Пример #1
int Bmc_LoadAddCnf( void * pMan, int iLit )
    Bmc_Load_t * p = (Bmc_Load_t *)pMan;
    int Lits[3], iVar = Abc_Lit2Var(iLit);
    Gia_Obj_t * pObj = Gia_ManObj( p->pGia, Vec_IntEntry(p->vSat2Id, iVar) );
    if ( Gia_ObjIsCi(pObj) || Gia_ObjIsConst0(pObj) )
        return 0;
    assert( Gia_ObjIsAnd(pObj) );
    if ( (Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit) ? pObj->fMark1 : pObj->fMark0) )
        return 0;
    Lits[0] = Abc_LitNot(iLit);
    if ( Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit) )
        Lits[1] = Abc_Var2Lit( Bmc_LoadGetSatVar(p, Gia_ObjFaninId0p(p->pGia, pObj)), !Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj) );
        Lits[2] = Abc_Var2Lit( Bmc_LoadGetSatVar(p, Gia_ObjFaninId1p(p->pGia, pObj)), !Gia_ObjFaninC1(pObj) );
        sat_solver_clause_new( p->pSat, Lits, Lits + 3, 0 );
        pObj->fMark1 = 1;
        Lits[1] = Abc_Var2Lit( Bmc_LoadGetSatVar(p, Gia_ObjFaninId0p(p->pGia, pObj)), Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj) );
        sat_solver_clause_new( p->pSat, Lits, Lits + 2, 0 );
        Lits[1] = Abc_Var2Lit( Bmc_LoadGetSatVar(p, Gia_ObjFaninId1p(p->pGia, pObj)), Gia_ObjFaninC1(pObj) );
        sat_solver_clause_new( p->pSat, Lits, Lits + 2, 0 );
        pObj->fMark0 = 1;
    return 1;
Пример #2
static inline int Mpm_CutCreateUnit( Mpm_Man_t * p, int Id )  
    Mpm_Cut_t * pCut;
    int hCut = Mpm_CutAlloc( p, 1, &pCut );
    pCut->iFunc      = Abc_Var2Lit( p->funcVar0, 0 ); // var
    pCut->pLeaves[0] = Abc_Var2Lit( Id, 0 );
    return hCut;
Пример #3

///                        DECLARATIONS                              ///

///                     FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                         ///


  Synopsis    [Backward propagation.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Bmc_CexCarePropagateFwdOne( Gia_Man_t * p, Abc_Cex_t * pCex, int f, int fGrow )
    Gia_Obj_t * pObj;
    int Prio, Prio0, Prio1;
    int i, Phase0, Phase1;
    if ( (fGrow & 2) )
        Gia_ManForEachPi( p, pObj, i )
            pObj->Value = Abc_Var2Lit( f * pCex->nPis + (pCex->nPis-1-i) + 1, Abc_InfoHasBit(pCex->pData, pCex->nRegs + pCex->nPis * f + i) );
        Gia_ManForEachPi( p, pObj, i )
            pObj->Value = Abc_Var2Lit( f * pCex->nPis + i + 1, Abc_InfoHasBit(pCex->pData, pCex->nRegs + pCex->nPis * f + i) );
    Gia_ManForEachAnd( p, pObj, i )
        Prio0  = Abc_Lit2Var(Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->Value);
        Prio1  = Abc_Lit2Var(Gia_ObjFanin1(pObj)->Value);
        Phase0 = Abc_LitIsCompl(Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->Value) ^ Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj);
        Phase1 = Abc_LitIsCompl(Gia_ObjFanin1(pObj)->Value) ^ Gia_ObjFaninC1(pObj);
        if ( Phase0 && Phase1 )
            Prio = (fGrow & 1) ? Abc_MinInt(Prio0, Prio1) : Abc_MaxInt(Prio0, Prio1);
        else if ( Phase0 && !Phase1 )
            Prio = Prio1;
        else if ( !Phase0 && Phase1 )
            Prio = Prio0;
        else // if ( !Phase0 && !Phase1 )
            Prio = (fGrow & 1) ? Abc_MaxInt(Prio0, Prio1) : Abc_MinInt(Prio0, Prio1);
        pObj->Value = Abc_Var2Lit( Prio, Phase0 & Phase1 );
Пример #4

