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Stencila is a platform for creating documents that are driven by data. At present we have two types of documents,

  • Stencils : like traditional templates for embedding data analysis and presentation code but designed to allow what-you-see-is-what-you-get editing while still maintaining reproducibility (think RMarkdown meets Jade meets Google Docs)

  • Sheets : like traditional spreadsheets but with cells that are expressions in the host language (i.e. R or Python or ...) and built from the ground up to for transparency, testability an version control while still maintaining accessibility (think R meets Google Sheets meets git)

The core engine is written in C++ with thin wrappers in to host languages, e.g. R and Python (Javascript, Julia and more languages to come), and browser based user interfaces. Stencila is designed to be used on locally (i.e on your computer) or remotely (i.e. in the cloud on someone else's computer). To install locally see the instructions below (sorry, only Linux is well supported at this stage) or try building one of the packages yourself. If you just want to see what this is all about, go to the hub at where you can activate a stencil or sheet to play around with on someone else's computer!

Things are still very "beta" so please give us your suggestions by creating an issue or chatting with us on Gitter.

Join the chat at Issues Ready Doing Build


Head on over to the releases page for instructions on installing the Stencila package for R or Python. Stencila components are placed in a "store" on your machine. The default Stencila store is ~/.stencila but you can use other store directories and specify them in a semicolon separated list in an environment variable STENCILA_STORES.


Building quick start

Running make will build the C++, Python and R packages in a subdirectory corresponding to build/OS/ARCH/VERSION. There are separate Makefile shortcuts. e.g

  • make cpp-requires : build all requirements for the C++ package
  • make cpp-requires-boost etc : build the required Boost libraries
  • make cpp-package : build the C++ package
  • make py-tests : run Python tests suites
  • make r-package : build the R package
  • make r-tests : run R test suites
  • make r-install : install the R package on the host machine

These shortcut tasks should build necessary dependencies e.g. r-tests first builds the R package.

Tool chain requirements

The C++ libraries requires the usual build tool suspects e.g. make, cmake, git. Stencila is developed and tested using g++. A recent version of g++ (>=4.8) supporting features of the C++11 standard is necessary.


Provisioning scripts are available for Linux which install the necessary build tools. These scripts can be run on your machine or simply perused to see what is needed. Currently, provisioning scripts are provided for:


For Microsoft Windows we recommend building under MSYS2 which provides a up-to-date and convenient way of compiling using the MinGW-w64 Windows port of g++. This section provides a guide to setting up a toolchain for building Stencila packages. Where possible, we use the MSYS2 package manager, pacman to install required dependencies. If a package is not available for pacman (see the list here) then we recommend installing via the choco package manager. If the choco package is out of date then we resort to manual installation.

  • Install MYSYS2 and Chocolatey.

  • Open the MYSY2 shell and install necessary build tools and libraries using pacman:

     pacman -S base-devel cmake gcc git mingw-w64-x86_64-python2-pip msys2-devel unzip zip
     pacman -S openssl libssh2
  • Install R using the Windows installer provided at and make sure the R binary directory is added to the path e.g.

     setx path "%path%;C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.1\bin"
  • Install required R packages:

     Rscript -e "install.packages(c('Rcpp','roxygen2','svUnit','XML'),repos='')"
  • If you want to deliver any of the Stencila packages to (using Makefile recipes such as cpp-deliver, r-deliver) you will need to install the Amazon Web Services Command Line Interface. Although there is a Windows Installer is seems easier to install the awscli package into the MSYS2 environment as in Linux:

     pip install awscli

    For some reason, aws configure within an MSYS2 shell does not seem to work, so configure aws by adding the files described here:

     mkdir ~/.aws
     nano ~/.aws/credentials
     nano ~/.aws/config

C++ package requirements

The Stencila C++ package has a number of required dependencies. At present these are:

The Makefile defines the required version of each of these libraries and make cpp-requires will build and install them in the cpp/requires directory.We have taken this approach of local installs to avoid clashes with different versions that may already be globally installed on your machine. Local installation is unusual for C/C++ libraries but allows for better management of dependencies and is a modern approach used in other languages (e.g. virtualenv for Python and the Node package manager)

We link statically to these libraries and distribute a large dynamic library for each Stencila package (e.g R and Python packages). On Linux this requires that all libraries are compiled with Position Independent Code (i.e. -fPIC gcc flag). An alternative would be to link dynamically to these libraries and then do some dependency checking on the user's machine to see which dynamic libaries need to be installed. Whilst distributing a large static library is not ideal, at present it is preferred over doing the more complex dependency checking which includes ensuring the right version of libraries is available. See here and here for further discussion.

Building and testing with Vagrant

Vagrant is a tool for creating lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments. If you want to build Stencila for different operating systems or architectures we recommend using Vagrant. The Vagrantfile includes multiple virtual machine (VM) configurations and uses the provisioning scripts to setup each VM with the tools needed to build Stencila. See the comments at the top of the Vagrantfile for instructions.

Building and testing on Windows

If you are running Windows in a virtual machine (e.g. VirtualBox) for better performance it is recommended to use a build directory that is on the VM (instead of the default stencila/build/OS/ARCH/VERSION directory that is within a shared folder on the host). Within the MinGW-w64 Win64 shell create a build directory on the guest VM, change into the stencila directory on the host (in this example, mapped to drive Z:) and then specify the build directory when invoking make:

mkdir -p c:/build
cd /z
make cpp-package BUILD=c:/build

For some reason, the Makefile recipe r-package causes an error on Windows:

$ make r-package BUILD=c:/build
cd /c/build/r/3.2; R CMD INSTALL --build stencila
* installing to library 'C:/Program Files/R/R-3.2.1/library'
Error: ERROR: no permission to install to directory 'C:/Program Files/R/R-3.2.1/library'
Makefile:950: recipe for target '/c/build/r/3.2/' failed
make: *** [/c/build/r/3.2/] Error 1

To work around this, run the MinGW-w64 Win64 Shell as an administrator and then run the build command from there e.g.

cd /c/build/r/3.2
R CMD INSTALL --build stencila


We are using semantic version numbers so versions like "0.y.z" indicate that the library is still in initial development phase. It is still early days so the API will change frequently. Don't rely on API stability until the release of version 1.0.0.


We appreciate any help with Stencila development! The issues list is a good place for contributing ideas. Even better, visit the kanban board at or to see which issues are ready to be tackled.


Documents powered by data







No packages published


  • C++ 56.8%
  • JavaScript 23.2%
  • R 6.0%
  • Makefile 3.8%
  • HTML 3.6%
  • CSS 3.0%
  • Other 3.6%