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Gorilla Authors: Andrew Wright and Benjamin Streb Spring 2013

Welcome to Gorilla, a Go playing program. If you have issues running the GUI, there is a command prompt version available for AI vs AI combat.

Compiling Instructions

This program is compiled using cmake. Once you have cmake installed, open the command prompt, change working directory to this folder and enter: cmake ./

Afterwards type make

You should then be able to run the program by typing ./go followed by your desired arguments.


exe name: go

Arguments Result none opens a player vs player game with the 3D GUI

-no_gui opens a command prompt display meant for ai vs ai

-eval -allows the monte carlo move evaluator function. The following two arguments must be integers. The first determines how many sample games to run per move. The second determines how many turns per sample game to play.

-ai_vs_ai game will be ai vs ai mode. Next 2 arguments must be valid ai names

-ai_random an AI that chooses 1 random move from a list of legal moves excluding moves that would fill in its own eyes

-ai_monte_carlo an AI that uses random sampling to choose the best move. The following two arguments must be integers. The first determines how many sample games to run per move. The second determines how many turns per sample game to play.

Example usages: ./go ./go -ai_random ./go -ai_vs_ai -ai_random -ai_random ./go -no_gui -ai_vs_ai -ai_random -ai_monte_carlo 5 5 ./go -eval 10 3


General controls

Middle-click and drag: translate board

c: view board control visualization r: reset the board

Specific controls

Player vs. Player Player vs. AI

Press left mouse button to select a move. Right click to pass turn.

AI vs. AI

Left click to view the AI players next moves


If the evaluator argument is set, press e to evaluate a move

============================================================== Algorithms In depth

A: Go-rules enforcement A1: Piece Capture A2: Suicide Prevention A3: Ko Rule A4: scoring

B: Board state evaluation B1: Control Calculation B2: Position evaluation

C: AI 1: Monte-Carlo

There are three major categories of algorithms used in Gorilla. They are as follows:

A-Go rules enforcement B-Board state evaluation C-AI

A: Go-rules enforcement

-In Gorilla we include rules enforcement for: 1: Piece Capture 2: Suicide Prevention 3: Ko 4: Scoring

We did NOT check to prevent triple KO.

A1: Piece Capture

-Whenever a piece is placed we check the up to 4 adjacent spaces. We use these spaces as a start point for a chain detection algorithm.

The chain detection uses a map to prevent visitng the same space twice, a queue to keep track of unexpanded spaces, and a vector to track stones in the chain.

At the start, one of those 4 adjacent spaces is passed into the queue and vector. Then the queue loops until it is empty. In each iteration we pop off the head of the queue and look at the 4 adjacent spaces to the popped off element.

If one of those spaces is an open space, the loop breaks and we have determined that this chain is alive.

Any of those spaces that have stones belonging to the opponent are pushed into the queue, and the vector.

If the queue empties, it means the chain has no remaining liberties, and all stones in this chain are removed.

A2: Suicide Prevention

In Go, a move which would cause any of your own pieces to immediatly die is an illegal move. However, if your piece would take an opponent's pieces last liberty it may be placed in a space that would otherwise be illegal to place it in.

We enforce this rule by checking the most recently placed stone if it was unable to capture any enemy stones. We apply the chain detection algorithm to it alone instead of the 4 adjacent spaces. If it is included in a dead chain then this move is illegal, and changes to the board are rolled back.

A3: Ko

In order to prevent draws, and games from going on forever the rule of Ko was introduced. In Go there are board states that without this rule leave both players with the same move every turn.

Example: 1 2 3 -WB- -WB- -WB- W B ---> W-WB ------> WB-B -WB- -WB- -WB-

As you can see, white could then capture black's stone back and the board would be back to state 2. Then black could capture back, and return to stae 3 ect.

In Go it is ilegal to make a move that would cause the board to be in the same state as your previous turn ended. This is the rule of Ko.

To enforce this rule we keep track of the past 2 board states, update them as moves are made, and on turns in which single stones are captured we compare the board state to the one from 2 turns ago. If they are equal we rollback the move.


Scoring is a hard problem in Go, since scores are usually agreed upon by the players, and the definition is the ambiguously defined "terriority surrounded by your pieces"

We do have a scoring system, but it is sort of a hack that works on full boards. We re-use our board state evalution code that will be explained later. Basically, it assigns a control value to each space, and we sum these up for each player to determine a score.

