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  • Daniel (dmilith) Dettlaff (dmilith [at] I'm also on #verknowsys @ freenode IRC.


  • MichaĹ‚ (tallica) Lipski.
  • Tymon (teamon) Tobolski.


  • Sofin. (all igniters by default will try to use Sofin to install software)
  • Qt5 5.3.x (only QtCore, QtNetwork, QtConcurrent and QtWebsockets modules)


  • Stateless, event driven, multithreaded and immutable inside (probably except uptime count state).
  • Supports software igniters written in JSON (with C/C++ style comments) to generate predefined software configurations on the fly.
  • Supports software hooks. (More in Defaults.json). Hook example:
    "install": {
        "commands": "sofin install mysoft; install my software plugin",
        "expectOutput": "Success happened, and this output is a confirmation",
        "expectOutputTimeout": 0
  • Supports ordered, synchronous execution of service hooks (exception: scheduler commmands and http checks are executed asynchronously)
  • Service hooks have predefined execution order and some will call others. This is built in behavior and it's constant:
startHook # will execute:
# ifNotInstalled(installHook) -> ifNotConfigured(configureHook) ->
#                             validateHook -> startHook -> afterStartHook

afterStartHook # will execute:
# afterStartHook

stopHook # will execute:
# stopHook -> afterStopHook

afterStopHook # will execute:
# afterStopHook

restartHook # will execute:
# stopHook -> afterStopHook -> ifNotConfigured(configureHook) ->
#                           validateHook -> startHook -> afterStartHook

validateHook # will execute:
# validateHook

reloadHook # will execute:
# reloadHook

installHook # will execute:
# installHook

configureHook # will execute:
# configureHook

reconfigureHook # will execute:
# configureHook -> restartHook
  • Using kernel file watchers (kqueue on OSX & BSD, epoll on Linux) to watch software config/ data dirs.
  • Supports "touch .hookname" method of manual launching of hooks. (for example: touch ~/SoftwareData/MyApp/.install will invoke install hook of MyApp igniter definition.)
  • Supports basic hook dependency model. (for example: touch ~/SoftwareData/MyApp/.start will invoke: install hook, configure hook, validate hook and start hook of MyApp igniter definition)
  • Supports software hook expectations with error reporting through built in Notification mechanism.
  • Supports software "baby sitting". By default watches for software pid ("alwaysOn" option in Defaults.json)
  • Supports TCP/ UDP port checking. ("watchPort" and "watchUdpPort" options in Defaults.json)
  • Supports free port checking for TCP services, automatically generates random port for new services, (but also supports "staticPort" option in Defaults.json), to provide static port binding for software. (for example staticPort is 80 for Nginx). By default, service ports are stored in ~/SoftwareData/AppName/.ports/ and reused on next software start.
  • Supports service autostarting. You need only to touch ~/SoftwareData/MyApp/.autostart file.
  • Is designed to work with user privileges as a little user side daemon.
  • Uses almost no memory: ~5 MiB RSS on 64bit system when working with dozens of services.
  • Supports super user mode, to support root services (ports: 1-1024). Just run svdss as root and that's it.
  • Supports state files. For example if process is running the lock file is created: ~/SoftwareData/MyApp/.running
  • Supports unified process configuration model. By default ~/SoftwareData/MyApp/.pids/release-name/ and ~/SoftwareData/MyApp/.logs/release-name/service.log are created for each software. If service requires configuration, it's by default stored in ~/SoftwareData/MyApp/.confs/release-name/service.conf
  • Supports dynamic, live log level change invoked by touch ~/.log-level, where "log-level" is one of: error, info, debug, trace. By default log level is info.
  • Supports auto igniter reload support on hook level. You don't need to update, sync or reload igniters. After igniter file change, next hook invoke will use latest version of software igniter by default.
  • Supports multiple directory sources for igniters. Default order of checking igniters existance for regular user is: ~/Igniters/Services, then /SystemUsers/Igniters/Services. For root it's: /SystemUsers/Igniters/Services.
  • Supports igniter constants, auto filled before invoke of each hook. Currently there are:
SERVICE_PREFIX            # by default: ~/SoftwareData/AppName
PARENT_SERVICE_PREFIX     # defines prefix of service parent
SERVICE_PORT              # contains generated service port
SERVICE_CONF              # contains absolute path to configuration file of current
                          # service
SERVICE_LOG               # contains absolute path to log file of current service
SERVICE_ENV               # contains absolute path to environment file of current
                          # service
SERVICE_SOCK              # contains absolute path to socket file of current service
SERVICE_RELEASE           # contains sha1 of igniter of current service with port
                          # number. It's used in path to every service conf, log
                          # and environment.
SERVICE_DOMAIN            # by default contains first domain name (NOTE: localhost
                          # is a default value of domain in case when domain wasn't
                          # provided. TheSS will ignore localhost domain entry where
                          # there're more than one domain file). By default, all
                          # domain files are stored in:
                          # ~/SoftwareData/AppName/.domains/ file.
SERVICE_DOMAINS           # contains space separated list of domains defined for
                          # service
SERVICE_ADDRESS           # by default it's default host IP address (resolved from
                          # SERVICE_DOMAIN)
SERVICE_ROOT              # by default: ~/Apps/AppName
SERVICE_VERSION           # by default taken from Sofin's:
                          # ~/Apps/AppName/appname.version