  Synopsis    [Solve the enumeration problem.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Bmc_EcoSolve( sat_solver * pSat, int Root, Vec_Int_t * vVars )
    int nBTLimit = 1000000;
    Vec_Int_t * vLits   = Vec_IntAlloc( Vec_IntSize(vVars) );
    int status, i, Div, iVar, nFinal, * pFinal, nIter = 0, RetValue = 0;
    int pLits[2], nVars = sat_solver_nvars( pSat );
    sat_solver_setnvars( pSat, nVars + 1 );
    pLits[0] = Abc_Var2Lit( Root, 0 );  // F = 1
    pLits[1] = Abc_Var2Lit( nVars, 0 ); // iNewLit
    while ( 1 ) 
        // find onset minterm
        status = sat_solver_solve( pSat, pLits, pLits + 2, nBTLimit, 0, 0, 0 );
        if ( status == l_Undef )
            { RetValue = -1; break; }
        if ( status == l_False )
            { RetValue = 1; break; }
        assert( status == l_True );
        // collect divisor literals
        Vec_IntClear( vLits );
        Vec_IntPush( vLits, Abc_LitNot(pLits[0]) ); // F = 0
        Vec_IntForEachEntry( vVars, Div, i )
            Vec_IntPush( vLits, sat_solver_var_literal(pSat, Div) );
        // check against offset
        status = sat_solver_solve( pSat, Vec_IntArray(vLits), Vec_IntArray(vLits) + Vec_IntSize(vLits), nBTLimit, 0, 0, 0 );
        if ( status == l_Undef )
            { RetValue = -1; break; }
        if ( status == l_True )
        assert( status == l_False );
        // compute cube and add clause
        nFinal = sat_solver_final( pSat, &pFinal );
        Vec_IntClear( vLits );
        Vec_IntPush( vLits, Abc_LitNot(pLits[1]) ); // NOT(iNewLit)
        printf( "Cube %d : ", nIter );
        for ( i = 0; i < nFinal; i++ )
            if ( pFinal[i] == pLits[0] )
            Vec_IntPush( vLits, pFinal[i] );
            iVar = Vec_IntFind( vVars, Abc_Lit2Var(pFinal[i]) );   assert( iVar >= 0 );
            printf( "%s%d ", Abc_LitIsCompl(pFinal[i]) ? "+":"-", iVar );
        printf( "\n" );
        status = sat_solver_addclause( pSat, Vec_IntArray(vLits), Vec_IntArray(vLits) + Vec_IntSize(vLits) );
        assert( status );
//    assert( status == l_True );
    Vec_IntFree( vLits );
    return RetValue;
Пример #5
int Bmc_LoadAddCnf_rec( Bmc_Load_t * p, int Id )
    int iVar = Bmc_LoadGetSatVar( p, Id );
    Gia_Obj_t * pObj = Gia_ManObj( p->pGia, Id );
    if ( Gia_ObjIsAnd(pObj) && !(pObj->fMark0 && pObj->fMark1) )
        Bmc_LoadAddCnf( p, Abc_Var2Lit(iVar, 0) );
        Bmc_LoadAddCnf( p, Abc_Var2Lit(iVar, 1) );
        Bmc_LoadAddCnf_rec( p, Gia_ObjFaninId0(pObj, Id) );
        Bmc_LoadAddCnf_rec( p, Gia_ObjFaninId1(pObj, Id) );
    return iVar;
Пример #6
void Cnf_AddCardinConstrTest()
    int i, status, nVars = 7;
    Vec_Int_t * vVars = Vec_IntStartNatural( nVars );
    sat_solver * pSat = sat_solver_new();
    sat_solver_setnvars( pSat, nVars );
    Cnf_AddCardinConstr( pSat, vVars );
    while ( 1 )
        status = sat_solver_solve( pSat, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
        if ( status != l_True )
        Vec_IntClear( vVars );
        for ( i = 0; i < nVars; i++ )
            Vec_IntPush( vVars, Abc_Var2Lit(i, sat_solver_var_value(pSat, i)) );
            printf( "%d", sat_solver_var_value(pSat, i) );
        printf( "\n" );
        status = sat_solver_addclause( pSat, Vec_IntArray(vVars), Vec_IntArray(vVars) + Vec_IntSize(vVars) );
        if ( status == 0 )
    sat_solver_delete( pSat );
    Vec_IntFree( vVars );
Пример #7

