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Kronrod Extensions Search

The Makefile can generate 5 useful programs:

  • quadrature by calling make quadrature
  • kes by calling make kes
  • ekes by calling make ekes
  • rekes by calling make rekes
  • genzkeister by calling make genzkeister

There are also two test programs generated by make test and make enumtest. Just type make without arguments to build all.

The polynomial type can be specified as argument to make via POLY=P where P is one of:

  • LEGENDRE Legendre polynomials
  • CHEBYSHEVT Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind
  • CHEBYSHEVU Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind
  • LAGUERRE Laguerre polynomials
  • HERMITE physicists' Hermite polynomials
  • HERMITEPRO probabilists' Hermite polynomials

and the default is LEGENDRE if nothing else is provided.

All code can be compiled to produce minimal output by setting PRINTLOG=0. For detailed help, run the programs without any arguments.

High-order quadrature rules

The program quadrature computes quadrature nodes and weights for Gauss-Legendre, Gauss-Laguerre, Gauss-Hermite or Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature rules. Computation works by root-finding and an explicit formula for the weights given the nodes.

Nested Kronrod Extensions

The program kes computes nested Kronrod extensions from an initial rule and a list of polynomial extension degrees. Output contains the defining polynomials and optionally the nodes and weights for for each quadrature extension.


  1. Compute the nodes and weights for a K = (1,2,4,8,16) Kronrod extension:

    ./kes -cn -cw 1 2 4 8 16 > rule.txt
  2. Plot nodes and weights of this rule:

    python rule.txt

Map existence of single extensions

The program ekes computes single higher-order Kronrod-Patterson extensions for a given polynomial type and arbitrary values of order n and extension degree p.

  1. Call ekes like:

    ./ekes n p > map.txt

    for specific values of n and p.

  2. Plot the map:

    python map.txt

Exhaustive search for Kronrod Extensions

  1. Call rekes like:

    ./rekes n pmax recmax > recs_n_pmax_recmax.dat

    for all interesting values of n, pmax and recmax.

  2. Call to generate a dot file:

    python recs_n_pmax_recmax.dat

    This will give a file called

  3. Make a figure by calling dot either of:

    circo -Tpng -o graph_n_pmax_recmax.png
    dot -Tpng -o graph_n_pmax_recmax.png
  4. Call in a directory with recs_*.dat files. This will give a file called all_rules.dat containing line by line the extension tower.

  5. Call like:

    python all_rules.dat

    This will give a file called containing shell commands to compute nodes and weights of all rules.

Genz-Keister Construction

The program genzkeister builds multivariate sparse quadrature rules by applying the Genz-Keister construction. This works for all symmetric quadratures (Legendre, Chebyshev, Hermite). The number of dimensions is a compile-time argument given to make by the DIMENSION=D. The default is POLY=LEGENDRE polynomials in DIMENSION=1 dimensions.

Scientific Work

The research report "Exhaustive search for higher-order Kronrod-Patterson Extensions" 1 describes the mathematical theory and implementation details that stand behind this code.


This project is covered by the GNU Public License, version 2 or above.


This repository contains source code for published scientific work. The usual citation requirements apply. For citation of this project please use the following bibtex snippet:

    author = {R. Bourquin},
    title = {Exhaustive search for higher-order Kronrod-Patterson Extensions},
    year = {2014, 2015, 2016, 2017},
    url = {}