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README for Omikuji
Jason J.A. Stephenson <>
v0.0, 11 April 2012:
README revised for autoconfiscation

Omikuji is meant as a replacement for the fortune and strfile
programs.  Omikuji consists of two programs: omikuji and omifile.

Omifile parses a delimited text file, the same format used by the
traditional strfile and fortune, and produces a binary file.  This
binary file is composed of a header, two indexes, and the textual
entries from the input file.  The header includes a single byte
version field so up to 256 variations of the file format can be
created (if necessary).  The first releases of omikuji support the
zeroth version of the file.  (Major versions of omikuji will be
incremented as new file formats are created.)  For more information on
the file formats supported by omikuji and omifile, see the
accompanying file Format.rtf.

Omikuji reads the file output by omifile and uses the information in
the header and indexes to look up and display a ``fortune.''

Omikuji and omifile have the advantage of using UTF-8 internally to
store the fortunes.  This means that fortunes can be processed and
displayed in any character set support by Glib-2.0.  By default,
omikuji and omifile will convert to and from the default character set
of the current locale when run with options.

There are man pages for omikuji and omifile included with this


Omikuji uses the GNU autotools for installation.  If you see a file
called `configure` in your distribution directory, then simply run it
with appropriate options.  See the file `INSTALL` for more

If you don't see the `configure` script, then you likely got this
package via git.  Simply run `autoreconf -i` to generate `configure`
and the other necessary files.

Omikuji currently depends on Glib-2.0.  The binaries will not build
unless Glib-2.0 is installed.


Omikuji is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
License version 3, or later.  Details can be found in the file COPYING
that should accompany this distribution.