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Bond Toolset

bondc - Command line Bond compiler. Compiles Bond source files into the CBO (compiled bond object)
file format. Optionally generates C++ bindings for native functions callable from Bond code.

Usage: bondc <options> <source files>
  -o <path>   Output CBO file. Defaults to "bond.cbo" if omitted. If -b, -c, -h and -i are
              used and -o is omitted, no CBO file is generated.
  -b <id>     Identifier for native binding collection inserted in generated C++ header and
              source files. Must be used in conjunction with -c, -h and -i.
  -c <path>   Generated C++ source file containing the definition of native function bindings.
              Must be used in conjunction with -b, -h and -i.
  -h <path>   Generated C++ header file containing the declaration of native function bindings.
              Must be used in conjunction with -b, -c and -i.
  -i <path>   Include path inserted in the generated C++ source file to include the generated
              C++ header file. Must be used in conjunction with -b, -c and -h.
  -I <path>   Add the specified path to the list of directories to be searched for included
              Bond files.
  -p32        Generate output that targets platforms having 32 bit pointers.
  -p64        Generate output that targets platforms having 64 bit pointers.

bond - Command line Bond virtual machine. Loads and executes a Bond application compiled in the
CBO file format.

Usage: bond <vm options> - <application options>
  -e <func>   Fully qualified function name to be called as the Bond application's entry point.
              Defaults to "main" if omitted. The function signature must be:
              int <func>(int argc, const char **argv)
  -s <int>    Stack size in kilobytes. Defaults to 64 if omitted.
  -           All remaining command line arguments are passed through to the Bond application.

bondd - Command line Bond disassembler. Loads CBO files and displays their contents in a human
readable format.

Usage: bondd <CBO files>

prettyprint - Command line Bond pretty printer. Parses Bond source files and prints them back out
with consistent formatting.

Usage: prettyprint <options> <source files>
  -f          Fold constant expressions and print out their literal values. Implies -s.
  -p          Print the parse tree rather than Bond source.
  -s          Enable semantic analysis and print out semantic errors.

Building Bond (make)

Bond offers a few Makefiles for common platforms. First create a symbolic link to an appropriate
Makefile. Do not use Makefile.common, it is included by the other Makefiles. For example:

ln -s Makefile.gcc Makefile

To build the Bond static library, type:


To build the Bond toolset, type:

make tools

To run the unit tests, type:

make test

Building Bond (Visual Studio)

Bond also offers a Visual Studio solution that is known to work with Visual Studio 2019. Open up
the bond.sln solution with Visual Studio and build.


Source code for the Bond scripting language runtime library and command line toolset.







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