Exemplo n.º 1
void ComposerTest::testBug271192()
    const QString displayName = QStringLiteral("Интернет-компания example");
    const QString mailbox = QStringLiteral("*****@*****.**");
    Composer *composer = new Composer;
    composer->infoPart()->setTo(QStringList() << (displayName + QLatin1String(" <") + mailbox + QLatin1String(">")));
    QCOMPARE(composer->resultMessages().size(), 1);
    const KMime::Message::Ptr message = composer->resultMessages().first();
    QCOMPARE(message->to()->displayNames().size(), 1);
    QCOMPARE(message->to()->displayNames().first().toUtf8(), displayName.toUtf8());
    delete composer;
    composer = Q_NULLPTR;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool KMail::Util::handleClickedURL( const KUrl &url, const QSharedPointer<MailCommon::FolderCollection> &folder )
  if ( url.protocol() == QLatin1String( "mailto" ) )
    KMime::Message::Ptr msg ( new KMime::Message );
    uint identity = folder->identity();
    MessageHelper::initHeader( msg, KMKernel::self()->identityManager(), identity );

    QMap<QString, QString> fields =  MessageCore::StringUtil::parseMailtoUrl( url );

    msg->to()->fromUnicodeString( fields.value( "to" ),"utf-8" );
    if ( !fields.value( "subject" ).isEmpty() )
      msg->subject()->fromUnicodeString( fields.value( "subject" ),"utf-8" );
    if ( !fields.value( "body" ).isEmpty() )
      msg->setBody( fields.value( "body" ).toUtf8() );
    if ( !fields.value( "cc" ).isEmpty() )
      msg->cc()->fromUnicodeString( fields.value( "cc" ),"utf-8" );

    TemplateParser::TemplateParser parser( msg, TemplateParser::TemplateParser::NewMessage );
    parser.setIdentityManager( KMKernel::self()->identityManager() );
    parser.process( msg, folder->collection() );

    KMail::Composer * win = KMail::makeComposer( msg, false, false, KMail::Composer::New, identity );
    win->setCollectionForNewMessage( folder->collection() );
    return true;
  } else {
    kWarning() << "Can't handle URL:" << url;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool KMail::Util::handleClickedURL( const KUrl &url )
  if ( url.protocol() == QLatin1String( "mailto" ) )
    KMime::Message::Ptr msg ( new KMime::Message );
    MessageHelper::initHeader( msg, KMKernel::self()->identityManager(), 0 );

    QMap<QString, QString> fields =  MessageCore::StringUtil::parseMailtoUrl( url );

    msg->to()->fromUnicodeString( fields.value( "to" ),"utf-8" );
    if ( !fields.value( "subject" ).isEmpty() )
      msg->subject()->fromUnicodeString( fields.value( "subject" ),"utf-8" );
    if ( !fields.value( "body" ).isEmpty() )
      msg->setBody( fields.value( "body" ).toUtf8() );
    if ( !fields.value( "cc" ).isEmpty() )
      msg->cc()->fromUnicodeString( fields.value( "cc" ),"utf-8" );

    KMail::Composer * win = KMail::makeComposer( msg, false, false,KMail::Composer::New, 0 );
    return true;
  } else {
    kWarning() << "Can't handle URL:" << url;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
void ComposerTest::testNonAsciiHeaders()
    Composer *composer = new Composer;

    const QString mailbox = QStringLiteral(" <*****@*****.**>");
    const QString fromDisplayName = QStringLiteral("Hellö");
    const QString toDisplayName = QStringLiteral("æſłĸð");
    const QString ccDisplayName = QStringLiteral("Вася");
    const QString bccDisplayName = QStringLiteral("ĸłſðđøþĸµ»«„¢þµ¢”«ł„·ĸ”");
    const QString replyToDisplayName = QStringLiteral("æĸſłð˝đВасяðæĸđ");
    const QString from = fromDisplayName + mailbox;
    const QString to = toDisplayName + mailbox;
    const QString cc = ccDisplayName + mailbox;
    const QString bcc = bccDisplayName + mailbox;
    const QString replyto = replyToDisplayName + mailbox;

    composer->infoPart()->setTo(QStringList() << to);
    composer->infoPart()->setCc(QStringList() << cc);
    composer->infoPart()->setBcc(QStringList() << bcc);