  Synopsis    [Creating/deleting the manager.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

static inline Swp_Man_t * Swp_ManStart( Gia_Man_t * pGia )
    Swp_Man_t * p;
    int Lit;
    assert( pGia->pHTable != NULL );
    pGia->pData = p = ABC_CALLOC( Swp_Man_t, 1 );
    p->pGia         = pGia;
    p->nConfMax     = 1000;
    p->vProbes      = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
    p->vProbRefs    = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
    p->vLit2Prob    = Vec_IntStartFull( 10000 );
    p->vCondProbes  = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
    p->vCondAssump  = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
    p->vId2Lit      = Vec_IntAlloc( 10000 );
    p->vFront       = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
    p->vFanins      = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
    p->vCexSwp      = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
    p->pSat         = sat_solver_new();
    p->nSatVars     = 1;
    sat_solver_setnvars( p->pSat, 1000 );
    Swp_ManSetObj2Lit( p, 0, (Lit = Abc_Var2Lit(p->nSatVars++, 0)) );
    Lit = Abc_LitNot(Lit);
    sat_solver_addclause( p->pSat, &Lit, &Lit + 1 );
    p->timeStart    = Abc_Clock();
    return p;
Пример #8

  Synopsis    [Expands cubes against the offset given as an AIG.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Abc_ObjExpandCubesTry( Vec_Str_t * vSop, sat_solver * pSat, Vec_Int_t * vVars )
    extern int Bmc_CollapseExpandRound( sat_solver * pSat, sat_solver * pSatOn, Vec_Int_t * vLits, Vec_Int_t * vNums, Vec_Int_t * vTemp, int nBTLimit, int fCanon, int fOnOffSetLit );

    char * pCube, * pSop = Vec_StrArray(vSop);
    int nCubes = Abc_SopGetCubeNum(pSop);
    int nVars = Abc_SopGetVarNum(pSop);

    Vec_Int_t * vLits = Vec_IntAlloc( nVars );
    Vec_Int_t * vTemp = Vec_IntAlloc( nVars );

    assert( nVars == Vec_IntSize(vVars) );
    assert( Vec_StrSize(vSop) == nCubes * (nVars + 3) + 1 );
    Bmc_SopForEachCube( pSop, nVars, pCube )
        int k, Entry;
        // collect literals and clean cube
        Vec_IntFill( vLits, nVars, -1 );
        for ( k = 0; k < nVars; k++ )
            if ( pCube[k] == '-' )
            Vec_IntWriteEntry( vLits, k, Abc_Var2Lit(Vec_IntEntry(vVars, k), pCube[k] == '0') );
            pCube[k] = '-';
        // expand cube
        Bmc_CollapseExpandRound( pSat, NULL, vLits, NULL, vTemp, 0, 0, -1 );
        // insert literals
        Vec_IntForEachEntry( vLits, Entry, k )
            if ( Entry != -1 )
                pCube[k] = '1' - Abc_LitIsCompl(Entry);
Пример #9
static inline int Agi_ManAppendCo( Agi_Man_t * p, int iLit0 )
    int iObj = Agi_ManAppendObj( p );
    p->pObjs[iObj] = AGI_PO | (word)iLit0;
    Vec_IntPush( &p->vCos, iObj );
    return Abc_Var2Lit( iObj, 0 ); // return lit
Пример #10
static inline int Agi_ManAppendCi( Agi_Man_t * p )
    int iObj = Agi_ManAppendObj( p );
    p->pObjs[iObj] = AGI_PI | (word)Vec_IntSize(&p->vCis);
    Vec_IntPush( &p->vCis, iObj );
    return Abc_Var2Lit( iObj, 0 ); // return lit
Пример #11

///                        DECLARATIONS                              ///

static inline int Ssc_ObjSatLit( Ssc_Man_t * p, int Lit ) { return Abc_Var2Lit( Ssc_ObjSatVar(p, Abc_Lit2Var(Lit)), Abc_LitIsCompl(Lit) ); }
Пример #12
static inline int Agi_ManAppendAnd( Agi_Man_t * p, int iLit0, int iLit1 )
    int iObj = Agi_ManAppendObj( p );
    assert( iLit0 < iLit1 );
    p->pObjs[iObj] = ((word)iLit1 << 32) | (word)iLit0;
    return Abc_Var2Lit( iObj, 0 ); // return lit
Пример #13

