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LIME: Lisp Implementation with Moderate Effort

(was: Lisp Implementation with Minimal Effort)

LIME is a dynamic programming language with LISP-like syntax. It started out as a minimal subset of LISP, and quickly incorporated several new features that enable different programming styles. Here are a few facts:

  • partial function application
  • call-by-value semantics and eager evaluation as default
  • optional, explicit delayed evaluation
  • optional call-by-reference
  • macros
  • input and output code as data
  • a library for infinite streams
  • constructs for both functional and imperative programming
  • a REPL with auto-indent

All together, these features allow for implementing most of the functionality in the standard library - written in LIME itself - leaving the interpreter relatively small.


Dependencies (as in only tested with):

  • gcc >= 4.7
  • Boost >= 1.48
  • bash

Simply issue make. You may want to set up a symlink or alias in order to have the lime binary in your PATH.


Either run a program with lime path/to/myprogram.lm or work interactively in the REPL by just running lime. The REPL supports multi-line expressions and has a rudimental auto-indenting facility.

Language overview

Basic syntax:

  • (begin expr1 expr2 ...) (evaluate several expressions sequentially, in the current environment; the last expression determines the return value of the whole block)
  • (local expr1 expr2 ...) (evaluate the expressions in a nested environment; the last expression determines the return value of the whole block)
  • (define x expr) (define a symbol for the first time in the current environment)

Note that a nested definition of the same symbol shadows it:

lime> (define x 1)
lime> (local (define x 2) x)
lime> x

However, we cannot redefine a symbol in the same environment:

lime> (define y 1)
lime> (define y 2)
ERROR: attempting to redefine symbol 'y'.
  • (set! x expr) (redefine a syimbol in the innermost environment where it is already defined)

    lime> (define z 1)
    lime> (set! z 2)
    lime> z
    lime> (local (set! z 3))
    lime> z
    lime> (local (define z 4) (set! z 5))
    lime> z

We cannot define a symbol for the first time using set!:

lime> (set! a 42)
ERROR: argument 'a' to 'set!' is undefined.

The exclamation mark in set! is a warning that the function potentially changes the value its argument points to (in functional programming terms, it is impure). When you define a function that either does that (we will see shortly how to do that) or redefines a symbol in the external environment, it is a good practice to suffix it with a "!" (however, the language does not enforce this).

  • (if cond expr1 expr2) (if cond evaluates to true, returns expr1, otherwise expr2)
  • (lambda (param1 param2 ...) expr) (create an anonymous function)
  • (define (f param1 param2 ...) expr) (create a function and assign it to the symbol given as first argument)

In other words, (define (f arg1 arg2 ...) expr) is equivalent to (define f (lambda (arg1 arg2 ...) expr)).

To pass an argument by reference, so that its value can be modified, you must prefix it with a &.

lime> (define (foo! &x y)
          (set! x "foo")
          (set! y "foo")))
lime> (define a "bar")
lime> (define b "bar")
lime> (foo a b)
lime> a
lime> b

Since the first argument is passed by reference, a's value is modified in the global environment. However, the second argument is passed by value, so the second instruction in the begin block only changes a local copy of b, not b itself.

Of course, an argument that is passed by reference must be a symbol and not a raw value:

lime> (foo! "hey" "hello")
ERROR: attempting to get reference to non-symbol.

We can also selectively delay the evaluation of certain arguments by prefixing them with $. A delayed argument can be evaluated when needed by calling force on it:

lime> (define (my-and a $b)
        (if a (force b) false))
lime> (define (starts-with-zero? l)
        (my-and (not (empty? l)) (= 0 (head l))))
lime> (starts-with-zero? empty)
lime> (starts-with-zero? (list 1 2))
lime> (starts-with-zero? (list 0))

Notice that, if b had not been passed as a delayed argument, the expression (head l) would have been evaluated on an empty list, resulting in an error.

