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a portable, small, easy to use and fast c++11/14 library for cryptography.


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mbedcrypto is a portable, small, easy to use, feature rich and fast c++11/14 library for cryptography based on fantastic and clean mbedtlsnote note.

a sister project for Qt5 developers is available as qpolarssl, also mbedcrypto is newer and has more features with smaller footprint.

features and highlights

  • small size: the mbedcrypto is less than 250KB in size (stripped under Linux and OS X) with all predefined algorithms. it can be easily embedded into your service or application.
  • easy to use: although cryptographynote is complex and complicated, mbedcrypto hides most of the complexities, tries to be easy to use and hard to misuse. see samples
  • portable: needs an standard c++11/14 compiler and compliant stl, compiled and tested by:
    • gcc 5.x+ under linux
    • clang 3.6+ under os x
    • msvc 2015 community edition under windows 7
  • low dependency:
    • the mbedtlsnote as underlying cryptography engine, is the only mandatory dependency.
    • catch: only for unit testing.
    • cmake for building the library and the unit test app.
  • high+low level: both high level (c++ objects / exception) and low level (c pointer / error code) functions are available. see samples
  • highly configurable: to add or remove the algorithms, simply change cmake build options. see build options

supported algorithms

following algorithms are included in mbedcrypto in default build (see samples):

  • binary/text conversions: see samples

    • hex
    • base64
  • hashes (message digest): see samples

    • md5
    • sha1
    • sha224 / sha256
    • sha384 / sha512
    • hmac
    • optional hashes: ripemd160, md4, md2 (deprecated)
  • ciphers (symmetric): see samples

    • aes (128, 192, 256 bits) and aes-ni (hardware accelerated)
    • des and 3des (triple-des)
    • optional ciphers: blowfish, camellia and arc4
  • cipher block modes:

  • paddings:

    • pkcs7
    • one and zeros
    • zeros and length
    • zeros
  • random byte generator: see samples

    • ctr_drbg counter mode deterministic random byte generator based on aes-256 NIST SP 800-90
  • pki (asymmetric): public key infrastructure, see samples

    • rsa
    • pem and der key formats (ASN.1)
    • optional pks: eckey elliptic curve, eckey_dh elliptic key Diffie–Hellman, ecdsa elliptic key digital signature algorithm, rsa_alt and rsassa_pss RSA standard signature algorithm, probabilistic signature scheme
    • optional rsa key generator
    • optional ec curves from well known domain parameters as NIST, Kolbitz, brainpool and Curve25519.

total number of supported algorithms:

  • hashes: 9
  • paddings: 5
  • ciphers: 47
  • pki: 6

see types.hpp


after cloning this repository, first update the dependencies:

# on mbedcrypto directory
$medcrypto/> ./

this script automatically setups 3rdparty directory, then tries to pull or update dependencies from github.


under Linux, OS X:

$medcrypto/> mkdir build
$medcrypto/> cd build

$build/> cmake ..
$build/> make

the mbedcrypto library and the companion unit test app would be built on xbin directory.


under Windows (MSVC) probably:

$medcrypto/> mkdir build
$medcrypto/> cd build

$build/> cmake ..
$build/> cmake --build . --config Release


under Unices if you have already installed doxygen:

# builds api documents into ./docs
$build> make docs
# removes ./docs
$build> make clean_docs

build options

these are the most important build options:

options default message
BUILD_MD2 OFF enable md2 hash (unsecure and deprecated)
BUILD_MD4 OFF enable md4 hash
BUILD_RIPEMD160 OFF enable ripemd160 hash
BUILD_CFB OFF enable cfb (cipher feedback mode)
BUILD_CTR ON enable ctr (cipher counter mode)
BUILD_GCM ON enable gcm (Galois cipher mode, for aead cryptography)
BUILD_CCM ON enable ccm (counter cbc-mac cipher mode, for aead cryptography)
BUILD_DES ON enable des and triple-des cipher
BUILD_BLOWFISH OFF enable blowfish cipher
BUILD_CAMELLIA OFF enable camellia cipher
BUILD_ARC4 OFF enable arc4 cipher (unsecure)
BUILD_PK_EXPORT ON enable export keys in pem or der format
BUILD_RSA_KEYGEN ON enable rsa key generator
BUILD_EC OFF enable eckey, eckey_dh and ecdsa algorithms

please see CMakeLists.txt for the full list.

to add or remove algorithms or features:

# cmake, ccmake or cmake-gui

# or optionally
$build/> ccmake .

# to disable making of the test app:
$build/> cmake .. -DBUILD_TESTS=OFF

optionally if you use gcc or clang, you can also build mbedcrypto as a shared library as:

$build/> cmake .. -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON
$build/> make



buffer_t (synonym for std::string)

namespace mbedcrypto {
  using buffer_t = std::string;

is widely used in mbedcrypto api as main data container for input / output methods.

current std::string implementations are known to be contiguous, so I prefer std::string over std::vector<unsigned char> because it helps users to easily feed both text and binary buffers into mbedtls api without any cast or conversion.

see configs.hpp

error handling

mbedcrypto objects and functions throw mbedcrypro::exception unless they're tagged by noexcept keyword.

try {
  // mbedcrypto codes ...
} catch ( mbedcrypto::exception& cerr ) {
  std::cerr << "the expanded error message is: "
      << cerr.what() << std::endl;
  int c_error_code = cerr.code(); // the underlying error code

the structure of cerr.what():

[message, prefix or function name][(error code in hex): [module name] error string]

mbedtls_md_starts(-0x5100): MD - Bad input parameters to function
 - function name: mbedtls_md_starts
 - error code: -0x5100
 - module name: MD (message digest)

the low level functions returns a non-zero int as an error and are tagged by noexcept:

int ret = an_object.a_low_level_method(...);
if ( ret != 0 ) {
  std::cout << "underlying error code: "
      << mbedcrypto::mbedtls_error_string(ret) << std::endl;

available algorithms

to list all available (included in build) algorithms:

using namespace mbedcrypto;

auto hashes = installed_hashes(); // returns std::vector<mbedcrypto::hasht_t>
std::cout << "supports " << hashes.size() << " hash algorithms: ";
for ( auto h : hashes ) { // print all installed hashes
  // convert type to string
  std::cout << to_string(h) << " , ";

// similarly
auto paddings = installed_paddings();
auto bmodes   = installed_block_modes();
auto ciphers  = installed_ciphers();
auto pks      = installed_pks();
auto curves   = installed_curves();

// convert from string to a type
auto htype = from_string<hash_t>("sha256");
if ( htype != hash_t::none ) {

to check for availability of a feature:

// check by type (enum class)
if ( supports(cipher_t::aes_256_cbc)   &&   supports(pk_t::rsa) ) {
  // do stuff
// check by algorithm name
if ( supports_hash("sha1")    &&    supports_pk("rsa") ) {
  // sign a message ...
// both upper and lower case are supported
if ( supports_cipher("CAMELLIA_128_CBC") ) {

// to check a single feature
if ( suppurts(features::aes_ni) ) {
  std::cout << "this system supports AESNI (hardware accelerated AES)" << std::endl;

if ( supports(features::aead)    &&    supports(cipher_bm::gcm) ) {
  // do GCM authenticated encryption with additional data

see types.hpp

text-binary conversion

handy utility to convert binary into (or from) text:

using namespace mbedcrypto;

std::fstream fpng = open_a_png_file(...);
std::string bin_data; // binary data
fpng >> bin_data;

auto png_hex = to_hex(bin_data);
auto png_b64 = to_base64(bin_data);

REQUIRE( from_hex(png_hex) == from_base64(png_b64) );

// to get the required base64 size
size_t encode_size = base64::encode_size(bin_data);
png_b64 = base64::encode(bin_data);

REQUIRE( base64::decode_size(png_b64) == bin_data.size() );

REQUIRE_THROWS( base64::decode("invalid base64 string @#$%#^$") );

see tcodec.hpp


(cryptographic hashes also known as message digests)

using namespace mbedcrypto;

// by single shot functions
auto hash_value = make_hash(hash_t::sha256, source_data);
auto hmac_value = hmac::make(hash_t::sha1, key_data, source_data);

std::cout << to_base64(hash_value) << std::endl;


hash h0(hash_t::ripemd160);
hash h1(from_string<hash_t>("sha1"));

while ( ... ) {
auto hash_value = h1.finish();

// re-use
h1.update(...); // single or multiple updates
hash_value = h1.finish();

see hash.hpp


If a cipher block mode allows, the cipher class automatically breaks input data into chunks (cipher::block_size()) and frees the user from breaking/merging of input/output data:

using namespace mbedcrypto;

std::string source_plain_data = read_from_somewhere();