  Synopsis    [Compute the patch function.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Bmc_EcoPatch( Gia_Man_t * p, int nIns, int nOuts )
    int i, Lit, RetValue, Root;
    Gia_Obj_t * pObj;
    Vec_Int_t * vVars;
    // generate CNF and solver
    Cnf_Dat_t * pCnf = Cnf_DeriveGiaRemapped( p );
    sat_solver * pSat = sat_solver_new();
    sat_solver_setnvars( pSat, pCnf->nVars );
    // add timeframe clauses
    for ( i = 0; i < pCnf->nClauses; i++ )
        if ( !sat_solver_addclause( pSat, pCnf->pClauses[i], pCnf->pClauses[i+1] ) )
            assert( 0 );
    // add equality constraints
    assert( Gia_ManPoNum(p) == nOuts + 1 + nIns );
    Gia_ManForEachPo( p, pObj, i )
        if ( i == nOuts )
        Lit = Abc_Var2Lit( pCnf->pVarNums[Gia_ObjId(p, pObj)], 1 ); // neg lit
        RetValue = sat_solver_addclause( pSat, &Lit, &Lit + 1 );
        assert( RetValue );
    // add inequality constraint
    pObj = Gia_ManPo( p, nOuts );
    Lit = Abc_Var2Lit( pCnf->pVarNums[Gia_ObjId(p, pObj)], 0 ); // pos lit
    RetValue = sat_solver_addclause( pSat, &Lit, &Lit + 1 );
    assert( RetValue );
    // simplify the SAT solver
    RetValue = sat_solver_simplify( pSat );
    assert( RetValue );
    // collect input variables
    vVars = Vec_IntAlloc( nIns );
    Gia_ManForEachPo( p, pObj, i )
        if ( i >= nOuts + 1 )
            Vec_IntPush( vVars, pCnf->pVarNums[Gia_ObjId(p, pObj)] );
    assert( Vec_IntSize(vVars) == nIns );
    // derive the root variable
    pObj = Gia_ManPi( p, Gia_ManPiNum(p) - 1 );
    Root = pCnf->pVarNums[Gia_ObjId(p, pObj)];
    // solve the problem
    RetValue = Bmc_EcoSolve( pSat, Root, vVars );
    Vec_IntFree( vVars );
    return RetValue;
Пример #14

  Synopsis    []

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Bmc_LoadTest( Gia_Man_t * pGia, int fLoadCnf, int fVerbose )
    int nConfLimit = 0;
    Bmc_Load_t * p;
    Gia_Obj_t * pObj;
    int i, status, Lit;
    abctime clk = Abc_Clock();
    // create the loading manager
    p = Bmc_LoadStart( pGia );
    // add callback for CNF loading
    if ( fLoadCnf )
        p->pSat->pCnfMan  = p;
        p->pSat->pCnfFunc = Bmc_LoadAddCnf;
    // solve SAT problem for each PO
    Gia_ManForEachPo( pGia, pObj, i )
        if ( fLoadCnf )
            Lit = Abc_Var2Lit( Bmc_LoadGetSatVar(p, Gia_ObjFaninId0p(pGia, pObj)), Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj) );
            Lit = Abc_Var2Lit( Bmc_LoadAddCnf_rec(p, Gia_ObjFaninId0p(pGia, pObj)), Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj) );
        if ( fVerbose )
            printf( "Frame%4d :  ", i );
            printf( "Vars = %6d  ", Vec_IntSize(p->vSat2Id) );
            printf( "Clas = %6d  ", sat_solver_nclauses(p->pSat) );
        status = sat_solver_solve( p->pSat, &Lit, &Lit + 1, (ABC_INT64_T)nConfLimit, (ABC_INT64_T)0, (ABC_INT64_T)0, (ABC_INT64_T)0 );
        if ( fVerbose )
            printf( "Conf = %6d  ", sat_solver_nconflicts(p->pSat) );
            if ( status == l_False )
                printf( "UNSAT  " );
            else if ( status == l_True )
                printf( "SAT    " );
            else // if ( status == l_Undec )
                printf( "UNDEC  " );
            Abc_PrintTime( 1, "Time", Abc_Clock() - clk );
    printf( "Callbacks = %d.  Loadings = %d.\n", p->nCallBacks1, p->nCallBacks2 );
    Bmc_LoadStop( p );
Пример #15

