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Code in Firmware folder contains all the project files for implementing a V-USB MIDI device with an Attiny85 microcontroller. This code is based on objective development's sample code for V-USB with MIDI and Thortsen's Attiny85 USB MIDI project Original Project:

To get the code burned onto an Attiny chip you need to:

  1. Compile the code into a .hex file
  2. Upload the hex file into the chip

1.Compiling a Hex from C code (MAC):

You can use "crosspack" to generate c-code projects, compile code for atmel and gernate hex files to the micro. Download and install from here:

Navigate into the firmware folder and try compiling a hexfile by running make with an argument to specifcy the desired name of the hexfile: e.g. in the console run:

// compiles the firmware into a hex file called main.hex

make main.hex

2.Flashing a hex file into the Attiny Chip ( Over USB with micronucleus)

This project is intended to use a bootloader to allow flashing of new firmware directly over USB. Install the latest version of the commandline tool micronucleus from here:

example usage - run the following command and THEN plug into the device:

//invokes micronucleus to put the hex file "main.hex" into a compatible attiny85 over USB (OSX)

micronucleus --run main.hex

// Linux Ubuntu requires

sudo micronucleus --run main.hex

This assumes that you are plugging in an Attiny85 that has already had the bootloader pre-flashed into it. If you are starting from scractch with a raw Attiny85 with no bootloader -you will have to follow the instructions below in the notes to put bootloader code on the Attiny85 using a programmer.

Other notes:

Note that if there is no bootloader on the chip - you can flash firmware manually the "hard" way using a programmer. Assumes that you wired up the programmer to the appropriate pins of the microcontroller.

I found lady ada's instructions on using the avr programmer helpful :

Example: Run the "avrdude" commandline tool ( which was probably installed along with crosspack in step 1) example usage:

// involkes avrdude to flash the file "main.hex" into an attiny85 chip ( the -p flag specifies the chip type) // The -c flag tells avrdude what kind of physical programmer you are using e.g. an avrispmkII programmer // Use "usbtiny" for the Sparkfun Tiny AVR Programmer

avrdude -c avrispmkII -p attiny85 -U flash:w:main.hex

You may also need to set fuses on the chip in order for it to be in the right mode for v-usb Using the fuses from this project seems to work ok: e.g. :

// sets the fuses on the Attiny85 to be v-usb friendly

avrdude -c avrispmkII -p attiny85 -U lfuse:w:0xe1:m -U efuse:w:0xfe:m -U hfuse:w:0xdd:m

Windows Users: For compiling you can use Avrstudio (windows only)


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