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Cocos2d Game Engine

The RazerSDK can be accessed via the RazerSDK Cocos2d Plugin.



Quick Start

  • Download the Cocos2d Engine and unpack cocos2d-x-3.12

  • Install Python 2.7 and add Python to your path

  • Install NVIDIA Codeworks for Android

  • Run the following command from the unpacked cocos2d-x-3.12 folder:

  • When prompted, enter any missing paths (similar to the following):
->Please enter the path of ANDROID_SDK_ROOT (or press Enter to skip):C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\
->Please enter the path of ANT_ROOT (or press Enter to skip):C:\NVPACK\apache-ant-1.8.2\bin
  • After the setup is complete, close and reopen the terminal

  • Cocos2d projects are generated on the command-line from the cocos2d-x-3.12 folder.

cocos new -l cpp -p -d Path\To\Generate\Project ProjectName
  • Generated Cocos2d projects are 400MB+ in size.

  • Unpack in the generated project folder

  • Open the project's proj.visualstudio\Cocos2d.sln in Visual Studio 2015

  • Right-click the Cocos2dcpp project in the Solution Explorer and click Properties

  • Navigate to Configuration Properties->C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories and add the path:

  • Click OK

  • Customize the proj.visualstudio\Cocos2d\AndroidManifest.xml to match the package-name from the developer portal game entry

  • Copy store-sdk-standard-release.jar and pluginrazersdk-release.jar to the proj.visualstudio\Cocos2d\libs folder. Cocos2d appears to not support the AAR format yet...

  • In the Solution Explorer add existing libraries store-sdk-standard-release.jar and pluginrazersdk-release.jar to the Cocos2d->libs project.

  • Copy the repository's RazerSDK folder to the proj.visualstudio\Cocos2dcpp\jni project folder.

  • In the Solution Explorer add a RazerSDK filter to the Cocos2dcpp->jni project.

  • Add the existing RazerSDK source to the RazerSDK filter.

  • Customize the proj.visualstudio/Cocos2d/src/org/cocos2dx/cpp/ to set the Activity and to pass onActivityResult to the RazerSDK plugin.

package org.cocos2dx.cpp;

import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import org.cocos2dx.lib.Cocos2dxActivity;

public class AppActivity extends Cocos2dxActivity {
	protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
		if (Plugin.processOnActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)) {
		super.onActivityResult (requestCode, resultCode, data);


  • Since Cocos2d projects are so large in size, use the terminal to generate the Cocos2d project and then copy the modified example files over the generated project.

In-App-Purchase Example

The InAppPurchases sample is a Cocos2d Visual Studio project. The sample source modifies the default Cocos2d generated source and includes the RazerSDK plugin.


Visual Studio Setup

  • Generate the Cocos2d project with the following command (similar to the following):
cocos new -l cpp -p -d C:\Cocos2d InAppPurchases
  • Unpack in the generated InAppPurchases folder

  • Copy this repository's InAppPurchases folder over the generated InAppPurchases folder

  • Open InAppPurchases\proj.visualstudio\Cocos2d.sln in Visual Studio 2015

  • In Visual Studio, Run with the Debug->Run Without Debugging menu item

Android Studio Setup

  • Generate the Cocos2d project with the following command (similar to the following):
cocos new -l cpp -p -d C:\Cocos2d InAppPurchases
  • Copy this repository's InAppPurchases folder over the generated InAppPurchases folder

  • Open InAppPurchases\ in Android Studio

  • Navigate to the InAppPurchases\\app\jni folder and run the following terminal command to build NDK:

  • Wait for the NDK build to compile

  • In Android Studio, run the app with the Run->Run app menu item


The InAppPurchases\proj.visualstudio\Cocos2dcpp\jni\main.cpp has a special JNI hook to load the RazerSDK plugin.

