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MABO-TSCH - Multi-hop And Blacklisted-based Optimized TSCH

Source code with implementation of MABO-TSCH protocol.

This code was based on OpenWSN 1.10.

This protocol is an adaptation of TSCH protocol.

It implements a distributed blacklist for improving the performance of multi-hop wireless networks that have to cope with high levels of external interference and multi-path fading. It was introduced in the paper below. Please cite it if you use this source code.

  title={MABO-TSCH: Multihop and blacklist-based optimized time synchronized channel hopping},
  author={Gomes, Pedro Henrique and Watteyne, Thomas and Krishnamachari, Bhaskar},
  journal={Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies},
  publisher={Wiley Online Library}