# You can also inject hook commands using igniter constants:
  • Supports cron-compliant scheduler built in (since v0.24.x). Commands defined in schedulers have full support for igniter constants (listed above) and each command is in Zsh-compatible script format. Scheduler example based on Redis igniter:
    "schedulers": [
        "*/25 10-15 1,3,5,7 * * ?! test -e SERVICE_PREFIX/database/database.rdf && cp SERVICE_PREFIX/database/database.rdf SERVICE_PREFIX/database/database.rdf-$(date +'%Y-%m-%d--%H%M').backup",
        "*/10 * * * * ?! for i in $HOME/triggers/*; do echo Invoking my magic trigger $i; echo $i; done"
# Standard formatting for "cronEntry":
"*/10 10,11,12 1-15 * * ?! commands"  # invoke each 10 minutes,
                                      # exactly at 10am or 11am or 12am,
                                      # only in first 15 days of month.

# Currently supported cron formats:
*       # WILDCARD: passes on each value
X       # NORMAL: passes when X has exact value as current value
        # (X is a positive number)
*/X     # PERIODIC: passes when modulo of X and current value
        # is 0 (X is a positive number)
X-Y     # RANGE: passes when value is in between X and Y
        # (X, Y are positive numbers)
X,Y,Z   # SEQUENCE: passes when value is exactly one of X or Y
        # or Z (X, Y, Z are positive numbers)
  • Supports live updates. Do touch ~/.shutdown. Maintainer will go down but all your software services will stay in background. Then just do an upgrade, rebuild, install and run svdss again. It will just resume watch on live services. After a while (default babysitter pause time) it will automatically rebuild software dependency tree and continue to watch orphaned services.
  • Support maintained, synchronous startup and shutdown of services. Signals: SIGINT (Ctrl - c in terminal) and SIGTERM will just tell TheSS to shut down, leaving all services spawned in background (equivalent of touch ~/.shutdown). Touching ~/.shutdownGracefully, will cause TheSS to shutdown with all running services and dependencies.
  • Supports basic UI - svdpanel - for easy service managment (based on ncurses library).
  • Supports validation failure check. If validation fails startSlot won't be called. To set failure state, set touch SERVICE_PREFIX/.validationFailure in hook commands.
  • Supports asynchronous http/https request-response check, for any number of urls (since 0.62.0).
  • Supports Web Applications deployment - more about it below (since 0.66.x).
  • Supports Procfile (Heroku-compatible) process list for RubySite deployment. For example "web: rails s" in Procfile, will launch one web worker of rails. If no Procfile detected in deployed app, default will be used.
  • Supports SRV domains entry: _served-node._tcp.DOMAIN.COM (since 0.72.x) for default deployer secure port placeholder (default ssh port is 22).
  • Partially supports distributed web-app deployment model (0.72.x)
  • Supports JSON validation and basic error handling.

