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Speech Recognition in JavaScript

PocketSphinx.js is speech recognizer that runs entirely in the web browser. It is built on:

  • a speech recognizer written in C (PocketSphinx) converted into JavaScript using Emscripten,
  • an audio recorder using the Web Audio API.

You can try it on the project page: and have a look at our FAQ.

Table of contents:

  1. Overview
  2. Compilation of pocketsphinx.js
  3. API of pocketsphinx.js
  4. Using pocketsphinx.js inside a Web Worker with recognizer.js
  5. Wiring recognizer.js to the audio recorder
  6. Live demo
  7. Test suite
  8. Notes about speech recognition and performance
  9. License

1. Overview

This project includes several components that can be used independently:

  • pocketsphinx.js, a JavaScript library generated by emscripten which is basically PocketSphinx wrapped to provide a simpler API, and compiled into JavaScript.
  • recognizer.js, a wrapper around pocketsphinx.js inside a Web Worker to unload the UI thread from downloading and running the large JavaScript file and running the costly speech recognition process.
  • audioRecorder.js, an audio recording library, based on Recorderjs. It converts the recorded samples to the proper sample rate and pass them to the recognizer.
  • callbackManager.js, a small utility to interact with Web Workers with calls and callbacks rather than message passing.

The file webapp/live.html illustrates how these work together in a real application, that is a good starting point. Make sure you load it through a web server or start Chrome with --disable-web-security.

2. Compilation of pocketsphinx.js

A prebuilt version of pocketsphinx.js is available in webapp/js, or you can build it yourself. Below is the procedure on Linux (and probably Mac OS X). On Windows, refer to the emscripten manual.

You will need:

The build is a classic CMake cross-compilation, using the toolchain provided by emscripten:

$ cd .../pocketsphinx.js # This folder
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DEMSCRIPTEN=1 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=path_to_emscripten/cmake/Platform/Emscripten_unix.cmake ..
$ make

This generates pocketsphinx.js. At this point, optimization level and packaged files (acoustic model) are hard-coded, so modify CMakeLists.txt directly if you would like to change those.

3. API of pocketsphinx.js

You can interact with pocketsphinx.js directly if you need to, but it is probably easier to build your application against the API of recognizer.js described in a later section.

3.1 Principles

The file pocketsphinx.js can be directly included into an html file but as it is fairly large (a few MB, depending on the optimization level used during compilation), downloading and loading it will take time and affect the UI thread. So, as explained later, you should use it inside a Web Worker, for instance using recognizer.js.

You should probably have a look at emscripten's docs to understand how to interact with emscripten-generated JavaScript. For instance, to retrieve the recognizer's state:

$ var getState = Module.cwrap('psGetState');
$ var state = getState();

Calls to pocketsphinx.js functions are synchronous, that's also why you probably need to load it in a Web Worker, as explained in later sections. The recognizer can be at any of these states:

  • UNINITIALIZED = 0, when the file is just loaded.
  • INITIALIZED = 1, after a successful call to the initialization function, and any time it is ready to perform actions.
  • ENTERING_GRAMMAR = 3, when it is getting grammar data.
  • RECORDING = 4, when it is getting audio data.

Most calls return an error code, which can be one of the following:

  • SUCCESS = 0, if the action was performed successfully.
  • BAD_STATE = 1, if the current state does not allow the action.
  • BAD_ARGUMENT = 2, if the argument provided is invalid.
  • RUNTIME_ERROR = 3, if there is a runtime error in the recognizer.

3.2 Calls

In order to allocate and free memory, we import malloc and free first:

var c_malloc = Module.cwrap('malloc', 'number', ['number']);
var c_free = Module.cwrap('free', 'number', ['number']);

a. psGetState

Retrieves the current state:

var psGetState = Module.cwrap('psGetState');
var state = psGetState(); // Gets the current state of the recognizer

b. psGetHyp

Retrieves the current hypothesis (the recognized string up to this point). It can be called at any time. If it is called during recording, this is the hypothesis up to that point, otherwise, it is the hypothesis of the last recorded sentence, after the second pass (more accurate than hypothesis during recognition):

var psGetHyp = Module.cwrap('psGetHyp', 'string');
var hyp = psGetHyp(); // Gets the current hypothesis

c. psInitialize

Initializes the recognizer. This can take a few seconds, that's one of the reasons why you should use pocketsphinx.js inside a Web Worker.

var psInitialize = Module.cwrap('psInitialize');
var output = psInitialize(); // Returns 0 if successful, see possible error codes above