    QCOMPARE(composer->resultMessages().size(), 1);
    const KMime::Message::Ptr message = composer->resultMessages().first();
    QCOMPARE(message->bcc(false)->displayNames().size(), 1);
    QCOMPARE(message->to(false)->displayNames().size(), 1);
    QCOMPARE(message->cc(false)->displayNames().size(), 1);
    QCOMPARE(message->from(false)->displayNames().size(), 1);
    QCOMPARE(message->replyTo(false)->displayNames().size(), 1);
    QCOMPARE(message->from()->displayNames().first(), fromDisplayName);
    QCOMPARE(message->to()->displayNames().first(), toDisplayName);
    QCOMPARE(message->cc()->displayNames().first(), ccDisplayName);
    QCOMPARE(message->bcc()->displayNames().first(), bccDisplayName);
    QCOMPARE(message->replyTo()->displayNames().first(), replyToDisplayName);
    delete composer;
    composer = Q_NULLPTR;
Exemplo n.º 5
bool KMReaderWin::printSelectedText(bool preview)
    const QString str = mViewer->selectedText();
    if (str.isEmpty()) {
        return false;
    ::MessageComposer::Composer *composer = new ::MessageComposer::Composer;
    KMime::Message::Ptr messagePtr = message().payload<KMime::Message::Ptr>();
    composer->infoPart()->setTo(QStringList() << messagePtr->to()->asUnicodeString());
    composer->infoPart()->setCc(QStringList() << messagePtr->cc()->asUnicodeString());
    composer->setProperty("preview", preview);
    connect(composer, &::MessageComposer::Composer::result, this, &KMReaderWin::slotPrintComposeResult);
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
void MailClient::send( const KPIMIdentities::Identity &identity,
                       const QString &from, const QString &_to,
                       const QString &cc, const QString &subject,
                       const QString &body, bool hidden, bool bccMe,
                       const QString &attachment, const QString &mailTransport )
  Q_UNUSED( identity );
  Q_UNUSED( hidden );

  mUnitTestResult.message = KMime::Message::Ptr();
  mUnitTestResult.transportId = -1;

  if ( !MailTransport::TransportManager::self()->showTransportCreationDialog(
        0, MailTransport::TransportManager::IfNoTransportExists ) ) {
    kError() << "Error while creating transport";
    emit finished( ResultErrorCreatingTransport, i18n( "Error while creating transport" ) );

  // We must have a recipients list for most MUAs. Thus, if the 'to' list
  // is empty simply use the 'from' address as the recipient.
  QString to = _to;
  if ( to.isEmpty() ) {
    to = from;
  kDebug() << "\nFrom:" << from
           << "\nTo:" << to
           << "\nCC:" << cc
           << "\nSubject:" << subject << "\nBody: \n" << body
           << "\nAttachment:\n" << attachment
           << "\nmailTransport: " << mailTransport;

  QTime timer;

  MailTransport::Transport *transport =
    MailTransport::TransportManager::self()->transportByName( mailTransport );

  if ( !transport ) {
    transport =
        MailTransport::TransportManager::self()->defaultTransportName() );

  if ( !transport ) {
    kError() << "Error fetching transport; mailTransport"
             << mailTransport << MailTransport::TransportManager::self()->defaultTransportName();
    emit finished( ResultErrorFetchingTransport,
                   i18n( "Error fetching transport. Unable to send invitations" ) );

  const int transportId = transport->id();

  // gather config values
  KConfig config( QLatin1String( "mailviewerrc" ) );

  KConfigGroup configGroup( &config, QLatin1String( "Invitations" ) );
  const bool outlookConformInvitation = configGroup.readEntry( "LegacyBodyInvites",

  // Now build the message we like to send. The message KMime::Message::Ptr instance
  // will be the root message that has 2 additional message. The body itself and
  // the attached cal.ics calendar file.
  KMime::Message::Ptr message = KMime::Message::Ptr( new KMime::Message );
  message->contentTransferEncoding()->clear();  // 7Bit, decoded.

  // Set the headers

      QLatin1String( "KOrganizer" ), QLatin1String( KDEPIMLIBS_VERSION ) ), "utf-8" );

  message->from()->fromUnicodeString( from, "utf-8" );
  message->to()->fromUnicodeString( to, "utf-8" );
  message->cc()->fromUnicodeString( cc, "utf-8" );
  if( bccMe ) {
    message->bcc()->fromUnicodeString( from, "utf-8" ); //from==me, right?
  message->date()->setDateTime( KDateTime::currentLocalDateTime() );
  message->subject()->fromUnicodeString( subject, "utf-8" );

  if ( outlookConformInvitation ) {
    message->contentType()->setMimeType( "text/calendar" );
    message->contentType()->setCharset( "utf-8" );
    message->contentType()->setName( QLatin1String( "cal.ics" ), "utf-8" );
    message->contentType()->setParameter( QLatin1String( "method" ), QLatin1String( "request" ) );