// encrypt and decrypt by single-shot functions
auto ciphered_buffer = cipher::encrypt(
    initial_vector_data,  // get iv size from cipher::iv_size()
    key_data,             // get key length in bit by cipher::key_bitlen()
    source_plain_data     // could be in any size because of cbc block mode

auto decrypted_buffer = cipher::decrypt(

REQUIRE( source_plain_data == decrypted_buffer );

to use authenticated encryption with associated data (aka aead):

std::string the_additional_data = ...;

auto encr = cipher::encrypt_aead(
    );  ///< returns a std::tuple< computed_tag, encrypted_data >

auto decr = cipher::decrypt_aead(
    );  ///< returns a std::tuple< authentication_status, decrypted_data >

  REQUIRE( std::get<0>(decr) == true ); // authenticated?
  REQUIRE( std::get<1>(decr) == source_plain_data );

or by reusable object:

// construct and setup properties
cipher cipdec(cipher_t::aes_256_cbc);
  .key(key_data, cipher::decrypt_mode);

// by start() / update()s / finish()
std::string decrypted_data;
while ( ... ) {
  decrypted_data += cipdec.update(read_some_encrypted_data());
decrypted_data += cipdec.finish();
REQUIRE( source_plain_data == decrypted_data );

// re-use the object
cipdec.update(...); // or multiple updates

// single shot re-use
decrypted_data = cipdec.crypt(encrypted_data);

see cipher.hpp

random byte generator

to make cryptographically secure psuedo random bytes:

rnd_generator rgen;
auto random_data1 = rgen.make(256); // in bytes
// entropy and ctr_drbg are not so cheap, reuse them:
auto random_data2 = rgen.make(32);  // in bytes

// update internal state with custom data (may helps entropy)
auto nonce = rgen.make(64);

see rnd_generator.hpp


playing with rsa keys:

using namespace mbedcrypto;

rsa pri_key;
// import from data buffer
pri_key.import_key(private_key_data, optional_password);
// or load from a file by file-name

rsa pub_key;

// [optional] check matching public/private pair
REQUIRE( check_pair(pub_key, pri_key) == true );

// export keys
if ( supports(features::pk_export) ) {
    auto der_data = pub_key.export_public_key(pk::der_format);
    // write or share

// key generation
if ( supports(features::rsa_keygen) ) {
    rsa pri_key;
    pri_key.generate_key(2048); // a 2048bit key
    // do stuff

auto af = pub_key.what_can_do(); // what can i do with this key?
// returns pk::action_flags (key capabilities) with following data:
// af.encrypt = true
// af.decrypt = false
// af.sign    = false
// af.verify  = true
// because pub_key is a valid rsa public-key

auto kinfo = pri_key.key_info();
// kinfo.N  :  public modulus
// kinfo.E  :  public exponent
// only valid if the key is a private key
// kinfo.D  :  private exponent
// kinfo.P  :  1st prime factor
// kinfo.Q  :  2nd prime factor
// kinfo.DP  : D % (P - 1)
// kinfo.DQ  : D % (Q - 1)
// kinfo.QP  : 1 / (Q % P)

to sign and verify by rsa:

// signature & verification
std::string message = read_message_from_somewhere();
auto signature      = pri_key.sign(message, hash_t::sha256);
REQUIRE( pub_key.verify(signature, message, hash_t::sha256);

to encrypt and decrypt by rsa:

const auto hvalue = hash::make(hash_t::sha256, message);

auto encv = pub_key.encrypt(hvalue);
auto decv = pri_key.decrypt(encv);
REQUIRE( decv == hvalue );

// or
auto encv = pub_key.encrypt(message, hash_t::sha256);
auto decv = pri_key.decrypt(encv);
REQUIRE( decv == hash::make(hash_t::sha256, message) );

see rsa.hpp

to create ec keys from curves:

using namespace mbedcrypto;

if ( supports(features::pk_export)  &&  supports(pk_t::eckey) ) {
    ecp gen; // elliptic curve public key infrastructure
    gen.generate_key(curve_t::secp224k1); // or any other supported curves
    auto pri_data = gen.export_key(pk::pem_format);
    auto pub_data = gen.export_public_key(pk::pem_format);
    // do stuff

    auto kinfo = gen.key_info(); // ecurve points and secret
        << "\nQx (" << kinfo.Qx.bitlen() << "): " << kinfo.Qx.to_string()
        << "\nQy (" << kinfo.Qy.bitlen() << "): " << kinfo.Qy.to_string()
        << "\nQz (" << kinfo.Qz.bitlen() << "): " << kinfo.Qz.to_string()
        << "\nd  (" << kinfo.D.bitlen()  << "): " << kinfo.d.to_string()
        << std::endl;

to sign and verify by ecdsa:

using namespace mbedcrypto;

if ( supports(pk_t::ecdsa)  &&  supports(features::ec_keygen) ) {
    ecdsa pri_key; // both pk_t::eckey and pk_t::ecdsa works
    auto sig = pri_key.sign(message, hash_t::sha384);

    ecdsa pub_key;

