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Build and install

mkdir build
cd build
make install

CMake configure arguments

  1. ENABLE_QT4:

    Building QtCurve Qt4 theme.

    (Default: On)

  2. ENABLE_QT5:

    Building QtCurve Qt5 theme.

    (Default: On)


    Building QtCurve Gtk2 theme. Require QTC_ENABLE_X11.

    (Default: On)

  4. QTC_ENABLE_X11:

    Enable X11 support. Require xcb, xlib-xcb. Will cause to link to libxcb, libX11-xcb and libX11.

    (Default: On)


    Install *.po translation files.

    (Default: On)


    Compile QtCurve qt4 style with KDE support and dependencies.

    (Default: On)


    Compile QtCurve qt4 kwin style. This will only have effect when KDE support is turned on. Also require QTC_ENABLE_X11.

    (Default: On if kwin header is found and KDE support is on, Off otherwise)


    The install prefix of KDE4.

    (Default: the value returned by kde4-config or ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} if kde4-config is not found.)


    The path of KDE4 icons.

    (Default: ${QTC_KDE4_PREFIX}/share/icons)

Deprecated and temporary options.

These compile options were used to turn on/off some experimental features or work around for certain hardware/software/drivers. It is not guaranteed that any of the non-default value of these options can work and some of these options may crash certain applications. They may also be removed at any time (especially the ones to work around old hardware or driver bugs) and are not recommanded to turn on in distribution packages.


    Support QtCurve style files. These are stored as <kde prefix>/share/apps/kstyle/themes/qtc_<stylename>.themerc Note that this is not supported in Qt5.

    (Default: Off)


    1. Modify userChrome.css

      1. setting KDE button order
      2. shrink size of toolbars
    2. Edit user.js

      1. disable instant apply

    Note: This sometimes causes issues with newer versions of these applications. Should such issues occur, you should recompile QtCurve without this option - and you will have to remove BY HAND the changes that QtCurve has made. This will entail removing lines from userChrom.css that indicate 'Added by QtCurve'. userChrome.css is usually in a folder such as: ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxxx.default/chrome/userChrome.css or ~/.thunderbird/xxxxxxx.default/chrome/userChrome.css Where xxxxxxx is a series of random characters.

    (Default: Off)

Additional Features


The XBar support was copied directly from Bespin. The relevant files are named macmenu.*. These were taken from revision 652.

Deprecated in favor of appmenu since KWin has builtin support for that after 4.10 and appmenu-qt does not depend on a certain theme.


As of v0.55, you can create QtCurve based themes. These will appear with KDE's style control panel's combobox of styles. To create a new theme, select 'QtCurve' from within KDE's style panel, then configure QtCurve as required. After this, in QtCurve's config dialog, select 'Export theme' from the options menu button. You will then be prompted to give your new 'theme' a name, and a comment. QtCurve will then create a file named qtc_<name>.themerc (e.g. qtc_klearlooks.themerc) - this will have the following format:

Comment=Clearlooks inspired style
appearance=gradient of qtcurve settings...

To use this theme, either copy qtc_<name>.themerc to $KDEHOME/share/apps/kstyle/themes/ (usually ~/.kde/share/apps/kstyle/themes/) or copy to <kde install prefix>/share/apps/kstyle/themes/ (usually /usr/share/apps/kstyle/themes/)

When KDE's style panel is restarted, your new theme should appear in the list.

NOTE: As of QtCurve 1.0.0 style support has been disabled by default (enable via QTC_QT4_STYLE_SUPPORT) and this is not supported by Qt5.


As of v1.2.1, QtCurve can be forced to read its settings from an alternate config file via the QTCURVE_CONFIG_FILE environment variable. This is only really useful for testing alternate config settings without changing the users current settings.


QTCURVE_CONFIG_FILE=~/testfile kcalc


QtCurve 1.8.17 and earlier was licensed under GPLv2+. It was relicensed under LGPLv2.1+ on Nov. 14th 2013 in order to avoid confusion for moving into KDE-infrastructure. This relicensing have got permissions from all contributors of QtCurve (git log --format='%aN <%aE>' | sort -u):

Andrey Bondrov <>
Boris Pek <>
Craig Drummond <>
Sven-Hendrik Haase <>
Yichao Yu <>