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Repository files navigation


This program use the power of Nepomuk and the Semantic Desktop to create and maintain collections of data.
Its main purpose is the help in research specific topics.

When a new project is created it also creates a new Nepomuk tag. From now on all data (documents, notes,
emails,contacs,bookmarks) tagged with the project tag is listed in a central way in Conquirere.

This allows to easily keep an overview of all data connected to the project topic.

Furthermore this program allows to add additional metadata to each file. This way publication data like
author, in which series or collection the publication is in and references to specific parts of the publications
can be added to the data.

This allows to create a big semantic publication data and connect it with documents on the disk or a on a webspace.

* Already working:
** BibTex data to documents to generate .bib files automatically
** Fetch BibTex data automatically via libkbibtexio
** Sync data with (partly)

* Future ideas:
** List annotations for exmple specific parts of a pdf document tagged via Okular
** List bookmarks and save the wepage to disk if necessary
** Recommend new webpages/documents based on tagclouds generated from existing data
** possible many other things

# Dependencies:
* Nepomuk
** with nbib.ontology
** with sync.ontology

* KDE Pim libs

* KBibTex 0.4 revision 1067 and higher
** svn co svn:// kbibtex

# install to the system

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release
make install

and start via conquirere

# install to the homefolder for testing purpose

mkdir build
cd build
make install

and start via $HOME/bin/conquirere

# Running the unittests

mkdir build
cd build

and start via "ctest -VV"