    if ( !attachment.isEmpty() ) {
      KMime::Headers::ContentDisposition *disposition =
        new KMime::Headers::ContentDisposition( message.get() );
      disposition->setDisposition( KMime::Headers::CDinline );
      message->setHeader( disposition );
      message->contentTransferEncoding()->setEncoding( KMime::Headers::CEquPr );
      message->setBody( KMime::CRLFtoLF( attachment.toUtf8() ) );
  } else {
    // We need to set following 4 lines by hand else KMime::Content::addContent
    // will create a new Content instance for us to attach the main message
    // what we don't need cause we already have the main message instance where
    // 2 additional messages are attached.
    KMime::Headers::ContentType *ct = message->contentType();
    ct->setMimeType( "multipart/mixed" );
    ct->setBoundary( KMime::multiPartBoundary() );
    ct->setCategory( KMime::Headers::CCcontainer );

    // Set the first multipart, the body message.
    KMime::Content *bodyMessage = new KMime::Content;
    KMime::Headers::ContentDisposition *bodyDisposition =
      new KMime::Headers::ContentDisposition( bodyMessage );
    bodyDisposition->setDisposition( KMime::Headers::CDinline );
    bodyMessage->contentType()->setMimeType( "text/plain" );
    bodyMessage->contentType()->setCharset( "utf-8" );
    bodyMessage->contentTransferEncoding()->setEncoding( KMime::Headers::CEquPr );
    bodyMessage->setBody( KMime::CRLFtoLF( body.toUtf8() ) );
    message->addContent( bodyMessage );

    // Set the sedcond multipart, the attachment.
    if ( !attachment.isEmpty() ) {
      KMime::Content *attachMessage = new KMime::Content;
      KMime::Headers::ContentDisposition *attachDisposition =
        new KMime::Headers::ContentDisposition( attachMessage );
      attachDisposition->setDisposition( KMime::Headers::CDattachment );
      attachMessage->contentType()->setMimeType( "text/calendar" );
      attachMessage->contentType()->setCharset( "utf-8" );
      attachMessage->contentType()->setName( QLatin1String( "cal.ics" ), "utf-8" );
      attachMessage->contentType()->setParameter( QLatin1String( "method" ),
                                                  QLatin1String( "request" ) );
      attachMessage->setHeader( attachDisposition );
      attachMessage->contentTransferEncoding()->setEncoding( KMime::Headers::CEquPr );
      attachMessage->setBody( KMime::CRLFtoLF( attachment.toUtf8() ) );
      message->addContent( attachMessage );

  // Job done, attach the both multiparts and assemble the message.

  // Put the newly created item in the MessageQueueJob.
  MailTransport::MessageQueueJob *qjob = new MailTransport::MessageQueueJob( this );
  qjob->transportAttribute().setTransportId( transportId );
           MailTransport::SentBehaviourAttribute::MoveToDefaultSentCollection );

  const QString unormalizedFrom = ( transport && transport->specifySenderOverwriteAddress() ) ?
                                                         transport->senderOverwriteAddress() : from;

  const QString normalizedFrom = KPIMUtils::extractEmailAddress(
                                     KPIMUtils::normalizeAddressesAndEncodeIdn( unormalizedFrom ) );

  const QString finalFrom = KPIMUtils::extractEmailAddress( normalizedFrom );
  qjob->addressAttribute().setFrom( finalFrom );

  QStringList toStringList;
  if( !to.isEmpty() ) {
    toStringList = extractEmailAndNormalize( to );
    qjob->addressAttribute().setTo( toStringList );

  QStringList ccStringList;
  if( !cc.isEmpty() ) {
    ccStringList = extractEmailAndNormalize( cc );
    qjob->addressAttribute().setCc( ccStringList );

  QStringList bccStringList;
  if ( bccMe ) {
    bccStringList = extractEmailAndNormalize( from );
    qjob->addressAttribute().setBcc( bccStringList );
  qjob->setMessage( message );
  connect( qjob, SIGNAL(finished(KJob*)), SLOT(handleQueueJobFinished(KJob*)) );

  mUnitTestResult.message            = message;
  mUnitTestResult.from               = finalFrom;
  mUnitTestResult.to                 = toStringList;
  mUnitTestResult.cc                 = ccStringList;
  mUnitTestResult.bcc                = bccStringList;
  mUnitTestResult.transportId        = transportId;
Exemplo n.º 7
//From MailClient::send
KMime::Message::Ptr createMessage( const QString &from, const QString &_to,
                                   const QString &cc, const QString &subject,
                                   const QString &body, bool hidden, bool bccMe,
                                   const QString &attachment/*, const QString &mailTransport */)
    Q_UNUSED( hidden );

    const bool outlookConformInvitation = false;
    QString userAgent = "libkolab";

