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1. Modularized function input and output

I: Input
O: Output
modified:	I	O
const:	I	x

void main()///////////////////////////////////////
int argv		I	x
char *argv[]	I	x
int main		x	O

	void REMC()/////TOTAL 8 I/Os//////////////////////////////////
	double fvec				I	O
	double r2				I	O
	double betamin			I	x
	double betamax			I	x
	const int n				I	x
	int nswp				I	x
	int nexch				I	x
	int nrec				I	x
	double (*target_func)	I	x
	void (*x_maker)			I	x
		void ReplicaInit()/////TOTAL 25 I/Os//////////////////////////////////
		const int *n			I	x
		double *betamin			I	x
		double *betamax			I	x
		const int *PARASIZE		I	x
		double *x				I	O
		double *x_new			I	O
		double *x_min			I	O
		int **exbeta			I	O
		double *seed				I	O
		int *seed_met			I	O
		int *seedx				I	O
		int *seed_cau			I	O
		double *beta				I	O
		int *pro_index			I	O
		int *beta_index			I	O
		int *nscheme			I	O
		double *PI				I	O
		double *fvec_recv		I	O
		double *localmin_in		I	O
		double *localmin_out		I	O
		const int *myid			I	x
		int *csa_acpt_count		I	O
		double *sigma			I	O
		int *exch_count			I	O
		int *exch_acpt_count	I	O
		void ExchTemper()/////TOTAL 10 I/Os//////////////////////////////////
		const int *nscheme		I	x
		int *exch_count			I	O
		int *exch_acpt_count	I	O
		int **exbeta		I	x	//compile wrong
		int *pro_index			I	O
		int *beta_index			I	O
		const double *fvec		I	x
		double *fvec_recv		I	O
		const int *myid			I	x
		const int *PARASIZE		I	x

		void AdjustTemper()/////TOTAL 5 I/Os//////////////////////////////////
		double *beta				I	O
		double *exch_acpt_count	I	x
		const int *irec			I	x
		cosnt int *nrec			I	x
		const int *PARA_SIZE	I	x

		void CSA()/////TOTAL 18 I/Os//////////////////////////////////
		const int n				I	x
		const double PI			I	x
		double *x_new			I	O
		double *x				I	O
		double *x_min			I	O
		double *sigma			I	O
		int *csa_acpt_count		I	O
		double *fvec_new			I	O
		double *fvec				I	O
		double *fvec_min			I	O
		double *r2				I	O
		double *r2_min			I	O
		int *csa_count			I	O
		const double *beta_myid	I	x
		int *seed_met			I	O
		int *seed_cau			I	O
		double (*target_func)	I	x
		void (*x_maker)			I	x
	void XGenerator()/////TOTAL 9 I/Os//////////////////////////////////
	const double *PI			I	x
	const int *n			I	x
	const int *i_x			I	x
	const double *x			I	x
	double *x_new			I	O
	double *sigma			I	O
	int *csa_acpt_count		I	O
	int *csa_count			I	O
	int *seed_cau			I	O	
	double* CalcHami()/////TOTAL 4 I/Os////////////////////////////////
	double *x_new		I	O
	double *r2			I	O
	double *fvec_new		I	O
	double *doe			x	O
		void Normalize()/////TOTAL 5 I/Os//////////////////////////////////
		const int NC	I	x
		const int NP	I	x
		double *q		I	O
		double **cr		I	O
		double **ci		I	O
		void EP3()/////TOTAL 4 I/Os//////////////////////////////////
		const double *cc_r	I	x
		const double *cc_i	I	x
		double *tau3			I	O
		const int NLEV		I	x
		void M_generalized()/////TOTAL 5 I/Os//////////////////////////////////
		const double p	I	x
		const int NC	I	x
		const int NP	I	x
		double **matr	I	O
		double **mati	I	O


2. Variables exist range

//project range
int NPAR;
int NLEV;
int NP;
double PI;

int NC, m, n, csa_count;
double doe_min, fvec_min, r2_min;
double fvec, doe, r2;
double fvec_new;
double kappa;

//pointers, malloc at the beginning of main()
int csa_acpt_count[n];
double x[n], sigma[n], x_min[n], x_new[n];
double matr[NC][NC], mati[NC][NC];

FILE: main.cpp  //file range
    FUNCTION: main()    //function range
FILE: CSA.cpp    
        double ACPT_MAX = 0.3f, ACPT_MIN = 0.2f;
        double CONST1 = 2.0f, CONST2 = 2.0f;
        int COUNT_MAX = 100;
        double csa_rate, ran_num, r0;
FILE: CalcHami.cpp
    double tau3;
    FUNCTION: CalcHami()
        double qcc_r, qcc_i;
        double q[NP], cr[NP][NC], ci[NP][NC], cc_r[NC], cc_i[NC], fvec_spl[m];
        double omega_r[NLEV][NLEV][NLEV], omega_i[NLEV][NLEV][NLEV];
        double d1_r, d1_i, d2_r, d2_i, d3_r, d3_i;
FILE: Normalize.cpp
    FUNCTION: Normalize()
        double q[NP], cr[NP][NC], ci[NP][NC], crm[NP];
        double q2tot;
FILE: Ran.cpp
    FUNCTION: Ran()
        int IA, IM, IQ, IR, NTAB;
        double EPS;

        int i, j, iv[NTAB], iy, ndiv;
        double am, rnmx;
FILE: Toolbox.cpp
    FUNCTION: Max()
    FUNCTION: Min()
    FUNCTION: MaxInt()
    FUNCTION: MetroFlag()

