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Mokoi Gaming - Play anywhere, Create Anything
Mokoi Gaming is a Open Game Platform, with easy to use creation tools. Games are distributed as a single file for all platforms.

Icons use for Lux Engine and Meg icon are license under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license by the Tango Desktop Project. Visit for terms of license

Lux Engine - Mokio Game Player
Lux Engine is a object based cross-platform game system. It uses a high level language (Pawn to control each the of game entities.

Build Requirements
- Make or something compatible
- SDL 1.2.11 
- SDL_Image 1.2.4
- SDL_Mixer 1.2.6
- SDL_Gfx
- OpenGL/Mesa (Not required)
- Pawn (Source Included)
- TinyXML (Source Included)

How to Build
- 'luxengine/' can be built by run 'make'.

Meg - Game Editor
Build Requirements
- Make or something compatible
- GTK+ 2.16 / GTK+ 3
- GtkSourceView  (Not required)
- libsoup  (Not required)
How to Build
- 'meg/' can be built by run 'make'.