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 the PE file analysis toolkit v0.60
1. What is pev
2. OS support
3. Pre-requisites
4. Building and installing
 4.1. Installing all tools (Linux and OS X)
 4.2. Building libpe only
 4.3. Building a particular tool
 4.4. Building in Windows (via Cygwin)
5. Included programs
6. Contribute
7. Bugs

1. What is pev

 pev is a PE file analysis toolkit that includes some
 nice programs to work with PE files in many systems
 It can be useful for programmers, security analysts
 and forensic investigators. It's licensed  under
 GPLv3+ terms.

2. OS support

 This version is tested in Linux (x86 and x86-64),
 OSX systems and Windows under Cygwin (
 If you'rerunning pev tools sucessfully in other environments,
 please let  us know.

3. Pre-requisites

 libssl (pehash only)
 libpcre (pestr only)

4. Building and installing

 4.1. Installing all tools (Linux and OS X)

  To compile and install libpe and all pev tools:

  $ make
  # make install

 4.2. Building libpe only

  To build only libpe, go to lib/libpe dir and
  use the Makefile provided:

  $ cd lib/libpe
  $ make
  # make install

  Set PREFIX and/or DEST if needed.

 4.3. Building a particular tool

  If you want to build a particular tool, you
  can use the Makefile in src/ dir:

  $ cd src/
  $ make pesec

  The commmand above will build only pesec binary
  but *you need to compile libpe first* (section 4.2).

 4.4. Building in Windows (via Cygwin)

  Under Cygwin, you'll need to install the following packages
  in order to compile pev:

  * gcc
  * binutils
  * make
  * libpcre-dev (pestr)
  * openssl-devel (pehash)
  * zip

  Compile with:

  $ make

  Build a zip package with all tools and required libraries with:

  $ make zip

  You can't call another targets (like make install)
  in Cygwin environment.

 4.5. Building in Mac OS X

  Under Mac OS X, you'll need to install the following packages
  in order to compile pev:

  * libpcre

  We recommend using one of the following package managers to
  install this package:

  * MacPorts -
  * Homebrew -

  For MacPorts, install the dependency and compile pev with:

  $ sudo port install pcre
  $ make CFLAGS="-I/opt/local/include"

  For Homebrew, install the dependency and compile pev with:

  $ sudo brew install pcre
  $ make CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include"

  NOTE: The paths above may change depending on how you installed the
        package manager.

5. Included tools

 * pehash   - calculate PE file hashes
 * pedis    - PE disassembler
 * pepack   - packer detector
 * pescan   - search for suspicious things in PE files, including TLS callbacks
 * pesec    - check security features in PE files
 * pestr    - search for unicode and ascii strings in PE files
 * readpe   - show PE file headers, sections and more
 * rva2ofs  - convert RVA to raw file offsets
 * ofs2rva  - convert raw file offsets to RVA

6. Contributing

 The development version is available at
 We are always needing some help. If you want to contribute, subscribe
 to pev-devel mailing list at

7. Bugs

 Please, report bugs at