// only runs on Android

// Get a reference to the Hello World Example scene which has buttons that call the plugin
#include "..\..\..\Classes\HelloWorldScene.h"

// Get a reference to the plugin so it can be initialized
#include "RazerSDK\RazerSDK_Plugin.h"


Use the main JNI hook to initialize the Java plugin at the right time. The sample has all the RazerSDK API calls in InAppPurchases\Classes\HelloWorldScene.cpp.

void cocos_android_app_init (JNIEnv* env) {
    AppDelegate *pAppDelegate = new AppDelegate();

	LOGD("Cocos2D RazerSDK Plugin Loading...");

InAppPurchases\Classes\HelloWorldScene.h defines several RazerSDK callbacks to handle communication from the RazerSDK back to Cocos2d. The callbacks are static to avoid the pointers from going out of scope.

	static Main_CallbacksInitPlugin _sMain_CallbacksInitPlugin;
	static Main_CallbacksRequestLogin _sMain_CallbacksRequestLogin;
	static Main_CallbacksRequestGamerInfo _sMain_CallbacksRequestGamerInfo;
	static Main_CallbacksRequestProducts _sMain_CallbacksRequestProducts;
	static Main_CallbacksRequestPurchase _sMain_CallbacksRequestPurchase;
	static Main_CallbacksRequestReceipts _sMain_CallbacksRequestReceipts;
	static Main_CallbacksShutdown _sMain_CallbacksShutdown;

The sample extends several RazerSDK callbacks so that the main application code can display results in the UI. The sample application callbacks are prefixed with Main. InAppPurchases/Classes/Main_CallbacksInitPlugin.h extends InAppPurchases/proj.visualstudio/Cocos2dcpp/jni/RazerSDK/RazerSDK_CallbacksInitPlugin.h

#include "RazerSDK\RazerSDK_CallbacksInitPlugin.h"

class Main_CallbacksInitPlugin : public CallbacksInitPlugin
	void OnSuccess();
	void OnFailure(int errorCode, const std::string& errorMessage);


InAppPurchases/Classes/HelloWorldScene.cpp uses Cocos2d button callbacks to invoke the RazerSDK API calls.

void HelloWorld::shutdownCallback(Ref* pSender)

RazerSDK callbacks occur outside the main thread and the cocos2d::Director has to be used so that the callback can interact with the Cocos2d UI. InAppPurchases/Classes/Main_CallbacksShutdown.cpp

void Main_CallbacksShutdown::OnSuccess()
	cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getScheduler()->performFunctionInCocosThread([] {
		// execute code on main thread
		HelloWorld::GetInstance()->UpdateStatusText("Shutdown: Success!");

Razer SDK

The RazerSDK can be accessed using the RazerSDK Cocos2d Plugin which provides access to the C++ API.


All OnFailure callbacks return an int errorCode and std::string errorMessage when used by RazerSDK function calls.


All OnCancel callbacks have no parameters when used by RazerSDK function calls.


See the RazerSDK Documentation for details on how to obtain the Secret API Key.

The RazerSDK::initPlugin function takes a std::string parameter for the SecretApiKey. The second parameter takes a pointer to a CallbacksInitPlugin that can be extended. The OnSuccess callback is invoked if the RazerSDK is initialized successfully. The OnFailure callback is invoked if the RazerSDK fails to initialize.

	std::string secretApiKey = "eyJkZXZlbG9wZXJfaWQiOiIzMTBhOGY1MS00ZDZlLTRhZTUtYmRhMC1iOTM4";
	secretApiKey += "NzhlNWY1ZDAiLCJkZXZlbG9wZXJfcHVibGljX2tleSI6Ik1JR2ZNQTBHQ1Nx";
	secretApiKey += "azU4SWpWaEpJUkQ5MSt0aGQ1NjJNaXlEa09teEhLSXFMUlFId25OZW4xRHkv";
	secretApiKey += "TGxnTStzak1GaEZHL0dERUVWemRIeTRNNkkyc1l6bGR4VmNLWWFpUlhFa0ls";
	secretApiKey += "NUNyWjhtRGdLaWgzOFNueDFPY3R3UzFQM0wxcXA3LzZiM2xlejY4ZmIyalVV";
	secretApiKey += "WFpIaStaRDZROGlPbzE5V3Rhd0lEQVFBQiJ9";

	RazerSDK::Plugin::initPlugin(secretApiKey, &_sMain_CallbacksInitPlugin);


RazerSDK::requestLogin opens a login dialog for the user to sign in. This method should only be invoked after the RazerSDK has successfully initialized. The RazerSDK::requestLogin function takes only a pointer to a CallbacksRequestLogin that can be extended. The OnSuccess callback is invoked if the operation completes successfully. The OnFailure callback is invoked if the operation failed. The OnCancel callback is invoked if the operation was canceled. The OnSuccess callback indicates the user has successfully logged in or the user was already logged in. The OnFailure callback indicates there was a problem logging in. The OnCancel callback indicates the user canceled signing in.



