB_REGISTER

      //dependent on JOB_START
      if (job_start_id_first > -1) {
        if (ISVALID(jobInfoNode["lastCommand"][job_start_id_first]["startSchedulingTime"])) {
          Time time((std::string)jobInfoNode["lastCommand"][job_start_id_first]["startSchedulingTime"]);
          if (time.GetTime() != -1)
            job.ComputingManagerSubmissionTime = time;

        if (ISVALID(jobInfoNode["lastCommand"][job_start_id_first]["startProcessingTime"])) {
          Time time((std::string)jobInfoNode["lastCommand"][job_start_id_first]["startProcessingTime"]);
          if (time.GetTime() != -1)
            job.StartTime = time;

      if (job_start_id_last > -1)
        if (ISVALID(jobInfoNode["lastCommand"][job_start_id_last]["executionCompletedTime"])) {
          Time time((std::string)jobInfoNode["lastCommand"][job_start_id_last]["executionCompletedTime"]);
          if (time.GetTime() != -1)
            job.ComputingManagerEndTime = time;
      //end of the JOB_START
    } //end of the LastCommand
    if (ISVALID(lastStatusNode["timestamp"]) && (job.State() == "DONE-OK" || job.State() == "DONE-FAILED")) {
      Time time((std::string)lastStatusNode["timestamp"]);
      if (time.GetTime() != -1)
        job.EndTime = time;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 10
  bool UNICOREClient::submit(const JobDescription& jobdesc, XMLNode& id,
                             bool delegate) {

    std::string faultstring;

    logger.msg(INFO, "Creating and sending request");

    // Create job request
    PayloadSOAP req(unicore_ns);
    XMLNode op = req.NewChild("bes-factory:CreateActivity");
    XMLNode act_doc = op.NewChild("bes-factory:ActivityDocument");
    set_bes_factory_action(req, "CreateActivity");
    //XMLNode proxyHeader = req.Header().NewChild("u6:Proxy");
    if (true) {
      std::string pem_str;
      std::ifstream proxy_file(proxyPath.c_str()/*, ifstream::in*/);
      std::getline<char>(proxy_file, pem_str, 0);
      req.Header().NewChild("u6:Proxy") = pem_str;
      //std::cout << "\n----\n" << "pem_str = " << pem_str << "\n----\n"; //debug code, remove!
    //std::string jsdl_str;
    //std::getline<char>(jsdl_file, jsdl_str, 0);
    std::string jsdl_str;
    if (!jobdesc.UnParse(jsdl_str, "nordugrid:jsdl")) {
      logger.msg(INFO, "Unable to submit job. Job description is not valid in the %s format", "nordugrid:jsdl");
      return false;
    XMLNode jsdl_doc = act_doc.NewChild(XMLNode(jsdl_str));
    //std::cout << "\n----\n" << jsdl_str << "\n----\n"; //Debug line to verify the activity document
    jsdl_doc.Namespaces(unicore_ns); // Unify namespaces
    PayloadSOAP *resp = NULL;

    XMLNode ds =
    for (; (bool)ds; ds = ds[1]) {
      // FilesystemName - ignore
      // CreationFlag - ignore
      // DeleteOnTermination - ignore
      XMLNode source = ds["jsdl:Source"];
      XMLNode target = ds["jsdl:Target"];
      if ((bool)source) {
        std::string s_name = ds["jsdl:FileName"];
        if (!s_name.empty()) {
          XMLNode x_url = source["jsdl:URI"];
          std::string s_url = x_url;
          if (s_url.empty())
            s_url = "./" + s_name;
          else {
            URL u_url(s_url);
            if (!u_url) {
              if (s_url[0] != '/')
                s_url = "./" + s_url;
            else {
              if (u_url.Protocol() == "file") {
                s_url = u_url.Path();
                if (s_url[0] != '/')
                  s_url = "./" + s_url;
          if (!s_url.empty())
    logger.msg(DEBUG, "Job description to be sent: %s", jsdl_str);

    // Try to figure out which credentials are used
    // TODO: Method used is unstable beacuse it assumes some predefined
    // structure of configuration file. Maybe there should be some
    // special methods of ClientTCP class introduced.
    std::string deleg_cert;
    std::string deleg_key;
    if (delegate) {
      client->Load(); // Make sure chain is ready
      XMLNode tls_cfg = find_xml_node((client->GetConfig())["Chain"],
                                      "Component", "name", "tls.client");
      if (tls_cfg) {
        deleg_cert = (std::string)(tls_cfg["ProxyPath"]);
        if (deleg_cert.empty()) {
          deleg_cert = (std::string)(tls_cfg["CertificatePath"]);
          deleg_key = (std::string)(tls_cfg["KeyPath"]);
          deleg_key = deleg_cert;
      if (deleg_cert.empty() || deleg_key.empty()) {
        logger.msg(ERROR, "Failed to find delegation credentials in "
                   "client configuration");
        return false;
    // Send job request + delegation
    if (client) {
      if (delegate) {
        DelegationProviderSOAP deleg(deleg_cert, deleg_key);
        logger.msg(INFO, "Initiating delegation procedure");
        if (!deleg.DelegateCredentialsInit(*(client->GetEntry()),
                                           &(client->GetContext()))) {
          logger.msg(ERROR, "Failed to initiate delegation");
          return false;
      MCC_Status status =
                        "BESFactoryPortType/CreateActivity", &req, &resp);
      if (!status) {
        logger.msg(ERROR, "Submission request failed");
        return false;
      if (resp == NULL) {
        logger.msg(VERBOSE, "There was no SOAP response");
        return false;
    else if (client_entry) {
      Message reqmsg;
      Message repmsg;
      MessageAttributes attributes_req;
      attributes_req.set("SOAP:ACTION", "http://schemas.ggf.org/bes/2006/08/"
      MessageAttributes attributes_rep;
      MessageContext context;

