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      Frédéric van der Essen.

	You must first get the dependences. They are 'libpng' and 'libxml2'
	On debian like OS you can install with 
	'apt-get install libpng-dev libxml2-dev' as root.

	To compile simply type 'make all in' the Makefile directory. 

	The resulting binary is called renderer.bin. It can be called with 
	those arguments. All arguments must be separated by spaces, and 
	there cannot be space between the equal sign and the argument value.

	Mendatory arguments : 
		-scene=PATH   : the path to the sdl scene file
	Optional arguments:
		-out=PATH     : path to the png output (default: 'out.png') 
		-sx=INT       : the horizontal rendering size (default:256)
		-sy=INT       : the vertical rendering size   (default:256)
		-h(elp)       : displays this message.
		-samples=INT  : oversampling (default:2)
		-dither=FLOAT : dithering [0,1], (default:0.9)
		-photonmap=FLOAT : photon radius (default:0.2)
		-bounce=INT   : photon bounces (default: 3)
		-kdtdepth=INT : kdtree max depth (default: 10 )
		-kdtleaf=INT  : triangles in kdtree leaves (default: 20)
		-h(elp)       : displays this message.
	Sdl file format Modifications : 
	The only supported geometry is the OBJ. The xml syntax is :
			 <Obj src="PATH" /> 

	The path has to be specified from the renderer.bin directory

	The Obj must have valid vertex normals for a correct rendering. 

	The method specification is usually in the .h files, except for static
	functions. Source files are in the src/ directory.

	ga_math.c	<- Matrix and vectors 
	ga_geom.c	<- Triangle, Models, Obj file loading, 
			   Primitive intersection. 
	ga_scene.h	<- scene and scene graph data structure :
				- lamps
				- materials
				- transforms
				- scene
	ga_scene.c	<- scene and scene graph data structure implementation,
			   scene graph transformation.
	ga_scene_load.c	<- sdl file loading
	ga_img.c	<- image, zbuffer, image save
	ga_raytrace.c	<- core rendering, raytracing, creating the photon map.
	ga_shading.c	<- Shading.
	ga_kdt.c 	<- kdtree generation and traversal.
	ga_photonmap.c  <- Photon mapping basic structure and functions.
	ga_list.c	<- linked list
	ga_main.c	<- parsing arguments, main function

	The steps used to render are the following.
	1 Command line parameters 	: ga_main.c
	2 Load SDL file			: ga_scene_load.c
	3 Loading obj			: ga_geom.c
	4 Apply scene graph		: ga_scene.c
	5 Construct KD-Tree		: ga_kdt.c
	6 Photon Pass			: ga_raytrace.c
	7 Render Pass			: ga_raytrace.c
	8 Image save			: ga_img.c


	the acceleration structure implemented is a KD-Tree. However the algorithm
	building the KD-Tree builds in fact an Octree as it was found more efficient
	than KD-Tree without SAH. 
	The maximum depth of the tree, and the number of triangle before a branch
	is pruned can be controlled trough command line arguments, but the default
	values are fine for most purposes.

	All the objects triangles are transformed by the scenegraph before they are
	put into one single triangle pool. That pool is then processed to create
	a KD-Tree. All Object information has thus been lost in the rendered structures,
	triangle hold a pointer to their material. 
	There are 4 kinds of materials implemented.
	PhongMaterial and DiffuseMaterial: 
	Those are basic diffuse and specular materials as specified by the sdl format
	specification. However their usage is not advised.

	Allows to combine several materials to be combined into one as specified by
	the Sdl format specifications.

	This kind of material has access to all the available render feature, and
	can combine Specularity and diffuse into one single declaration. 
	Here is the list of all available options and features 
	- the default value is zero for all vectors and numbers. 
	- the numeric range given are only for informative purposes. 
	- if a *_factor is set to zero, the corresponding feature is not
	  computed. this is the default behaviour
	- all the effect are computed independantly from each other and
	  the result is added together. If you want to preserve light energy,
	  the factors must add to 1.
			diff_color=<vec>		: the diffuse color.
			diff_factor=<float>[0,1]	: the intensity of the diffuse shading
			spec_color=<vec>		: the specular color
			spec_power=<float>[0,50]	: the specular power / shininess
			spec_factor=<float>[0,1]	: the intensity of the specularity.
			emit color is color emited by the object, independant of light
			and direction.

			emit_color<vec>			: the emit light color.
			emit_factor<float>[0,1]		: the intensity of the emited light

			flat shading is just like diffuse shading but it is independant
			from light direction. 

			flat_color<vec>			: the flat shading color
			flat_factor<float>[0,1]		: the intensity of flat shading.
			metallic reflections, intensity is constant with incident angle.

