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Boost.Python converters for ROS messages


After including msg_boost_python in find_package as a catkin component, you have access to two macros:

  • the main macro generate_msg_boost_python_converters
  • a convenience macro set_boost_python_module

Generate Boost.Python converters

The main macro generate_msg_boost_python_converters has two arguments:

  • FROM_PACKAGE the "source" package containing the messages you want wrappers for (default is the current PROJECT_NAME)
  • PYTHON_NAME the name of the generated python module (default is msg_boost_python)

There are two possible use cases:

  • Generate converters for messages from your own package
  • Generate converters for messages from some other package

In any case make sure you do the catkin_python_setup() to at least generate an empty Python package for your Catkin package. Minimal setups can be found in the common_msgs packages (geometry_msgs_boost_python etc.).

Converters for locally declared messages

Simply put generate_msg_boost_python_converters() in your CMakeLists.txt. Then, in your python scripts use import my_package.msg_boost_python (or for "local" scripts import msg_boost_python).

Converters for messages declared in a different package

Look at the common_msgs packages (geometry_msgs_boost_python etc.) for examples.

Setup your own Boost.Python module

The macro set_boost_python_module does some routine steps to set up a Boost.Python module within the Catkin build system.

  • Correct the filename depending on the OS (currently Ubuntu or OS X)
  • By default build and install into the package's Python destination


  • TARGET the name of the CMake target you defined previously with add_library
  • BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE_NAME the name you gave the Boost.Python module with the BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE declaration in your C++ code (by default takes the value from TARGET)
  • DEVEL_DESTINATION set this if you want to specify a custom build destination
  • INSTALL_DESTINATION set this if you want to specify a custom install destination

Note: the macro does not do any linking.

More Info

More information and examples can be found on my GitHub page.


Boost.Python converters for ROS messages







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