      if (delegate) {
        DelegationProviderSOAP deleg(deleg_cert, deleg_key);
        logger.msg(INFO, "Initiating delegation procedure");
        if (!deleg.DelegateCredentialsInit(*client_entry, &context)) {
          logger.msg(ERROR, "Failed to initiate delegation");
          return false;
      MCC_Status status = client_entry->process(reqmsg, repmsg);
      if (!status) {
        logger.msg(ERROR, "Submission request failed");
        return false;
      logger.msg(INFO, "Submission request succeed");
      if (repmsg.Payload() == NULL) {
        logger.msg(VERBOSE, "There was no response to a submission request");
        return false;
      try {
        resp = dynamic_cast<PayloadSOAP*>(repmsg.Payload());
      } catch (std::exception&) {}
      if (resp == NULL) {
        logger.msg(ERROR, "A response to a submission request was not "
                   "a SOAP message");
        delete repmsg.Payload();
        return false;
    else {
      logger.msg(ERROR, "There is no connection chain configured");
      return false;
    //XMLNode id;
    SOAPFault fs(*resp);
    if (!fs) {
      //std::cout << "\n---\nActivityIdentifier:\n" << (std::string)((*resp)["CreateActivityResponse"]["ActivityIdentifier"]) << "\n---\n";//debug code
      delete resp;

      UNICOREClient luc((std::string)id["Address"], client_config); //local unicore client
      //std::cout << "\n---\nid element containing (?) Job Address:\n" << (std::string)id << "\n---\n";//debug code
      return luc.uasStartJob();
      //return true;
    else {
      faultstring = fs.Reason();
      std::string s;
      delete resp;
      logger.msg(DEBUG, "Submission returned failure: %s", s);
      logger.msg(ERROR, "Submission failed, service returned: %s", faultstring);
      return false;
Exemplo n.º 11
  bool UNICOREClient::clean(const std::string& jobid) {

    std::string result, faultstring;
    logger.msg(INFO, "Creating and sending request to terminate a job");

    PayloadSOAP req(unicore_ns);
    XMLNode op = req.NewChild("a-rex:ChangeActivityStatus");
    XMLNode jobref = op.NewChild(XMLNode(jobid));
    XMLNode jobstate = op.NewChild("a-rex:NewStatus");
    jobstate.NewAttribute("bes-factory:state") = "Finished";
    jobstate.NewChild("a-rex:state") = "Deleted";
    // Send clean request
    PayloadSOAP *resp = NULL;
    if (client) {
      MCC_Status status = client->process("", &req, &resp);
      if (resp == NULL) {
        logger.msg(VERBOSE, "There was no SOAP response");
        return false;
    else if (client_entry) {
      Message reqmsg;
      Message repmsg;
      MessageAttributes attributes_req;
      MessageAttributes attributes_rep;
      MessageContext context;
      MCC_Status status = client_entry->process(reqmsg, repmsg);
      if (!status) {
        logger.msg(ERROR, "A job cleaning request failed");
        return false;
      logger.msg(INFO, "A job cleaning request succeed");
      if (repmsg.Payload() == NULL) {
        logger.msg(VERBOSE, "There was no response to a job cleaning request");
        return false;
      try {
        resp = dynamic_cast<PayloadSOAP*>(repmsg.Payload());
      } catch (std::exception&) {}
      if (resp == NULL) {
        logger.msg(ERROR, "The response of a job cleaning request was not "
                   "a SOAP message");
        delete repmsg.Payload();
        return false;
    else {
      logger.msg(ERROR, "There is no connection chain configured");
      return false;

    if (!((*resp)["ChangeActivityStatusResponse"])) {
      delete resp;
      XMLNode fs;
      faultstring = (std::string)fs;
      if (faultstring != "") {
        logger.msg(ERROR, faultstring);
        return false;
      if (result != "true") {
        logger.msg(ERROR, "Job termination failed");
        return false;
    delete resp;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 12
bool SOAPSecAttr::Export(SecAttrFormat format,XMLNode &val) const {
  if(format == UNDEFINED) {
  } else if(format == ARCAuth) {
    NS ns;
    val.Namespaces(ns); val.Name("ra:Request");
    XMLNode item = val.NewChild("ra:RequestItem");
    if(!object_.empty()) {
      XMLNode object = item.NewChild("ra:Resource");
    if(!action_.empty()) {
      XMLNode action = item.NewChild("ra:Action");
    if(!context_.empty()) {
      XMLNode context = item.NewChild("ra:Context").NewChild("ra:ContextAttribute");
    return true;
  } else if(format == XACML) {
    NS ns;
    val.Namespaces(ns); val.Name("ra:Request");
    if(!object_.empty()) {
      XMLNode object = val.NewChild("ra:Resource");
      XMLNode attr = object.NewChild("ra:Attribute");
      attr.NewChild("ra:AttributeValue") = object_;
    if(!action_.empty()) {
      XMLNode action = val.NewChild("ra:Action");
      XMLNode attr = action.NewChild("ra:Attribute");
      attr.NewChild("ra:AttributeValue") = action_;
    if(!context_.empty()) {
      XMLNode context = val.NewChild("ra:Environment");
      XMLNode attr = context.NewChild("ra:Attribute");
      attr.NewChild("ra:AttributeValue") = context_;
    return true;
  } else {
  return false;