Functions with an arbitrary number of arguments (known as variadic functions) can be created by prefixing the last (or only) parameter in the function signature with a *:

lime> (define (number-of-arguments *args)
        (len args))
lime> (number-of-arguments 7 6 2)
lime> (number-of-arguments)
lime> (define (subtract-from-first first *rest)
        (- first (sum rest)))
lime> (subtract-from-first 10 1 2 3)
lime> (subtract-from-first 10)
  • (defmacro (f param1 param2 ...) expr) (define a new macro)

Macros are a powerful way to extend the syntax of the language itself. A macro definition looks much like a function definition, but its meaning is very different: the arguments passed to a macro are not evaluated; they are simply substituted in the body. The new expression is then evaluated in the same environment where the macro was called:

lime> (defmacro (define-zero symbol)
        (define symbol 0))
lime> (define-zero x)
lime> x

Earlier, we saw how to define short-circuit boolean operators using delayed evaluation. In fact, we can do that by using macros instead:

lime> (defmacro (my-or a b)
        (if a true b))

Macros can be variadic too (see for example the implementation of and' in logic.lm).

Builtin types: integer, string, boolean, lambda, list, nil, delayed computation

Builtin values:

  • true, false
  • nil (nothing; nada; nichts)

Builtin functions:

  • quote (return the argument without evaluating it)

    lime> (quote ())
    lime> (quote (1 2 3))
    (1 2 3)
    lime> (define x 42)
    lime> (quote x)
    lime> (quote (+ y 5))
    (+ y 5)
  • eval (evaluate an expression)

    lime> (define foo (quote (+ x 6)))
    lime> (define x 3)
    lime> (eval foo)
  • delay (delay the evaluation of an expression)

  • force (force the evaluation of a delayed computation)

    lime> (define x (delay (+ y 1)))
    lime> x
    lime> (define y 5)
    lime> x

There are two differences between using quote/eval and using delay/force: first of all, a delayed expression captures the environment it is created in; moreover, after the first call to force on a delayed computation, its result is cached so it doesn't need to be computed again. This is important for efficiently constructing recursively defined streams.

  • load (evaluate the content of the file in the global environment; useful to load functions from external modules)

    lime> (load "examples/fibonacci.lm")
    lime> (fib 10)
  • = (works with any builtin type, including lists)

  • +, * (arithmetic operators with arbitrary number of arguments)

  • <, -, /, % (all binary operators for int)

  • random, rand-max (random returns a pseudo-random integer between 0 and rand-max included)

  • atom? (true if the argument is anything but a list)

  • empty? (returns whether a list is empty)

    lime> (empty? empty)
    lime> (empty? (list 1 2 3))
    lime> (empty? (tail (list 1)))
  • cons (construct a new list by appending an element on the front)

    lime> (cons 1 (list 2 3))
    (1 2 3)
  • head (return the first element of a non-empty list)

  • tail (return a list with all elements but the first one)

  • elem (return a particular element of a list; note: indices start from 1)

    lime> (elem 3 (list 6 2 5 2 8))
  • len (return the length of a list)

  • push-front!, push-back!, pop-front!, pop-back! (in-place modification of lists)

    lime> (define l (list 1 2 3 4))
    lime> (push-front! l 100)
    (100 1 2 3 4)
    lime> (pop-back! l)
    (100 1 2 3)
  • print (print the argument's value, without a newline)

    lime> (print 4)
    4lime> (print "hello")
  • print-string (print a string with correct formatting)

    lime> (print-string "hey!\nhello world\n")
    hello world
  • print-to-string (return a string representation of the argument)

    lime> (print-to-string 4)
    "4"lime> (print-to-string "hello")
  • read (read an expression from standard input)

    lime> (define x (read))
    lime> x
    lime> (read)
    "hello world"
    "hello world"

User input to read is treated as code:

lime> (define foo (read))
(lambda (x) (+ x 1))
lime> (foo 2)
  • read-string (read a string from standard input)

    lime> (read-string)
  • read-from-string (convert a string to an expression, i.e. parse it)

    lime> (read-from-string "(* 5 2)")
    lime> (read-from-string "(define succ (+ 1))")
    lime> (succ 3)