  Synopsis    [Saves the satisfying assignment as an array of literals.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

static inline void Cbs0_ManSaveModel( Cbs0_Man_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vCex )
    Gia_Obj_t * pVar;
    int i;
    Vec_IntClear( vCex );
    p->pProp.iHead = 0;
    Cbs0_QueForEachEntry( p->pProp, pVar, i )
        if ( Gia_ObjIsCi(pVar) )
//            Vec_IntPush( vCex, Abc_Var2Lit(Gia_ObjId(p->pAig,pVar), !Cbs0_VarValue(pVar)) );
            Vec_IntPush( vCex, Abc_Var2Lit(Gia_ObjCioId(pVar), !Cbs0_VarValue(pVar)) );
Пример #16

  Synopsis    [Add constraint that no more than 1 variable is 1.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

static inline int Cnf_AddCardinConstr( sat_solver * p, Vec_Int_t * vVars )
    int i, k, pLits[2], iVar, nVars = sat_solver_nvars(p);
    Vec_IntForEachEntry( vVars, iVar, i )
        assert( iVar >= 0 && iVar < nVars );
    iVar = nVars;
    sat_solver_setnvars( p, nVars + Vec_IntSize(vVars) - 1 );
    while ( Vec_IntSize(vVars) > 1 )
        for ( k = i = 0; i < Vec_IntSize(vVars)/2; i++ )
            pLits[0] = Abc_Var2Lit( Vec_IntEntry(vVars, 2*i), 1 );
            pLits[1] = Abc_Var2Lit( Vec_IntEntry(vVars, 2*i+1), 1 );
            sat_solver_addclause( p, pLits, pLits + 2 );
            sat_solver_add_and( p, iVar, Vec_IntEntry(vVars, 2*i), Vec_IntEntry(vVars, 2*i+1), 1, 1, 1 );
            Vec_IntWriteEntry( vVars, k++, iVar++ );
        if ( Vec_IntSize(vVars) & 1 )
            Vec_IntWriteEntry( vVars, k++, Vec_IntEntryLast(vVars) );
        Vec_IntShrink( vVars, k );
    return iVar;
Пример #17

  Synopsis    []

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Bmc_Load_t * Bmc_LoadStart( Gia_Man_t * pGia )
    Bmc_Load_t * p;
    int Lit;
    Gia_ManSetPhase( pGia );
    Gia_ManCleanValue( pGia );
    Gia_ManCreateRefs( pGia );
    p = ABC_CALLOC( Bmc_Load_t, 1 );
    p->pGia      = pGia;
    p->pSat      = sat_solver_new();
    p->vSat2Id   = Vec_IntAlloc( 1000 );
    Vec_IntPush( p->vSat2Id, 0 );
    // create constant node
    Lit = Abc_Var2Lit( Bmc_LoadGetSatVar(p, 0), 1 );
    sat_solver_addclause( p->pSat, &Lit, &Lit + 1 );
    return p;
Пример #18

  Synopsis    [Returns 1 if AIG has transition into init state.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Int2_ManCheckInit( Gia_Man_t * p )
    sat_solver * pSat;
    Cnf_Dat_t * pCnf;
    Gia_Man_t * pNew;
    Gia_Obj_t * pObj;
    Vec_Int_t * vLits;
    int i, Lit, RetValue = 0;
    assert( Gia_ManRegNum(p) > 0 );
    pNew = Jf_ManDeriveCnf( p, 0 );  
    pCnf = (Cnf_Dat_t *)pNew->pData; pNew->pData = NULL;
    pSat = (sat_solver *)Cnf_DataWriteIntoSolver( pCnf, 1, 0 );
    if ( pSat != NULL )
        vLits = Vec_IntAlloc( Gia_ManRegNum(p) );
        Gia_ManForEachRi( pNew, pObj, i )
            Lit = pCnf->pVarNums[ Gia_ObjId(pNew, Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)) ];
            Lit = Abc_Var2Lit( Lit, Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj) );
            Vec_IntPush( vLits, Abc_LitNot(Lit) );