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VisibleSim and its applications. VisibleSim is a general simulator for modular robots.



  • Boost C++ Libraries >= 1.47.0
  • GLUT
  • GLEW
  • SBCL - to compile Meld programs

NOTE: video card drivers have to be correctly installed. Otherwise, VisibleSim crashes when moving the mouse on the simulated modules.

Mac Installation

1. Install dependencies:

brew install boost --with-mpi --without-single
brew install freeglut
brew install glew
brew install sbcl

2. make

NOTE: VisibleSim uses boost::interprocess::interprocess_semaphore. Unfortunately, its implementation in Boost 1.56 is buggy on MacOS 10.9.5. VisibleSim compiles but throws an exception at runtime saying the function is not implemented. Boost 1.56 actually implementes interprocess_semaphore using POSIX unnamed semaphores, which are not implemented in MacOS 10.9.5. To fix that bug, edit /usr/local/include/boost/interprocess/sync/interprocess_semaphore.hpp and comment the following lines to make Boost use SPIN semaphore (see the official ticket boost1.56-ticket for more details):

  #include <boost/interprocess/sync/posix/semaphore.hpp>

Ubuntu Installation

1. Intall dependencies:

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev
sudo apt-get install libglew-dev
sudo apt-get install sbcl

2. make


Application examples

Application examples are available in applicationsSrc/ folder. For instance, in bbCycle, blocks change their color every two seconds using their own local clock. Since local clocks drift apart, the color change are very quickly desynchronized.

Implementing a new application

To implement a new application, add a folder in applicationsSrc/, program the application (see Application examples and the documentations available in doc/), add the folder name in SUBDIR macro in applicationsSrc/Makefile.

Running an application

VisibleSim supports both c++ applications and Meld appplications (currently, only Blinky Block environment supports Meld programming). Regardless of the type of application you want to run, you must press 'r' (real-time mode) or 'R' (fastest mode) in the simulator window to launch the simulation.

Running a c++ application

To execute an application named myApp, compile it with make in the root folder, cd into applicationsBin/myApp, create an appropriate xml configuration file (see other configuration files in applicationsBin/ folders, and run ./myApp -c configuration.xml. By default, config.xml is loaded, but you can provide another configuration file with -c option.

Running a Meld application

Meld programs only run on Blinky Blocks for now. To execute a Meld program on VisibleSim, ensure that blinkyMeld application is compiled (blinkyMeld had belong to SUBDIR macro in applicationsSrc/Makefile when the last make in the repository root folder was performed). Then, cd into applicationsBin/blinkyMeld/ and run:

./ [path to your Meld program] // to compile your Meld program.
./blinkyMeld -c configuration.xml // to run your Meld program.

Press 'r' to run the simulation.

Meld program examples are available in applicationsBin/blinkyMeld/meld/programs. All programs were not tested.


A general simulator for DiMEMS, modular robots and multicore systems






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