Note that if the recognizer is already initialized, it will return BAD_STATE.

d. psStartGrammar

At this point, poketsphinx.js can only use Finite State Grammars (FSG) as language models. To input grammars, you should be in the INITIALIZED state, call psStartGrammar, add transitions with psAddTransition, then call psEndGrammar. Before that, you must have added all words used in the grammar with psAddWord, described below.

var psStartGrammar = Module.cwrap('psStartGrammar', 'number', ['number']);
var numStates = 1; // Number of states in the FSG
var output = psStartGrammar(numStates); // Returns 0 if successful, see possible error codes above

e. psEndGrammar

Once all transitions have been added, this should be called to close the grammar and retrieve its id. The given id will be used to switch to that grammar. A call to psEndGrammar, if successful, always switch the recognizer to the grammar so that no call to psSwitchGrammar is necessary to use it right away. It takes as argument a pointer to an allocated 4 byte-integer that will be set to the value of the id of the newly added grammar:

var psEndGrammar = Module.cwrap('psEndGrammar', 'number', ['number']);
var id_ptr = c_malloc(4); // Creates a pointer to receive the value of the id
var out = psEndGrammar(id_ptr); // Returns 0 if successful, see possible error codes above
var id = getValue(id_ptr, 'i32'); // Gets the value of the id
c_free(id_ptr); // Frees the memory

f. psSwitchGrammar

The recognizer can switch, at runtime, between grammars, using their id provided by psEndGrammar. For instance:

var psSwitchGrammar = Module.cwrap('psSwitchGrammar', 'number', ['number']);
var myGrammarId = 5; // Value that was given by call to psEndGrammar
var out = psSwitchGrammar(myGrammarId); // Returns 0 if successful, see possible error codes above

g. psAddWord

All words used in grammars must be present in the pronunciation dictionary. Refer to the CMU Pronunciation Dictionary site if you are not familiar with it.

var psAddWord = Module.cwrap('psAddWord', 'number', ['number','number']);
var word = "HELLO";
var pronunciation = "HH EH L OW"; // CMU dict syntax
// We create C strings from the JavaScript strings:
var word_ptr = Module.allocate(intArrayFromString(word), 'i8', ALLOC_STACK); 
var pron_ptr = Module.allocate(intArrayFromString(pronunciation), 'i8', ALLOC_STACK);
var out = psAddWord(word_ptr, pron_ptr); // Returns 0 if successful, see possible error codes above

h. psAddTransition

Transitions should be added to grammars between the calls to psStartGrammar and psEndGrammar. For now, we assume states start at 0 and numStates - 1 is the last state, if the grammar has numStates states.

var psAddTransition = Module.cwrap('psAddTransition', 'number', ['number','number','number']);
var word = "HELLO"; // The word should already have been added with psAddWord
var word_ptr = Module.allocate(intArrayFromString(word), 'i8', ALLOC_STACK);
var from_state = 0; // First state of the transition
var to_state = 1; // Second state of the transition
var out = psAddTransition(from_state, to_state, word_ptr); // Returns 0 if successful, see possible error codes above

i. psStart

Starts the recognition process, using the last added grammar or the one set with the last call to psSwitchGrammar. The recognizer should be at the INITIALIZED state to be able to start recognition.

var psStart = Module.cwrap('psStart');
var out = psStart();  // Returns 0 if successful, see possible error codes above

j. psStop

Stops the recognition process. As the recognizer will run a second pass when this is called, the hypothesis return by psGetHyp is more accurate after than before the call to psStop.

var psStop = Module.cwrap('psStop');
var out = psStop();  // Returns 0 if successful, see possible error codes above

k. psProcess

Audio data should be sent to the recognizer using repeated calls to this function, between calls to psStart and psStop. Data should be 2-byte integers (audio should be 16 kHz, 16 bit).

var psProcess = Module.cwrap('psProcess', 'number', ['number','number']);
var array = ... // array contains the audio samples
var buffer = c_malloc(2 * array.length);
// The buffer must be filled in with calls to setValue
for (var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++)
    setValue(buffer + i*2, array[i], 'i16');
var out = psProcess(buffer, array.length); // The data and the length of the data must be given

4. Using pocketsphinx.js inside a Web Worker with recognizer.js

Using recognizer.js, pocketsphinx.js is downloaded and executed inside a Web Worker. The file is located in webapp/js/, both recognizer.js and pocketsphinx.js must be in the same folder at runtime. It is intended to be loaded as a new Web Worker:

var recognizer = new Worker("js/recognizer.js");

You can then interact with it using messages.

