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install the dependencies (see: INSTALL)

in the project directory, open a terminal:

  make start-gdb-server

in the project directory, on another terminal:

  make # compile project

then use any of them, optional:

  make write              # write binary to MCU directly. No debugging.
  make debug-cmd          # debug using arm-none-eabi-gdb in the command line
  make debug-codeblocks   # debug using code::blocks ide
  make debug-kdbg         # debug using kdbg


General Instructions

Whether Windows, Linux or any other OS, you need the following piece of software installed:

  1. Debugger server:
      an application that will forward requests to/from STM32 and
      a local TCP port with GDB protocol

          eg. st-util, openocd

  2. Debugger executable: specifically `arm-none-eabi-gdb`
  3. Compiler: specifically `arm-none-eabi-gcc`
  4. ChibiOS source code
  5. Optionally: A GUI debugger with remote debug capabilities.

        eg. code::blocks, qtcreator, eclipse

      Configure your GUI debugger/IDE:

          1. Debugger SHOULD use project's Makefile when compiling before debug
          2. Debugger MUST use `arm-none-eabi-gdb` binary to connect to the debugger
          3. Debugger MUST connect to remote debugger at "localhost:4242"
             when debugging
          4. Debugger MUST run the commands (present in `./gdb-init` file)
             after connecting to the remote debugger
          5. Debugger MUST NOT run the compiled code in the current machine

  You should include all binaries in your PATH environment variable. ChibiOS
  and any other libraries should be in your search path as well.

Linux instructions:

1: Debugger server:

    download `st-util` and add the directory to the path:

        mkdir ~/bin
        cd ~/bin
        git clone
        cd stlink
        sudo make install
        sudo cp *.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
        # unplug STM32 usb cable
        # plug STM32 usb cable  
  1. and 3.: Debugger executable and the compiler:

    download and install gdb-arm-none-eabi. use one of the following:

     do the following on Debian/Ubuntu:
       sudo apt-get install gdb-arm-none-eabi
       download the tarball:
       add this path to the `$PATH` variable in `~/.profile` file:
           export PATH
       make sure your `.profile` file is sourced. For example, in Debian LXDE,
       we need to do the following:
           cd ~; ln -s .profile .xsessionrc
4. Download ChibiOS source code:

      download Chibios 3.x:

          cd ~
          git clone

          # if you dowloaded ChibiOS anywhere else from "$HOME" dir,
          ln -s /path/to/Chibios-3.x ~/ChibiOS

5. Dowload and configure GUI Debugger: Code::Blocks

      configuration steps for code::blocks:

          1. Project -> Properties // Project Settings --> do tick: "This is a custom Makefile"
          3. Project -> Properties // Debugger

              Select Target: <Project>

              Remote Connection:
                  IP address: localhost
                  Port: 4242

              Additional GDB Commands:
                  After Connection:
           4.        (copy and paste `./gdb-init` file contents here)

           2. Settings -> Compiler and Debugger Settings //
              // Global Compiler Settings
                // Selected compiler: select any name you want
                // Debugger executable path: $(which arm-none-eabi-gdb)
            5.  // Do *not* run the debugee


1.: Install "st-util" gdb server:

      Search net for: "how to install st-util gdb server for windows"
      Follow the instructions

2. and 3.: Download and install "gcc-arm-embedded toolchain"

4. Download ChibiOS source code as described in "Linux" section.

5. Download your favourite IDE and configure it as described in either "Linux"
   section or "General instructions" section.


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  • Makefile 88.4%
  • Python 8.0%
  • Shell 3.6%