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Insieme: Compiler and Runtime Infrastructure

The Insieme compiler is a source-to-source compiler for C/C++ that supports portable parallel abstractions (Cilk, OpenMP and AllScale API) for heterogeneous multi-core architectures. See our mission statement for more details.

Quick Start Guide

To build Insieme, clone this repository and take a peek at QUICKSTART. You can directly execute it, given you are running a recent Ubuntu / Debian (and have sudo installed).

$ git clone
$ cd insieme
$ ./QUICKSTART    # prompts for sudo

If you are using a different distribution use your package manager to install all dependencies available. The generalized list of dependencies can be viewed in /scripts/dependencies/ The list of system packages installed by the quick start guide are found in system_packages.

For software not available in your package manager (or the ones that require an Insieme specific patch) use the provided dependency installer inside /scripts/dependencies.

Directory Structure

Insieme contains 5 sub-directories:

Directory Contains
/code Compiler and runtime implementation
/cmake CMake modules
/docs Developer documentation
/scripts Utility scripts
/test Integration tests

Throughout this README the build directory is assumed to be /build.

Advanced Settings


Following options can be supplied to CMake:

Option Values
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release / Debug

These settings are defined in build_settings.cmake and insieme_specific.cmake.


The backend is also capable of generating OpenCL code. In order to utilize this feature, one must supply the OPENCL_ROOT path to CMake. It should point to the directory containing the include and lib64 directory of the OpenCL installation.

$ cd build
$ cmake -DOPENCL_ROOT=/path/to/opencl ..

Older GCC

Since some distros still ship a version of GCC that is too old for us to work with, the dependency installer provides a version of GCC suitable for Insieme. CC, CXX, PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH should be set accordingly when building Insieme. We assume BUILD_DIR contains the absolute path to the Insieme build directory.

$ export CC="$BUILD_DIR/third_party/gcc/bin/gcc"
$ export CXX="$BUILD_DIR/third_party/gcc/bin/g++"
$ export PATH="$BUILD_DIR/third_party/gcc/bin:$PATH"
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$BUILD_DIR/third_party/gcc/lib64"

Analysis Framework

The analysis framework is divided into a common interface and multiple, different engines. The common interface has to be instantiated with one of the available engines in order to use it. These engines are disabled by default since they depend on additional third-party packages. They can be enabled by passing their respective flags to the cmake call.

See /scripts/dependencies/ for information how to install their respective dependencies.

For some analysis engines additional paths must be provided to CMake:

Analysis Engine Required Path
Datalog (DEPRECATED) -DSOUFFLE_ROOT=/path/to/souffle/prefix

Running Tests

The build process will automatically build and run the integration_tests binary with the --preprocess flag. This is required for some unit tests as well as some integration tests.

Unit tests can be run via ctest as shown in the quick start guide:

$ cd build
$ ctest -j8

Integration tests can be run via the integration_tests binary.

$ cd build
$ driver/integration_tests -w 8

Furthermore the integration test driver provides useful features, like repeating a test multiple times. See a full list of options by using -h as argument.

Running the integration_tests binary with --postprocessing after all tests have been completed successfully is recommended to clean up files generated in the preprocessing setp.

If everything was successful... congratulations! You can start enjoying Insieme now!

Compiling Application Codes

The main executable provided by the Insieme framework is called insiemecc, located in /build/driver. It can be used to replace e.g. occurrences of another compiler such as gcc in makefiles. It supports both source-to-source-only compilation, as well as full compilation by calling a backend compiler. Environment variables INSIEME_C_BACKEND_COMPILER and INSIEME_CXX_BACKEND_COMPILER can be used to change the backend compiler at runtime, while the CMake options -DINSIEME_C_BACKEND_COMPILER and -DINSIEME_CXX_BACKEND_COMPILER allow setting the compiler prior building. gcc and g++ are used as default. For further information on its features and options, please refer to:

$ cd build
$ driver/insiemecc --help


Please, understand that the install command is not implemented since this is an on-going development framework. Instead of polluting your local setup, we prefer to use Insieme from the build directory. Install scripts may be provided in future releases.



A script, together with a Git hook, is provided to automatically add a license header to each source file upon commit. See /scripts/license.

Visual Studio Solution

$ cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF Z:\path\to\project\code


Building the coverage is currently only supported on Linux, as Perl and Bash are required. To build and view the coverage set the corresponding CMake flag to ON and run:

$ make
$ make coverage
$ xdg-open coverage/index.html