B: Board state evaluation

-In order to write any form of reasonable AI we needed to implement a system by which the AI could judge how strong or weak of a position it was in at any given board state. Since the goal of Go is to surround as much of the board as possible we wanted our board state evaluation to be an attempt at quantifying control.

1: The control map

We quantified control as a float value between -1 and 1 with -1 being completely under black's control and 1 being completely under white's control. The control value for each space was stored in a 2D array mirroring that of the 2D array that tracks pieces placed on the board.

Control was calculated as follows: Whenever a piece was placed on the board, it sent out a propogation. The propogation was managed with 2 data structures: a queue representing the wave front, and a map to prevent revisiting of squares.

Initially, the control value of the newly placed piece's square was set to 1 or -1 depending on the player. It was then pushed into the queue and map.

Then the algorithm looped until the queue was empty. At each iteration it sent a propogation to each adjacent space that didn't contain an enemy stone. The power of the propogation was added against the control currently on that space. The propogation was then weakened if that space was under enemy control. If it had any power left, then this new propogation was added to the queue.

This allowed multiple ally stones in an area to grant high control while properly depicting spaces between battle lines as belonging to neither player.

The control is calculate incrementally until a piece is removed from the board. At which board the control map is reset, and the remaining pieces are added back to the board.

2: Position evaluation

With the control map calculated, a player's board position is evaluated to be the sum of all their control minus the sum of the opponent's control. We make sure to subtract out the opponent's score to deal with imaginable situations in which both players have high scores, but the opponent actually has more than you.


I implemented 2 AIs. The first is simply an AI that makes random moves. The next is an AI that uses Monte-Carlo sampling.

Both AIs use an algorithm that determines all "reasonable moves". This algorithm returns a collection of all legal moves excluding those which fill in single point eyes. Those moves are, except in rare circumstances, bad as they do nothing but reduce the amount of liberties available to your pieces.

1: Monte-Carlo AI

I implemented an extremely straight forward Monte-Carlo AI. You supply to it 2 integers G and T.

Every turn it evaluates each of the available "reasonable" moves. For each of those moves it makes a test board and makes the reasonable move. It then simulates T turns of a game in which both players proceed to make random reasonable moves. At the end of those turns in runs the position evaluation. It adds the result of this to a total. This process is repeated a total of G times, and the totals are averaged at the end. This average is used as an estimation of the value of making this move.

If this value is higher than any seen yet this turn, it is moved to the new max, and the current choice is changed to this move.

After going through all the reasonable moves, the one with the highest average board position is chosen.

Results and Reflections

I ran the following experiments: 1: Random AI versus Monte-Carlo 2: Monte-Carlo vs Monte-Carlo 3: Monte-Carlo versus Novice Humans with moderate Game and turn count

I did a large number of variations on experiment 1, by trying differing values for G and T. Here were my findings.

1: Even for the lowest values for G and T, the monte-carlo algorithm outpreforms random AI minimum 10:1. This isn't too interesting of a result but it is good to know that our AI is better than just randomly picking moves.

2: The differing results for including a higher T versus G was interesting. Upon watching about 50 games, AI running a high T value tended to make moves that grabbed more space, but rarely acted to defend threatened chains, even those with a significant number of stones. This is a result of the random nature of the monte carlo sampling. If the opponent during sampling doesnt randomly capture the stones before the AI can provide them with more liberty, it will be oblivious to the danger of losing them.

The AI with a higher count for G was able to avoid being captured in the short term, but often wasn't as aggressive for territory grab. However, against human players I hypothesize that you can get more bang for you CPU time buck by increasing G more than T. I would like to research this more closely at a later point.

3: Novice humans struggled with moderate settings for G and T but usually came out ahead in the end. The AI tends to perform well on the large scale, but is dominated in capture wars that require more focused processing. I would like to experiment with higer values, but as it stand, the calculation time for moves is prohibitive.

Overall I'm pretty satisfied by our current progress. The most pressing matter is to try to increase the algorithm efficiciency for the Monte Carlo sampling by improving the speed of our rules detection, and researching various hueristics. As it stands we've already made a few passes at optmization which yielded great gains, but it will be a challenge to reach run-times condusive for large scale tests.


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