Exemplo n.º 1
Inkscape::SnappedPoint SnapManager::constrainedSnap(Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint const &p,
                                                    Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint const &constraint,
                                                    Geom::OptRect const &bbox_to_snap) const
    // First project the mouse pointer onto the constraint
    Geom::Point pp = constraint.projection(p.getPoint());

    Inkscape::SnappedPoint no_snap = Inkscape::SnappedPoint(pp, p.getSourceType(), p.getSourceNum(), Inkscape::SNAPTARGET_CONSTRAINT, Geom::infinity(), 0, false, true, false);

    if (!someSnapperMightSnap()) {
        // Always return point on constraint
        return no_snap;

    Inkscape::SnappedPoint result = no_snap;

    Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
    if ((prefs->getBool("/options/snapmousepointer/value", false)) && p.isSingleHandle()) {
        // Snapping the mouse pointer instead of the constrained position of the knot allows
        // to snap to things which don't intersect with the constraint line; this is basically
        // then just a freesnap with the constraint applied afterwards
        // We'll only do this if we're dragging a single handle, and for example not when transforming an object in the selector tool
        result = freeSnap(p, bbox_to_snap);
        if (result.getSnapped()) {
            // only change the snap indicator if we really snapped to something
            if (_snapindicator && _desktop) {
            // Apply the constraint
            return result;
        return no_snap;

    IntermSnapResults isr;
    SnapperList const snappers = getSnappers();
    for (SnapperList::const_iterator i = snappers.begin(); i != snappers.end(); ++i) {
        (*i)->constrainedSnap(isr, p, bbox_to_snap, constraint, &_items_to_ignore, _unselected_nodes);

    result = findBestSnap(p, isr, true);

    if (result.getSnapped()) {
        // only change the snap indicator if we really snapped to something
        if (_snapindicator && _desktop) {
        return result;
    return no_snap;
Exemplo n.º 2
Inkscape::SnappedPoint SnapManager::multipleConstrainedSnaps(Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint const &p,
                                                    std::vector<Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint> const &constraints,
                                                    bool dont_snap,
                                                    Geom::OptRect const &bbox_to_snap) const

    Inkscape::SnappedPoint no_snap = Inkscape::SnappedPoint(p.getPoint(), p.getSourceType(), p.getSourceNum(), Inkscape::SNAPTARGET_CONSTRAINT, Geom::infinity(), 0, false, true, false);
    if (constraints.size() == 0) {
        return no_snap;

    // We haven't tried to snap yet; we will first determine which constraint is closest to where we are now,
    // i.e. lets find out which of the constraints yields the closest projection of point p

    // Project the mouse pointer on each of the constraints
    std::vector<Geom::Point> projections;
    for (std::vector<Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint>::const_iterator c = constraints.begin(); c != constraints.end(); ++c) {
        // Project the mouse pointer onto the constraint; In case we don't snap then we will
        // return the projection onto the constraint, such that the constraint is always enforced
        Geom::Point pp = (*c).projection(p.getPoint());

    // Select the closest constraint
    Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint cc = constraints.front(); //closest constraint

    std::vector<Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint>::const_iterator c = constraints.begin();
    std::vector<Geom::Point>::iterator pp = projections.begin();
    for (; pp != projections.end(); ++pp) {
        if (Geom::L2(*pp - p.getPoint()) < Geom::L2(no_snap.getPoint() - p.getPoint())) {
            no_snap.setPoint(*pp); // Remember the projection onto the closest constraint
            cc = *c; // Remember the closest constraint itself

    if (!someSnapperMightSnap() || dont_snap) {
        return no_snap;

    IntermSnapResults isr;
    SnapperList const snappers = getSnappers();
    Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
    bool snap_mouse = prefs->getBool("/options/snapmousepointer/value", false);

    Inkscape::SnappedPoint result = no_snap;
    if (snap_mouse && p.isSingleHandle()) {
        // Snapping the mouse pointer instead of the constrained position of the knot allows
        // to snap to things which don't intersect with the constraint line; this is basically
        // then just a freesnap with the constraint applied afterwards
        // We'll only to this if we're dragging a single handle, and for example not when transforming an object in the selector tool
        result = freeSnap(p, bbox_to_snap);
        // Now apply the constraint afterwards
    } else {
        // Try to snap along the closest constraint
        for (SnapperList::const_iterator i = snappers.begin(); i != snappers.end(); ++i) {
            (*i)->constrainedSnap(isr, p, bbox_to_snap, cc, &_items_to_ignore,_unselected_nodes);
        result = findBestSnap(p, isr, true);

    return result.getSnapped() ? result : no_snap;