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Committed 1/25/14 to GITHUB (username: chucklingchuck)

1) LDFE and LDFE-EQ angular quadratures.
2) Region definitions.
3) LDFE spatial discretization.
4) One-to-one mapping across region.
5) XML parser.
6) HDF5 output of angular flux.

Plans for V.2
1) Add isotropic and anisotropic scattering using source iteration.
2) Add external source option.
3) Verify balance parameter improves with increasing quadrature order.
4) Add the Jarrell-Adams mapping schemes to allow regions with different quadrature order.

Plans for V.2+
1) Investigate alternative mapping algorithms.
2) Investigate adaptive schemes.
3) Implement OpenMP to multi-thread sets of directions.
4) Look at aggregation and scheduling methods that minimize solve times.