Quotation marks inside string values must be escaped with a backslash:

lime> (println-string "this is a \"string\"")
this is a "string"
lime> (read-from-string "(define (foo) (println-string \"hello\"))")
lime> (foo)

Partial function application is also a possibility. The following two definitions are equivalent:

lime> (define (succ1 n) (+ 1 n))
lime> (define succ2 (+ 1))
lime> (succ1 4)
lime> (succ2 4)

This applies to functions of any number of arguments:

lime> (define sum1 (fold +))
lime> (sum1 0 (list 1 2 3))
lime> (define sum2 (fold + 0))
lime> (sum2 (list 1 2 3))

Library functions:

From io.lm:

  • println (print the argument and append a newline)

  • println-string

  • print-stream, println-stream (evaluate and print all elements of a finite stream)

From numeric.lm:

  • neg (negate the integer argument)

  • != (actually works for the same types as =)

  • >, >=, <=

  • even?, odd?

  • inc! (increment an integer variable by 1)

  • enum (enumerate all integers starting from the argument; returns a stream)

    lime> (elem-stream 12 (enum 2))
  • naturals (the stream of all natural numbers)

    lime> (elem 42 naturals)
  • sum, product (sum/multiply the values in a list of integers)

    lime> (sum (list 1 2 3))
  • sum-stream, product-stream (for finite, integer streams)

  • max, min (for two integer arguments)

  • max', min' (variadic versions)

    lime> (max' 3 8 4 7)
  • max-list, min-list (for lists of integers)

  • max-stream, min-stream (for finite, integer streams)

  • range

    lime> (range 1 5)
    (1 2 3 4 5)
  • randint (draw an integer from a range uniformly at random)

    lime> (randint 1 100)
  • range-stream (useful for large ranges)

  • square, pow, fact

  • add (add two integer lists together)

    lime> (add (list 4 5 1)
               (list 3 1 5))
    (7 6 6)
  • add-stream

  • sort (return a list of integers in increasing sorted order)

    lime> (define r (shuffle (range 1 10)))
    lime> r
    (4 1 7 3 5 6 8 2 10 9)
    lime> (sort r)
    (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
  • sort! (in-place version)

    lime> (sort! r)
    lime> r
    (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

From imperative.lm:

  • while <test> <body> (evaluate an expression as long as the condition evaluates to true)

    lime> (define i 1)
    lime> (while (< i 5)
              (println i)
              (set! i (+ i 1))))
  • for <it> <start> <end> <body>

    lime> (for i 1 5
            (println i))
  • for-each <it> <list> <body> (execute a block on each element of a list)

    lime> (for-each word (list "hey" "hello" "world")
            (println-string word))
  • for-each-stream <it> <stream> <body> (for finite streams)

From logic.lm:

  • and, or (short-circuit logical operators)

  • not, xor

  • and', or', xor' (variadic versions)

    lime> (and' (= 5 5)
                (= "a" "bc")
                (< 2 3))
  • and-list, or-list, xor-list (list versions)

From functional.lm:

  • id (identity function)

    lime> (filter id (list true false true))
    (true true)
  • apply (apply a function to a list of arguments)

    lime> (apply + (range 1 10))
  • compose (compose two functions)

    lime> (define (add1 x) (+ x 1))
    lime> (define (multiply2 x) (* x 2))
    lime> ( (compose add1 multiply2) 3)
  • flip (exchange the arguments of a two-argument function)

It is particularly useful in the context of partial function application, when a two-argument operator is not commutative:

lime> (define divide-by-2 ((flip /) 2))
lime> (map divide-by-2 (list 2 4 6 8))
(1 2 3 4)

From list.lm:

  • empty (a shorthand for the empty list)

  • list (create a list with the arguments as elements)

    lime> (list 1 2 3)
    (1 2 3)
    lime> (define x 7)
    lime> (list 1 2 x)
    (1 2 7)
    lime> (list)
  • list? (true if and only if the argument is a list)

