Exemplo n.º 1
 void OnMessage(const linear::Socket& socket, const linear::Message& msg) {
   const linear::Addrinfo& info = socket.GetPeerInfo();
   switch(msg.type) {
   case linear::REQUEST:
       linear::Request request = msg.as<linear::Request>();
       std::cout << "recv Request: msgid = " << request.msgid
                 << ", method = \"" << request.method << "\""
                 << ", params = " << request.params.stringify()
                 << " from " << info.addr << ":" << info.port << std::endl;
       linear::Response response(request.msgid, linear::type::nil(), std::string("This client does not handle request"));
   case linear::RESPONSE:
       linear::Response response = msg.as<linear::Response>();
       std::cout << "recv Response(Handler): msgid = " << response.msgid
                 << ", result = " << response.result.stringify()
                 << ", error = " << response.error.stringify()
                 << " from " << info.addr << ":" << info.port << std::endl;
       std::cout << "origin request: msgid = " << response.request.msgid
                 << ", method = \"" << response.request.method << "\""
                 << ", params = " << response.request.params.stringify() << std::endl;
   case linear::NOTIFY:
       linear::Notify notify = msg.as<linear::Notify>();
       std::cout << "recv Notify: "
                 << "method = \"" << notify.method << "\""
                 << ", params = " << notify.params.stringify()
                 << " from " << info.addr << ":" << info.port << std::endl;
       try {
         Derived data = notify.params.as<Derived>();
         std::cout << "parameters detail" << std::endl;
         std::cout << "Base::"
                   << "int: " << data.int_val
                   << ", double: " << data.double_val
                   << ", string: " << data.string_val
                   << ", vector: " << data.vector_val[0]
                   << ", map: {\"key\": " << data.map_val["key"] << "}" << std::endl;
         std::cout << "Derived::int: " << data.derived_val << std::endl;
       } catch(const std::bad_cast&) {
         std::cout << "invalid type cast" << std::endl;
       std::cout << "BUG: plz inform to linear-developpers" << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 2
  void OnConnect(const linear::Socket& socket) {
    const linear::Addrinfo& info = socket.GetPeerInfo();
    std::cout << "OnConnect: " << info.addr << ":" << info.port << std::endl;

    // WSSSocket specific
    linear::WSResponseContext context = socket.as<linear::WSSSocket>().GetWSResponseContext();
    std::cout << "--- Response Headers ---" << std::endl;
    for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = context.headers.begin();
         it != context.headers.end(); it++) {
      std::cout << it->first << ": " << it->second << std::endl;
    std::cout << "--- Headers End ---" << std::endl;
    // WSSSocket specific end
Exemplo n.º 3
  void OnConnect(const linear::Socket& socket) {
    const linear::Addrinfo& info = socket.GetPeerInfo();
    std::cout << "OnConnect: " << info.addr << ":" << info.port << std::endl;

    // WSSocket specific
    linear::WSRequestContext request_context = socket.as<linear::WSSocket>().GetWSRequestContext();
    std::cout << "--- Request Path ---" << std::endl;
    std::cout << request_context.path << std::endl;
    std::cout << "--- Request Query ---" << std::endl;
    std::cout << request_context.query << std::endl;
    std::cout << "--- Authorization Info ---" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "type: " << request_context.authorization.type << std::endl;
    std::cout << "username: "******"realm: " << request_context.authorization.realm << std::endl;

    // Digest Auth Validation (username = "******", password = "******")
    linear::AuthorizationContext::Result r = request_context.authorization.Validate("password");
    std::cout << "Validate: " << ((r != linear::AuthorizationContext::INVALID) ? "VALID" : "INVALID") << std::endl;
    std::cout << "--- Request Headers ---" << std::endl;
    for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = request_context.headers.begin();
         it != request_context.headers.end(); it++) {
      std::cout << it->first << ": " << it->second << std::endl;
    std::cout << "--- Request Headers End ---" << std::endl;

    linear::WSResponseContext response_context;

