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Nerves.UART allows you to access UARTs, serial ports, Bluetooth virtual serial port connections and more in Elixir. Feature highlights:

  • Mac, Windows, and desktop and embedded Linux
  • Enumerate serial ports
  • Receive input via messages or by polling (active and passive modes)
  • Unit tests (uses the tty0tty virtual null modem on Travis)

** This library is new. Expect API changes (hopefully minor) and bugs, but we'll get there!! If you try it out, please consider helping out by contributing documentation improvements, fixes, or more unit tests. **

Example use

Discover what serial ports are attached:

iex> Nerves.UART.enumerate
%{"COM14" => %{description: "USB Serial Port", manufacturer: "FTDI", product_id: 24577,
    vendor_id: 1027},
  "COM5" => %{description: "Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port",
    manufacturer: "Prolific", product_id: 8963, vendor_id: 1659},
  "COM16" => %{description: "Arduino Uno",
    manufacturer: "Arduino LLC (", product_id: 67, vendor_id: 9025}}

Start the UART GenServer:

iex> {:ok, pid} = Nerves.UART.start_link
{:ok, #PID<0.132.0>}

The GenServer doesn't open a port automatically, so open up a serial port or UART now. See the results from your call to Nerves.UART.enumerate/0 for what's available on your system.

iex>, "COM14", speed: 115200, active: false)

This opens the serial port up at 115200 baud and turns off active mode. This means that you'll have to manually call to receive input. In active mode, input from the serial port will be sent as messages. See the docs for all options.

Write something to the serial port:

iex> Nerves.UART.write(pid, "Hello there\r\n")

See if anyone responds in the next 60 seconds:

iex>, 60000)
{:ok, "Hi"}

Input is reported as soon as it is received, so you may need multiple calls to read/2 to get everything you want. If you have flow control enabled and stop calling read/2, the port will push back to the sender when its buffers fill up.

Enough with passive mode, let's switch to active mode:

iex> Nerves.UART.configure(pid, active: true)

iex> flush
{:nerves_uart, "COM14", "a"}
{:nerves_uart, "COM14", "b"}
{:nerves_uart, "COM14", "c"}

It turns out that COM14 is a USB to serial port. Let's unplug it and see what happens:

iex> flush
{:nerves_uart, "COM14", {:error, :eio}}

Oops. Well, when it appears again, it can be reopened. In passive mode, errors get reported on the calls to and Nerves.UART.write/3


If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add nerves_uart to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

    def deps do [{:nerves_uart, "~> 0.0.2"}] end

  2. List :nerves_uart as an application dependency:

    def application do [applications: [:nerves_uart]] end

  3. Check that the C compiler dependencies are satisified (see below)

  4. Run mix deps.get and mix compile

C compiler dependencies

Since this library includes C code, make, gcc, and Erlang header and development libraries are required.

On Linux systems, this usually requires you to install the build-essential and erlang-dev packages. For example:

sudo apt-get install build-essential erlang-dev

On Macs, run gcc --version or make --version. If they're not installed, you will be given instructions.

On Windows, you will need MinGW. Assuming that you installed Erlang and Elixir via Chocolatey, install MinGW by running the following in an administrative command prompt:

choco install mingw

Building and running the unit tests

The standard Elixir build process applies. Clone nerves_uart or download a source release and run:

mix deps.get
mix compile

The unit tests require two serial ports connected via a NULL modem cable to run. Define the names of the serial ports in the environment before running the tests. For example,

export NERVES_UART_PORT1=ttyS0
export NERVES_UART_PORT2=ttyS1

If you're on Linux, you don't need real serial ports. Download and install tty0tty. Load the kernel module and specify tnt0 and tnt1 for the serial ports.

Then run:

mix test

If you're using tty0tty, the tests will run at full speed. Real serial ports seem to take a fraction of a second to close and re-open. I added a gratuitous delay to each test to work around this. It likely can be much shorter.


A feature is missing

Yes, I haven't gotten to a couple really important ones for some use cases. See for now. Please ping me if you'd like to help.

Do I have to use Nerves?

No, this project doesn't have any dependencies on any Nerves components. The desire for some serial port library features on Nerves drove us to create it, but we also have host-based use cases. To be useful for us, the library must remain crossplatform and have few dependencies. We're just developing it under the Nerves umbrella.

ei_copy why????

You may have noticed Erlang's erl_interface code copy/pasted into src/ei_copy. This is only used on Windows to work around issues linking to the distributed version of erl_interface. That was was compiled with Visual Studio. This project uses MinGW, and even though the C ABIs are the same between the compilers, Visual Studio adds stack protection calls that I couldn't figure out how to work around.


When building this library, node-serialport and QtSerialPort where incredibly helpful in helping to define APIs and point out subtleties with platform-specific serial port code. Sadly, I couldn't reuse their code, but I feel indebted to the authors and maintainers of these libraries, since they undoubtedly saved me hours of time debugging corner cases. I have tried to acknowledge them in the comments where I have used strategies that I learned from them.


Discover and use UARTs and serial ports in Elixir







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  • C 90.2%
  • Elixir 7.9%
  • QMake 1.1%
  • Makefile 0.8%