4.1 Incoming Messages

Messages posted to the recognizer Worker might include the following attributes:

  • command, command to be executed,
  • data, data to be passed to the command,
  • callbackId, id to be passed to the outgoing message, used to trigger a callback.

4.2 Outgoing Messages

The worker sends messages back to the UI thread, either to call back when actions have been performed, report errors or send periodic information such as the current recognition hypothesis.

Messages posted by the recognizer worker might include:

  • status, which can be either done or error,
  • command, the command that sent the message,
  • code, an error code,
  • id, a callback id that was given in the received message
  • data, additional data that the callback function might make use of,
  • hyp, the current recognition hypothesis,
  • final, a boolean that indicates whether the hypothesis is final (sent after call to stop).

4.3 API description

a. Error codes

The error codes returned in messages posted back from the worker can be:

  • the error code returned by pocketsphinx.js as explained previously,
  • or one of the following strings:
    • "js-data", if the provided data are invalid,
    • "js-no-recognizer", if the recognizer is not initialized.

b. Initialization

Once the worker is created, the recognizer must be initialized:

var id = 0; // This value will be given in the message received after the action completes
recognizer.postMessage({command: 'initialize', callbackId: id});

Once it is done, the recognizer will post a message back, for instance:

  • {status: "done", command: "initialize", id: clbId}, if successful, where clbId is the callback id given in the original command message.
  • {status: "error", command: "initialize", code: initStatus}, if there is an error, where initStatus is the value returned by the call to psInitialize, see above for possible values.

c. Adding words

Words to be recognized must be added to the recognizer before they can be used in grammars. See previous sections to know more about the format of dictionary items. Words can be added at any time after the recognizer is initialized, and several words can be added at once:

var words = [["ONE", "W AH N"], ["TWO", "T UW"], ["THREE", "TH R IY"]]; // An array of pairs [word, pronunciation]
recognizer.postMessage({command: 'addWords', data: words, callbackId: id});

The message back could be:

  • {id: clbId}, the provided callback id, if given, as explained before, if successful.
  • {status: "error", command: "addWords", code: code}, if error, where possible values of the error code was described above.

d. Adding grammars

As described previously, any number of grammars can be added. The recognizer can then switch between them. A grammar can be added at once using a JavaScript object that contains the number of states and an array of transitions, for instance:

var grammar = {numStates: 3, transitions: [{from: 0, to: 1, word: "HELLO"}, {from: 1, to: 2, word: "WORLD"}]};
recognizer.postMessage({command: 'addGrammar', data: grammar, callbackId: id});

All words must have been added previously using the addWords command.

In the message back, the grammar id assigned to the grammar is given. It can be used to switch to that grammar. So the message, if successful, would be like {id: clbId, data: id, status: "done", command: "addGrammar"}, where id is the id of the newly created grammar. In case of errors, the message would be as described previously.

e. Starting recognition

The message to start recognition should include the id of the grammar to be used:

recognizer.postMessage({command: 'start', data: id}); // where id is the id of a previously added grammar.

f. Processing data

Audio samples should be sent to the recognizer using the process command:

recognizer.postMessage({command: 'process', data: array}); // array is an array of audio samples

Audio samples should be 2 byte-integers, at 16 kHz.

While data are processed, hypothesis will be sent back in a message in the form {hyp: "RECOGNIZED STRING"}.

g. Ending recognition

Recognition can be simply stopped using the stop command:

recognizer.postMessage({command: 'stop'});

It will then send a last message with the hypothesis, marked as final (which means that it is more accurate as it comes after a second pass that was trigered by the stop command). It would look like: {hyp: "FINAL RECOGNIZED STRING", final: true}.

4.4 Using CallbackManager

In order to facilitate the interaction with the recognizer worker, we have made a simple utility that helps associate callbacks to be executed when the worker posts a message responding to a command you sent. You can find callbackManager.js in webapp/js.

To use it, first create a new instance of CallbackManager:

var callbackManager = new CallbackManager();

When you post a message to the recognizer worker and want to associate a callback function to it, you first add your callback function to the manager, whih gives you a callback id in return:

recognizer.postMessage({command: 'addWords', data: words, callbackId: callbackManager.add(function() {alert("Words added");})});

In the onmessage function of your worker, use the callback manager to check and trigger callback functions:

recognizer.onmessage = function(e) {
    if ('id')) {
        // If the message has an id field, it
        // means that we might have a callback associated
        var clb = callbackManager.get(['id']);
        var data = {};
        // As mentinned previously, additional data can be passed to the callback
        // such as the id of a newly added grammar
        if('data')) data =;
        if(clb) clb(data);
    // Check for other message types here

Check live.html in webapp for more examples.