  • map, filter, fold (usual higher-order functions)

    lime> (map (lambda (x) (* x 2)) (list 1 3 5))
    (2 6 10)
    lime> (filter odd? (range 1 10))
    (1 3 5 7 9)
    lime> (fold * 1 (range 1 3))
  • map!, filter! (in-place versions)

  • init (return all the elements of a non-empty list but the last one)

  • last (return the last element of a non-empty list)

    lime> (init (list 1 2 3))
    (1 2)
    lime> (last (list 1 2 3))
  • take, drop (take/drop the first n elements of a list)

    lime> (take 5 (range 1 10))
    (1 2 3 4 5)
    lime> (drop 5 (range 1 10))
    (6 7 8 9 10)
  • take-while, drop-while

    lime> (take-while odd? (list 7 9 11 4 6 7 5))
    (7 9 11)
  • take!, drop!, take-while!, drop-while! (in-place versions)

  • zip, zip-with (usual higher-order functions)

    lime> (zip (list 1 2 3) (list "a" "b" "c"))
    ((1 a) (2 b) (3 c))
    lime> (zip-with * (list 1 2 3) (list 3 2 1))
    (3 4 3)
  • count, count-if

    lime> (count 2 (list 1 2 3 2 4 2))
    lime> (count-if even? (range 1 10))
  • all, any

    lime> (all (map even? (list 2 6 3 8)))
    lime> (any (map even? (list 2 6 3 8)))
  • contains?

    lime> (contains? 5 (range 1 10))
    lime> (contains? 12 (range 1 10))
  • concat (concatenate two lists)

    lime> (concat (range 1 3) (range 4 5))
    (1 2 3 4 5)
  • concat! (in-place version)

    lime> (define l (list 1 2 3))
    lime> (concat! l (list 4 5))
    lime> l
    (1 2 3 4 5)
  • reverse (return a list in reverse order)

    lime> (reverse (range 1 4))
    (4 3 2 1)
  • reverse! (reverse a list in-place)

    lime> (define l (range 1 4))
    lime> (reverse! l)
    lime> l
    (4 3 2 1)
  • sort-by (return a list in sorted order, using a custom comparison function)

    lime> (sort-by > (list 8 3 4 2 0 4 3))
    (8 4 4 3 3 2 0)
  • sort-by! (in-place version)

  • swap! (swap two elements in a list)

    lime> (define l (list "a" "b" "c" "d"))
    lime> (swap! l 1 3)
    lime> l
    ("c" "b" "a" "d")
  • shuffle (random permutation of a list)

    lime> (shuffle (range 1 10))
    sort-by! (list.lm)
  • shuffle! (in-place version)

  • sample (extract a random k-sample from a list)

    lime> (sample 5 (range 1 100))
    (59 70 85 86 94)

From stream.lm:

  • empty-stream
  • empty-stream?
  • cons-stream (construct a stream from an element and a tail stream)
  • head-stream, tail-stream

For example, this is how we build an infinite stream of ones:

lime> (define ones (cons-stream 1 ones))
lime> ones
(1 ...)
lime> (tail-stream ones)
(1 ...)
lime> (tail-stream (tail-stream ones))
(1 ...)
  • init-stream, last-stream (for finite streams)

  • elem-stream

  • map-stream, filter-stream

  • fold-stream, eq-stream, len-stream (for finite streams)

  • take-stream, drop-stream, take-while-stream, drop-while-stream

  • zip-stream, zip-with-stream

  • repeat (repeat the argument infinite times)

    lime> (elem-stream 50 (repeat 7))
  • enum-with (like enum, but uses a custom successor function)

    lime> (define tf (enum-with not true))
    lime> (println-stream (take-stream 5 tf))
    (true false true false true)
  • force-stream (convert a finite stream to a list)

  • count-stream, count-if-stream, all-stream, any-stream

  • contains-stream? (for finite streams)

  • concat-stream (makes sense only when the first stream is finite)


Peter Norvig's Lispy was a BIG source of inspiration.

Thanks to ot for suggesting I use boost::variant to represent values.


Lisp Implementation with Moderate Effort






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