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z03 (Zoé) is a modulable irc bot written in C


	The config file is a c-header file: src/common/bot.h
	There is no run-time arguments or configuration file


	Compilation dependancies (and not optional):
	  libcurl, openssl, libxml2, jansson, sqlite3, libmagic


	Just type make on root directory.
	To rebuild the lib only, type make on src/lib/ directory
	To rehash the code when the bot is running, just send a query/msg
	to the bot (you must be declared as admin): .rehash
	Don't forget to build a valid database (see Database point below)


	- full text log on sqlite database (backlog, stats, count, ...)
	- custom user settings
	- full thread support
	- weather support from meteobelgique/wunderground
	- lastfm support (current playing track, mark current track as loved track)
	- google search and google calculator result
	- dns resolution
	- stats based on logs with ascii-charts and other funny stuff
	- html title grabber
	- image local mirroring
	- repost of image/html page based on title/url/checksum
	- wiki header support
	- memoserv on unregistered nick
	- ...

	- on-the-fly lib-code reloading
	- c/php/python/haskell code exection on remote machine
	- ...


	The database is managed by sqlite3.
	The schema is availide on src/sql/
	Before starting the bot, please create the database required.
	Everything will run properly without it (sqlite will create an
	empty database on startup process) but nothing will be saved
	(each sql query will fail, the tables does not exists)
	To prepare en empty database just do:
	$ sqlite3 bin/z03.sqlite3 < src/sql/z03-create.sql

 How does it works

	There is two main part on the project: core part and lib part
	The core contains the lowest code possible and just handle basic 
	request and socket management. The core can dynamically load the
	libz03 which contains the biggest part of the code.
	With this feature, you can change/rebuild the lib and reload the
	code without restarting the whole bot code (and not disconnect the
	bot from the network).
	The bot will not exit on segmentation fault, it will unload then
	reload the library. When the library is reloaded, all the heap
	allocated to it is free'd.
	Except if the core-stack is altered, reloading the lib must be
	suffisant to get another instance properly working.

 How code a module

	A module is just a c-file on the lib folder.
	This is a simple hello world module:
	#include <stdio.h>
	#include <stdlib.h>
	#include "../common/bot.h"
	#include "core.h"
	#include "actions.h"
	void action_hello(ircmessage_t *message, char *args);

	static request_t __action_hello = {
		.match    = ".hello",
		.callback = action_hello,
		.man      = "print a hello world message",
		.hidden   = 0,
		.syntaxe  = ".hello (no arguments)",

	__registrar reg_hello() {

	void action_hello(ircmessage_t *message, char *args) {
		irc_privmsg(message->chan, "Hello world !");
	The __registrar function register the command on lib's load-time
	There is nothing more to do to get a simple module works.


modular irc bot with a lot of network features






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