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Mpaycoin integration/staging tree

Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Mpaycoin Developers

What is Mpaycoin?

Mpaycoin actually came from Multiwebpay Coin.We are hoping, it will be on of the leading payment option for online market or industry.Its new digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. Mpaycoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing money are carried out collectively by the network. Mpaycoin is also the name of the open source software which enables the use of this currency.

Official Details

Mpaycoin Symbol: ₥ Algorithm:SHA256 Type:PoW Coin name:Mpaycoin Coin abbreviation:MPC Address letter:M Block reward:100 coins Total coin supply:126530612 coins Block halving:620000

Bounty for Mpaycoin:

  1. Adding to any exchanger/trading Platform- 2000₥
  2. Make Block Explorer-1000₥
  3. Design and for any developing -500₥ to 5000₥
  4. For any issue solving/promoting on forum/writing article- 10₥-200₥

Official website: Github:

For more information, as well as an immediately useable, binary version of the Mpaycoin client software, see


Mpaycoin is released under the terms of the MIT license. See COPYING for more information or see

Development process

Developers work in their own trees, then submit pull requests when they think their feature or bug fix is ready.

If it is a simple/trivial/non-controversial change, then one of the Mpaycoin development team members simply pulls it.

If it is a more complicated or potentially controversial change, then the patch submitter will be asked to start a discussion (if they haven't already) on the mailing list.

The patch will be accepted if there is broad consensus that it is a good thing. Developers should expect to rework and resubmit patches if the code doesn't match the project's coding conventions (see doc/ or are controversial.

Building Manually

#cd #git clone #cd mpaycoin/src #make –f makefile.unix USE_UPNP=- #strip mpaycoind #sudo cp mpaycoind /usr/bin #cd /usr/bin #./mpaycoind (You need to put mpaycoin.conf file on .mpaycoin folder and start compile) Just put below line on mpaycoin.conf file, rpc user and pass have to be unique, never share this with anyone

rpcuser=rpc_mpaycoin rpcpassword=a0146122e50e1479f5adc494d rpcallowip= rpcport=7878 listen=1 server=1 txindex=1 daemon=1

To check Status: #cd /usr/bin #./mpaycoind getinfo

To generate MPC Address: #cd /usr/bin #./mpaycoind getnewaddress

Building From Readymade Daemon for Linux

Its a easy solution for non coders for compiling Mpaycoin. Just need to follow below few steps: #cd #wget #tar -xzvf mpaycoin-daemon-linux.tar.gz #chmod +x mpaycoind #sudo mv mpaycoind /usr/bin/ #cd /usr/bin/ #./mpaycoind Add mpaycoin.conf on .mpaycoin folder and restart daemon #./mpaycoind


Testing and code review is the bottleneck for development; we get more pull requests than we can review and test. Please be patient and help out, and remember this is a security-critical project where any mistake might cost people lots of money.

Automated Testing

Developers are strongly encouraged to write unit tests for new code, and to submit new unit tests for old code.

Unit tests for the core code are in src/test/. To compile and run them:

cd src; make -f makefile.unix test

Unit tests for the GUI code are in src/qt/test/. To compile and run them:

qmake BITCOIN_QT_TEST=1 -o Makefile.test
make -f Makefile.test

Every pull request is built for both Windows and Linux on a dedicated server, and unit and sanity tests are automatically run. The binaries produced may be used for manual QA testing.

Manual Quality Assurance (QA) Testing

Large changes should have a test plan, and should be tested by somebody other than the developer who wrote the code.