    // We must have a recipients list for most MUAs. Thus, if the 'to' list
    // is empty simply use the 'from' address as the recipient.
    QString to = _to;
    if ( to.isEmpty() ) {
        to = from;
    kDebug() << "\nFrom:" << from
             << "\nTo:" << to
             << "\nCC:" << cc
             << "\nSubject:" << subject << "\nBody: \n" << body
             << "\nAttachment:\n" << attachment
             /*<< "\nmailTransport: " << mailTransport*/;

    // Now build the message we like to send. The message KMime::Message::Ptr instance
    // will be the root message that has 2 additional message. The body itself and
    // the attached cal.ics calendar file.
    KMime::Message::Ptr message = KMime::Message::Ptr( new KMime::Message );
    message->contentTransferEncoding()->clear();  // 7Bit, decoded.

    // Set the headers
    message->userAgent()->fromUnicodeString(userAgent, "utf-8" );
    message->from()->fromUnicodeString( from, "utf-8" );
    message->to()->fromUnicodeString( to, "utf-8" );
    message->cc()->fromUnicodeString( cc, "utf-8" );
    if( bccMe ) {
        message->bcc()->fromUnicodeString( from, "utf-8" ); //from==me, right?
    message->date()->setDateTime( KDateTime::currentLocalDateTime() );
    message->subject()->fromUnicodeString( subject, "utf-8" );

    if ( outlookConformInvitation ) {
        message->contentType()->setMimeType( "text/calendar" );
        message->contentType()->setCharset( "utf-8" );
        message->contentType()->setName( QLatin1String( "cal.ics" ), "utf-8" );
        message->contentType()->setParameter( QLatin1String( "method" ), QLatin1String( "request" ) );

        if ( !attachment.isEmpty() ) {
            KMime::Headers::ContentDisposition *disposition =
                new KMime::Headers::ContentDisposition( message.get() );
            disposition->setDisposition( KMime::Headers::CDinline );
            message->setHeader( disposition );
            message->contentTransferEncoding()->setEncoding( KMime::Headers::CEquPr );
            message->setBody( KMime::CRLFtoLF( attachment.toUtf8() ) );
    } else {
        // We need to set following 4 lines by hand else KMime::Content::addContent
        // will create a new Content instance for us to attach the main message
        // what we don't need cause we already have the main message instance where
        // 2 additional messages are attached.
        KMime::Headers::ContentType *ct = message->contentType();
        ct->setMimeType( "multipart/mixed" );
        ct->setBoundary( KMime::multiPartBoundary() );
        ct->setCategory( KMime::Headers::CCcontainer );

        // Set the first multipart, the body message.
        KMime::Content *bodyMessage = new KMime::Content;
        KMime::Headers::ContentDisposition *bodyDisposition =
            new KMime::Headers::ContentDisposition( bodyMessage );
        bodyDisposition->setDisposition( KMime::Headers::CDinline );
        bodyMessage->contentType()->setMimeType( "text/plain" );
        bodyMessage->contentType()->setCharset( "utf-8" );
        bodyMessage->contentTransferEncoding()->setEncoding( KMime::Headers::CEquPr );
        bodyMessage->setBody( KMime::CRLFtoLF( body.toUtf8() ) );
        message->addContent( bodyMessage );

        // Set the sedcond multipart, the attachment.
        if ( !attachment.isEmpty() ) {
            KMime::Content *attachMessage = new KMime::Content;
            KMime::Headers::ContentDisposition *attachDisposition =
                new KMime::Headers::ContentDisposition( attachMessage );
            attachDisposition->setDisposition( KMime::Headers::CDattachment );
            attachMessage->contentType()->setMimeType( "text/calendar" );
            attachMessage->contentType()->setCharset( "utf-8" );
            attachMessage->contentType()->setName( QLatin1String( "cal.ics" ), "utf-8" );
            attachMessage->contentType()->setParameter( QLatin1String( "method" ),
                    QLatin1String( "request" ) );
            attachMessage->setHeader( attachDisposition );
            attachMessage->contentTransferEncoding()->setEncoding( KMime::Headers::CEquPr );
            attachMessage->setBody( KMime::CRLFtoLF( attachment.toUtf8() ) );
            message->addContent( attachMessage );

    // Job done, attach the both multiparts and assemble the message.
    return message;