			ref_color<vec>			: the color of the reflection. (white for metal)
			ref_factor<float>[0,1]		: the intensity of reflection.
			soft_ref_angle<float>[0,1]	: this is the tangent of the soft reflection angle.
							  0 means hard , 1 means 45 deg angle. 
			soft_ref_sample<int>[0-8]	: the number of sample used for soft reflections.
							  0 means 1 sample.
			ambiant occlusion takes for each point how close it is from other things.
			and maps it to a color. For that it takes the average distance from
			that point to other objects in the scene. 
			AO is specified by two distances and two colors.
			if an object is located below the min_distance it is associated to
			the min_color. if it is further than the max_distance it is
			associated to the max color. In between a mix of the two colors is used. 
			Usually the min distance is set small, min_color negative, max distance
			is big (>1) and the color positive. 

			ao_sample<int>[1-8]	: the number of sample used for AO. 0 is no AO.
			ao_factor<float>[0,1]   : the intensity of ambiant occlusion.
			ao_min_dist<float>[0,0.1] : the close distance.
			ao_max_dist<float>[0.5,9] : the far distance.
			ao_min_color<vec>	  : the close color.
			ao_max_color<vec>	  : the far color.

			global illumination allows indirect and sky lighting. Indirect
			lighting is specified by the photons in lamp and the photonmap
			parameters. sky lighting is specified by the scene background

			gi_sample<int>[0-8]	: the number of sample for sky lighting. 
						  0 -> no sky lighting.
			gi_factor<float>[0,1]   : the intensity of sky lighting and indirect
	Lights intensity decreases with square of distance to be coherent 
	with photon mapping and physical expectations. The intensity number can thus
	be pretty high. 
	Lights can have a radius for soft shadows. 
	Lights also throw photons for indirect lighting. A number around 200 000 
	per light gives nice results with default photonmap settings. 

	There is only one kind of light : the point light. 

			radius<float>[0,2] 	: the lamp radius for soft shadows
			samples<int>[1-8]	: the samples for soft shadows
			photons<int>[100K-10M]	: the number of photon sent
			photon_weight<float>[1,8]	: to increase the indirect 
						  lighting intensity.
	The photon maps allows to compute efficiently the indirect lighting of the
	scene. In a first pass all lights shoot photons in random directions.
	Their intersection with the scene is stored in the photon map.
	In the full render we can thus estimate the indirect lighting by looking
	at the photons close to the ray intersection point.

	There two parameters for the photon map given to the command line :
		-photonmap=<float>[0.05-0.3]	: the radius of the photons.
					the larger they are, to slower is
					the render and the less details there is.
					However, the smaller they are, the higher
					the noise in the render.
					for a precise render 0.07 is a good value.
					If there is still too much noise, you can
					increase the photons sent by the lights.
		-bounce=<int>[2-4]	the number of bounces before a photon dies
					after 4 the photons usually have small
					energy, so more is useless.
	The photon map implemented differs from the solution found in the
	litterature. Usually a balanced kd-tree is used. However to
	simplify the design this implementation uses a regular grid with
	cells the size of a photon radius. This makes it a little slower
	and prevents us from using the photonmap for precise caustics. 

	A number of sample can be specified to the renderer to be used per pixel
	with the -samples= parameter of the command line. The square of this
	number is the actual sample count used. 

	discretisation of the pixel intensities from float to byte can introduce
	banding. Dithering adds some noise to the process to remove the banding.
	the argument -dither=<float>[0,1] gives the intensity of the dithering
	the default value is 0.9
	All lights are considered active at all times, but multiple lights are
	taken into account both with the raytracer and rasteriser. 
	field of view specifies the horizontal view angle in degrees. 

	The raytracer doesn't render backfacing faces, making it about two times
	faster. (early check in intersection test) 

	Ray triangle algorithm is based on a paper by Tomas Moller and Ben 

	The raytracer is multithreaded with 8 threads by default. this can be 
	changed with the define in src/ga_raytrace.h 

	the obj loader has a 500 000 vertex and face limit to simplify the 
	implementation. It will be removed when it will be a limiting factor. if
	bigger obj are needed, you can change the define in src/ga_geom.h.

	The fast kd-tree construction and traversal algorithms found in
	literature have been difficult to implement without resulting
	in strange artefacts. The algorithms implemented are smaller
	but more robust. Faster algorithms can be found commented out in
	the code. 

	Gathering the photons in the photonmap to ensure correct intensity
	has been difficult as the usually proposed heuristics are not
	compatible with my photonmap implementation. 

	Different test files are proposed in the xml directory. Those
	can be rendered with the default render parameters without
	problems, and should take about 10 min to render.


A raytracer / rasterizer for the Graphics course @ UCL






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