    #include "head.h"
        contains the declarations of all functions
        contains the definitions of global variables

void main()        
    ->set variables definitions
    ->malloc for variables
    ->initialize variables: 
        NPAR = 3;
        NLEV = 2;
        NP = 6;
        PI = 3.141593f;

        PARA_SIZE = 80; //temp set
        nscheme = 2;

        beta_min = 0.01f;
        beta_max = 1000000.0f;
        doe_min = fvec_min = r2_min = 10000000.0f;
        fvec = doe = r2 = 10000000.0f;
        kappa = 10000.0f;
        csa_count = 0;
        matr[][] = mati[][] = 0;
        csa_acpt_count[][] = 0;
        sigma[] = 0.01f;
        x_min[] = 0;
        x[i] = Ran();
    ->generate matrix(call M_generalized)
    ->normalize the first x[](call Normalize)
    ->calculate the first fvec(call CalcHami):
        calculate the first fvec(store in fvec instead of fvec_new) form the normalized x[],
        so that fvec will have a reasonable initial value, then output the value for checking;
    ->do CSA for nequi1 times for relaxation(call CSA);       

                    ->Do Constrained Simulated Annealing(CSA) for nswp times(call CSA):
                        generate new x[] according to the old one, and if csa acceptance rate is high,
                        the differece between x_new[i] and x[i] will be larger, vice versa,
                        this is achieved by adjusting sigma[];
                        record the min fvec and csa accept rate;
                ->Exchange Temperatures for nexch times(call ExchTemper):
                    use two schemes in turns, exchange the beta of a pair of neighbor replicas,
                    same as exchange the conformations, in order to avoid the local minimal;
                    use metropolis as the exchange rule, use current fvec instead of fvec_min;
                    record the exchanged processes, record the exchange acceptance rate,
                    broadcast these data to all processes;         

        ->Adjust Temperature for nrec times:
            ->find global min of fvec, and the relevant my_rank, doe, r2;   //should be this way
                optional: output the min values, then broadcast them to all processes;
                NOTE: will not update each process's fvec_min, doe_min, r2_min, only save in minlocin[],
                each process still run its own original CSA;

            ->Call Recursion
                adjust temperature intervals according to exchange acceptance rate, in order to keep a moderate acceptance rate,
                when rate is large, temperature distance increases, vice versa;
                optional: when we get a steady accept rate, stop recursion(after srec times);

            ->Do csa for nequi2 times for relaxation(call CSA);

    ->write important output in files

void Recursion()
    ->set variables definitions
        double weigh_scale = 0.7f;
        static double wb[];
        static double wk;

    ->malloc for variables
    ->initialize variables
        if Recursion if called for the first time, initialize wb[] and wk,
        set both as zero;
            NOTE:here exchange accept time is the same as exchange accept rate,
            because in the beta-adjust function, the denominator will be cancelled;
        find the minimum exchange acceptance rate in each recursion, accumulate in wk;
        minimum exchange acceptance rate multiply beta[i], accumulate in wb[i];
        for the first [0 to (nrec-2)] times, use common beta adjust;
        for the last (nrec-1) time, beta[i] = wb[i]/wk, then free wb[];  //should be this way

void ExchTemper()
    ->set variables definitions
        int seed_exch = -5000;
    ->MAIN LOOP(accroding to the exchange scheme, exchange from the first pair to the last pair):
        ->use switch scheme in betarank, then use betarank to locate the process IDs of current exchange pair, for example, i, j;
        ->exchange time count on the lower beta process +1;
        ->use metropolis to judge whether to exchange, if so:
            ->switch beta[i]<->beta[j];
            ->switch betarank[i]<->betarank[j];
            ->exchange accept count on the lower beta process +1;
        ->switch to next scheme;
void CSA()
    ->set variables definitions
        double ACPT_MAX = 0.3f, ACPT_MIN = 0.2f;
        double CONST1 = 2.0f, CONST2 = 2.0f;
        int COUNT_MAX = 100;
    ->MAIN LOOP(for(int i=0; i<n; i++)):
        ->restore the x_new[] from x[], in case that x_new[] is not accepted;
        ->generate x_new[i] from x[i];
        ->normalize x_new[](call Normalize);
        ->calculate new fvec, doe, and r2(call CalcHami);
        ->use metropolis to judge whether the new conformation should be accepted(call MetroFlag);
            ->if accepted, csa_acpt_count[i]++;
            ->update fvec, x[];
            ->judge if fvec < fvec_min;
                ->if smaller, update fvec_min, x_min[], r2_min, doe_min;
    ->if csa_count reaches COUNT_MAX
        ->adjust sigma[] according to csa acceptance ratel;
        ->reset csa_count = 0, csa_acpt_count[] = 0;

int MetroFlag()
        delta, the difference that new hamiltonian minus the old hamiltonian.
        seed, the address of the seed used to generate random numbers.
    ->set variables definitions
        int acpt = 0;
    ->if(delta <= 0.0) acpt = 1;
        ->if(exp(-delta) > random number) acpt = 1;
        NOTE: use else if here will have a different effect, because of C language,
        Ran will be called even the first if is ture.
    ->return acpt;      


Variational Monte Carlo method based on MPS states






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