4.5 Detecting when the Worker is ready

When a new worker is instanciated, it immediately returns a worker object, but the actual download of the JavaScript files might take some time, especially in our case where pocketsphinx.js is fairly large. One way of detecting whether the files are fully downloaded and loaded is to post a first message right after it is instanciated and wait for a message back from the worker.

var recognizer;
function spawnWorker(workerurl, onReady) {
    recognizer = new Worker(workerurl);
    recognizer.onmessage = function(event) {
        // onReady will be called when there is a message
        // back

Then, after the first message back was received, propers listening to onmessage can be added:

spawnWorker("js/recognizer.js", function(worker) {
    worker.onmessage = function(e) {
    // Add what you want to do with messages back from the worker
    // Here is a good place to send the 'initialize' command to the recognizer

Of course, the worker must be able to respond to the first message, as we did in recognizer.js:

function startup(onMessage) {
    self.onmessage = function(event) {
        self.onmessage = onMessage;
// This function is called first, it triggers
// a first postmessage, then adds the proper respond to
// commands: 
startup(function(event) {
        //We deal with commands properly

All these are illustrated in webapp/live.html and recognizer.js.

5. Wiring recognizer.js to the audio recorder

We include an audio recording library based on the Web Audio API that accesses the microphone, gets audio samples, converts them to the proper sample rate (16kHz), and sends them to the recognizer. This library is derived from Recorderjs.

Include audioRecorder.js in the HTML file and make sure audioRecorderWorker.js is in the same folder. To use it, create a new instance of AudioRecorder giving it as argument a MediaStreamSource. As of Today, only Google Chrome implements it. You also need to set the recognizer attribute to a Recognizer worker, as described above.

var audio_context = new AudioContext;
// Callback once user authorises access to the microphone:
function startUserMedia(stream) {
    var input = audio_context.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
    recorder = new AudioRecorder(input);
    // The recognizer worker must be given to the recorder
    if (recognizer) recorder.recognizer = recognizer;
navigator.getUserMedia({audio: true}, startUserMedia, function(e) {
    // What happens in case of errors...

Once the recorder is up and running, you can start and stop recording and recognition with:

// To start recording:
// The hypothesis is periodically sent by the recognizer, as described previously
// To stop recording:
recorder.stop();  // The final hypothesis is sent

This is also illustrated in the given live demo, in the webapp/ folder.

Note that live audio capture is only available on recent versions of Google Chrome, and on many platforms that feature is not usable and only produces silent audio. Hopefully this will be solved soon. You can track progress on the chromium issue tracker: and

6. Live demo

The file webapp/live.html is an example of live recognition using the web audio API. It works on Chrome, if the Web audio API actually works. Note that we observed the recorded audio to be silent on most (but not all) configuration we have tried.

To build an application, this is a good starting point as it illustrates the different components decribed in this document. In that demo, three different grammars are available and the app can switch between them.

7. Test suite

There is a test suite being developed in tests/js, it makes use of QUnit. There is a README file inside the folder.

8. Notes about speech recognition and performance

If you are not familiar with speech recognition, you might need to take some time to learn some of the concepts, mainly:

  • acoustic models (we provide one small model for English but other Sphinx acoustic models can be used as well),
  • language models (at this point, we only have the API to input grammars, as FSGs, but API to input statistical language models could be added).

In terms of performance, you should get exaclty the same result as using PocketSphinx compiled on other platforms.

8.1 Acoustic model

The am folder contains an acoustic model trained with SphinxTrain. It is built using the RM1 corpus, semi-continuous, with 200 senones.

8.2 PocketSphinx

PocketSphinx.js ships with PocketSphinx and Sphinxbase version 0.8 with a few modification and fixes. Also, the model folder of PocketSphinx (which contains large acoustic and language models) was not included.

9. License

PocketSphinx licensing terms are included in the pocketsphinx and sphinxbase folders.

The files webapp/js/audioRecorder.js and webapp/js/audioRecorderWorker.js are based on Recorder.js, which is under the MIT license (Copyright © 2013 Matt Diamond).

The remaining of this software is licensed under the MIT license:

Copyright © 2013 Sylvain Chevalier

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



Speech recognition in JavaScript






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