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External APIs for BEAM

How to build the Python API

Install beampy into your local Python installation:

python install

The script depends on the JDK_HOME environment variable.

For Windows installations only: This must be set to a 32-bit Java JDK (1.6 or 1.7).


To use the BEAM Python API you need to set BEAM_HOME environment variable. On Windows, the path needs to be modified, so the Java 32-bit JVM can be found by the Python interpreter. Example python scripts can be found in the examples directory. So, on Windows try something like:

SET BEAM_HOME=C:\Users\Norman\beam-4.11.1
SET PATH=%JDK_HOME%\jre\bin\server;%PATH%
cd examples
python <file>

For Windows installations only: While running for package installations Python 2.7 (and 3.3, Norman) searches for an installed Visual Studio 2008. You can trick Python to use newer Visual Studio by setting correct path in VS90COMNTOOLS environment variable before calling (from

If you have Visual Studio 2010 installed, execute


or with Visual Studio 2012 installed (this is not working; at least not with our build server; reason is not known yet)


Build Windows native installer:

python bdist_wininst

Translation Rules

Class definitions


package org.esa.beam.framework.datamodel;
public class Product {

Python translation: A class definition is created in module beampy. The Java package path is ignored, as long as we don't encounter any naming clashes.

class Product:

C translation: We currently use void pointers to represent Java classes in C:

typedef void* Product;    

...knowing that this is not the best option since we have neither compile- nor runtime type checking this way.

Method definitions


public class Product {
    public String getName() {

Python translation: First a global function definition is generated

def Product_getName(product):

which is then used by a corresponding Python method:

class Product:
    def getName(self):

C translation: The simple class name is used as prefix, again Java package path omitted for simplicity:

char* Product_getName();

Very helpful Developer Links

C-Code Generation Considerations

  • Take care of String if used as parameter (--> const char*) or return value (by reference: char*, int max_size). (done first option)

  • Don't forget to increase global reference count when returning objects from Java VM. (done)

  • If we start from a limited number of API classes, we need to remove methods that have arguments for which no factory exists at all.

  • Need to find out which Java SE classes are used in parameter lists, but neither cannot retrieved nor instanciated. --> ApiInfo already known about this (ApiInfo.getUsedNonApiClasses()) , but not handled yet

  • How to treat method (array) parameters that ** are input, output or both (see methods) --> e.g. new parameter annotations: @In, @Out, @InOut, or simply @Const or @ReadOnly or may need to define special translation rules for these methods that have this issue ** are used as method return values (see Band.readPixels() methods) --> e.g. new annotation @Return, or @Reuse or @ReturnedIfNotNull

  • How to deal with object parameters in which a C string is passed (generator doesn't know, that a string object needs to be created), for example Product.writeHeader(Object output) --> String_newString(), in Python: String.newString(s)

  • How to translate constants defined in Java classes? --> constants are already collected (--> ApiInfo)

  • How to deal with same function names originating from overloaded Java methods (see Band.readPixels() methods) --> renaming / ignoring overloads looked up from configuration file if not in configuration file, numbering these

  • How to treat String parameters? --> Now: String s -> const char* s

  • How to treat String return values? --> Now: A char* is returned, clients must free it Alternative: return String object and offer int beam_strlen(String s); void beam_strcpy(String s, char* buf, int max_len);

  • How to treat generics? --> Fixed. Now --> and --> C

  • How to treat (primitive, string & object) arrays parameters? --> IN: float[] a --> const float* aElems, int aLength --> OUT: float[] a --> float* aElems, int aLength

  • How to treat (primitive, string & object) return values? --> float[] m() --> float* m(int* resultArrayLength)

  • How to treat object collections lists, sets, maps? --> Not addressed so far

  • How to treat enums? (e.g. HistogramMatching) --> Not addressed so far

  • How to treat public fields? (e.g. GeoPos) --> Not addressed so far

  • How to treat Java SE classes: File, Date, Point, Rectangle, etc? --> Not addressed so far. One solution is to provide factories for these objects, e.g. in Python class Rectangle: def init(self, obj): self._obj = obj @staticmethod def create(x, y, w, h): Rectangle(Rectangle_create(x, y, w, h))

    Where the global Rectangle_create() function is a defined in beampy.pyd (as BeamPyRectangle_create in C) and delegates to the Rectangle_create() function in beam_capi.dll

  • How to make sure that JNI global refs are decreased/freed? --> Not addressed so far

  • Must treat thrown exceptions! --> Not addressed so far

  • Must throw OutOfMemoryError if malloc fails! --> Not addressed so far

  • How to deal with multi-threaded C/Python programs (specifically, what about 'env' pointer in JNI, it is a per-thread environment) --> Not addressed so far

  • Care: Check ALWAYS for possible null return values (many JNI functions may return null) --> Not addressed so far. Must throw Java exceptions.

  • To-do List Code Generation

    • Python API: For C-function names used in Python types (not BEAM API fucntions), follow convention that is used in Python native code, see Python.h and other includes e.g. bytearrayobject.h.
    • Done: Use BEAM_HOME env and auto-configure JVM parameters (use Util_listDir).
    • Make sure Python classes implement correctly: eq, ne, hash ...
    • Generate usable documentation (Doxgen + PyDoc).
    • Handle reference counting JNI / Python/C.
    • Handle return parameters in Python (done in C).
    • Generate error handling code. Check all JNI and all Py return values.

    To-do BEAM API doc

    • Review and update API doc of all core classes
    • Remove all "@version $Revision$ $Date$"
    • Try to remove all HTML elements
    • Get rid of all this annoying console outputs when invoking BEAM API: SLF4J warnings, JAI plain Java error, GeoTools EPSG database creation

    Design Considerations

    Use JNI types in C-interface? Yes, because BEAM API is Java and as such it is much less verbose and more concise to reuse JNI types, and is also less work No, because the C-API shall be independent of its implementation or origin

    Duplicate Java API (or parts) 1:1? (e.g. any method in Java gets its C counterpart) Yes, because the Java API docs can be reused for C API. No, because a more concise C-API can be generated. And no, because changes in the Java API need to be reflected in the C API which will introduce a lot of work (but maybe we can generate code).

    Shall C API functions return string buffers that users have to release later? Yes, otherwise the signature of Java counterparts is will be different, because by-reference arguments passing is required then. E.g. instead of char* name = get_name(obj); ... free(name); we have char name[81]; get_name(obj, name, 80); No, because it is obvious that strings need to be freed on the users side.

    Shall the API allow for modification of single structures elements that are passed as arguments by-reference?

    Frequently seen problems

    Windows VC++ using "Debug" configuration: Fehler 11 error LNK1104: Datei "python32_d.lib" kann nicht geöffnet werden. C:\Users\Norman\JavaProjects\beam-extapi\msvc\beampy\LINK beampy

    --> No solution; Google does not help. Must use Release configuration

    Linux 32/64 Find a way to inject the '' into the runtime path using cmake.