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This is the simple raytracer for cpsc-566. It use blinn-phong shading model, 
because material properities for this model is eaiser to find.

* Prerequisite
gcc 4.5+
Graphicmagick (optional)
* Usage:
** compile
unzip and cd to the directory,then:  
$./configure CXX=/opt/local/bin/g++ CC=/opt/local/bin/gcc

** execute
*** render single scene
$./src/raytracer -i /path/to/scenefile
The output and depth will be in the current directory
the default output file will be "output.ppm"
and default depth  file will be "depth.pgm"

*** render multiply scene
$cd scene
$./scene/traceAll scene

* Enhance
** Antialias using various super sampling
$cd scene
$../src/raytracer -i ./Objects.txt -o ./Objects.png -d ./Objects_depth.png
  --superSamplingMethod=jitter --superSamplingSamples=4

* Options
** Options for super sampling
-superSamplingMethod=string   indicate the method used for super sampling
                              allowed value: grid,random,poisson_disc,jitter,
--superSamplingSamples=arg    indicate number of samples per pixel. For some
                              method(for example grid), this must be square.
--RotatedGridAngleSuperSampling(option) used in rotated_grid method.
* Tested platform
This program has been test under Gentoo linux 2012 with gcc 4.5.3
and MAC lion with macport gcc45(4.5.3) boost(1.49.0) GraphicsMagick(1.3.14)

* Reference
The initial math.hpp is from Jacco Bikker
The new math library is from Daniel Wesslèn
The material properties are from opengl red book teapot.c
The ply file parser are from libply by Ares Lagae <>

* FAQ:
1. The output file may not have desired format.
If the Graphicmagick does not support the format, it will output a miff(
Magick image file format) file.

2. If there still some thing wrong with the program, try using minimal set.
At configure time, try configure using --disable-gm and --disable-openmp.

3. Linker error on mac os x with error: std::ctype<char>::_M_widen_init() const
It may mixed with code compiled by the default compiler. Especially make sure
boost and graphicmagick is compiled with the new compiler and get the right 
version of GraphicsMagick++-config.

* Sample scenes:
#scene with plane sphere and triangles
$cd scene
$../src/raytracer -i Objects.txt -o Objects.png -d Objects_dep.png 
#scene demo specular
$../src/raytracer -i Specular.txt -o Specular.png -d Specular_dep.png
#scene demo triangle mesh(may a little slow, need 1 min for my i7 CPU)
$../src/raytracer -i Teapot.txt -o Teapot.png -d Teapot_dep.png
#scene with two light source
$../src/raytracer -i TwoLight.txt -o TwoLight.png -d TwoLight_dep.png


A simple raytracer for CSPC 566 CSUF







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