    REQUIRE( pub_key.verify(sig, message, hash_t::sha384) );

to create a shared secret by ECDH(E) when both ends know the curve type:

using namespace mbedcrypto;
// const auto ctype = curve_t::secp224r1 // both know the curve type

ecdh server;
auto srv_pub = server.make_peer_key(ctype);
// send srv_pub to client

ecdh client;
client.generate_key(ctype); // alternative approach to make_peer_key()
auto cli_pub = client.peer_key();
// send cli_pub to server

auto sss = server.shared_secret(cli_pub); // on server
auto css = client.shared_secret(srv_pub); // on client

REQUIRE( (sss == css) );

or if the curve parameters are defined by server at runtime as defined in RFC 4492: Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Cipher Suites for Transport Layer Security (TLS) do:

using namespace mbedcrypto;

ecdh server;
// (only) server defines the curve type
auto skex = server.make_server_key_exchange(curve_t::secp192k1);
// send server's key exchange params to client

ecdh client;
auto cli_pub = client.make_client_peer_key(skex);
auto css     = client.shared_secret();
// send cli_pub to server

auto sss     = server.shared_secret(cli_pub); // on server

REQUIRE( (sss == css) );

see ecp.hpp


samples and unit tests are available under tests/tdd folder.

the test application has been built by catch:

# to list all available test tags:
$xbin/> ./tests -t

# run the tests
$xbin/> ./tests

possible output:

supports 6 hash algorithms: MD5 , SHA1 , SHA224 , SHA256 , SHA384 , SHA512 ,
supports 5 padding algorithms: PKCS7 , ONE_AND_ZEROS , ZEROS_AND_LEN , ZEROS ,
         NONE ,
supports 6 block modes: NONE , ECB , CBC , CTR , GCM , CCM ,
supports 21 cipher algorithms: AES-128-ECB , AES-192-ECB , AES-256-ECB ,
         AES-128-CBC , AES-192-CBC , AES-256-CBC , AES-128-CTR , AES-192-CTR ,
         AES-256-CTR , AES-128-GCM , AES-192-GCM , AES-256-GCM , DES-ECB ,
         AES-128-CCM , AES-192-CCM , AES-256-CCM ,
 this system supports AESNI (hardware accelerated AES)
 this build supports AEAD (authenticated encryption with additional data)
supports 4 pk (public key) algorithms: RSA , EC , EC_DH , ECDSA ,
 this build supports PK export (*.pem, *.der) facility
 this build supports RSA key generation
 this build supports EC (elliptic curve) key generation
supports 12 elliptic curves: SECP192R1 , SECP224R1 , SECP256R1 , SECP384R1 ,
         SECP521R1 , SECP192K1 , SECP224K1 , SECP256K1 , BP256R1 , BP384R1 ,
         BP512R1 , CURVE25519 ,

All tests passed (952 assertions in 17 test cases)



cryptography is both complex and complicated, it requires a vast knowledge of mathematics, concepts, principles, algorithms, standards, conventions, continuous investigation of attacks, ...

As cryptography is mostly used to protect sensitive data, writing a library for it is a daunting task and difficult by any factor.

So instead of writing a library from scratch, mbedcrypto stands on the shoulders of giants, mbedtls is this case.


Although mbedtls is mostly a TLS/SSL library for embedded devices, it has already implemented the most famous and widely used cryptographic algorithms and actively developed and maintained.

Arguably mbedtls has cleaner code than openssl, it's easier to read, use and maintain, and it has been designed for efficiency and portability from scratch (for embedded devices), and has many advantages over openssl like as readability, size, compiling and setup, … to name a few.


  • implementing an easy-to-use, lightweight and portable c++ library for cryptography are the main purpose of mbedcrypto.
  • there are many more algorithms in cryptographic libraries, the focus of mbedcrypto is on the most important or widely used algorithms, tries to be simple and not to bloat your application.
  • as mentioned in notes, the cryptography can be divided into several areas of study and best practices, I'm not a guru nor a specialist in this field.

If you have any ideas, critiques, suggestions or whatever you want to call it, please open an issue. I'll be happy to hear from you what you'd see in this lib. I think about all suggestions, and I try to add those that make sense.


Distributed under the MIT license. Copyright (c) 2016, Amir Zamani.


a portable, small, easy to use and fast c++11/14 library for cryptography.







No packages published


  • C++ 95.2%
  • CMake 4.0%
  • Shell 0.8%