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ebolashare "EBOLA" a pure PoS Charity Experiment

Algorithm: X13 - Full POS

Ticker: Ebola

Current Version ""

Max Coins: TBA Ebola

MinStakeAge: 21 hour, MaxStakeAge: Unlimited, 100% Annual Interest

RPC Port: 9332

30 Blocks to mature

30 seconds block time

Block Reward Schedule:

Block 1 is 2,100,000 Premine 100% block

Boosted by devs with 15k pow blocks with 0 reward (to ensure the blockchain generation work until the PoS part gets secured). We use X13 light PoW algorithm to this task.


How to compile the daemon (handy info for exchanges or services):

 # the bitcoin repository is needed to obtain libdb4.8 since ubuntu official reps do not have it.
 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin

 # install needed dependencies:
 sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libboost-all-dev libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev libminiupnpc-dev

 # clone ebolashare sources to your computer:
 git clone

 # compile the daemon:
 cd ebolashare/src
 mkdir obj
 chmod +x leveldb/build_detect_platform
 make -f makefile.unix
 strip Ebolashared
 # Go celebrate ;)