    // set the result of Digest Auth Validation
    if (r != linear::AuthorizationContext::INVALID) {
      response_context.code = LNR_WS_OK;
    } else {
      response_context.code = LNR_WS_UNAUTHORIZED;

    // If you want to respond with custom header, do like below
    response_context.headers["X-Custom-Header"] = "Add Any Header for Response";
    // WSSocket specific end
Exemplo n.º 4
  void OnDisconnect(const linear::Socket& socket, const linear::Error&) {
    // WSSSocket specific
    linear::WSResponseContext response_context = socket.as<linear::WSSSocket>().GetWSResponseContext();
    std::cout << "Response Code: " << response_context.code << std::endl;
    std::cout << "--- Response Headers ---" << std::endl;
    for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = response_context.headers.begin();
         it != response_context.headers.end(); it++) {
      std::cout << it->first << ": " << it->second << std::endl;
    std::cout << "--- Headers End ---" << std::endl;

    static int num_of_try = 0;
    if (num_of_try < num_of_retry_) {
      // retry to connect after 1 sec
      timer_.Start(ApplicationHandler::Reconnect, 1000, new linear::Socket(socket));
    } else {
      // give up to connect
      const linear::Addrinfo& info = socket.GetPeerInfo();
      std::cout << "OnDisconnect: " << info.addr << ":" << info.port << std::endl;
      num_of_try = 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
 void OnMessage(const linear::Socket& socket, const linear::Message& msg) {
   const linear::Addrinfo& info = socket.GetPeerInfo();
   switch(msg.type) {
   case linear::REQUEST:
       linear::Request request = msg.as<linear::Request>();
       std::cout << "recv Request: msgid = " << request.msgid
                 << ", method = \"" << request.method << "\""
                 << ", params = " << request.params.stringify()
                 << " from " << info.addr << ":" << info.port << std::endl;
       if (request.method == "echo") {
         std::cout << "do echo back: " << request.params.stringify() << std::endl;
         linear::Response response(request.msgid, request.params);
       } else {
         linear::Response response(request.msgid, linear::type::nil(), std::string("method not found"));
   case linear::RESPONSE:
       linear::Response response = msg.as<linear::Response>();
       std::cout << "recv Response: msgid = " << response.msgid
                 << ", result = " << response.result.stringify()
                 << ", error = " << response.error.stringify()
                 << " from " << info.addr << ":" << info.port << std::endl;
       std::cout << "origin request: msgid = " << response.request.msgid
                 << ", method = \"" << response.request.method << "\""
                 << ", params = " << response.request.params.stringify() << std::endl;
   case linear::NOTIFY:
       linear::Notify notify = msg.as<linear::Notify>();
       std::cout << "recv Notify: "
                 << "method = \"" << notify.method << "\""
                 << ", params = " << notify.params.stringify()
                 << " from " << info.addr << ":" << info.port << std::endl;
       try {
         Derived data = notify.params.as<Derived>();
         std::cout << "parameters detail" << std::endl;
         std::cout << "Base::"
                   << "int: " << data.base_val.int_val 
                   << ", double: " << data.base_val.double_val
                   << ", string: " << data.base_val.string_val
                   << ", vector: " << data.base_val.vector_val[0]
                   << ", map: {\"key\": " << data.base_val.map_val["key"] << "}" << std::endl;
         std::cout << "Derived::int: " << data.derived_val << std::endl;
       } catch(const std::bad_cast&) {
         std::cout << "invalid type cast" << std::endl;
       linear::Notify notify_from_server("from server", Derived());
       notify_from_server.Send(LINEAR_BROADCAST_GROUP); // send notify to all connected clients
       std::cout << "BUG: plz inform to linear-developpers" << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 6
 void OnDisconnect(const linear::Socket& socket, const linear::Error& err) {
   const linear::Addrinfo& info = socket.GetPeerInfo();
   std::cout << "OnDisconnect: " << info.addr << ":" << info.port << std::endl;