Igniter examples:

But how to run it?

sofin install thess
# to install it for your user.

# to launch svdss in background by pressing F10 (if it's not already running)

# or

# Do everything manually:

# to build and run tests:

# and now just run it in foreground:
bin/svdss -f

# to actually spawn something with running thess in background, on second terminal, do:
mkdir ~/SoftwareData/Redis && touch ~/SoftwareData/Redis/.start # (this is an example of how to spawn Redis without using panel)

# wait a while, software installation process should work in background.
# This process should pick random port, generate configuration for Redis,
# and log output to file: ~/SoftwareData/Redis/.logs/_release-name_/service.log.
# Service starts it in background after that.

# you may also use built in panel:
# then launch svdss in background by pressing F10 (if it's not already running)
# in svdpanel, hit F7, type "Red", hit Enter, hit "S", and you just did the same as descibed above. Hit "A" and your service will be autostarted on each system reboot.

Web deployer, and assumptions

TheSS provides script called svdply (exported by default when installed with Sofin). It's designed to be launched on developer machine from local git repository. It's designed to be cross platform, and uses only some sh code-glue, basic tar (to pack bare repository) and git on client side. Rest is done on server side, so it should work even from Windows hosts (with msysgit environment probably). (I'm not using Windows since last century, don't ask me about it).

svdply automatically performs deploy of supported web application from current directory, to machine (accessible through ssh) on specified domain. First part of domain will be app name shown by svdpanel on remote side.

On first deploy svdply will create bare repository from current directory, and send it to remote directory to: ~/Repos/myapp.git, hence current directory, must be a git repository (no other SCMs supported for now).

Web-app error handling

Default error handling behavior is very simple, and made of three simple steps:

1. If your app is started, everything under
   (except must be handled by app itself.

2. If your app is down, any request on will end up at
   static page, hence "/error.html" should
   exists in web-app root directory by default for each web-app. If it's
   not - sorry, you'll see standard Nginx error handler instead.
   NOTE: root directory of /error.html file for Ruby/Node apps, is
   prefixed with "/public", so it's /public/error.html in these cases.

3. If your app is bound onto different domain, you'll see standard
   ServeD error page, with information that your site wasn't deployed yet.

Example deployer invocation:

 |      |     |
 |      |      \____ "domain" part, used to:
 |      |            - locate host server address
 |       \           - do remote ssh connection
 |        \
 |         \________ "name" part, used in:
 |                   - igniter name (~/Igniters/myapp.json)
  \                  - git repository push address
   \                   (by dafault:
    \                - git repository name (on remote)
      \_____________ will:
                     - do ssh connection to $ host
                     - if "svd" remote in current git repository does not
                       exists, will be created both on local and remote hosts
                     - current branch of git repository (from current
                       directory) will be pushed to "svd" remote
                     - svddeployer will be launched on remote machine, and
                       do the rest of web-app deploy

# params accepted by `svdply`:
APP_STAGE       # default: "staging"
APP_BRANCH      # default: "current_branch"
APP_USER        # default: $USER used by ssh to connect to remote host
APP_DOMAIN      # default: domain given as svdply param

# examples:
APP_STAGE=development svdply
APP_STAGE=production APP_BRANCH=production svdply

# then go to:

# and if Web App was properly configured it will just happily reply on request :)

Please note that, you may use svdpanel to monitor your app with your dependencies on remote side to watch deployment progress. Here're some assummptions for certain kinds of web-applications:

For All web-apps:

  • By default deploy process invokes sofin dependencies command which takes .dependencies file from repository root dir to determine all required software for web app (to be built properly). If file isn't detected, nothing wrong happens. For instance if you like to deploy a static web application, you may don't have .dependencies file at all.
  • Following shell environment values are passed for each web-app:
LANG                        # UTF8 value of main locale that app should use.
                            # By default it's "en_GB.UTF-8"

For Static web-apps:

