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\lstset{ %
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escapeinside={\%*}{*)},          % if you want to add a comment within your code

\title{\textbf{Computer Graphics : Assignment 6}}

		\vspace{ 2 mm}\\
		Supervised By : \textbf{Prof. Srikanth TK}\\
		\vspace {2mm}\\ \\
		(MT2013008) \\
\date{2 - May - 2014}


\vspace{ 100 mm}

\section{Prerequisite Libraries}

\begin {enumerate}
\item OpenGl (Mesa libraries)
\item Qt5 libraries
\end {enumerate}

\section{Build Steps}

\begin {enumerate}
\item Change directory to folder MT2013008\_Assignment6/Src
\item Run the following command\\

\textbf{qmake MT2013008\ -o ../Build/Makefile} \\

This will generate the Makefile in the Build folder.

\item Change directory to folder MT2013008\_Assignment6/Build

\item Run the following command \\

\textbf{make} \\

This will build the complete project and generate and executable in the Build directory.

\item To start the application, go to build directory, execute following command 


\end {enumerate}


\textbf{Note}: To enable keyboard controls, left-click on the left side of the screen.

\begin {enumerate}

\item Use 'q','e','w' keys to move arm 1.
\item Use 'a','s','d' keys to move arm 2.
\item Use 'z','x','c' keys to move arm 3.
\item Use 'i' key to make box move.
\item use 'p' key to move robot arm to belt 1.
\item use 'o' key to move robot arm to belt 2.
\item use 'k' key to pick box.
\item use 'l' key to drop box.

\end {enumerate}

\section{ Issues with implementation}

\begin {enumerate}
\item Implementing the program logic by adding more than one child to a node is giving some errors. More time to be spend on push-pop matrix concept.

\end {enumerate}             

\section{ Pending}

\begin {enumerate}
\item Multiple light sources.
\item Multiple view points.
\item Collision detection.
\end {enumerate}   



Animating Hierarchical Object Models Using Custom Scenegrap






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