RazerSDK::requestGamerInfo returns the GamerInfo for the logged in user. This method should only be invoked after the RazerSDK has successfully initialized. The RazerSDK::requestGamerInfo function takes only a pointer to a CallbacksRequestGamerInfo that can be extended. The OnSuccess callback is invoked if the operation completes successfully. The OnFailure callback is invoked if the operation failed. The OnCancel callback is invoked if the operation was canceled. The OnSuccess callback receives a RazerSDK::GamerInfo object. The RazerSDK::GamerInfo object provides the Username and Uuid fields. The OnFailure callback is invoked if the user is not logged in.



RazerSDK::requestProducts returns the product information given a std::string vector of identifiers. This method should only be invoked after the RazerSDK has successfully initialized. The RazerSDK::requestProducts function takes a std::string vector for the products parameter. The std::string vector can contain identifiers that are ENTITLEMENTS and/or CONSUMABLES. The second parameter takes a pointer to a CallbacksRequestProducts that can be extended. The OnSuccess delegate is invoked if the operation completes successfully. The OnFailure delegate is invoked if the operation failed. The OnCancel delegate is invoked if the operation was canceled. The OnSuccess callback receives a RazerSDK::Product vector. The RazerSDK::Product object provides the Identifier, Name, Description, Local Price, Product Type and several other fields.

	std::vector<std::string> products;
	RazerSDK::Plugin::requestProducts(products, &_sMain_CallbacksRequestProducts);


RazerSDK::requestPurchase initiates a purchase for the logged in user given the identifier and product type. The product type can be ENTITLEMENT or CONSUMABLE. This method should only be invoked after the RazerSDK has successfully initialized. The RazerSDK::requestPurchase function takes a std::string for the identifier and product type parameters. Entitlements and consumables need to correspond to the items that were created in the developer portal. The second parameter takes a pointer to a CallbacksRequestPurchase that can be extended. The OnSuccess callback is invoked if the operation completes successfully. The OnFailure callback is invoked if the operation failed. The OnCancel callback is invoked if the operation was canceled. The OnSuccess callback receives a RazerSDK::PurchaseResult object. The RazerSDK::PurchaseResult object provides the Identifier that was just purchased by the logged in user. The OnFailure callback is invoked if the user is not logged in.

	std::string identifier = "long_sword";

	// purchase an entitlement
	std::string productType = "ENTITLEMENT";
	RazerSDK::Plugin::requestPurchase(identifier, productType, &_sMain_CallbacksRequestPurchase);

	// purchase a consumable
	std::string productType = "CONSUMABLE";
	RazerSDK::Plugin::requestPurchase(identifier, productType, &_sMain_CallbacksRequestPurchase);


RazerSDK::requestReceipts returns all the ENTITLEMENT receipts for the logged in user. This method should only be invoked after the RazerSDK has successfully initialized. The RazerSDK::requestReceipts function takes only a pointer to a CallbacksRequestProducts that can be extended. The OnSuccess callback is invoked if the operation completes successfully. The OnFailure callback is invoked if the operation failed. The OnCancel callback is invoked if the operation was canceled. The OnSuccess callback receives a RazerSDK::Receipt vector. The RazerSDK::Receipt object provides the Identifier, LocalPrice, and several other fields. The OnFailure callback is invoked if the user is not logged in.



This method should only be invoked after the RazerSDK has successfully initialized. The RazerSDK::shutdown function takes only a pointer to a CallbacksShutdown that can be extended. The OnSuccess callback is invoked if the operation completes successfully. The OnFailure callback is invoked if the operation failed.



This method should only be invoked after the RazerSDK has been shutdown if the RazerSDK had successfully initialized. The Director::getInstance()->end() function will immediately exit the Cocos2d Application.

	//Close the cocos2d-x game scene and quit the application


[Deprecated: Android] Cocos2d Plugin for RazerSDK






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