STATIC_APP_NAME             # service name
STATIC_ENV                  # value of environment stage
STATIC_ROOT                 # absolute path to root directory of web-app
STATIC_PORT                 # usually unused, but still provided for web-app
STATIC_DOMAIN               # value of domain name - what user did specify
                            # by doing "svdply"

For Nodejs web-apps:

  • By default you might want to have Node entry in your .dependencies file.
  • Following shell environment values are passed to web-app:
NODE_APP_NAME               # service name
NODE_ROOT                   # absolute path to root directory of web-app
NODE_PORT                   # value contains generated port on which web-app
                            # main worker should listen on
NODE_ENV                    # value of environment stage
NODE_DOMAIN                 # value of domain name - what user did specify
                            # by doing "svdply"
NODE_PID_FILE               # value of absolute path to pid file
NODE_LOG_FILE               # value of absolute path to log file

# all of these values are accessible in environment through `process.env.VAR_NAME`

For Rails web-apps

  • By default you might want to have at least Ruby and Node entries in your .dependencies file.
  • Following shell environment values are passed to web-app:
RUBY_APP_NAME               # service name
SSL_CERT_FILE               # absolute path to cacerts file - generated
                            # and handled automatically by web-app
                            # deployment process
RAILS_ENV                   # value of environment stage of Rails
RAKE_ENV                    # value of environment stage of Rake
RUBY_ENV                    # value of environment stage of Ruby
RUBY_ROOT                   # absolute path to root directory of web-app
RUBY_PORT                   # value contains generated port on which web-app
                            # main worker should listen on
RUBY_DOMAIN                 # value of domain name - what user did specify
                            # by doing "svdply"
RUBY_PID_FILE               # value of absolute path to pid file
RUBY_LOG_FILE               # value of absolute path to log file

# all of these values are accessible in environment through `ENV['VAR_NAME']`

Conflicts/ Problems/ Known issues:

  • Deployer part isn't production ready. It works, but it's not stable yet.
  • Dispel part isn't production ready. It doesn't work for now.
  • Igniters file changes must be atomic. It's caused by direct access to igniter files from svdss. If JSON parser detects syntax error in igniter, it moves broken file from ~/Igniters directory.
  • Sofin build mechanism is known to be in conflict with other software managment solutions like: BSD Ports, HomeBrew, MacPorts, Fink or Nix. Keep that in mind before reporting problems.
  • It's recommended to change shell by doing: chsh -s /Software/Zsh/exports/zsh for each user which will use TheSS. TheSS internally uses Shell from that path by default (currently Shell path is hardcoded due to lack of TheSS config in current version)


  • "I don't want to use Sofin to install my software" - Thess is by definition designed to make use of Sofin software. If you want to use thess with some other utility - not Sofin - you're on your own. I'm not interested in developing any additional package managment support ever. It's that simple.
  • "It doesn't work at all. No services are starting" - First, make sure you have working "svdss" in background. Then make sure you have default shell installed for launched services (/Software/Zsh). If you still have problems, please report.
  • "I've found a SIGSEGV in your crappy code. How to help you track it?" - First of all, disable optimizations in src/ Replace "-O3" with "-O0 -g" in compiler flags setting. Rebuild project from scratch (bin/clean && bin/build). Then just run your code with "lldb" or "gdb", and when you reproduce an error please send me output of "bt" command. Your contibution is never forgotten!

Used 3rd party software and licenses info:

  • FreeBSD 10.1 codebase parts were used (BSD licensed)
  • QsLog MT logger implementation by razvanpetru (MIT licensed)
  • Hiredis client library by Salvatore Sanfilippo and Pieter Noordhuis (BSD licensed)
  • QuaZIP by Sergey A. Tachenov and contributors (LGPL licensed)
  • QT 5.3.x implementation by Trolltech and Nokia (LGPL licensed)
  • JAYL 2.0.x JSON Library by Lloyd Hilaiel (BSD-like license)
  • Zeromq4 by iMatix Corporation (LGPL / MPLv2 license)
  • nzmqt - A lightweight C++ Qt binding for 0mq, by Johann Duscher (BSD licensed)


The ServeD Service Spawner - trigger controlled, system agnostic utility, to spawn server software by touch of a magic wand.






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